/* * Copyright 2001-2012 Adrian Thurston */ #ifndef _PARSEDATA_H #define _PARSEDATA_H #include #include #include "bstset.h" #include "global.h" #include "avlmap.h" #include "avlset.h" #include "bstmap.h" #include "vector.h" #include "dlist.h" #include "dlistmel.h" #include "fsmgraph.h" #include "compare.h" #include "vector.h" #include "keyops.h" #include "parsetree.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "pdagraph.h" #include "compare.h" #include "pdarun.h" #include "bytecode.h" #include "program.h" #include "internal.h" using std::ostream; struct exit_object { }; extern exit_object endp; void operator<<( std::ostream &out, exit_object & ); /* Forwards. */ struct RedFsm; struct LangEl; struct Compiler; struct PdaCodeGen; struct FsmCodeGen; #define SHIFT_CODE 0x1 #define REDUCE_CODE 0x2 #define SHIFT_REDUCE_CODE 0x3 /* This is used for tracking the current stack of include file/machine pairs. It is * is used to detect and recursive include structure. */ struct IncludeStackItem { IncludeStackItem( const char *fileName ) : fileName(fileName) {} const char *fileName; }; typedef Vector IncludeStack; typedef Vector ArgsVector; extern ArgsVector includePaths; inline long makeReduceCode( long reduction, bool isShiftReduce ) { return ( isShiftReduce ? SHIFT_REDUCE_CODE : REDUCE_CODE ) | ( reduction << 2 ); } struct ProdEl; struct ProdElList; struct PdaLiteral; struct Production; /* A pointer to this is in PdaRun, but it's specification is not known by the * runtime code. The runtime functions that access it are defined in * ctinput.cpp and stubbed in fsmcodegen.cpp */ struct Bindings : public Vector {}; struct DefListEl { Production *prev, *next; }; struct LelDefListEl { Production *prev, *next; }; typedef Vector< LangEl* > LangElVect; typedef Vector< ProdEl* > FactorVect; typedef AvlMap StringMap; typedef AvlMapEl StringMapEl; enum PredType { PredLeft, PredRight, PredNonassoc, PredNone }; struct PredDecl { PredDecl( TypeRef *typeRef, long predValue ) : typeRef(typeRef), predValue(predValue) {} TypeRef *typeRef; PredType predType; long predValue; PredDecl *prev, *next; }; typedef DList PredDeclList; /* Graph dictionary. */ struct Production : public DefListEl, public LelDefListEl { Production() : prodName(0), prodElList(0), prodCommit(false), redBlock(0), prodId(0), prodNum(0), fsm(0), fsmLength(0), uniqueEmptyLeader(0), isLeftRec(false), localFrame(0), lhsField(0), predOf(0) {} static Production* cons( const InputLoc &loc, LangEl *prodName, ProdElList *prodElList, String name, bool prodCommit, CodeBlock *redBlock, int prodId, int prodNum ) { Production *p = new Production; p->loc = loc; p->prodName = prodName; p->name = name; p->prodElList = prodElList; p->prodCommit = prodCommit; p->redBlock = redBlock; p->prodId = prodId; p->prodNum = prodNum; return p; } InputLoc loc; LangEl *prodName; ProdElList *prodElList; String name; bool prodCommit; CodeBlock *redBlock; int prodId; int prodNum; PdaGraph *fsm; int fsmLength; String data; LongSet reducesTo; LangEl *uniqueEmptyLeader; ProdIdSet nonTermFirstSet; AlphSet firstSet; bool isLeftRec; ObjectDef *localFrame; ObjectField *lhsField; LangEl *predOf; UnsignedCharVect copy; }; struct CmpDefById { static int compare( Production *d1, Production *d2 ) { if ( d1->prodId < d2->prodId ) return -1; else if ( d1->prodId > d2->prodId ) return 1; else return 0; } }; /* Map dotItems to productions. */ typedef BstMap< int, Production*, CmpOrd > DotItemIndex; typedef BstMapEl< int, Production*> DotItemIndexEl; struct DefList : public DListMel {}; /* A vector of production vectors. Each non terminal can have many productions. */ struct LelDefList : public DListMel {}; /* A set of machines made during a closure round. */ typedef Vector< PdaGraph* > Machines; /* List of language elements. */ typedef DList LelList; typedef Vector< TokenInstance* > TokenInstanceVect; struct UniqueType; typedef Vector LangElVect; typedef BstSet LangElSet; /* A language element class. Can be a nonTerm or a term. */ struct LangEl : public DListEl { enum Type { Unknown, Term, NonTerm }; LangEl( Namespace *nspace, const String &name, Type type ); ~LangEl(); /* The region the language