Installing ========= Installing on a linux system is a breeze [source,bash] ---- wget -q wget -q tar -xaf colm- cd colm- ./configure --prefix=/opt/colm make sudo make install ---- When we do: ---- /opt/colm/bin/colm ---- We get: ---- error: colm: colm: no input file given ---- It works! == First impression When we look a little bit closer we see that colm: * is able to be build as a static and/or shared libray. * is licenced under GPL 2 * is equiped with a vim syntax highlighting file * is using the aapl (LGPL 2.1 licenced) library from Adrian Thurston (just like ragel does). * There is one file in the repository that stands out: 'colm.lm' In the Ragel repository there are also serveral '.lm' files. And it's syntax looks like the colm language that is presented in the thesis.