/* * Copyright 2001-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "ragel.h" #include "dot.h" #include "gendata.h" #include "inputdata.h" #include "parsedata.h" using std::istream; using std::ifstream; using std::ostream; using std::ios; using std::cin; using std::endl; void GraphvizDotGen::key( Key key ) { if ( id->displayPrintables && key.isPrintable() ) { // Output values as characters, ensuring we escape the quote (") character char cVal = (char) key.getVal(); switch ( cVal ) { case '"': case '\\': out << "'\\" << cVal << "'"; break; case '\a': out << "'\\\\a'"; break; case '\b': out << "'\\\\b'"; break; case '\t': out << "'\\\\t'"; break; case '\n': out << "'\\\\n'"; break; case '\v': out << "'\\\\v'"; break; case '\f': out << "'\\\\f'"; break; case '\r': out << "'\\\\r'"; break; case ' ': out << "SP"; break; default: out << "'" << cVal << "'"; break; } } else { if ( keyOps->isSigned ) out << key.getVal(); else out << (unsigned long) key.getVal(); } } void GraphvizDotGen::condSpec( CondSpace *condSpace, long condVals ) { if ( condSpace != 0 ) { out << "("; for ( CondSet::Iter csi = condSpace->condSet; csi.lte(); csi++ ) { bool set = condVals & (1 << csi.pos()); if ( !set ) out << "!"; (*csi)->actionName( out ); if ( !csi.last() ) out << ", "; } out << ")"; } } void GraphvizDotGen::onChar( Key lowKey, Key highKey, CondSpace *condSpace, long condVals ) { /* Output the key. Possibly a range. */ key( lowKey ); if ( keyOps->ne( highKey, lowKey ) ) { out << ".."; key( highKey ); } condSpec( condSpace, condVals ); } void GraphvizDotGen::fromStateAction( StateAp *fromState ) { int n = 0; ActionTable *actionTables[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; if ( fromState->fromStateActionTable.length() != 0 ) actionTables[n++] = &fromState->fromStateActionTable; /* Loop the existing actions and write out what's there. */ for ( int a = 0; a < n; a++ ) { for ( ActionTable::Iter actIt = actionTables[a]->first(); actIt.lte(); actIt++ ) { Action *action = actIt->value; action->actionName( out ); if ( a < n-1 || !actIt.last() ) out << ", "; } } if ( n > 0 ) out << " / "; } void GraphvizDotGen::transAction( StateAp *fromState, TransData *trans ) { int n = 0; ActionTable *actionTables[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; if ( trans->actionTable.length() != 0 ) actionTables[n++] = &trans->actionTable; if ( trans->toState != 0 && trans->toState->toStateActionTable.length() != 0 ) actionTables[n++] = &trans->toState->toStateActionTable; if ( n > 0 ) out << " / "; /* Loop the existing actions and write out what's there. */ for ( int a = 0; a < n; a++ ) { for ( ActionTable::Iter actIt = actionTables[a]->first(); actIt.lte(); actIt++ ) { Action *action = actIt->value; action->actionName( out ); if ( a < n-1 || !actIt.last() ) out << ", "; } } } void GraphvizDotGen::action( ActionTable *actionTable ) { /* The action. */ out << " / "; for ( ActionTable::Iter actIt = actionTable->first(); actIt.lte(); actIt++ ) { Action *action = actIt->value; action->actionName( out ); if ( !actIt.last() ) out << ", "; } } void GraphvizDotGen::transList( StateAp *state ) { /* Build the set of unique transitions out of this state. */ RedTransSet stTransSet; for ( TransList::Iter tel = state->outList; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { if ( tel->plain() ) { TransDataAp *tdap = tel->tdap(); /* Write out the from and to states. */ out << "\t" << state->alg.stateNum << " -> "; if ( tdap->toState == 0 ) out << "err_" << state->alg.stateNum; else out << tdap->toState->alg.stateNum; /* Begin the label. */ out << " [ label = \""; fromStateAction( state ); onChar( tel->lowKey, tel->highKey, 0, 0 ); /* Write the action and close the transition. */ transAction( state, tdap ); out << "\" ];\n"; } else { for ( CondList::Iter ctel = tel->tcap()->condList; ctel.lte(); ctel++ ) { /* Write out the from and to states. */ out << "\t" << state->alg.stateNum << " -> "; if ( ctel->toState == 0 ) out << "err_" << state->alg.stateNum; else out << ctel->toState->alg.stateNum; /* Begin the label. */ out << " [ label = \""; fromStateAction( state ); onChar( tel->lowKey, tel->highKey, tel->condSpace, ctel->key.getVal() ); /* Write the action and close the transition. */ transAction( state, ctel ); out << "\" ];\n"; } } } if ( state->nfaOut != 0 ) { for ( NfaTransList::Iter nfa = *state->nfaOut; nfa.lte(); nfa++ ) { out << "\t" << state->alg.stateNum << " -> " << nfa->toState->alg.stateNum << " [ label = \"EP," << nfa->order << " "; fromStateAction( state ); // if ( nfa->popTest.length() > 0 || // nfa->popAction.length() > 0 || // nfa->popCondKeys.length() > 0 ) // { // out << " / "; // } if ( nfa->popCondKeys.length() > 0 ) { for ( CondKeySet::Iter key = nfa->popCondKeys; key.lte(); key++ ) { out << "("; long condVals = *key; for ( CondSet::Iter csi = nfa->popCondSpace->condSet; csi.lte(); csi++ ) { bool set = condVals & (1 << csi.pos()); if ( !set ) out << "!"; (*csi)->actionName( out ); if ( !csi.last() ) out << ", "; } out << ") "; } } if ( nfa->popAction.length() > 0 ) { for ( ActionTable::Iter pa = nfa->popAction; pa.lte(); pa++ ) { pa->value->actionName( out ); if ( !pa.last() ) out << ","; } } if ( nfa->popTest.length() > 0 ) { for ( ActionTable::Iter pt = nfa->popTest; pt.lte(); pt++ ) { pt->value->actionName( out ); if ( !pt.last() ) out << ","; } } out << "\" ];"; } } } bool GraphvizDotGen::makeNameInst( std::string &res, NameInst *nameInst ) { bool written = false; if ( nameInst->parent != 0 ) written = makeNameInst( res, nameInst->parent ); if ( !nameInst->name.empty() ) { if ( written ) res += '_'; res += nameInst->name; written = true; } return written; } void GraphvizDotGen::write( ) { out << "digraph " << fsmName << " {\n" " rankdir=LR;\n"; /* Define the psuedo states. Transitions will be done after the states * have been defined as either final or not final. */ out << " node [ shape = point ];\n"; if ( fsm->startState != 0 ) out << " ENTRY;\n"; /* Psuedo states for entry points in the entry map. */ for ( EntryMap::Iter en = fsm->entryPoints; en.lte(); en++ ) { StateAp *state = en->value; out << " en_" << state->alg.stateNum << ";\n"; } /* Psuedo states for final states with eof actions. */ for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { //if ( st->eofTrans != 0 && st->eofTrans->action != 0 ) // out << " eof_" << st->id << ";\n"; if ( st->eofActionTable.length() > 0 ) out << " eof_" << st->alg.stateNum << ";\n"; } out << " node [ shape = circle, height = 0.2 ];\n"; /* Psuedo states for states whose default actions go to error. */ for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { bool needsErr = false; for ( TransList::Iter tel = st->outList; tel.lte(); tel++ ) { if ( tel->plain() ) { if ( tel->tdap()->toState == 0 ) { needsErr = true; break; } } else { for ( CondList::Iter ctel = tel->tcap()->condList; ctel.lte(); ctel++ ) { if ( ctel->toState == 0 ) { needsErr = true; break; } } } } if ( needsErr ) out << " err_" << st->alg.stateNum << " [ label=\"\"];\n"; } /* Attributes common to all nodes, plus double circle for final states. */ out << " node [ fixedsize = true, height = 0.65, shape = doublecircle ];\n"; /* List Final states. */ for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { if ( st->isFinState() ) out << " " << st->alg.stateNum << ";\n"; } /* List transitions. */ out << " node [ shape = circle ];\n"; /* Walk the states. */ for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) transList( st ); /* Transitions into the start state. */ if ( fsm->startState != 0 ) out << " ENTRY -> " << fsm->startState->alg.stateNum << " [ label = \"IN\" ];\n"; for ( EntryMap::Iter en = fsm->entryPoints; en.lte(); en++ ) { NameInst *nameInst = fsmCtx->nameIndex[en->key]; std::string name; makeNameInst( name, nameInst ); StateAp *state = en->value; out << " en_" << state->alg.stateNum << " -> " << state->alg.stateNum << " [ label = \"" << name << "\" ];\n"; } /* Out action transitions. */ for ( StateList::Iter st = fsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { if ( st->eofActionTable.length() != 0 ) { out << " " << st->alg.stateNum << " -> eof_" << st->alg.stateNum << " [ label = \"EOF"; for ( CondKeySet::Iter i = st->outCondKeys; i.lte(); i++ ) { if ( i.pos() > 0 ) out << "|"; condSpec( st->outCondSpace, *i ); } action( &st->eofActionTable ); out << "\" ];\n"; } } out << "}\n"; } void InputData::writeDot( ostream &out ) { ParseData *pd = dotGenPd; GraphvizDotGen dotGen( this, pd->fsmCtx, pd->sectionGraph, pd->sectionName, pd->machineId, out ); dotGen.write(); }