/* * Copyright 2006-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "fsmcodegen.h" using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::string; using std::cerr; using std::endl; /* Init code gen with in parameters. */ FsmCodeGen::FsmCodeGen( ostream &out, RedFsm *redFsm, fsm_tables *fsmTables ) : out(out), redFsm(redFsm), fsmTables(fsmTables), codeGenErrCount(0), dataPrefix(true), writeFirstFinal(true), writeErr(true), skipTokenLabelNeeded(false) { } /* Write out the fsm name. */ string FsmCodeGen::FSM_NAME() { return "parser"; } /* Emit the offset of the start state as a decimal integer. */ string FsmCodeGen::START_STATE_ID() { ostringstream ret; ret << redFsm->startState->id; return ret.str(); }; /* Write out the array of actions. */ std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::ACTIONS_ARRAY() { out << "\t0, "; int totalActions = 1; for ( GenActionTableMap::Iter act = redFsm->actionMap; act.lte(); act++ ) { /* Write out the length, which will never be the last character. */ out << act->key.length() << ", "; /* Put in a line break every 8 */ if ( totalActions++ % 8 == 7 ) out << "\n\t"; for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = act->key; item.lte(); item++ ) { out << item->value->actionId; if ( ! (act.last() && item.last()) ) out << ", "; /* Put in a line break every 8 */ if ( totalActions++ % 8 == 7 ) out << "\n\t"; } } out << "\n"; return out; } string FsmCodeGen::CS() { ostringstream ret; /* Expression for retrieving the key, use simple dereference. */ ret << ACCESS() << "fsm_cs"; return ret.str(); } string FsmCodeGen::GET_WIDE_KEY() { return GET_KEY(); } string FsmCodeGen::GET_WIDE_KEY( RedState *state ) { return GET_KEY(); } string FsmCodeGen::GET_KEY() { ostringstream ret; /* Expression for retrieving the key, use simple dereference. */ ret << "(*" << P() << ")"; return ret.str(); } /* Write out level number of tabs. Makes the nested binary search nice * looking. */ string FsmCodeGen::TABS( int level ) { string result; while ( level-- > 0 ) result += "\t"; return result; } /* Write out a key from the fsm code gen. Depends on wether or not the key is * signed. */ string FsmCodeGen::KEY( Key key ) { ostringstream ret; ret << key.getVal(); return ret.str(); } void FsmCodeGen::SET_ACT( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { ret << ACT() << " = " << item->longestMatchPart->longestMatchId << ";"; } void FsmCodeGen::SET_TOKEND( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { /* The tokend action sets tokend. */ ret << "{ " << TOKEND() << " = " << TOKLEN() << " + ( " << P() << " - " << BLOCK_START() << " ) + 1; }"; } void FsmCodeGen::INIT_TOKSTART( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { ret << TOKSTART() << " = 0;"; } void FsmCodeGen::INIT_ACT( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { ret << ACT() << " = 0;"; } void FsmCodeGen::SET_TOKSTART( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { ret << TOKSTART() << " = " << P() << ";"; } void FsmCodeGen::EMIT_TOKEN( ostream &ret, LangEl *token ) { ret << " " << MATCHED_TOKEN() << " = " << token->id << ";\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::LM_SWITCH( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item, int targState, int inFinish ) { ret << " " << TOKLEN() << " = " << TOKEND() << ";\n" " switch( " << ACT() << " ) {\n"; /* If the switch handles error then we also forced the error state. It * will exist. */ if ( item->tokenRegion->lmSwitchHandlesError ) { ret << " case 0: " //<< P() << " = " << TOKSTART() << ";" << "goto st" << redFsm->errState->id << ";\n"; } for ( TokenInstanceListReg::Iter lmi = item->tokenRegion->tokenInstanceList; lmi.lte(); lmi++ ) { if ( lmi->inLmSelect ) { assert( lmi->tokenDef->tdLangEl != 0 ); ret << " case " << lmi->longestMatchId << ":\n"; EMIT_TOKEN( ret, lmi->tokenDef->tdLangEl ); ret << " break;\n"; } } ret << " }\n" "\t" " goto skip_toklen;\n"; skipTokenLabelNeeded = true; } void FsmCodeGen::LM_ON_LAST( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { assert( item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl != 0 ); ret << " " << P() << " += 1;\n"; EMIT_TOKEN( ret, item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl ); ret << " goto out;\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::LM_ON_NEXT( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { assert( item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl != 0 ); EMIT_TOKEN( ret, item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl ); ret << " goto out;\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::LM_ON_LAG_BEHIND( ostream &ret, InlineItem *item ) { assert( item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl != 0 ); ret << " " << TOKLEN() << " = " << TOKEND() << ";\n"; EMIT_TOKEN( ret, item->longestMatchPart->tokenDef->tdLangEl ); ret << " goto skip_toklen;\n"; skipTokenLabelNeeded = true; } /* Write out an inline tree structure. Walks the list and possibly calls out * to virtual functions than handle language specific items in the tree. */ void FsmCodeGen::INLINE_LIST( ostream &ret, InlineList *inlineList, int targState, bool inFinish ) { for ( InlineList::Iter item = *inlineList; item.lte(); item++ ) { switch ( item->type ) { case InlineItem::Text: assert( false ); break; case InlineItem::LmSetActId: SET_ACT( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmSetTokEnd: SET_TOKEND( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmInitTokStart: assert( false ); break; case InlineItem::LmInitAct: INIT_ACT( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmSetTokStart: SET_TOKSTART( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmSwitch: LM_SWITCH( ret, item, targState, inFinish ); break; case InlineItem::LmOnLast: LM_ON_LAST( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmOnNext: LM_ON_NEXT( ret, item ); break; case InlineItem::LmOnLagBehind: LM_ON_LAG_BEHIND( ret, item ); break; } } } /* Write out paths in line directives. Escapes any special characters. */ string FsmCodeGen::LDIR_PATH( char *path ) { ostringstream ret; for ( char *pc = path; *pc != 0; pc++ ) { if ( *pc == '\\' ) ret << "\\\\"; else ret << *pc; } return ret.str(); } void FsmCodeGen::ACTION( ostream &ret, GenAction *action, int targState, bool inFinish ) { /* Write the block and close it off. */ ret << "\t{"; INLINE_LIST( ret, action->inlineList, targState, inFinish ); if ( action->markId > 0 ) ret << "mark[" << action->markId-1 << "] = " << P() << ";\n"; ret << "}\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::CONDITION( ostream &ret, GenAction *condition ) { ret << "\n"; INLINE_LIST( ret, condition->inlineList, 0, false ); } string FsmCodeGen::ERROR_STATE() { ostringstream ret; if ( redFsm->errState != 0 ) ret << redFsm->errState->id; else ret << "-1"; return ret.str(); } string FsmCodeGen::FIRST_FINAL_STATE() { ostringstream ret; if ( redFsm->firstFinState != 0 ) ret << redFsm->firstFinState->id; else ret << redFsm->nextStateId; return ret.str(); } string FsmCodeGen::DATA_PREFIX() { if ( dataPrefix ) return FSM_NAME() + "_"; return ""; } /* Emit the alphabet data type. */ string FsmCodeGen::ALPH_TYPE() { string ret = keyOps->alphType->data1; if ( keyOps->alphType->data2 != 0 ) { ret += " "; ret += + keyOps->alphType->data2; } return ret; } /* Emit the alphabet data type. */ string FsmCodeGen::WIDE_ALPH_TYPE() { string ret; ret = ALPH_TYPE(); return ret; } string FsmCodeGen::PTR_CONST() { return "const "; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::OPEN_ARRAY( string type, string name ) { out << "static const " << type << " " << name << "[] = {\n"; return out; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::CLOSE_ARRAY() { return out << "};\n"; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::STATIC_VAR( string type, string name ) { out << "static const " << type << " " << name; return out; } string FsmCodeGen::UINT( ) { return "unsigned int"; } string FsmCodeGen::ARR_OFF( string ptr, string offset ) { return ptr + " + " + offset; } string FsmCodeGen::CAST( string type ) { return "(" + type + ")"; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::TO_STATE_ACTION_SWITCH() { /* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */ for ( GenActionList::Iter act = redFsm->genActionList; act.lte(); act++ ) { /* Write out referenced actions. */ if ( act->numToStateRefs > 0 ) { /* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */ out << "\tcase " << act->actionId << ":\n"; ACTION( out, act, 0, false ); out << "\tbreak;\n"; } } return out; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::FROM_STATE_ACTION_SWITCH() { /* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */ for ( GenActionList::Iter act = redFsm->genActionList; act.lte(); act++ ) { /* Write out referenced actions. */ if ( act->numFromStateRefs > 0 ) { /* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */ out << "\tcase " << act->actionId << ":\n"; ACTION( out, act, 0, false ); out << "\tbreak;\n"; } } return out; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::ACTION_SWITCH() { /* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */ for ( GenActionList::Iter act = redFsm->genActionList; act.lte(); act++ ) { /* Write out referenced actions. */ if ( act->numTransRefs > 0 ) { /* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */ out << "\tcase " << act->actionId << ":\n"; ACTION( out, act, 0, false ); out << "\tbreak;\n"; } } return out; } void FsmCodeGen::emitSingleSwitch( RedState *state ) { /* Load up the singles. */ int numSingles = state->outSingle.length(); RedTransEl *data = state->outSingle.data; if ( numSingles == 1 ) { /* If there is a single single key then write it out as an if. */ out << "\tif ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " == " << KEY(data[0].lowKey) << " )\n\t\t"; /* Virtual function for writing the target of the transition. */ TRANS_GOTO(data[0].value, 0) << "\n"; } else if ( numSingles > 1 ) { /* Write out single keys in a switch if there is more than one. */ out << "\tswitch( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " ) {\n"; /* Write out the single indicies. */ for ( int j = 0; j < numSingles; j++ ) { out << "\t\tcase " << KEY(data[j].lowKey) << ": "; TRANS_GOTO(data[j].value, 0) << "\n"; } /* Close off the transition switch. */ out << "\t}\n"; } } void FsmCodeGen::emitRangeBSearch( RedState *state, int level, int low, int high ) { /* Get the mid position, staying on the lower end of the range. */ int mid = (low + high) >> 1; RedTransEl *data = state->outRange.data; /* Determine if we need to look higher or lower. */ bool anyLower = mid > low; bool anyHigher = mid < high; /* Determine if the keys at mid are the limits of the alphabet. */ bool limitLow = data[mid].lowKey == keyOps->minKey; bool limitHigh = data[mid].highKey == keyOps->maxKey; if ( anyLower && anyHigher ) { /* Can go lower and higher than mid. */ out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " < " << KEY(data[mid].lowKey) << " ) {\n"; emitRangeBSearch( state, level+1, low, mid-1 ); out << TABS(level) << "} else if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " > " << KEY(data[mid].highKey) << " ) {\n"; emitRangeBSearch( state, level+1, mid+1, high ); out << TABS(level) << "} else\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else if ( anyLower && !anyHigher ) { /* Can go lower than mid but not higher. */ out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " < " << KEY(data[mid].lowKey) << " ) {\n"; emitRangeBSearch( state, level+1, low, mid-1 ); /* if the higher is the highest in the alphabet then there is no * sense testing it. */ if ( limitHigh ) { out << TABS(level) << "} else\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else { out << TABS(level) << "} else if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " <= " << KEY(data[mid].highKey) << " )\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } } else if ( !anyLower && anyHigher ) { /* Can go higher than mid but not lower. */ out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " > " << KEY(data[mid].highKey) << " ) {\n"; emitRangeBSearch( state, level+1, mid+1, high ); /* If the lower end is the lowest in the alphabet then there is no * sense testing it. */ if ( limitLow ) { out << TABS(level) << "} else\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else { out << TABS(level) << "} else if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " >= " << KEY(data[mid].lowKey) << " )\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } } else { /* Cannot go higher or lower than mid. It's mid or bust. What * tests to do depends on limits of alphabet. */ if ( !limitLow && !limitHigh ) { out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << KEY(data[mid].lowKey) << " <= " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " && " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " <= " << KEY(data[mid].highKey) << " )\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else if ( limitLow && !limitHigh ) { out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " <= " << KEY(data[mid].highKey) << " )\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else if ( !limitLow && limitHigh ) { out << TABS(level) << "if ( " << KEY(data[mid].lowKey) << " <= " << GET_WIDE_KEY(state) << " )\n"; TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } else { /* Both high and low are at the limit. No tests to do. */ TRANS_GOTO(data[mid].value, level+1) << "\n"; } } } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::STATE_GOTOS() { for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { if ( st == redFsm->errState ) STATE_GOTO_ERROR(); else { /* Writing code above state gotos. */ GOTO_HEADER( st ); /* Try singles. */ if ( st->outSingle.length() > 0 ) emitSingleSwitch( st ); /* Default case is to binary search for the ranges, if that fails then */ if ( st->outRange.length() > 0 ) emitRangeBSearch( st, 1, 0, st->outRange.length() - 1 ); /* Write the default transition. */ TRANS_GOTO( st->defTrans, 1 ) << "\n"; } } return out; } unsigned int FsmCodeGen::TO_STATE_ACTION( RedState *state ) { int act = 0; if ( state->toStateAction != 0 ) act = state->toStateAction->location+1; return act; } unsigned int FsmCodeGen::FROM_STATE_ACTION( RedState *state ) { int act = 0; if ( state->fromStateAction != 0 ) act = state->fromStateAction->location+1; return act; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::TO_STATE_ACTIONS() { /* Take one off for the psuedo start state. */ int numStates = redFsm->stateList.length(); unsigned int *vals = new unsigned int[numStates]; memset( vals, 0, sizeof(unsigned int)*numStates ); for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) vals[st->id] = TO_STATE_ACTION(st); out << "\t"; for ( int st = 0; st < redFsm->nextStateId; st++ ) { /* Write any eof action. */ out << vals[st]; if ( st < numStates-1 ) { out << ", "; if ( (st+1) % IALL == 0 ) out << "\n\t"; } } out << "\n"; delete[] vals; return out; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::FROM_STATE_ACTIONS() { /* Take one off for the psuedo start state. */ int numStates = redFsm->stateList.length(); unsigned int *vals = new unsigned int[numStates]; memset( vals, 0, sizeof(unsigned int)*numStates ); for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) vals[st->id] = FROM_STATE_ACTION(st); out << "\t"; for ( int st = 0; st < redFsm->nextStateId; st++ ) { /* Write any eof action. */ out << vals[st]; if ( st < numStates-1 ) { out << ", "; if ( (st+1) % IALL == 0 ) out << "\n\t"; } } out << "\n"; delete[] vals; return out; } bool FsmCodeGen::IN_TRANS_ACTIONS( RedState *state ) { /* Emit any transitions that have actions and that go to this state. */ for ( int it = 0; it < state->numInTrans; it++ ) { RedTrans *trans = state->inTrans[it]; if ( trans->action != 0 && trans->labelNeeded ) { /* Write the label for the transition so it can be jumped to. */ out << "tr" << trans->id << ":\n"; /* If the action contains a next, then we must preload the current * state since the action may or may not set it. */ if ( trans->action->anyNextStmt() ) out << " " << CS() << " = " << trans->targ->id << ";\n"; /* Write each action in the list. */ for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = trans->action->key; item.lte(); item++ ) ACTION( out, item->value, trans->targ->id, false ); out << "\tgoto st" << trans->targ->id << ";\n"; } } return 0; } /* Called from FsmCodeGen::STATE_GOTOS just before writing the gotos for each * state. */ void FsmCodeGen::GOTO_HEADER( RedState *state ) { IN_TRANS_ACTIONS( state ); if ( state->labelNeeded ) out << "st" << state->id << ":\n"; if ( state->toStateAction != 0 ) { /* Remember that we wrote an action. Write every action in the list. */ for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = state->toStateAction->key; item.lte(); item++ ) ACTION( out, item->value, state->id, false ); } /* Give the state a switch case. */ out << "case " << state->id << ":\n"; /* Advance and test buffer pos. */ out << " if ( ++" << P() << " == " << PE() << " )\n" " goto out" << state->id << ";\n"; if ( state->fromStateAction != 0 ) { /* Remember that we wrote an action. Write every action in the list. */ for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = state->fromStateAction->key; item.lte(); item++ ) ACTION( out, item->value, state->id, false ); } /* Record the prev state if necessary. */ if ( state->anyRegCurStateRef() ) out << " _ps = " << state->id << ";\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::STATE_GOTO_ERROR() { /* In the error state we need to emit some stuff that usually goes into * the header. */ RedState *state = redFsm->errState; IN_TRANS_ACTIONS( state ); if ( state->labelNeeded ) out << "st" << state->id << ":\n"; /* We do not need a case label here because the the error state is checked * at the head of the loop. */ /* Break out here. */ out << " goto out" << state->id << ";\n"; } /* Emit the goto to take for a given transition. */ std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::TRANS_GOTO( RedTrans *trans, int