element was defined in. */ Namespace *nspace; String name; String lit; String fullName; String fullLit; /* For referencing the type. */ String refName; /* For declaring things inside the type. */ String declName; String xmlTag; Type type; long id; String displayString; long numAppearances; bool commit; bool isIgnore; bool reduceFirst; bool isLiteral; bool isRepeat; bool isList; bool isOpt; bool parseStop; bool isEOF; LangEl *repeatOf; /* Productions from the language element if it is a non-terminal. */ LelDefList defList; TokenDef *tokenDef; Production *rootDef; LangEl *termDup; LangEl *eofLel; PdaGraph *pdaGraph; PdaTables *pdaTables; PdaState *startState; CodeBlock *transBlock; ObjectDef *objectDef; long thisSize; long ofiOffset; long parserId; PredType predType; long predValue; StructDef *contextDef; StructDef *contextIn; bool noPreIgnore; bool noPostIgnore; bool isZero; RegionSet *regionSet; }; struct ProdEl { /* Language elements a factor node can be. */ enum Type { LiteralType, ReferenceType }; /* Construct with a reference to a var def. */ ProdEl( Type type, const InputLoc &loc, ObjectField *captureField, bool commit, TypeRef *typeRef, int priorVal ) : type(type), production(0), captureField(captureField), rhsElField(0), commit(commit), typeRef(typeRef), langEl(0), priorVal(priorVal) {} ProdEl( const InputLoc &loc, TypeRef *typeRef ) : type(ReferenceType), production(0), captureField(0), rhsElField(0), commit(false), typeRef(typeRef), langEl(0), priorVal(0) {} Type type; Production *production; int pos; ObjectField *captureField; ObjectField *rhsElField; bool commit; TypeRef *typeRef; LangEl *langEl; int priorVal; ProdEl *prev, *next; }; struct ProdElList : public DList { PdaGraph *walk( Compiler *pd, Production *prod ); }; /* This should be renamed. It is a literal string in a type reference. */ struct PdaLiteral { PdaLiteral( const InputLoc &loc, const String &data ) : loc(loc), data(data), value(0) { } InputLoc loc; String data; long value; }; /* Nodes in the tree that use this action. */ typedef Vector ActionRefs; /* Element in list of actions. Contains the string for the code to exectute. */ struct Action : public DListEl, public AvlTreeEl { public: static Action *cons( const InputLoc &loc, const String &name, InlineList *inlineList ) { Action *a = new Action; a->loc = (loc); a->name = (name); a->markType = (MarkNone); a->objField = (0); a->markId = (-1); a->inlineList = (inlineList); a->actionId = (-1); a->numTransRefs = (0); a->numToStateRefs = (0); a->numFromStateRefs = (0); a->numEofRefs = (0); a->numCondRefs = (0); a->anyCall = (false); a->isLmAction = (false); return a; } static Action *cons( MarkType markType, long markId ) { Action *a = new Action; a->name = ("mark"); a->markType = (markType); a->objField = (0); a->markId = (markId); a->inlineList = (InlineList::cons()); a->actionId = (-1); a->numTransRefs = (0); a->numToStateRefs = (0); a->numFromStateRefs = (0); a->numEofRefs = (0); a->numCondRefs = (0); a->anyCall = (false); a->isLmAction = (false); return a; } /* Key for action dictionary. */ const String &getKey() const { return name; } /* Data collected during parse. */ InputLoc loc; String name; MarkType markType; ObjectField *objField; long markId; InlineList *inlineList; int actionId; void actionName( ostream &out ) { if ( name != 0 ) out << name; else out << loc.line << ":" << loc.col; } /* Places in the input text that reference the action. */ ActionRefs actionRefs; /* Number of references in the final machine. */ bool numRefs() { return numTransRefs + numToStateRefs + numFromStateRefs + numEofRefs; } int numTransRefs; int numToStateRefs; int numFromStateRefs; int numEofRefs; int numCondRefs; bool anyCall; bool isLmAction; }; /* A list of actions. */ typedef DList ActionList; struct VarDef; struct LexJoin; struct LexTerm; struct FactorAug; struct FactorLabel; struct FactorRep; struct FactorNeg; struct Factor; struct Literal; struct Range; struct RegExpr; struct ReItem; struct ReOrBlock; struct ReOrItem; struct TokenRegion; /* Tree of instantiated names. */ typedef BstMapEl NameMapEl; typedef BstMap NameMap; typedef Vector NameVect; typedef BstSet NameSet; /* Node