/* * Copyright 2006-2018 Adrian Thurston * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "pcheck.h" #include "version.h" #include "compiler.h" #if defined(CONS_INIT) #include "consinit.h" #elif defined(LOAD_INIT) #include "loadinit.h" #else #include "loadfinal.h" #endif using std::istream; using std::ifstream; using std::ostream; using std::ios; using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; /* Graphviz dot file generation. */ bool genGraphviz = false; using std::ostream; using std::istream; using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; using std::ios; using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::cin; using std::endl; InputLoc internal; /* Io globals. */ istream *inStream = 0; ostream *outStream = 0; const char *inputFn = 0; const char *outputFn = 0; const char *intermedFn = 0; const char *binaryFn = 0; const char *exportHeaderFn = 0; const char *exportCodeFn = 0; const char *commitCodeFn = 0; const char *objectName = "colm_object"; bool exportCode = false; bool hostAdapters = true; bool generateGraphviz = false; bool verbose = false; bool logging = false; bool branchPointInfo = false; bool run = false; bool addUniqueEmptyProductions = false; bool gblLibrary = false; long gblActiveRealm = 0; bool outputSpecifiedWithDashP = false; ArgsVector includePaths; ArgsVector libraryPaths; DefineVector defineArgs; ArgsVector additionalCodeFiles; /* Print version information. */ void version(); /* Total error count. */ int gblErrorCount = 0; /* * Alphabet Type for the parsing machinery. The trees/strings of parsed data * all use char type. Currently we can support signed char, unsigned char or * char. If changing this, the colm_alph_t type needs to change as well. * Currently, this is a compile time change only. A colm binary currently * connot be made to work with multiple alphabet types. */ HostType hostTypesC[] = { { "unsigned", "char", false, 0, UCHAR_MAX, sizeof(unsigned char) }, }; HostLang hostLangC = { hostTypesC, 1, 0 }; HostLang *hostLang = &hostLangC; /* Print the opening to an error in the input, then return the error ostream. */ ostream &error( const InputLoc &loc ) { /* Keep the error count. */ gblErrorCount += 1; if ( loc.fileName != 0 ) cerr << loc.fileName << ":"; else cerr << ":"; if ( loc.line == -1 ) { cerr << "INT: "; } else { cerr << loc.line << ":" << loc.col << ": "; } return cerr; } /* Print the opening to a program error, then return the error stream. */ ostream &error() { gblErrorCount += 1; cerr << "error: " PROGNAME ": "; return cerr; } /* Print the opening to a warning, then return the error ostream. */ ostream &warning( ) { cerr << "warning: " << inputFn << ": "; return cerr; } /* Print the opening to a warning in the input, then return the error ostream. */ ostream &warning( const InputLoc &loc ) { assert( inputFn != 0 ); cerr << "warning: " << inputFn << ":" << loc.line << ":" << loc.col << ": "; return cerr; } void escapeLineDirectivePath( std::ostream &out, char *path ) { for ( char *pc = path; *pc != 0; pc++ ) { if ( *pc == '\\' ) out << "\\\\"; else out << *pc; } } void escapeLineDirectivePath( std::ostream &out, char *path ); void scan( char *fileName, istream &input ); bool printStatistics = false; /* Print a summary of the options. */ void usage() { cout << "usage: colm [options] file\n" "general:\n" " -h, -H, -?, --help print this usage and exit\n" " -v --version print version information and exit\n" " -b use as name of C object encapulaing the program\n" " -o if -c given, write C parse object to ,\n" " otherwise write binary to \n" " -p write C parse object to \n" " -e write C++ export header to \n" " -x write C++ export code to \n" " -m write C++ commit code to \n" " -a additional code file to include in output program\n" " -E N=V set a string value available in the program\n" " -I additional include path for the compiler\n" " -i activate branchpoint information\n" " -L additional library path for the linker\n" " -l activate logging\n" " -r run output program and replace process\n" " -c compile only (don't produce binary)\n" " -V print dot format (graphiz)\n" " -d print verbose debug information\n" #if DEBUG " -D print more information about \n" " (BYTECODE|PARSE|MATCH|COMPILE|POOL|PRINT|INPUT|SCAN\n" #endif ; } /* Print version information. */ void version() { cout << "Colm version " VERSION << " " PUBDATE << endl << "Copyright (c) 2007-2020 by Dr. Adrian D. Thurston" << endl; } /* Scans a string looking for the file extension. If there is a file * extension then pointer returned points to inside the string * passed in. Otherwise returns null. */ const char *findFileExtension( const char *stemFile ) { const char *ppos = stemFile + strlen(stemFile) - 1; /* Scan backwards from the end looking for the first dot. * If we encounter a '/' before the first dot, then stop the scan. */ while ( 1 ) { /* If we found a dot or got to the beginning of the string then * we are done. */ if ( ppos == stemFile || *ppos == '.' ) break; /* If we hit a / then there is no extension. Done. */ if ( *ppos == '/' ) { ppos = stemFile; break; } ppos--; } /* If we got to the front of the string then bail we * did not find an extension */ if ( ppos == stemFile ) ppos = 0; return ppos; } /* Make a file name from a stem. Removes the old filename suffix and * replaces it with a new one. Returns a newed up string. */ char *fileNameFromStem( const char *stemFile, const char *suffix ) { int len = strlen( stemFile ); assert( len > 0 ); /* Get the extension. */ const char *ppos = findFileExtension( stemFile ); /* If an extension was found, then shorten what we think the len is. */ if ( ppos != 0 ) len = ppos - stemFile; int slen = suffix != 0 ? strlen( suffix ) : 0; char *retVal = new char[ len + slen + 1 ]; strncpy( retVal, stemFile, len ); if ( suffix != 0 ) strcpy( retVal + len, suffix ); retVal[len+slen] = 0; return retVal; } void openOutputCompiled() { /* Start with the fn given by -o option. */ binaryFn = outputFn; if ( binaryFn == 0 ) binaryFn = fileNameFromStem( inputFn, 0 ); if ( intermedFn == 0 ) intermedFn = fileNameFromStem( binaryFn, ".c" ); if ( binaryFn != 0 && inputFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, binaryFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << binaryFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( intermedFn != 0 && inputFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, intermedFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "intermediate file \"" << intermedFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( intermedFn != 0 ) { /* Open the output stream, attaching it to the filter. */ ofstream *outFStream = new ofstream( intermedFn ); if ( !outFStream->is_open() ) { error() << "error opening " << intermedFn << " for writing" << endl; exit(1); } outStream = outFStream; } else { /* Writing out ot std out. */ outStream = &cout; } } void openOutputLibrary() { if ( outputFn == 0 ) outputFn = fileNameFromStem( inputFn, ".c" ); /* Make sure we are not writing to the same file as the input file. */ if ( outputFn != 0 && inputFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, outputFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << outputFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( outputFn != 0 ) { /* Open the output stream, attaching it to the filter. */ ofstream *outFStream = new ofstream( outputFn ); if ( !outFStream->is_open() ) { error() << "error opening " << outputFn << " for writing" << endl; exit(1); } outStream = outFStream; } else { /* Writing out ot std out. */ outStream = &cout; } } void openExports( ) { /* Make sure we are not writing to the same file as the input file. */ if ( inputFn != 0 && exportHeaderFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, exportHeaderFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << exportHeaderFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( exportHeaderFn != 0 ) { /* Open the output stream, attaching it to the filter. */ ofstream *outFStream = new ofstream( exportHeaderFn ); if ( !outFStream->is_open() ) { error() << "error opening " << exportHeaderFn << " for writing" << endl; exit(1); } outStream = outFStream; } else { /* Writing out ot std out. */ outStream = &cout; } } void openExportsImpl( ) { /* Make sure we are not writing to the same file as the input file. */ if ( inputFn != 0 && exportCodeFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, exportCodeFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << exportCodeFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( exportCodeFn != 0 ) { /* Open the output stream, attaching it to the filter. */ ofstream *outFStream = new ofstream( exportCodeFn ); if ( !outFStream->is_open() ) { error() << "error opening " << exportCodeFn << " for writing" << endl; exit(1); } outStream = outFStream; } else { /* Writing out ot std out. */ outStream = &cout; } } void openCommit( ) { /* Make sure we are not writing to the same file as the input file. */ if ( inputFn != 0 && commitCodeFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, commitCodeFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << commitCodeFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } if ( commitCodeFn != 0 ) { /* Open the output stream, attaching it to