/* * Copyright 2018-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "flatbreak.h" void FlatBreak::LOCATE_TRANS() { if ( redFsm->classMap == 0 ) { out << " " << trans << " = " << CAST(UINT()) << ARR_REF( indexDefaults ) << "[" << vCS() << "]" << ";\n"; } else { long lowKey = redFsm->lowKey.getVal(); long highKey = redFsm->highKey.getVal(); bool limitLow = keyOps->eq( lowKey, keyOps->minKey ); bool limitHigh = keyOps->eq( highKey, keyOps->maxKey ); out << " " << keys << " = " << OFFSET( ARR_REF( transKeys ), "(" + vCS() + "<<1)" ) << ";\n" " " << inds << " = " << OFFSET( ARR_REF( indices ), ARR_REF( flatIndexOffset ) + "[" + vCS() + "]" ) << ";\n" "\n"; if ( !limitLow || !limitHigh ) { out << " if ( "; if ( !limitHigh ) out << GET_KEY() << " <= " << highKey; if ( !limitHigh && !limitLow ) out << " && "; if ( !limitLow ) out << GET_KEY() << " >= " << lowKey; out << " ) {\n"; } out << " " << ic << " = " << CAST("int") << ARR_REF( charClass ) << "[" << CAST("int") << GET_KEY() << " - " << lowKey << "];\n" " if ( " << ic << " <= " << CAST("int") << DEREF( ARR_REF( transKeys ), keys.ref() + "+1" ) << " && " << "" << ic << " >= " << CAST("int") << DEREF( ARR_REF( transKeys ), keys.ref() + "" ) << " )\n" " " << trans << " = " << CAST(UINT()) << DEREF( ARR_REF( indices ), inds.ref() + " + " + CAST("int") + "( " + ic.ref() + " - " + CAST("int") + DEREF( ARR_REF( transKeys ), keys.ref() + "" ) + " ) " ) << "; \n" " else\n" " " << trans << " = " << CAST(UINT()) << ARR_REF( indexDefaults ) << "[" << vCS() << "]" << ";\n"; if ( !limitLow || !limitHigh ) { out << " }\n" " else {\n" " " << trans << " = " << CAST(UINT()) << ARR_REF( indexDefaults ) << "[" << vCS() << "]" << ";\n" " }\n" "\n"; } } } void FlatBreak::LOCATE_COND() { if ( red->condSpaceList.length() > 0 ) { out << " " << cond << " = " << CAST( UINT() ) << ARR_REF( transOffsets ) << "[" << trans << "];\n" "\n"; out << " " << cpc << " = 0;\n"; out << " switch ( " << ARR_REF( transCondSpaces ) << "[" << trans << "] ) {\n" "\n"; for ( CondSpaceList::Iter csi = red->condSpaceList; csi.lte(); csi++ ) { GenCondSpace *condSpace = csi; if ( condSpace->numTransRefs > 0 ) { out << " " << CASE( STR(condSpace->condSpaceId) ) << " {\n"; for ( GenCondSet::Iter csi = condSpace->condSet; csi.lte(); csi++ ) { out << "if ( "; CONDITION( out, *csi ); Size condValOffset = (1 << csi.pos()); out << " ) " << cpc << " += " << condValOffset << ";\n"; } out << " " << CEND() << "\n}\n"; } } out << " }\n" " " << cond << " += " << CAST( UINT() ) << "" << cpc << ";\n"; } }