in the tree of instantiated names. */ struct NameInst { NameInst( int id ) : id(id) {} int id; /* Pointers for the name search queue. */ NameInst *prev, *next; }; typedef DList NameInstList; /* Stack frame used in walking the name tree. */ struct NameFrame { NameInst *prevNameInst; int prevNameChild; NameInst *prevLocalScope; }; /* Class to collect information about the machine during the * parse of input. */ struct Compiler { /* Create a new parse data object. This is done at the beginning of every * fsm specification. */ Compiler(); ~Compiler(); /* * Setting up the graph dict. */ void compileLiteralTokens(); void initEmptyScanners(); void initEmptyScanner( RegionSet *regionSet, TokenRegion *reg ); void initUniqueTypes(); /* Initialize a graph dict with the basic fsms. */ void initGraphDict(); void createBuiltin( const char *name, BuiltinMachine builtin ); /* Make a name id in the current name instantiation scope if it is not * already there. */ NameInst *makeJoinNameTree( LexJoin *join ); NameInst *makeNameTree(); NameInst **makeNameIndex(); void printNameTree( NameInst *rootName ); void printNameIndex( NameInst **nameIndex ); /* Resove name references in action code and epsilon transitions. */ NameSet resolvePart( NameInst *refFrom, const char *data, bool recLabelsOnly ); void resolveFrom( NameSet &result, NameInst *refFrom, const NameRef &nameRef, int namePos ); /* Set the alphabet type. If type types are not valid returns false. */ bool setAlphType( char *s1, char *s2 ); bool setAlphType( char *s1 ); /* Unique actions. */ void removeDups( ActionTable &actionTable ); void removeActionDups( FsmGraph *graph ); /* Dumping the name instantiation tree. */ void printNameInst( NameInst *nameInst, int level ); /* Make the graph from a graph dict node. Does minimization. */ void finishGraphBuild( FsmGraph *graph ); FsmGraph *makeAllRegions(); FsmGraph *makeScanner(); void analyzeAction( Action *action, InlineList *inlineList ); void analyzeGraph( FsmGraph *graph ); void resolvePrecedence( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); LangEl *predOf( PdaTrans *trans, long action ); bool precedenceSwap( long action1, long action2, LangEl *l1, LangEl *l2 ); bool precedenceRemoveBoth( LangEl *l1, LangEl *l2 ); void placeFrameFields( ObjectDef *localFrame ); void placeUserFunction( Function *func, bool isUserIter ); void placeAllStructObjects(); void placeAllLanguageObjects(); void placeAllFrameObjects(); void placeAllFunctions(); void initKeyOps(); /* * Data collected during the parse. */ /* List of actions. Will be pasted into a switch statement. */ ActionList actionList; /* The id of the next priority name and label. */ int nextPriorKey, nextNameId; /* Alphabet type. */ HostType *userAlphType; bool alphTypeSet; /* Element type and get key expression. */ InlineList *getKeyExpr; InlineList *accessExpr; InlineList *curStateExpr; /* The alphabet range. */ char *lowerNum, *upperNum; Key lowKey, highKey; InputLoc rangeLowLoc, rangeHighLoc; /* Number of errors encountered parsing the fsm spec. */ int errorCount; /* Counting the action and priority ordering. */ int curActionOrd; int curPriorOrd; /* Root of the name tree. */ NameInst *curNameInst; int curNameChild; NameInstList nameInstList; /* The place where resolved epsilon transitions go. These cannot go into * the parse tree because a single epsilon op can resolve more than once * to different nameInsts if the machine it's in is used more than once. */ NameVect epsilonResolvedLinks; int nextEpsilonResolvedLink; /* Root of the name tree used for doing local name searches. */ NameInst *localNameScope; void setLmInRetLoc( InlineList *inlineList ); void initLongestMatchData(); /* Counter for assigning ids to longest match items. */ int nextTokenId; RegionImplList regionImplList; RegionList regionList; RegionSetList regionSetList; NamespaceList namespaceList; Action *newAction( const String &name, InlineList *inlineList ); Action *setTokStart; int setTokStartOrd; Action *initActId; int initActIdOrd; Action *setTokEnd; int setTokEndOrd; CodeBlock *rootCodeBlock; void beginProcessing() { ::keyOps = &thisKeyOps; } KeyOps thisKeyOps; UniqueType *mainReturnUT; /* CONTEXT FREE */ ProdElList *makeProdElList( LangEl *langEl ); void wrapNonTerminals(); void makeDefinitionNames(); void noUndefindLangEls(); void declareBaseLangEls(); void makeLangElIds(); void makeStructElIds(); void makeLangElNames(); void makeTerminalWrappers(); void makeEofElements(); void makeIgnoreCollectors(); void resolvePrecedence(); void declarePass(); void resolvePass(); /* Parser generation. */ void advanceReductions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void sortActions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void addDupTerms( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void linkExpansions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void lalr1FollowEpsilonOp( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void transferCommits( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans, PdaState *state, long prodId ); void lalr1AddFollow2( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans, FollowToAdd &followKeys ); void lalr1AddFollow1( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state ); void lalr1AddFollow2( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans, long followKey, long prior ); void lalr1AddFollow1( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaTrans *trans ); void lalr1AddFollowSets( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ); void lr0BringInItem( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *dest, PdaState *prodState, PdaTrans *expandFrom, Production *prod ); void lr0InvokeClosure( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state ); void lr0CloseAllStates( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void lalr1GenerateParser( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ); void reduceActions( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); bool makeNonTermFirstSetProd( Production *prod, PdaState *state ); void makeNonTermFirstSets(); bool makeFirstSetProd( Production *prod, PdaState *state ); void makeFirstSets(); int findIndexOff( PdaTables *pdaTables, PdaGraph *pdaGraph, PdaState *state, int &currLen ); void trySetTime( PdaTrans *trans, long code, long &time ); void addRegion( PdaState *tabState, PdaTrans *pdaTrans, long pdaKey, bool noPreIgnore, bool noPostIgnore ); PdaState *followProd( PdaState *tabState, PdaState *prodState ); void findFollow( AlphSet &result, PdaState *overTab, PdaState *overSrc, Production *parentDef ); void pdaActionOrder( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ); void pdaOrderFollow( LangEl *rootEl, PdaState *tabState, PdaTrans *tabTrans, PdaTrans *srcTrans, Production *parentDef, Production *definition, long &time ); void pdaOrderProd( LangEl *rootEl, PdaState *tabState, PdaState *srcState, Production *parentDef, long &time ); void analyzeMachine( PdaGraph *pdaGraph, LangElSet &parserEls ); void makeProdFsms(); void insertUniqueEmptyProductions(); void printNonTermFirstSets(); void printFirstSets(); LangEl *makeRepeatProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &repeatName, UniqueType *ut ); LangEl *makeListProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &listName, UniqueType *ut ); LangEl *makeOptProd( const InputLoc &loc, Namespace *nspace, const String &optName, UniqueType *ut ); void resolveProdEl( ProdEl *prodEl ); void resolveProductionEls(); void addMatchText( ObjectDef *frame, LangEl *lel ); void addMatchLength( ObjectDef *frame, LangEl *lel ); void addInput( ObjectDef *frame ); void addCtx( ObjectDef *frame ); void addTransTokVar( ObjectDef *frame, LangEl *lel ); void addProdRHSVars( ObjectDef *localFrame, ProdElList *prodElList ); void addProdRedObjectVar( ObjectDef *localFrame, LangEl *langEl ); void addProdObjects(); void addProdRHSLoads( Production *prod, CodeVect &code, long &insertPos ); void addProdLHSLoad( Production *prod, CodeVect &code, long &insertPos ); void addPushBackLHS( Production *prod, CodeVect &code, long &insertPos ); void prepGrammar(); PdaRun *parsePattern( Program *prg, Tree **sp, const InputLoc &loc, int parserId, StreamImpl *sourceStream ); void parsePatterns(); void collectParserEls( LangElSet &parserEls ); void makeParser( LangElSet &parserEls ); PdaGraph *makePdaGraph( BstSet &parserEls ); PdaTables *makePdaTables( PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void fillInPatterns( Program *prg ); void makeRuntimeData(); /* Generate and write out the fsm. */ void generateGraphviz(); void verifyParseStopGrammar( LangEl *langEl, PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void computeAdvanceReductions( LangEl *langEl, PdaGraph *pdaGraph ); void initMapFunctions( GenericType *gen ); void initListField( GenericType *gen, const char *name, int offset ); void initListFields( GenericType *gen ); void initListFunctions( GenericType *gen ); void initListElFields( GenericType *gen ); void initListElField( GenericType *gen, const char *name, int offset ); void initVectorFunctions( GenericType *gen ); void initParserField( GenericType *gen, const char *name, int offset, TypeRef *typeRef ); void initParserFunctions( GenericType *gen ); void initParserFields( GenericType *gen ); void initCtxField( GenericType *gen ); void addStdin(); void addStdout(); void addStderr(); void addArgv(); void addError(); int argvOffset(); int arg0Offset(); void makeDefaultIterators(); void addLengthField( ObjectDef *objDef, Code getLength ); ObjectDef *findObject( const String &name ); void resolveListElementOf( ObjectDef *container, ObjectDef *obj, ElementOf *elof ); void resolveMapElementOf( ObjectDef *container, ObjectDef *obj, ElementOf *elof ); void resolveElementOf( ObjectDef *obj ); void makeFuncVisible( Function *func, bool isUserIter ); void declareFunction( Function *func ); void declareReductionCode( Production *prod ); void declareTranslateBlock( LangEl *langEl ); void declarePreEof( TokenRegion *region ); void declareRootBlock(); void declareByteCode(); void resolveFunction( Function *func ); void resolvePreEof( TokenRegion *region ); void resolveRootBlock(); void resolveTranslateBlock( LangEl *langEl ); void resolveReductionCode( Production *prod ); void resolveParseTree(); void resolveGenericTypes(); void compileFunction( Function *func, CodeVect &code ); void compileFunction( Function *func ); void compileUserIter( Function *func, CodeVect &code ); void compileUserIter( Function *func ); void compilePreEof( TokenRegion *region ); void compileRootBlock(); void compileTranslateBlock( LangEl *langEl ); void findLocals( ObjectDef *localFrame, CodeBlock *block ); void makeProdCopies( Production *prod ); void compileReductionCode( Production *prod ); void removeNonUnparsableRepls(); void compileByteCode(); void resolveUses(); void generateOutput( long activeRealm ); void compile(); void openNameSpace( ostream &out, Namespace *nspace ); void closeNameSpace( ostream &out, Namespace *nspace ); void refNameSpace( LangEl *lel, Namespace *nspace ); void generateExports(); void generateExportsImpl(); LocalInfo *makeLocalInfo( Locals &locals ); short *makeTrees( ObjectDef *objectDef, int &numTrees ); /* * Graphviz Generation */ void writeTransList( PdaState *state ); void writeDotFile( PdaGraph *graph ); void writeDotFile( ); /* * Data collected during the parse. */ LelList langEls; StructElList structEls; DefList prodList; /* Dumping. */ DotItemIndex dotItemIndex; PredDeclList predDeclList; /* The name of the file the fsm is from, and the spec name. */ // EXISTS IN RL: char *fileName; String parserName; // EXISTS IN RL: InputLoc sectionLoc; /* How to access the instance data. */ String access; /* The name of the token structure. */ String tokenStruct; GenericType *anyList; GenericType *anyMap; GenericType *anyVector; LangEl *ptrLangEl; LangEl *voidLangEl; LangEl *boolLangEl; LangEl *intLangEl; LangEl *strLangEl; LangEl *anyLangEl; LangEl *rootLangEl; LangEl *noTokenLangEl; LangEl *eofLangEl; LangEl *errorLangEl; LangEl *ignoreLangEl; Namespace *rootNamespace; int nextSymbolId; int firstNonTermId; LangEl **langElIndex; PdaState *actionDestState; DefSetSet prodSetSet; Production **prodIdIndex; AlphSet literalSet; PatList patternList; ConsList replList; ParserTextList parserTextList; StructDef *global; StructEl *globalSel; ObjectDef *globalObjectDef; ObjectField *arg0; ObjectField *argv; StructDef *stream; StructEl *streamSel; VectorTypeIdMap