level ) { if ( trans->action != 0 ) { /* Go to the transition which will go to the state. */ out << TABS(level) << "goto tr" << trans->id << ";"; } else { /* Go directly to the target state. */ out << TABS(level) << "goto st" << trans->targ->id << ";"; } return out; } std::ostream &FsmCodeGen::EXIT_STATES() { for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) { out << " case " << st->id << ": out" << st->id << ": "; if ( st->eofTrans != 0 ) { out << "if ( " << DATA_EOF() << " ) {"; TRANS_GOTO( st->eofTrans, 0 ); out << "\n"; out << "}"; } /* Exit. */ out << CS() << " = " << st->id << "; goto out; \n"; } return out; } /* Set up labelNeeded flag for each state. */ void FsmCodeGen::setLabelsNeeded() { /* Do not use all labels by default, init all labelNeeded vars to false. */ for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) st->labelNeeded = false; if ( redFsm->errState != 0 && redFsm->anyLmSwitchError() ) redFsm->errState->labelNeeded = true; /* Walk all transitions and set only those that have targs. */ for ( RedTransSet::Iter trans = redFsm->transSet; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { /* If there is no action with a next statement, then the label will be * needed. */ if ( trans->action == 0 || !trans->action->anyNextStmt() ) trans->targ->labelNeeded = true; } for ( RedStateList::Iter st = redFsm->stateList; st.lte(); st++ ) st->outNeeded = st->labelNeeded; } void FsmCodeGen::writeData() { out << "#define " << START() << " " << START_STATE_ID() << "\n"; out << "#define " << FIRST_FINAL() << " " << FIRST_FINAL_STATE() << "\n"; out << "#define " << ERROR() << " " << ERROR_STATE() << "\n"; out << "#define false 0\n"; out << "#define true 1\n"; out << "\n"; out << "static long " << ENTRY_BY_REGION() << "[] = {\n\t"; for ( int i = 0; i < fsmTables->num_regions; i++ ) { out << fsmTables->entry_by_region[i]; if ( i < fsmTables->num_regions-1 ) { out << ", "; if ( (i+1) % 8 == 0 ) out << "\n\t"; } } out << "\n};\n\n"; out << "static struct fsm_tables fsmTables_start =\n" "{\n" " 0, " /* actions */ " 0, " /* keyOffsets */ " 0, " /* transKeys */ " 0, " /* singleLengths */ " 0, " /* rangeLengths */ " 0, " /* indexOffsets */ " 0, " /* transTargsWI */ " 0, " /* transActionsWI */ " 0, " /* toStateActions */ " 0, " /* fromStateActions */ " 0, " /* eofActions */ " 0,\n" /* eofTargs */ " " << ENTRY_BY_REGION() << ",\n" "\n" " 0, " /* numStates */ " 0, " /* numActions */ " 0, " /* numTransKeys */ " 0, " /* numSingleLengths */ " 0, " /* numRangeLengths */ " 0, " /* numIndexOffsets */ " 0, " /* numTransTargsWI */ " 0,\n" /* numTransActionsWI */ " " << redFsm->regionToEntry.length() << ",\n" "\n" " " << START() << ",\n" " " << FIRST_FINAL() << ",\n" " " << ERROR() << ",\n" "\n" " 0,\n" /* actionSwitch */ " 0\n" /* numActionSwitch */ "};\n" "\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::writeInit() { out << " " << CS() << " = " << START() << ";\n"; /* If there are any calls, then the stack top needs initialization. */ if ( redFsm->anyActionCalls() || redFsm->anyActionRets() ) out << "\t" << TOP() << " = 0;\n"; out << " " << TOKSTART() << " = 0;\n" " " << TOKEND() << " = 0;\n" " " << ACT() << " = 0;\n"; out << "\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::writeExec() { setLabelsNeeded(); out << "static void fsm_execute( struct pda_run *pdaRun, struct input_impl *inputStream )\n" "{\n" " " << BLOCK_START() << " = pdaRun->p;\n" "/*_resume:*/\n"; if ( redFsm->errState != 0 ) { out << " if ( " << CS() << " == " << redFsm->errState->id << " )\n" " goto out;\n"; } out << " if ( " << P() << " == " << PE() << " )\n" " goto out_switch;\n" " --" << P() << ";\n" "\n" " switch ( " << CS() << " )\n {\n"; STATE_GOTOS() << " }\n"; out << "out_switch:\n" " switch ( " << CS() << " )\n {\n"; EXIT_STATES() << " }\n"; out << "out:\n" " if ( " << P() << " != 0 )\n" " " << TOKLEN() << " += " << P() << " - " << BLOCK_START() << ";\n"; if ( skipTokenLabelNeeded ) { out << "skip_toklen:\n" " {}\n"; } out << "}\n" "\n"; } void FsmCodeGen::writeCode() { redFsm->depthFirstOrdering(); writeData(); writeExec(); /* Referenced in the runtime lib, but used only in the compiler. Probably * should use the preprocessor to make these go away. */ out << "static void sendNamedLangEl( struct colm_program *prg, tree_t **tree,\n" " struct pda_run *pda_run, struct input_impl *input ) { }\n" "static void initBindings( struct pda_run *pdaRun ) {}\n" "static void popBinding( struct pda_run *pdaRun, parse_tree_t *tree ) {}\n" "\n" "\n"; }