Def === The 'def' is where colm realy shines. A 'def' is somewhere between a struct and a regular expression. Again one example is much more clearer. [source,chapel] .assign.lm ---- lex start token id / ('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' ) + / token value / ( 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' )+ / literal `= `; ignore / [ \t\n] / end def assignment [ id `= value `;] def assignment_list [assignment assignment_list] | [assignment] | [] parse Simple: assignment_list[ stdin ] for I:assignment in Simple { print(, "->", I.value, "\n" ) } ---- After the compilation we can pipe some input to it's stdin. [source,bash] ---- /opt/colm/bin/colm assign.lm echo -e 'b=3;a=1;\n c=2;' |./assign ---- This gives us: ---- b->3 a->1 c->2 ---- NOTE: this also illustrates how to read from 'stdin'.