Hello world =========== The obligatory 'hello world' program: [source,chapel] .hello_world.lm ---- include::code/hello_world.lm[] ---- We run it with: [source,bash] ---- /opt/colm/bin/colm hello_world.lm ---- This creates a executable chmod+x file with the same name: [source,bash] ---- ls -l hello_world ---- ---- -rwxr-xr-x 1 peter peter 29848 Nov 2 10:06 /tmp/hello_world ---- When we execute it: ---- ./hello_world ---- We'll see: ---- hello world ---- We can strip the file to check if we can reduce the executable. [source,bash] ---- strip ./hello_world ls -l hello_words ---- ---- -rwxr-xr-x 1 peter peter 10360 Nov 2 10:10 /tmp/hello_world ---- == Deja-vu: python2-python3 TIP: It turns out that print is also a function that can have multiple arguments. [source,chapel] .hello_world_ext.lm ---- print( 'hello ', "world" "\r\n" ) ---- We also notice that: * the quotes can be single and double * there is no need for a concat operator * the whitespace is not significant * the newlines '\n' appear to be '\r\n'