/* * Copyright 2006-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "loadinit.h" #include #include #include "gen/if1.h" using std::string; extern colm_sections colm_object; void LoadInit::walkProdElList( String defName, ProdElList *list, prod_el_list &prodElList ) { if ( prodElList.ProdElList() != 0 ) { prod_el_list RightProdElList = prodElList.ProdElList(); walkProdElList( defName, list, RightProdElList ); } if ( prodElList.ProdEl() != 0 ) { prod_el El = prodElList.ProdEl(); String typeName = El.Id().text().c_str(); ObjectField *captureField = 0; if ( El.OptName().Name() != 0 ) { /* Has a capture. */ String fieldName = El.OptName().Name().text().c_str(); captureField = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::RhsNameType, 0, fieldName ); } else { /* Default the capture to the name of the type. */ String fieldName = typeName; if ( strcmp( fieldName, defName ) == 0 ) fieldName = "_" + defName; captureField = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::RhsNameType, 0, fieldName ); } RepeatType repeatType = RepeatNone; if ( El.OptRepeat().Star() != 0 ) repeatType = RepeatRepeat; if ( El.OptRepeat().LeftStar() != 0 ) repeatType = RepeatLeftRepeat; ProdEl *prodEl = prodElName( internal, typeName, NamespaceQual::cons( curNspace() ), captureField, repeatType, false ); appendProdEl( list, prodEl ); } } void LoadInit::walkProdList( String defName, LelDefList *outProdList, prod_list &prodList ) { if ( prodList.ProdList() != 0 ) { prod_list RightProdList = prodList.ProdList(); walkProdList( defName, outProdList, RightProdList ); } ProdElList *outElList = new ProdElList; prod_el_list prodElList = prodList.Prod().ProdElList(); walkProdElList( defName, outElList, prodElList ); String name; if ( prodList.Prod().OptName().Name() != 0 ) name = prodList.Prod().OptName().Name().text().c_str(); bool commit = prodList.Prod().OptCommit().Commit() != 0; Production *prod = BaseParser::production( internal, outElList, name, commit, 0, 0 ); prodAppend( outProdList, prod ); } LexFactor *LoadInit::walkLexFactor( lex_factor &lexFactor ) { LexFactor *factor = 0; if ( lexFactor.Literal() != 0 ) { String litString = lexFactor.Literal().text().c_str(); Literal *literal = Literal::cons( internal, litString, Literal::LitString ); factor = LexFactor::cons( literal ); } if ( lexFactor.Id() != 0 ) { String id = lexFactor.Id().text().c_str(); factor = lexRlFactorName( id, internal ); } else if ( lexFactor.Expr() != 0 ) { lex_expr LexExpr = lexFactor.Expr(); LexExpression *expr = walkLexExpr( LexExpr ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( expr ); factor = LexFactor::cons( join ); } else if ( lexFactor.Low() != 0 ) { String low = lexFactor.Low().text().c_str(); Literal *lowLit = Literal::cons( internal, low, Literal::LitString ); String high = lexFactor.High().text().c_str(); Literal *highLit = Literal::cons( internal, high, Literal::LitString ); Range *range = Range::cons( lowLit, highLit ); factor = LexFactor::cons( range ); } return factor; } LexFactorNeg *LoadInit::walkLexFactorNeg( lex_factor_neg &lexFactorNeg ) { if ( lexFactorNeg.FactorNeg() != 0 ) { lex_factor_neg Rec = lexFactorNeg.FactorNeg(); LexFactorNeg *recNeg = walkLexFactorNeg( Rec ); LexFactorNeg *factorNeg = LexFactorNeg::cons( recNeg, LexFactorNeg::CharNegateType ); return factorNeg; } else { lex_factor LexFactorTree = lexFactorNeg.Factor(); LexFactor *factor = walkLexFactor( LexFactorTree ); LexFactorNeg *factorNeg = LexFactorNeg::cons( factor ); return factorNeg; } } LexFactorRep *LoadInit::walkLexFactorRep( lex_factor_rep &lexFactorRep ) { LexFactorRep *factorRep = 0; if ( lexFactorRep.Star() != 0 ) { lex_factor_rep Rec = lexFactorRep.FactorRep(); LexFactorRep *recRep = walkLexFactorRep( Rec ); factorRep = LexFactorRep::cons( internal, recRep, 0, 0, LexFactorRep::StarType ); } else if ( lexFactorRep.Plus() != 0 ) { lex_factor_rep Rec = lexFactorRep.FactorRep(); LexFactorRep *recRep = walkLexFactorRep( Rec ); factorRep = LexFactorRep::cons( internal, recRep, 0, 