/* * Copyright 2002-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "fsmgraph.h" #include #include #include /* Construct a mark index for a specified number of states. Must new up * an array that is states^2 in size. */ MarkIndex::MarkIndex( int states ) : numStates(states) { /* Total pairs is states^2. Actually only use half of these, but we allocate * them all to make indexing into the array easier. */ int total = states * states; /* New up chars so that individual DListEl constructors are * not called. Zero out the mem manually. */ array = new bool[total]; memset( array, 0, sizeof(bool) * total ); } /* Free the array used to store state pairs. */ MarkIndex::~MarkIndex() { delete[] array; } /* Mark a pair of states. States are specified by their number. The * marked states are moved from the unmarked list to the marked list. */ void MarkIndex::markPair(int state1, int state2) { int pos = ( state1 >= state2 ) ? ( state1 * numStates ) + state2 : ( state2 * numStates ) + state1; array[pos] = true; } /* Returns true if the pair of states are marked. Returns false otherwise. * Ordering of states given does not matter. */ bool MarkIndex::isPairMarked(int state1, int state2) { int pos = ( state1 >= state2 ) ? ( state1 * numStates ) + state2 : ( state2 * numStates ) + state1; return array[pos]; } /* Create a new fsm state. State has not out transitions or in transitions, not * out out transition data and not number. */ StateAp::StateAp() : /* No out or in transitions. */ outList(), inTrans(), inCond(), /* No EOF target. */ eofTarget(0), /* No entry points, or epsilon trans. */ entryIds(), epsilonTrans(), /* No transitions in from other states. */ foreignInTrans(0), /* Only used during merging. Normally null. */ stateDictEl(0), stateDictIn(0), nfaOut(0), nfaIn(0), eptVect(0), /* No state identification bits. */ stateBits(0), /* No Priority data. */ outPriorTable(), /* No Action data. */ toStateActionTable(), fromStateActionTable(), outActionTable(), outCondSpace(0), outCondKeys(), errActionTable(), eofActionTable(), guardedInTable(), lmNfaParts() { } /* Copy everything except actual the transitions. That is left up to the * FsmAp copy constructor. */ StateAp::StateAp(const StateAp &other) : /* All lists are cleared. They will be filled in when the * individual transitions are duplicated and attached. */ outList(), inTrans(), inCond(), /* Set this using the original state's eofTarget. It will get mapped back * to the new machine in the Fsm copy constructor. */ eofTarget(other.eofTarget), /* Duplicate the entry id set and epsilon transitions. These * are sets of integers and as such need no fixing. */ entryIds(other.entryIds), epsilonTrans(other.epsilonTrans), /* No transitions in from other states. */ foreignInTrans(0), /* This is only used during merging. Normally null. */ stateDictEl(0), stateDictIn(0), nfaOut(0), nfaIn(0), eptVect(0), /* Fsm state data. */ stateBits(other.stateBits), /* Copy in priority data. */ outPriorTable(other.outPriorTable), /* Copy in action data. */ toStateActionTable(other.toStateActionTable), fromStateActionTable(other.fromStateActionTable), outActionTable(other.outActionTable), outCondSpace(other.outCondSpace), outCondKeys(other.outCondKeys), errActionTable(other.errActionTable), eofActionTable(other.eofActionTable), guardedInTable(other.guardedInTable), lmNfaParts(other.lmNfaParts) { /* Duplicate all the transitions. */ for ( TransList::Iter trans = other.outList; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { if ( trans->plain() ) { /* Duplicate and store the orginal target in the transition. This will * be corrected once all the states have been created. */ TransDataAp *newTrans = new TransDataAp( *trans->tdap() ); assert( trans->tdap()->lmActionTable.length() == 0 ); newTrans->toState = trans->tdap()->toState; outList.append( newTrans ); } else { /* Duplicate and store the orginal target in the transition. This will * be corrected once all the states have been created. */ TransAp *newTrans = new TransCondAp( *trans->tcap() ); for ( CondList::Iter cti = trans->tcap()->condList; cti.lte(); cti++ ) { CondAp *newCondTrans = new CondAp( *cti, newTrans ); newCondTrans->key = cti->key; newTrans->tcap()->condList.append( newCondTrans ); assert( cti->lmActionTable.length() == 0 ); newCondTrans->toState = cti->toState; } outList.append( newTrans ); } } /* Dup the nfa trans. */ if ( other.nfaOut != 0 ) { nfaOut = new NfaTransList; for ( NfaTransList::Iter trans = *other.nfaOut; trans.lte(); trans++ ) { NfaTrans *newtrans = new NfaTrans( *trans ); newtrans->toState = trans->toState; nfaOut->append( newtrans ); } } } /* If there is a state dict element, then delete it. Everything else is left * up to the FsmGraph destructor. */ StateAp::~StateAp() { if ( stateDictEl != 0 ) delete stateDictEl; if ( stateDictIn != 0 ) delete stateDictIn; if ( nfaIn != 0 ) delete nfaIn; if ( nfaOut != 0 ) { nfaOut->empty(); delete nfaOut; } } #ifdef TO_UPGRADE_CONDS /* Compare two states using pointers to the states. With the approximate * compare, the idea is that if the compare finds them the same, they can * immediately be merged. */ int ApproxCompare::compare( const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 ) { int compareRes; /* Test final state status. */ if ( (state1->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) && !