/* * Copyright 2009-2012 Adrian Thurston */ /* This file is part of Colm. * * Colm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Colm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Colm; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bytecode.h" #include "parsedata.h" #include #include using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeName( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); if ( nspace == 0 ) error(loc) << "do not have region for resolving reference" << endp; while ( nspace != 0 ) { /* Search for the token in the region by typeName. */ TypeMapEl *inDict = nspace->typeMap.find( typeName ); if ( inDict != 0 ) { switch ( inDict->type ) { /* Defer to the typeRef we are an alias of. We need to guard against loops here. */ case TypeMapEl::TypeAliasType: return inDict->typeRef->lookupType( pd ); case TypeMapEl::LangElType: return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, inDict->value ); } } nspace = nspace->parentNamespace; } error(loc) << "unknown type in typeof expression" << endp; return 0; } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeLiteral( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); if ( nspace == 0 ) error(loc) << "do not have region for resolving reference" << endp; /* Interpret escape sequences and remove quotes. */ bool unusedCI; String interp; prepareLitString( interp, unusedCI, pdaLiteral->data, pdaLiteral->loc ); while ( nspace != 0 ) { LiteralDictEl *ldel = nspace->literalDict.find( interp ); if ( ldel != 0 ) return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, ldel->value->tdLangEl ); nspace = nspace->parentNamespace; } error(loc) << "unknown type in typeof expression" << endp; return 0; } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeMap( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); UniqueType *utKey = typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); UniqueType *utValue = typeRef2->lookupType( pd ); UniqueMap searchKey( utKey, utValue ); UniqueMap *inMap = pd->uniqueMapMap.find( &searchKey ); if ( inMap == 0 ) { inMap = new UniqueMap( utKey, utValue ); pd->uniqueMapMap.insert( inMap ); /* FIXME: Need uniqe name allocator for types. */ static int mapId = 0; String name( 36, "__map%d", mapId++ ); GenericType *generic = new GenericType( name, GEN_MAP, pd->nextGenericId++, 0/*langEl*/, typeRef2 ); generic->keyTypeArg = typeRef1; nspace->genericList.append( generic ); generic->declare( pd, nspace ); inMap->generic = generic; } generic = inMap->generic; return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, inMap->generic->langEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeList( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); UniqueType *utValue = typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); UniqueList searchKey( utValue ); UniqueList *inMap = pd->uniqueListMap.find( &searchKey ); if ( inMap == 0 ) { inMap = new UniqueList( utValue ); pd->uniqueListMap.insert( inMap ); /* FIXME: Need uniqe name allocator for types. */ static int listId = 0; String name( 36, "__list%d", listId++ ); GenericType *generic = new GenericType( name, GEN_LIST, pd->nextGenericId++, 0/*langEl*/, typeRef1 ); nspace->genericList.append( generic ); generic->declare( pd, nspace ); inMap->generic = generic; } generic = inMap->generic; return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, inMap->generic->langEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeVector( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); UniqueType *utValue = typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); UniqueVector searchKey( utValue ); UniqueVector *inMap = pd->uniqueVectorMap.find( &searchKey ); if ( inMap == 0 ) { inMap = new UniqueVector( utValue ); pd->uniqueVectorMap.insert( inMap ); /* FIXME: Need uniqe name allocator for types. */ static int vectorId = 0; String name( 36, "__vector%d", vectorId++ ); GenericType *generic = new GenericType( name, GEN_VECTOR, pd->nextGenericId++, 0/*langEl*/, typeRef1 ); nspace->genericList.append( generic ); generic->declare( pd, nspace ); inMap->generic = generic; } generic = inMap->generic; return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, inMap->generic->langEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeParser( Compiler *pd ) { /* Lookup up the qualifiction and then the name. */ nspace = nspaceQual->getQual( pd ); UniqueType *utParse = typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); UniqueParser searchKey( utParse ); UniqueParser *inMap = pd->uniqueParserMap.find( &searchKey ); if ( inMap == 0 ) { inMap = new UniqueParser( utParse ); pd->uniqueParserMap.insert( inMap ); /* FIXME: Need uniqe name allocator for types. */ static int accumId = 0; String name( 36, "__accum%d", accumId++ ); GenericType *generic = new GenericType( name, GEN_PARSER, pd->nextGenericId++, 0/*langEl*/, typeRef1 ); nspace->genericList.append( generic ); generic->declare( pd, nspace ); inMap->generic = generic; } generic = inMap->generic; return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, inMap->generic->langEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypePtr( Compiler *pd ) { typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_PTR, typeRef1->uniqueType->langEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupTypeRef( Compiler *pd ) { typeRef1->lookupType( pd ); return pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_REF, typeRef1->uniqueType->langEl ); } void TypeRef::resolveRepeat( Compiler *pd ) { if ( uniqueType->typeId != TYPE_TREE ) error(loc) << "cannot repeat non-tree type" << endp; UniqueRepeat searchKey( repeatType, uniqueType->langEl ); UniqueRepeat *uniqueRepeat = pd->uniqeRepeatMap.find( &searchKey ); if ( uniqueRepeat == 0 ) { uniqueRepeat = new UniqueRepeat( repeatType, uniqueType->langEl ); pd->uniqeRepeatMap.insert( uniqueRepeat ); LangEl *declLangEl = 0; switch ( repeatType ) { case RepeatRepeat: { /* If the factor is a repeat, create the repeat element and link the * factor to it. */ String repeatName( 128, "_repeat_%s", typeName.data ); declLangEl = pd->makeRepeatProd( loc, nspace, repeatName, nspaceQual, typeName ); break; } case RepeatList: { /* If the factor is a repeat, create the repeat element and link the * factor to it. */ String listName( 128, "_list_%s", typeName.data ); declLangEl = pd->makeListProd( loc, nspace, listName, nspaceQual, typeName ); break; } case RepeatOpt: { /* If the factor is an opt, create the opt element and link the factor * to it. */ String optName( 128, "_opt_%s", typeName.data ); declLangEl = pd->makeOptProd( loc, nspace, optName, nspaceQual, typeName ); break; } case RepeatNone: break; } uniqueRepeat->declLangEl = declLangEl; declLangEl->repeatOf = uniqueRepeat->langEl; } uniqueType = pd->findUniqueType( TYPE_TREE, uniqueRepeat->declLangEl ); } UniqueType *TypeRef::lookupType( Compiler *pd ) { if ( uniqueType != 0 ) return uniqueType; /* Not an iterator. May be a reference. */ switch ( type ) { case Name: uniqueType = lookupTypeName( pd ); break; case Literal: uniqueType = lookupTypeLiteral( pd ); break; case Map: uniqueType = lookupTypeMap( pd ); break; case List: uniqueType = lookupTypeList( pd ); break; case Vector: uniqueType = lookupTypeVector( pd ); break; case Parser: uniqueType = lookupTypeParser( pd ); break; case Ptr: uniqueType = lookupTypePtr( pd ); break; case Ref: uniqueType = lookupTypeRef( pd ); break; case Iterator: case Unspecified: /* No lookup needed, unique type(s) set when constructed. */ break; } if ( repeatType != RepeatNone ) resolveRepeat( pd ); return uniqueType; } void Compiler::resolveFactor( ProdEl *fact ) { fact->typeRef->lookupType( this ); fact->langEl = fact->typeRef->uniqueType->langEl; } void LangTerm::resolve( Compiler *pd ) { switch ( type ) { case ConstructType: typeRef->lookupType( pd ); /* Evaluate the initialization expressions. */ if ( fieldInitArgs != 0 ) { for ( FieldInitVect::Iter pi = *fieldInitArgs; pi.lte(); pi++ ) (*pi)->expr->resolve( pd ); } break; case VarRefType: break; case MakeTreeType: case MakeTokenType: case MethodCallType: if ( args != 0 ) { for ( ExprVect::Iter pe = *args; pe.lte(); pe++ ) (*pe)->resolve( pd ); } break; case NumberType: case StringType: case MatchType: break; case NewType: expr->resolve( pd ); break; case TypeIdType: typeRef->lookupType( pd ); break; case SearchType: typeRef->lookupType( pd ); break; case NilType: case TrueType: case FalseType: break; case ParseStopType: case ParseType: typeRef->lookupType( pd ); /* Evaluate the initialization expressions. */ if ( fieldInitArgs != 0 ) { for ( FieldInitVect::Iter pi = *fieldInitArgs; pi.lte(); pi++ ) (*pi)->expr->resolve( pd ); } break; case SendType: break; case EmbedStringType: break; } } void LangVarRef::resolve( Compiler *pd ) const { } void LangExpr::resolve( Compiler *pd ) const { switch ( type ) { case BinaryType: { left->resolve( pd ); right->resolve( pd ); break; } case UnaryType: { right->resolve( pd ); break; } case TermType: { term->resolve( pd ); break; } } } void LangStmt::resolveParserItems( Compiler *pd ) const { /* Assign bind ids to the