vectorTypeIdMap; UniqueType *findUniqueType( enum TYPE typeId ); UniqueType *findUniqueType( enum TYPE typeId, LangEl *langEl ); UniqueType *findUniqueType( enum TYPE typeId, IterDef *iterDef ); UniqueType *findUniqueType( enum TYPE typeId, StructEl *structEl ); UniqueType *findUniqueType( enum TYPE typeId, GenericType *generic ); UniqueGeneric *findUniqueGeneric( UniqueGeneric::Type type, UniqueType *utKey, UniqueType *utValue ); UniqueGeneric *findUniqueGeneric( UniqueGeneric::Type type, UniqueType *utValue ); UniqueType *uniqueTypeNil; UniqueType *uniqueTypeVoid; UniqueType *uniqueTypePtr; UniqueType *uniqueTypeBool; UniqueType *uniqueTypeInt; UniqueType *uniqueTypeStr; UniqueType *uniqueTypeIgnore; UniqueType *uniqueTypeAny; UniqueType *uniqueTypeStream; UniqueTypeMap uniqeTypeMap; UniqueRepeatMap uniqeRepeatMap; UniqueGenericMap uniqueGenericMap; void declareGlobalFields(); void declareStrFields(); void declareStreamFields(); void declareIntFields(); void declareTokenFields(); ObjectDef *intObj; ObjectDef *strObj; ObjectDef *streamObj; FsmTables *fsmTables; RuntimeData *runtimeData; int nextPatConsId; int nextGenericId; FunctionList functionList; int nextFuncId; enum CompileContext { CompileTranslation, CompileReduction, CompileFunction, CompileRoot }; CompileContext compileContext; LongVect returnJumps; LongVect breakJumps; Function *curFunction; /* Loops fill this in for return statements to use. */ CodeVect *loopCleanup; ObjectField *makeDataEl(); ObjectField *makePosEl(); ObjectField *makeLineEl(); IterDef *findIterDef( IterDef::Type type, GenericType *generic ); IterDef *findIterDef( IterDef::Type type, Function *func ); IterDef *findIterDef( IterDef::Type type ); IterDefSet iterDefSet; enum GeneratesType { GenToken, GenIgnore, GenCfl }; int nextObjectId; GeneratesType generatesType; bool generatesIgnore; StringMap literalStrings; long nextFrameId; long nextParserId; ObjectDef *rootLocalFrame; bool revertOn; RedFsm *redFsm; PdaGraph *pdaGraph; PdaTables *pdaTables; long predValue; long nextMatchEndNum; TypeRef *argvTypeRef; bool inContiguous; int contiguousOffset; int contiguousStretch; bool beginContiguous( CodeVect &code, int stretch ); void endContiguous( CodeVect &code, bool resetContiguous ); void clearContiguous( CodeVect &code, bool resetContiguous ); void declareReVars(); }; void afterOpMinimize( FsmGraph *fsm, bool lastInSeq = true ); Key makeFsmKeyHex( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ); Key makeFsmKeyDec( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ); Key makeFsmKeyNum( char *str, const InputLoc &loc, Compiler *pd ); Key makeFsmKeyChar( char c, Compiler *pd ); void makeFsmKeyArray( Key *result, char *data, int len, Compiler *pd ); void makeFsmUniqueKeyArray( KeySet &result, char *data, int len, bool caseInsensitive, Compiler *pd ); FsmGraph *makeBuiltin( BuiltinMachine builtin, Compiler *pd ); FsmGraph *dotFsm( Compiler *pd ); FsmGraph *dotStarFsm( Compiler *pd ); void errorStateLabels( const NameSet &locations ); struct ColmParser; typedef AvlMap ParserDict; typedef AvlMapEl ParserDictEl; LangEl *declareLangEl( Compiler *pd, Namespace *nspace, const String &data, LangEl::Type type ); LangEl *addLangEl( Compiler *pd, Namespace *nspace, const String &data, LangEl::Type type ); StructEl *declareStruct( Compiler *pd, Namespace *nspace, const String &data, StructDef *context ); void declareTypeAlias( Compiler *pd, Namespace *nspace, const String &data, TypeRef *typeRef ); LangEl *findType( Compiler *pd, Namespace *nspace, const String &data ); ObjectMethod *initFunction( UniqueType *retType, ObjectDef *obj, const String &name, int methIdWV, int methIdWC, bool isConst, bool useFnInstr = false, GenericType *useGeneric = 0 ); ObjectMethod *initFunction( UniqueType *retType, ObjectDef *obj, const String &name, int methIdWV, int methIdWC, UniqueType *arg1, bool isConst, bool useFnInstr = false, GenericType *useGeneric = 0 ); ObjectMethod *initFunction( UniqueType *retType, ObjectDef *obj, const String &name, int methIdWV, int methIdWC, UniqueType *arg1, UniqueType *arg2, bool isConst, bool useFnInstr = false, GenericType *useGeneric = 0 ); #endif /* _PARSEDATA_H */