##### LM ##### context generate # Regular definitions rl ident_char /[a-zA-Z_]/ # List used as a stack of indentations. IndentStack: list # Has a newline been sent for this '\n' .. whitespace match. newline_sent: int # Tokens. lex # Python keywords. literal `and `del `from `not `while `as `elif `global `or `with `assert `else `if `pass `yield `break `except `import `print `class `exec `in `raise `continue `finally `is `return `def `for `lambda `try # Identifiers rl lowercase /'a'..'z'/ rl uppercase /'A'..'Z'/ rl letter /lowercase | uppercase/ token identifier /(letter|'_') (letter | digit | '_')*/ # Literals rl escapeseq /'\\' any / rl longstringchar /[^\\]/ rl shortstringchar_s /[^\\\n']/ rl shortstringchar_d /[^\\\n"]/ rl longstringitem /longstringchar | escapeseq/ rl shortstringitem_s /shortstringchar_s | escapeseq/ rl shortstringitem_d /shortstringchar_d | escapeseq/ rl longstring /"'''" longstringitem* :>> "'''" | '"""' longstringitem* :>> '"""'/ rl shortstring /"'" shortstringitem_s* "'" | '"' shortstringitem_d* '"'/ rl stringprefix /"r" | "u" | "ur" | "R" | "U" | "UR" | "Ur" | "uR"/ token stringliteral /stringprefix? (shortstring | longstring)/ # Integers rl hexdigit /digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F'/ rl octdigit /'0'..'7'/ rl nonzerodigit /'1'..'9'/ rl hexinteger /'0' ('x' | 'X') hexdigit+/ rl octinteger /'0' octdigit+/ rl decimalinteger /nonzerodigit digit* | '0'/ token integer /decimalinteger | octinteger | hexinteger/ token longinteger /integer ('l' | 'L')/ # Floats. rl exponent /('e' | 'E') ('+' | '-')? digit+/ rl fraction /'.' digit+/ rl intpart /digit+/ rl pointfloat /intpart? fraction | intpart '.'/ rl exponentfloat /(intpart | pointfloat) exponent/ token floatnumber /pointfloat | exponentfloat/ # Imaginaries. token imagnumber /(floatnumber | intpart) ("j" | "J")/ # Operators. literal `+ `- `* `** `/ `// `% `<< `>> `& `| `^ `~ `< `> `<= `>= `== `!= `<> # Delimiters literal `( `) `[ `] `{ `} `@ `, `: `. `` `= `; `+= `-= `*= `/= `//= `%= `&= `|= `^= `>>= `<<= `**= literal `... # In general whitespace is ignored. ignore WS /' '+/ # Find and ignore entire blank lines. token BLANK_LINE / '\n' [ \t]* ('#' [^\n]*)? '\n' / { # Need to shorten to take off the newline. # Turn it into ignore. input->push_ignore( make_token( typeid input->pull(match_length - 1) ) ) } # Find and ignore comments. token COMMENT / '#' [^\n]* '\n' / { # Need to shorten to take off the newline. Turn it into ignore. input->push_ignore( make_token( typeid input->pull(match_length - 1) ) ) } # These tokens are generated token INDENT // token DEDENT // token NEWLINE // ignore IND_WS // token INDENTATION /'\n' [ \t]*/ { # We have squared up INDENTs and DEDENTs. Ignore the entire match. input->push_ignore( make_token( typeid input->pull(match_length) ) ) # We have already sent the newline, compute the indentation level. data_length: int = match_length - 1 if data_length > IndentStack->top { # The indentation level is more than the level on the top # of the stack. This is an indent event. Send as an INDENT. input->push( make_token( typeid '' ) ) # Push to the stack as per python manual. IndentStack->push( data_length ) } else { while data_length < IndentStack->top { # The indentation level is less than the level on the top of # the stack. Pop the level and send one dedent. This flow of # control will execute until we find the right indentation level # to match up with. IndentStack->pop() # Send as a DEDENT input->push( make_token( typeid '' ) ) } } # FIXME: if data.length is now > top of stack then error. This # means the outdent does not match anything. # First the newline. input->push( make_token( typeid '' ) ) } end # Blank lines or comment lines at the beginning of the file. token LEADER / ( [ \t]* ('#' [^\n]*)? '\n' )* / def start [file_input] def file_input [file_input_forms*] def file_input_forms [statement] | [NEWLINE] def statement [stmt_list NEWLINE] | [compound_stmt] def stmt_list [simple_stmt another_stmt* opt_semi] def another_stmt [`; simple_stmt] def opt_semi [`;] | [] def suite [stmt_list NEWLINE] | [NEWLINE INDENT statement_seq DEDENT] def statement_seq [statement_seq statement] | [statement] def compound_stmt [if_stmt] | [while_stmt] | [for_stmt] | [funcdef] def if_stmt [`if expression `: suite