0, LexFactorRep::PlusType ); } else { lex_factor_neg LexFactorNegTree = lexFactorRep.FactorNeg(); LexFactorNeg *factorNeg = walkLexFactorNeg( LexFactorNegTree ); factorRep = LexFactorRep::cons( factorNeg ); } return factorRep; } LexFactorAug *LoadInit::walkLexFactorAug( lex_factor_rep &lexFactorRep ) { LexFactorRep *factorRep = walkLexFactorRep( lexFactorRep ); return LexFactorAug::cons( factorRep ); } LexTerm *LoadInit::walkLexTerm( lex_term &lexTerm ) { if ( lexTerm.Term() != 0 ) { lex_term Rec = lexTerm.Term(); LexTerm *leftTerm = walkLexTerm( Rec ); lex_factor_rep LexFactorRepTree = lexTerm.FactorRep(); LexFactorAug *factorAug = walkLexFactorAug( LexFactorRepTree ); LexTerm::Type type = lexTerm.Dot() != 0 ? LexTerm::ConcatType : LexTerm::RightFinishType; LexTerm *term = LexTerm::cons( leftTerm, factorAug, type ); return term; } else { lex_factor_rep LexFactorRepTree = lexTerm.FactorRep(); LexFactorAug *factorAug = walkLexFactorAug( LexFactorRepTree ); LexTerm *term = LexTerm::cons( factorAug ); return term; } } LexExpression *LoadInit::walkLexExpr( lex_expr &LexExprTree ) { if ( LexExprTree.Expr() != 0 ) { lex_expr Rec = LexExprTree.Expr(); LexExpression *leftExpr = walkLexExpr( Rec ); lex_term lexTerm = LexExprTree.Term(); LexTerm *term = walkLexTerm( lexTerm ); LexExpression *expr = LexExpression::cons( leftExpr, term, LexExpression::OrType ); return expr; } else { lex_term lexTerm = LexExprTree.Term(); LexTerm *term = walkLexTerm( lexTerm ); LexExpression *expr = LexExpression::cons( term ); return expr; } } bool walkNoIgnore( opt_ni OptNi ) { return OptNi.Ni() != 0; } void LoadInit::walkTokenList( token_list &tokenList ) { if ( tokenList.TokenList() != 0 ) { token_list RightTokenList = tokenList.TokenList(); walkTokenList( RightTokenList ); } if ( tokenList.TokenDef() != 0 ) { token_def tokenDef = tokenList.TokenDef(); String name = tokenDef.Id().text().c_str(); ObjectDef *objectDef = ObjectDef::cons( ObjectDef::UserType, name, pd->nextObjectId++ ); lex_expr LexExpr = tokenDef.Expr(); LexExpression *expr = walkLexExpr( LexExpr ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( expr ); bool leftNi = walkNoIgnore( tokenDef.LeftNi() ); bool rightNi = walkNoIgnore( tokenDef.RightNi() ); defineToken( internal, name, join, objectDef, 0, false, leftNi, rightNi ); } if ( tokenList.IgnoreDef() != 0 ) { ignore_def IgnoreDef = tokenList.IgnoreDef(); ObjectDef *objectDef = ObjectDef::cons( ObjectDef::UserType, String(), pd->nextObjectId++ ); lex_expr LexExpr = IgnoreDef.Expr(); LexExpression *expr = walkLexExpr( LexExpr ); LexJoin *join = LexJoin::cons( expr ); defineToken( internal, String(), join, objectDef, 0, true, false, false ); } } void LoadInit::walkLexRegion( item &LexRegion ) { pushRegionSet( internal ); token_list tokenList = LexRegion.TokenList(); walkTokenList( tokenList ); popRegionSet(); } void LoadInit::walkDefinition( item &define ) { prod_list ProdList = define.ProdList(); String name = define.DefId().text().c_str(); LelDefList *defList = new LelDefList; walkProdList( name, defList, ProdList ); NtDef *ntDef = NtDef::cons( name, curNspace(), curStruct(), false ); ObjectDef *objectDef = ObjectDef::cons( ObjectDef::UserType, name, pd->nextObjectId++ ); cflDef( ntDef, objectDef, defList ); } void LoadInit::consParseStmt( StmtList *stmtList ) { /* Pop argv, this yields the file name . */ CallArgVect *popArgs = new CallArgVect; QualItemVect *popQual = new QualItemVect; popQual->append( QualItem( QualItem::Arrow, internal, String( "argv" ) ) ); LangVarRef *popRef = LangVarRef::cons( internal, curNspace(), 0, curLocalFrame()->rootScope, NamespaceQual::cons( curNspace() ), popQual, String("pop") ); LangExpr *pop = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( InputLoc(), popRef, popArgs ) ); TypeRef *typeRef = TypeRef::cons( internal, pd->uniqueTypeStr ); ObjectField *objField = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::UserLocalType, typeRef, "A" ); LangStmt *stmt = varDef( objField, pop, LangStmt::AssignType ); stmtList->append( stmt ); /* Construct a literal string 'r', for second arg to open. */ ConsItem *modeConsItem = ConsItem::cons( internal, ConsItem::InputText, String("r") ); ConsItemList *modeCons = new ConsItemList; modeCons->append( modeConsItem ); LangExpr *modeExpr = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( internal, modeCons ) ); /* Reference A->value */ LangVarRef *varRef = LangVarRef::cons( internal, curNspace(), 0, curLocalFrame()->rootScope, String("A") ); LangExpr *Avalue = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( internal, LangTerm::VarRefType, varRef ) ); /* Call open. */ LangVarRef *openRef = LangVarRef::cons( internal, curNspace(), 0, curLocalFrame()->rootScope, String("open") ); CallArgVect *openArgs = new CallArgVect; openArgs->append( new CallArg(Avalue) ); openArgs->append( new CallArg(modeExpr) ); LangExpr *open = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( InputLoc(), openRef, openArgs ) ); /* Construct a list containing the open stream. */ ConsItem *consItem = ConsItem::cons( internal, ConsItem::ExprType, open, ConsItem::TrimDefault ); ConsItemList *list = ConsItemList::cons( consItem ); /* Will capture the parser to "P" */ objField = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::UserLocalType, 0, String("P") ); /* Ref the start def. */ NamespaceQual *nspaceQual = NamespaceQual::cons( curNspace() ); typeRef = TypeRef::cons( internal, nspaceQual, String("start"), RepeatNone ); /* Parse the above list. */ LangExpr *parseExpr = parseCmd( internal, false, false, objField, typeRef, 0, list, true, false, false, "" ); LangStmt *parseStmt = LangStmt::cons( internal, LangStmt::ExprType, parseExpr ); stmtList->append( parseStmt ); } void LoadInit::consExportTree( StmtList *stmtList ) { LangVarRef *varRef = LangVarRef::cons( internal, curNspace(), 0, curLocalFrame()->rootScope, String("P") ); LangExpr *expr = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( internal, LangTerm::VarRefType, varRef ) ); NamespaceQual *nspaceQual = NamespaceQual::cons( curNspace() ); TypeRef *typeRef = TypeRef::cons( internal, nspaceQual, String("start"), RepeatNone ); ObjectField *program = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::StructFieldType, typeRef, String("ColmTree") ); LangStmt *programExport = exportStmt( program, LangStmt::AssignType, expr ); stmtList->append( programExport ); } void LoadInit::consExportError( StmtList *stmtList ) { LangVarRef *varRef = LangVarRef::cons( internal, curNspace(), 0, curLocalFrame()->rootScope, String("error") ); LangExpr *expr = LangExpr::cons( LangTerm::cons( internal, LangTerm::VarRefType, varRef ) ); NamespaceQual *nspaceQual = NamespaceQual::cons( curNspace() ); TypeRef *typeRef = TypeRef::cons( internal, nspaceQual, String("str"), RepeatNone ); ObjectField *program = ObjectField::cons( internal, ObjectField::StructFieldType, typeRef, String("ColmError") ); LangStmt *programExport = exportStmt( program, LangStmt::AssignType, expr ); stmtList->append( programExport ); } void LoadInit::go( long activeRealm ) { LoadInit::init(); StmtList *stmtList = new StmtList; const char *argv[3]; argv[0] = "load-init"; argv[1] = inputFileName; argv[2] = 0; colm_program *program = colm_new_program( &colm_object ); colm_set_debug( program, 0 ); colm_run_program( program, 2, argv ); /* Extract the parse tree. */ start Start = ColmTree( program ); if ( Start == 0 ) { gblErrorCount += 1; std::cerr << inputFileName << ": parse error" << std::endl; return; } /* Walk the list of items. */ _lrepeat_item ItemList = Start.ItemList(); RepeatIter itemIter( ItemList ); while ( !itemIter.end() ) { item Item = itemIter.value(); if ( Item.DefId() != 0 ) walkDefinition( Item ); else if ( Item.TokenList() != 0 ) walkLexRegion( Item ); itemIter.next(); } pd->streamFileNames.append( colm_extract_fns( program ) ); colm_delete_program( program ); consParseStmt( stmtList ); consExportTree( stmtList ); consExportError( stmtList ); pd->rootCodeBlock = CodeBlock::cons( stmtList, 0 ); }