variables in the replacement. */ for ( ConsItemList::Iter item = *parserText->list; item.lte(); item++ ) { varRef->resolve( pd ); switch ( item->type ) { case ConsItem::FactorType: break; case ConsItem::InputText: break; case ConsItem::ExprType: item->expr->resolve( pd ); break; } } } void LangStmt::resolve( Compiler *pd ) const { switch ( type ) { case PrintType: case PrintXMLACType: case PrintXMLType: case PrintStreamType: { /* Push the args backwards. */ for ( ExprVect::Iter pex = exprPtrVect->last(); pex.gtb(); pex-- ) (*pex)->resolve( pd ); break; } case ExprType: { /* Evaluate the exrepssion, then pop it immediately. */ expr->resolve( pd ); break; } case IfType: { /* Evaluate the test. */ expr->resolve( pd ); /* Analyze the if true branch. */ for ( StmtList::Iter stmt = *stmtList; stmt.lte(); stmt++ ) stmt->resolve( pd ); if ( elsePart != 0 ) elsePart->resolve( pd ); break; } case ElseType: { for ( StmtList::Iter stmt = *stmtList; stmt.lte(); stmt++ ) stmt->resolve( pd ); break; } case RejectType: break; case WhileType: { expr->resolve( pd ); /* Compute the while block. */ for ( StmtList::Iter stmt = *stmtList; stmt.lte(); stmt++ ) stmt->resolve( pd ); break; } case AssignType: { /* Evaluate the exrepssion. */ // cout << "Assign Type" << endl; expr->resolve( pd ); break; } case ForIterType: { typeRef->lookupType( pd ); /* Evaluate and push the arguments. */ langTerm->resolve( pd ); /* Compile the contents. */ for ( StmtList::Iter stmt = *stmtList; stmt.lte(); stmt++ ) stmt->resolve( pd ); break; } case ReturnType: { /* Evaluate the exrepssion. */ expr->resolve( pd ); break; } case BreakType: { break; } case YieldType: { /* take a reference and yield it. Immediately reset the referece. */ varRef->resolve( pd ); break; } } } void ObjectDef::resolve( Compiler *pd ) { for ( ObjFieldList::Iter fli = *objFieldList; fli.lte(); fli++ ) { ObjField *field = fli->value; if ( field->typeRef != 0 ) { field->typeRef->lookupType( pd ); } } } void CodeBlock::resolve( Compiler *pd ) const { if ( localFrame != 0 ) localFrame->resolve( pd ); for ( StmtList::Iter stmt = *stmtList; stmt.lte(); stmt++ ) stmt->resolve( pd ); } void Compiler::resolveFunction( Function *func ) { CodeBlock *block = func->codeBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolveUserIter( Function *func ) { CodeBlock *block = func->codeBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolvePreEof( TokenRegion *region ) { CodeBlock *block = region->preEofBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolveRootBlock() { rootLocalFrame->resolve( this ); CodeBlock *block = rootCodeBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolveTranslateBlock( LangEl *langEl ) { CodeBlock *block = langEl->transBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolveReductionCode( Production *prod ) { CodeBlock *block = prod->redBlock; block->resolve( this ); } void Compiler::resolveParseTree() { /* Compile functions. */ for ( FunctionList::Iter f = functionList; f.lte(); f++ ) { if ( f->isUserIter ) resolveUserIter( f ); else resolveFunction( f ); if ( f->typeRef != 0 ) f->typeRef->lookupType( this ); for ( ParameterList::Iter param = *f->paramList; param.lte(); param++ ) param->typeRef->lookupType( this ); } /* Compile the reduction code. */ for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { if ( prod->redBlock != 0 ) resolveReductionCode( prod ); } /* Compile the token translation code. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->transBlock != 0 ) resolveTranslateBlock( lel ); } /* Compile preeof blocks. */ for ( RegionList::Iter r = regionList; r.lte(); r++ ) { if ( r->preEofBlock != 0 ) resolvePreEof( r ); } /* Compile the init code */ resolveRootBlock( ); /* Init all user object fields (need consistent size). */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { ObjectDef *objDef = lel->objectDef; if ( objDef != 0 ) { /* Init all fields of the object. */ for ( ObjFieldList::Iter f = *objDef->objFieldList; f.lte(); f++ ) { f->value->typeRef->lookupType( this ); } } } /* Init all fields of the global object. */ for ( ObjFieldList::Iter f = *globalObjectDef->objFieldList; f.lte(); f++ ) { f->value->typeRef->lookupType( this ); } } void Compiler::resolveUses() { for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->objectDefUses != 0 ) { /* Look for the production's associated region. */ Namespace *nspace = lel->objectDefUsesQual->getQual( this ); if ( nspace == 0 ) error() << "do not have namespace for resolving reference" << endp; /* Look up the language element in the region. */ LangEl *langEl = findType( this, nspace, lel->objectDefUses ); lel->objectDef = langEl->objectDef; } } } void Compiler::resolvePatternEls() { for ( PatList::Iter pat = patternList; pat.lte(); pat++ ) { for ( PatternItemList::Iter item = *pat->list; item.lte(); item++ ) { switch ( item->type ) { case PatternItem::FactorType: /* Use pdaFactor reference resolving. */ resolveFactor( item->factor ); break; case PatternItem::InputText: /* Nothing to do here. */ break; } } } } void Compiler::resolveReplacementEls() { for ( ConsList::Iter repl = replList; repl.lte(); repl++ ) { for ( ConsItemList::Iter item = *repl->list; item.lte(); item++ ) { switch ( item->type ) { case ConsItem::FactorType: /* Use pdaFactor reference resolving. */ resolveFactor( item->factor ); break; case ConsItem::InputText: case ConsItem::ExprType: break; } } } } void Compiler::resolveParserEls() { for ( ParserTextList::Iter accum = parserTextList; accum.lte(); accum++ ) { for ( ConsItemList::Iter item = *accum->list; item.lte(); item++ ) { switch ( item->type ) { case ConsItem::FactorType: resolveFactor( item->factor ); break; case ConsItem::InputText: case ConsItem::ExprType: break; } } } } /* Resolves production els and computes the precedence of each prod. */ void Compiler::resolveProductionEls() { /* NOTE: as we process this list it may be growing! */ for ( DefList::Iter prod = prodList; prod.lte(); prod++ ) { /* First resolve. */ for ( ProdElList::Iter fact = *prod->prodElList; fact.lte(); fact++ ) resolveFactor( fact ); /* If there is no explicit precdence ... */ if ( prod->predOf == 0 ) { /* Compute the precedence of the productions. */ for ( ProdElList::Iter fact = prod->prodElList->last(); fact.gtb(); fact-- ) { /* Production inherits the precedence of the last terminal with * precedence. */ if ( fact->langEl->predType != PredNone ) { prod->predOf = fact->langEl; break; } } } } } void Compiler::resolveGenericTypes() { for ( NamespaceList::Iter ns = namespaceList; ns.lte(); ns++ ) { for ( GenericList::Iter gen = ns->genericList; gen.lte(); gen++ ) { // cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " " << gen->name.data << " " << gen->typeArg << endl; gen->utArg = gen->typeArg->lookupType( this ); if ( gen->typeId == GEN_MAP ) gen->keyUT = gen->keyTypeArg->lookupType( this ); } } } void Compiler::makeTerminalWrappers() { /* Make terminal language elements corresponding to each nonterminal in * the grammar. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->type == LangEl::NonTerm ) { String name( lel->name.length() + 5, "_T_%s", lel->name.data ); LangEl *termDup = new LangEl( lel->nspace, name, LangEl::Term ); /* Give the dup the attributes of the nonterminal. This ensures * that the attributes are allocated when patterns and * constructors are parsed. */ termDup->objectDef = lel->objectDef; langEls.append( termDup ); lel->termDup = termDup; termDup->termDup = lel; } } } void Compiler::makeEofElements() { /* Make eof language elements for each user terminal. This is a bit excessive and * need to be reduced to the ones that we need parsers for, but we don't know that yet. * Another pass before this one is needed. */ for ( LelList::Iter lel = langEls; lel.lte(); lel++ ) { if ( lel->eofLel == 0 && lel != eofLangEl && lel != errorLangEl && lel != noTokenLangEl && !( lel->tokenDef != 0 && lel->tokenDef->dupOf != 0 ) ) { String name( lel->name.length() + 5, "_eof_%s", lel->name.data ); LangEl *eofLel = new LangEl( lel->nspace, name, LangEl::Term ); langEls.append( eofLel ); lel->eofLel = eofLel; eofLel->eofLel = lel; eofLel->isEOF = true; } } } void Compiler::makeIgnoreCollectors() { for ( RegionList::Iter region = regionList; region.lte(); region++ ) { if ( region->isFullRegion ) { String name( region->name.length() + 5, "_ign_%s", region->name.data ); LangEl *ignLel = new LangEl( rootNamespace, name, LangEl::Term ); langEls.append( ignLel ); ignLel->isCI = true; ignLel->ciRegion = region; region->ciLel = ignLel; } } } void Compiler::typeResolve() { /* * Type Resolving. */ /* Resolve uses statements. */ resolveUses(); /* Resolve pattern and replacement elements. */ resolvePatternEls(); resolveReplacementEls(); resolveParserEls(); resolveParseTree(); resolveGenericTypes(); argvTypeRef->lookupType( this ); /* We must do this as the last step in the type resolution process because * all type resolves can cause new language elments with associated * productions. They get tacked onto the end of the list of productions. * Doing it at the end results processing a growing list. */ resolveProductionEls(); }