elif_part* opt_else_part] def elif_part [`elif expression `: suite] def opt_else_part [`else `: suite] | [] def while_stmt [`while expression `: suite opt_else_part] def for_stmt [`for target_list `in expression_list `: suite opt_else_part] def funcdef [`def funcname `( opt_parameter_list `) `: suite] def funcname [identifier] def dotted_name [dotted_name `. identifier] | [identifier] def opt_parameter_list [parameter_list] | [] def parameter_list [defparameter_list defparameter opt_comma] def defparameter_list [defparameter_list defparameter `,] | [] def defparameter [parameter] | [parameter `= expression] def sublist [sublist_pl opt_comma] def sublist_pl [sublist_pl `, parameter] | [parameter] def parameter [identifier] | [`( sublist `)] def classname [identifier] def simple_stmt [expression_stmt] | [assignment_stmt] | [print_stmt] def expression_stmt [expression_list] def assignment_stmt [target_equals_list expression_list] def target_equals_list [target_equals_list target_equals] | [target_equals] def target_equals [target_list `=] def target_list [target_list_core opt_comma] def target_list_core [target_list_core `, target] | [target] def target [target_atom target_ext_rep] def target_atom [identifier] | [`( target_list `)] | [`[ target_list `]] def target_ext_rep [target_ext target_ext_rep] | [] def target_ext [attributeref] | [subscription] | [slicing] def print_stmt [`print opt_expression_list] def opt_expression_list [expression_list] | [] def expression_list [expression_list_core opt_comma] def expression_list_core [expression_list_core `, expression] | [expression] def opt_comma [`,] | [] def expression [or_test `if or_test `else test] | [or_test] | [lambda_form] def or_test [or_test `or and_test] | [and_test] def and_test [and_test `and not_test] | [not_test] def not_test [comparison] | [`not not_test] def lambda_form [`lambda opt_parameter_list `: expression] def test [or_test] | [lambda_form] def comparison [or_expr comparison_part*] def comparison_part [comp_operator or_expr] def comp_operator [`<] | [`>] | [`==] | [`>=] | [`<=] | [`<>] | [`!=] | [`is] | [`is `not] | [`in] | [`not `in] def or_expr [primary] def primary [atom primary_ext_rep] def atom [identifier] | [pyliteral] | [enclosure] def primary_ext_rep [primary_ext primary_ext_rep] | [] def primary_ext [attributeref] | [subscription] | [slicing] | [call] def pyliteral [stringliteral] | [integer] | [longinteger] | [floatnumber] | [imagnumber] def enclosure [parenth_form] | [list_display] | [generator_expression] | [dict_display] | [string_conversion] def parenth_form [`( opt_expression_list `)] def list_display [`[ opt_listmaker `]] def opt_listmaker [listmaker] | [] def listmaker [expression list_for] | [expression listmaker_ext* opt_comma] def listmaker_ext [`, expression] def opt_list_iter [list_iter] | [] def list_iter [list_for] | [list_if] def list_if [`if test opt_list_iter] def list_for [`for expression_list `in testlist opt_list_iter] def testlist [test testlist_ext* opt_comma] def testlist_ext [`, test ] def generator_expression [`( test genexpr_for `)] def genexpr_for [`for expression_list `in test opt_genexpr_iter] def opt_genexpr_iter [genexpr_iter] | [] def genexpr_iter [genexpr_for] | [genexpr_if] def genexpr_if [`if test opt_genexpr_iter] def dict_display [`{ opt_key_datum_list `}] def opt_key_datum_list [key_datum_list] | [] def key_datum_list [key_datum key_datum_list_ext* opt_comma] def key_datum_list_ext [`, key_datum] def key_datum [expression `: expression] def string_conversion [`` expression_list ``] def attributeref [`. identifier] def subscription [`[ expression_list `]] # The natural ordered choice does not suffice here. Must force it. def slicing [simple_slicing] | [extended_slicing] def simple_slicing [`[ short_slice `]] def extended_slicing [`[ slice_list `]] def slice_list [slice_item slice_list_ext* opt_comma] def slice_list_ext [`, slice_item] def slice_item [expression] | [proper_slice] | [ellipsis] def proper_slice [short_slice] | [long_slice] def short_slice [`:] | [`: upper_bound] | [lower_bound `:] | [lower_bound `: upper_bound] def long_slice [short_slice `: stride] | [short_slice `:] def lower_bound [expression] def upper_bound [expression] def stride [expression] def ellipsis [`...] def call [`( opt_argument_list `)] def opt_argument_list [argument_list opt_comma] | [] def argument_list [positional_arguments opt_comma_keyword_arguments] | [keyword_arguments] def positional_arguments [positional_arguments `, expression] | [expression] def opt_comma_keyword_arguments [`, keyword_arguments] | [] def keyword_arguments [keyword_arguments `, keyword_item] | [keyword_item] def keyword_item [identifier `= expression] end # generate int print_stmts( S: generate::start ) { for Stmt: generate::statement in S print( 'STMT: ' ^Stmt '\n' ) } int print_target_subscriptions_and_slicings( Start: generate::start ) { for TI: generate::target_ext in Start { if match TI [generate::subscription] { print( 'TARGET SUBSCRIPTION: ' ^TI '\n' ) } if match TI [generate::simple_slicing] { print( 'TARGET SIMPLE SLICING: ' ^TI '\n' ) } if match TI [generate::extended_slicing] { print( 'TARGET EXTENDED SLICING: ' ^TI '\n' ) } } } int print_primary_subscriptions_and_slicings( Start: generate::start ) { for PI: generate::primary_ext in Start { if match PI [generate::subscription] { print( 'PRIMARY SUBSCRIPTION: ' ^PI '\n' ) } if match PI [generate::simple_slicing] { print( 'PRIMARY SIMPLE SLICING: ' ^PI '\n' ) } if match PI [generate::extended_slicing] { print( 'PRIMARY EXTENDED SLICING: ' ^PI '\n' ) } } } Generate: generate = new generate # List used as a stack of indentations. Generate->IndentStack = new list Generate->IndentStack->push( 0 ) # Has a newline been sent for this '\n' .. whitespace match. Generate->newline_sent = 0 parse S: generate::start(deref Generate)[ stdin ] print( '*** SUCCESS ***\n' ) print( ^S '\n' ) print( '***\n' ) print_stmts( S ) print_target_subscriptions_and_slicings( S ) print_primary_subscriptions_and_slicings( S ) print( '*** SUCCESS ***\n' ) ##### IN ##### # dude, this is a comment # some more hello def dude(): yes awesome; # Here we have a comment def realy_awesome(): # hi there in_more same_level def one_liner(): first; second # both inside one_liner back_down last_statement # dude, this is a comment # some more hello if 1: yes awesome; # Here we have a comment if ('hello'): # hi there in_more same_level if ['dude', 'dudess'].horsie(): first; second # both inside one_liner 1 back_down last_statement hello = 1.1(20); # subscription a[1] = b[2]; # simple slicing c[1:1] = d[2:2]; # simple slicing e[1:1, 2:2] = f[3:3, 4:4]; ##### EXP ##### *** SUCCESS *** hello def dude(): yes awesome; # Here we have a comment def realy_awesome(): # hi there in_more same_level def one_liner(): first; second # both inside one_liner back_down last_statement # dude, this is a comment # some more hello if 1: yes awesome; # Here we have a comment if ('hello'): # hi there in_more same_level if ['dude', 'dudess'].horsie(): first; second # both inside one_liner 1 back_down last_statement hello = 1.1(20); # subscription a[1] = b[2]; # simple slicing c[1:1] = d[2:2]; # simple slicing e[1:1, 2:2] = f[3:3, 4:4]; *** STMT: hello STMT: def dude(): yes awesome; # Here we have a comment def realy_awesome(): # hi there in_more same_level def one_liner(): first; second # both inside one_liner back_down STMT: yes STMT: awesome; # Here we have a comment STMT: def realy_awesome(): # hi there in_more same_level def one_liner(): first; second # both inside one_liner STMT: in_more STMT: same_level STMT: def one_liner(): first; second # both inside one_liner STMT: back_down STMT: last_statement # dude, this is a comment # some more STMT: hello STMT: if 1: yes awesome; # Here we have a comment if ('hello'): # hi there in_more same_level if ['dude', 'dudess'].horsie(): first; second # both inside one_liner 1 back_down STMT: yes STMT: awesome; # Here we have a comment STMT: if ('hello'): # hi there in_more same_level if ['dude', 'dudess'].horsie(): first; second # both inside one_liner 1 STMT: in_more STMT: same_level STMT: if ['dude', 'dudess'].horsie(): first; second # both inside one_liner STMT: 1 STMT: back_down STMT: last_statement STMT: hello = 1.1(20); # subscription STMT: a[1] = b[2]; # simple slicing STMT: c[1:1] = d[2:2]; # simple slicing STMT: e[1:1, 2:2] = f[3:3, 4:4]; TARGET SUBSCRIPTION: [1] TARGET SIMPLE SLICING: [1:1] TARGET EXTENDED SLICING: [1:1, 2:2] PRIMARY SUBSCRIPTION: [2] PRIMARY SIMPLE SLICING: [2:2] PRIMARY EXTENDED SLICING: [3:3, 4:4] *** SUCCESS ***