(state2->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) ) return -1; else if ( !(state1->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) && (state2->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) ) return 1; /* Test epsilon transition sets. */ compareRes = CmpEpsilonTrans::compare( state1->epsilonTrans, state2->epsilonTrans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; /* Compare the out transitions. */ compareRes = FsmAp::compareStateData( state1, state2 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; /* Use a pair iterator to get the transition pairs. */ RangePairIter outPair( ctx, state1->outList.head, state2->outList.head ); for ( ; !outPair.end(); outPair++ ) { switch ( outPair.userState ) { case RangePairIter::RangeInS1: compareRes = FsmAp::compareFullPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, 0 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIter::RangeInS2: compareRes = FsmAp::compareFullPtr( 0, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIter::RangeOverlap: compareRes = FsmAp::compareFullPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIter::BreakS1: case RangePairIter::BreakS2: break; } } /* Check EOF targets. */ if ( state1->eofTarget < state2->eofTarget ) return -1; else if ( state1->eofTarget > state2->eofTarget ) return 1; if ( state1->guardedIn || !state2->guardedIn ) return -1; else if ( !state1->guardedIn || state2->guardedIn ) return 1; /* Got through the entire state comparison, deem them equal. */ return 0; } #endif /* Compare class used in the initial partition. */ int InitPartitionCompare::compare( const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 ) { int compareRes; if ( state1->nfaOut == 0 && state2->nfaOut != 0 ) return -1; else if ( state1->nfaOut != 0 && state2->nfaOut == 0 ) return 1; else if ( state1->nfaOut != 0 ) { compareRes = CmpNfaTransList::compare( *state1->nfaOut, *state2->nfaOut ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; } /* Test final state status. */ if ( (state1->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) && !(state2->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) ) return -1; else if ( !(state1->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) && (state2->stateBits & STB_ISFINAL) ) return 1; /* Test epsilon transition sets. */ compareRes = CmpEpsilonTrans::compare( state1->epsilonTrans, state2->epsilonTrans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; /* Compare the out transitions. */ compareRes = FsmAp::compareStateData( state1, state2 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; /* Use a pair iterator to test the transition pairs. */ typedef RangePairIter< PiList > RangePairIterPiListTransAp; RangePairIterPiListTransAp outPair( ctx, state1->outList, state2->outList ); for ( ; !outPair.end(); outPair++ ) { switch ( outPair.userState ) { case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeInS1: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransDataPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, 0 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeInS2: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransDataPtr( 0, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeOverlap: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransDataPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::BreakS1: case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::BreakS2: break; } } return 0; } /* Compare class for the sort that does the partitioning. */ int PartitionCompare::compare( const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 ) { int compareRes; /* Use a pair iterator to get the transition pairs. */ typedef RangePairIter< PiList > RangePairIterPiListTransAp; RangePairIterPiListTransAp outPair( ctx, state1->outList, state2->outList ); for ( ; !outPair.end(); outPair++ ) { switch ( outPair.userState ) { case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeInS1: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransPartPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, 0 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeInS2: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransPartPtr( 0, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::RangeOverlap: compareRes = FsmAp::compareTransPartPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::BreakS1: case RangePairIterPiListTransAp::BreakS2: break; } } /* Test eof targets. */ if ( state1->eofTarget == 0 && state2->eofTarget != 0 ) return -1; else if ( state1->eofTarget != 0 && state2->eofTarget == 0 ) return 1; else if ( state1->eofTarget != 0 ) { /* Both eof targets are set. */ compareRes = CmpOrd< MinPartition* >::compare( state1->eofTarget->alg.partition, state2->eofTarget->alg.partition ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; } return 0; } #ifdef TO_UPGRADE_CONDS /* Compare class for the sort that does the partitioning. */ bool MarkCompare::shouldMark( MarkIndex &markIndex, const StateAp *state1, const StateAp *state2 ) { /* Use a pair iterator to get the transition pairs. */ RangePairIter outPair( ctx, state1->outList.head, state2->outList.head ); for ( ; !outPair.end(); outPair++ ) { switch ( outPair.userState ) { case RangePairIter::RangeInS1: if ( FsmAp::shouldMarkPtr( markIndex, outPair.s1Tel.trans, 0 ) ) return true; break; case RangePairIter::RangeInS2: if ( FsmAp::shouldMarkPtr( markIndex, 0, outPair.s2Tel.trans ) ) return true; break; case RangePairIter::RangeOverlap: if ( FsmAp::shouldMarkPtr( markIndex, outPair.s1Tel.trans, outPair.s2Tel.trans ) ) return true; break; case RangePairIter::BreakS1: case RangePairIter::BreakS2: break; } } return false; } #endif /* * Transition Comparison. */ int FsmAp::comparePart( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 ) { if ( trans1->plain() ) { int compareRes = FsmAp::compareCondPartPtr( trans1->tdap(), trans2->tdap() ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; } else { /* Use a pair iterator to get the transition pairs. */ typedef ValPairIter< PiList > ValPairIterPiListCondAp; ValPairIterPiListCondAp outPair( trans1->tcap()->condList, trans2->tcap()->condList ); for ( ; !outPair.end(); outPair++ ) { switch ( outPair.userState ) { case ValPairIterPiListCondAp::RangeInS1: { int compareRes = FsmAp::compareCondPartPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, 0 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; } case ValPairIterPiListCondAp::RangeInS2: { int compareRes = FsmAp::compareCondPartPtr( 0, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; } case ValPairIterPiListCondAp::RangeOverlap: { int compareRes = FsmAp::compareCondPartPtr( outPair.s1Tel.trans, outPair.s2Tel.trans ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; break; }} } } return 0; } /* Compare target partitions. Either pointer may be null. */ int FsmAp::compareTransPartPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 ) { if ( trans1 != 0 ) { /* If trans1 is set then so should trans2. The initial partitioning * guarantees this for us. */ return comparePart( trans1, trans2 ); } return 0; } template< class Trans > int FsmAp::compareCondPartPtr( Trans *trans1, Trans *trans2 ) { if ( trans1 != 0 ) { /* If trans1 is set then so should trans2. The initial partitioning * guarantees this for us. */ if ( trans1->toState == 0 && trans2->toState != 0 ) return -1; else if ( trans1->toState != 0 && trans2->toState == 0 ) return 1; else if ( trans1->toState != 0 ) { /* Both of targets are set. */ return CmpOrd< MinPartition* >::compare( trans1->toState->alg.partition, trans2->toState->alg.partition ); } } return 0; } /* Compares two transition pointers according to priority and functions. * Either pointer may be null. Does not consider to state or from state. */ int FsmAp::compareTransDataPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 ) { if ( trans1 == 0 && trans2 != 0 ) return -1; else if ( trans1 != 0 && trans2 == 0 ) return 1; else if ( trans1 != 0 ) { /* Both of the transition pointers are set. */ int compareRes = compareTransData( trans1, trans2 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; } return 0; } #ifdef TO_UPGRADE_CONDS /* Compares two transitions according to target state, priority and functions. * Does not consider from state. Either of the pointers may be null. */ int FsmAp::compareFullPtr( TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 ) { /* << "FIXME: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; */ if ( (trans1 != 0) ^ (trans2 != 0) ) { /* Exactly one of the transitions is set. */ if ( trans1 != 0 ) return -1; else return 1; } else if ( trans1 != 0 ) { /* Both of the transition pointers are set. Test target state, * priority and funcs. */ if ( tai(trans1)->tcap()->condList.head->toState < tai(trans2)->tcap()->condList.head->toState ) return -1; else if ( tai(trans1)->tcap()->condList.head->toState > tai(trans2)->tcap()->condList.head->toState ) return 1; else if ( tai(trans1)->tcap()->condList.head->toState != 0 ) { /* Test transition data. */ int compareRes = compareTransData( trans1, trans2 ); if ( compareRes != 0 ) return compareRes; } } return 0; } #endif #ifdef TO_UPGRADE_CONDS bool FsmAp::shouldMarkPtr( MarkIndex &markIndex, TransAp *trans1, TransAp *trans2 ) { /* << "FIXME: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; */ if ( (trans1 != 0) ^ (trans2 != 0) ) { /* Exactly one of the transitions is set. The initial mark round * should rule out this case. */ assert( false ); } else if ( trans1 != 0 ) { /* Both of the transitions are set. If the target pair is marked, then * the pair we are considering gets marked. */ return markIndex.isPairMarked( tai(trans1)->tcap()->condList.head->toState->alg.stateNum, tai(trans2)->tcap()->condList.head->toState->alg.stateNum ); } /* Neither of the transitiosn are set. */ return false; } #endif