the filter. */ ofstream *outFStream = new ofstream( commitCodeFn ); if ( !outFStream->is_open() ) { error() << "error opening " << commitCodeFn << " for writing" << endl; exit(1); } outStream = outFStream; } else { /* Writing out ot std out. */ outStream = &cout; } } int compileOutputCommand( const char *command ) { if ( verbose ) cout << "compiling with: '" << command << "'" << endl; int res = system( command ); if ( res != 0 ) error() << "there was a problem compiling the output" << endl; return res; } void runOutputProgram() { if ( verbose ) cout << "running output: '" << binaryFn << "'" << endl; execl( binaryFn, binaryFn, NULL ); /* We shall never return here! */ } void compileOutput( const char *argv0, const bool inSource, char *srcLocation ) { /* Find the location of the colm program that is executing. */ char *location = strdup( argv0 ); char *last; int length = 1024 + strlen( intermedFn ) + strlen( binaryFn ); if ( inSource ) { last = strrchr( location, '/' ); assert( last != 0 ); last[0] = 0; length += 3 * strlen( location ); } else { last = location + strlen( location ) - 1; while ( true ) { if ( last == location ) { last[0] = '.'; last[1] = 0; break; } if ( *last == '/' ) { last[0] = 0; break; } last -= 1; } } for ( ArgsVector::Iter af = additionalCodeFiles; af.lte(); af++ ) length += strlen( *af ) + 2; for ( ArgsVector::Iter ip = includePaths; ip.lte(); ip++ ) length += strlen( *ip ) + 3; for ( ArgsVector::Iter lp = libraryPaths; lp.lte(); lp++ ) length += strlen( *lp ) + 3; #define COMPILE_COMMAND_STRING "gcc -Wall -Wwrite-strings" \ " -g" \ " -o %s" \ " %s" char *command = new char[length]; if ( inSource ) { sprintf( command, COMPILE_COMMAND_STRING " -I%s/../aapl" " -I%s/include" " -L%s" " %s/libcolm.a", binaryFn, intermedFn, srcLocation, srcLocation, location, location ); } else { sprintf( command, COMPILE_COMMAND_STRING " -I" PREFIX "/include" " -L" PREFIX "/lib" " -Wl,-rpath," PREFIX "/lib", binaryFn, intermedFn ); } #undef COMPILE_COMMAND_STRING for ( ArgsVector::Iter af = additionalCodeFiles; af.lte(); af++ ) { strcat( command, " " ); strcat( command, *af ); } for ( ArgsVector::Iter ip = includePaths; ip.lte(); ip++ ) { strcat( command, " -I" ); strcat( command, *ip ); } for ( ArgsVector::Iter lp = libraryPaths; lp.lte(); lp++ ) { strcat( command, " -L" ); strcat( command, *lp ); } if ( !inSource ) strcat( command, " -lcolm" ); if( !compileOutputCommand( command ) && run ) runOutputProgram(); delete[] command; } bool inSourceTree( const char *argv0, char *&location ) { const char *lastSlash = strrchr( argv0, '/' ); if ( lastSlash != 0 ) { /* Take off the file name. */ int rootLen = lastSlash - argv0; /* Create string for dir. */ char *mainPath = new char[rootLen + 16]; memcpy( mainPath, argv0, rootLen ); mainPath[rootLen] = 0; /* If built using ldconfig then there will be a .libs dir. */ lastSlash = strrchr( mainPath, '/' ); if ( lastSlash != 0 ) { if ( strlen( lastSlash ) >= 6 && memcmp( lastSlash, "/.libs", 7 ) == 0 ) { rootLen = lastSlash - mainPath; mainPath[rootLen] = 0; } } strcpy( mainPath + rootLen, "/main.cc" ); struct stat sb; int res = stat( mainPath, &sb ); if ( res == 0 && S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) ) { mainPath[rootLen] = 0; location = mainPath; return true; } delete[] mainPath; } return false; } void processArgs( int argc, const char **argv ) { ParamCheck pc( "p:cD:e:x:I:L:vdliro:S:M:vHh?-:sVa:m:b:E:", argc, argv ); while ( pc.check() ) { switch ( pc.state ) { case ParamCheck::match: switch ( pc.parameter ) { case 'I': includePaths.append( pc.parameterArg ); break; case 'v': version(); exit(0); break; case 'd': verbose = true; break; case 'l': logging = true; break; case 'L': libraryPaths.append( pc.parameterArg ); break; case 'i': branchPointInfo = true; break; case 'r': run = true; break; case 'p': outputSpecifiedWithDashP = true; /* fallthrough */ case 'o': /* Output. */ if ( *pc.parameterArg == 0 ) error() << "a zero length output file name was given" << endl; else if ( outputFn != 0 ) error() << "more than one output file name was given" << endl; else { /* Ok, remember the output file name. */ outputFn = pc.parameterArg; } break; case 'b': /* object name. */ if ( *pc.parameterArg == 0 ) error() << "a zero length object name was given" << endl; else { /* Ok, remember the output file name. */ objectName = pc.parameterArg; hostAdapters = false; } break; case 'H': case 'h': case '?': usage(); exit(0); case 's': printStatistics = true; break; case 'V': generateGraphviz = true; break; case '-': if ( strcasecmp(pc.parameterArg, "help") == 0 ) { usage(); exit(0); } else if ( strcasecmp(pc.parameterArg, "version") == 0 ) { version(); exit(0); } else { error() << "--" << pc.parameterArg << " is an invalid argument" << endl; } break; case 'c': gblLibrary = true; break; case 'e': exportHeaderFn = pc.parameterArg; break; case 'x': exportCodeFn = pc.parameterArg; break; case 'a': additionalCodeFiles.append( pc.parameterArg ); break; case 'm': commitCodeFn = pc.parameterArg; break; case 'E': { const char *eq = strchr( pc.parameterArg, '=' ); if ( eq == 0 ) fatal( "-E option argument must contain =" ); if ( eq == pc.parameterArg ) fatal( "-E variable name is of zero length" ); defineArgs.append( DefineArg( String( pc.parameterArg, eq-pc.parameterArg ), String( eq + 1 ) ) ); break; } case 'D': #if DEBUG // @NOTE: keep this in sync with 'debug.c': 'colm_realm_names' if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[0] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_BYTECODE; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[1] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_PARSE; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[2] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_MATCH; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[3] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_COMPILE; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[4] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_POOL; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[5] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_PRINT; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[6] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_INPUT; else if ( strcmp( pc.parameterArg, colm_realm_names[7] ) == 0 ) gblActiveRealm |= REALM_SCAN; else fatal( "unknown argument to -D %s\n", pc.parameterArg ); #else fatal( "-D option specified but debugging messsages not compiled in\n" ); #endif break; } break; case ParamCheck::invalid: error() << "-" << pc.parameter << " is an invalid argument" << endl; break; case ParamCheck::noparam: /* It is interpreted as an input file. */ if ( *pc.curArg == 0 ) error() << "a zero length input file name was given" << endl; else if ( inputFn != 0 ) error() << "more than one input file name was given" << endl; else { /* OK, Remember the filename. */ inputFn = pc.curArg; } break; } } } bool readCheck( const char *fn ) { int result = true; /* Check if we can open the input file for reading. */ ifstream *inFile = new ifstream( fn ); if ( ! inFile->is_open() ) result = false; delete inFile; return result; } /* Main, process args and call yyparse to start scanning input. */ int main(int argc, const char **argv) { processArgs( argc, argv ); if ( verbose ) gblActiveRealm = 0xffffffff; /* Bail on above errors. */ if ( gblErrorCount > 0 ) exit(1); /* Make sure we are not writing to the same file as the input file. */ if ( inputFn != 0 && outputFn != 0 && strcmp( inputFn, outputFn ) == 0 ) { error() << "output file \"" << outputFn << "\" is the same as the input file" << endl; } #if defined(LOAD_INIT) || defined(LOAD_COLM) /* Open the input file for reading. */ if ( inputFn == 0 ) { error() << "colm: no input file given" << endl; } else { /* Check if we can open the input file for reading. */ if ( ! readCheck( inputFn ) ) error() << "could not open " << inputFn << " for reading" << endl; } #endif if ( !gblLibrary && outputSpecifiedWithDashP ) { error() << "-p option must be used with -c" << endl; } /* Bail on above errors. */ if ( gblErrorCount > 0 ) exit(1); Compiler *pd = new Compiler; #if defined(CONS_INIT) BaseParser *parser = new ConsInit( pd ); #elif defined(LOAD_INIT) BaseParser *parser = new LoadInit( pd, inputFn ); #else BaseParser *parser = consLoadColm( pd, inputFn ); #endif parser->go( gblActiveRealm ); /* Parsing complete, check for errors.. */ if ( gblErrorCount > 0 ) return 1; /* Initiate a compile following a parse. */ pd->compile(); /* * Write output. */ if ( generateGraphviz ) { outStream = &cout; pd->writeDotFile(); } else { if ( gblLibrary ) openOutputLibrary(); else openOutputCompiled(); pd->generateOutput( gblActiveRealm, ( commitCodeFn == 0 ) ); if ( outStream != 0 ) delete outStream; if ( !gblLibrary ) { char *location = 0; bool inSource = inSourceTree( argv[0], location ); compileOutput( argv[0], inSource, location ); } if ( exportHeaderFn != 0 ) { openExports(); pd->generateExports(); delete outStream; } if ( exportCodeFn != 0 ) { openExportsImpl(); pd->generateExportsImpl(); delete outStream; } if ( commitCodeFn != 0 ) { openCommit(); pd->writeCommit(); delete outStream; } } delete parser; delete pd; /* Bail on above errors. */ if ( gblErrorCount > 0 ) exit(1); return 0; }