#!/bin/bash # # Test Case Features # ------------------ # If the test case has a directory by the same name, copy it into the # working direcotory. # # @RAGEL_FILE: file name to pass on the command line instead of file created # by extracting section. Does not work with translated test cases. # TRANS=./trans # Make available to to test directories below us that are not part of this # repository and cannot source one dir up. export RAGEL_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_BIN@" export RAGEL_CPPFLAGS="@SUBJ_RAGEL_CPPFLAGS@" export RAGEL_LDFLAGS="@SUBJ_RAGEL_LDFLAGS@" export RAGEL_C_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_C_BIN@" export RAGEL_D_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_D_BIN@" export RAGEL_JAVA_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_JAVA_BIN@" export RAGEL_RUBY_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_RUBY_BIN@" export RAGEL_CSHARP_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_CSHARP_BIN@" export RAGEL_GO_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_GO_BIN@" export RAGEL_OCAML_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_OCAML_BIN@" export RAGEL_ASM_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_ASM_BIN@" export RAGEL_RUST_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_RUST_BIN@" export RAGEL_CRACK_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_CRACK_BIN@" export RAGEL_JULIA_BIN="@SUBJ_RAGEL_JULIA_BIN@" function sig_exit() { echo exit 1; } trap sig_exit SIGINT trap sig_exit SIGQUIT trap sig_exit SIGTERM wk=working test -d $wk || mkdir $wk echo $wk/* | xargs rm -Rf while getopts "gcnmleT:F:W:G:P:CDJRAZOUKY-:" opt; do case $opt in T|F|W|G|P) genflags="$genflags -$opt$OPTARG" gen_opts="$gen_opts -$opt$OPTARG" ;; n|m|l|e) genflags="$genflags -$opt" gen_opts="$gen_opts -$opt" ;; c) compile_only="true" gen_opts="$gen_opts -$opt" ;; g) allow_generated="true" ;; C|D|J|R|A|Z|O|R|K|Y|U) langflags="$langflags -$opt" ;; -) case $OPTARG in asm) langflags="$langflags --$OPTARG" gen_opts="$gen_opts --$OPTARG" ;; integral-tables|string-tables) genflags="$genflags --$OPTARG" gen_opts="$gen_opts --$OPTARG" ;; *) echo "$0: unrecognized option --$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac ;; ?) exit 1; ;; esac done [ -z "$langflags" ] && langflags="-C --asm -R -Y -O -U -J -Z -D -A -K" [ -z "$genflags" ] && genflags="-T0 -T1 -F0 -F1 -W0 -W1 -G0 -G1 -G2 -n -m -e --string-tables" shift $((OPTIND - 1)); [ -z "$*" ] && set -- *.rl ragel="@RAGEL_BIN@" cxx_compiler="@CXX@" c_compiler="@CC@" objc_compiler="@CC@" d_compiler="@D_BIN@" java_compiler="@JAVAC_BIN@" ruby_engine="@RUBY_BIN@" csharp_compiler="@CSHARP_BIN@" go_compiler="@GO_BIN@" ocaml_compiler="@OCAML_BIN@" rust_compiler="@RUST_BIN@" crack_interpreter="@CRACK_BIN@" julia_interpreter="@JULIA_BIN@" function test_error { exit 1; } function exec_cmd() { lang=$1 case $lang in java) exec_cmd="java -classpath $wk $classname" ;; ruby) exec_cmd="ruby $code_src" ;; csharp) exec_cmd="mono $binary" ;; ocaml) exec_cmd="ocaml $code_src" ;; crack) exec_cmd="$crack_interpreter $code_src" ;; julia) exec_cmd="$julia_interpreter $code_src" ;; indep) echo "error: exec_cmd: indep not executable"; exit 1 ;; *) exec_cmd=./$binary ;; esac } function lang_opts() { lang=$1 case $lang in c) lang_opt=-C; code_suffix=c; interpreted=false compiler=$c_compiler; host_ragel=$RAGEL_BIN flags="-Wall -O3 -I. -Wno-variadic-macros" libs="" prohibit_flags="" ;; cg) # For testing ragel-c using goto based. lang_opt=-C; code_suffix=c; interpreted=false compiler=$c_compiler; host_ragel=$RAGEL_C_BIN flags="-Wall -O3 -I. -Wno-variadic-macros" libs="" prohibit_flags="--string-tables" ;; cv) # For testing ragel-c using var-based lang_opt=-C; code_suffix=c; interpreted=false compiler=$c_compiler; host_ragel="$RAGEL_C_BIN --var-backend" flags="-Wall -O3 -I. -Wno-variadic-macros" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; c++) lang_opt=-C; code_suffix=cpp; interpreted=false compiler=$cxx_compiler; host_ragel=$RAGEL_BIN flags="-Wall -O3 -I. -Wno-variadic-macros" libs="" prohibit_flags="" ;; obj-c) lang_opt=-C; code_suffix=m; interpreted=false compiler=$objc_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_BIN flags="`gnustep-config --objc-flags`" libs="-lobjc -lgnustep-base" prohibit_flags="" ;; d) lang_opt=-D; code_suffix=d; interpreted=false compiler=$d_compiler; host_ragel=$RAGEL_D_BIN flags="-Wall -O3" libs="" prohibit_flags="--string-tables" ;; java) lang_opt=-J; code_suffix=java; interpreted=false compiler=$java_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_JAVA_BIN flags="" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; ruby) lang_opt=-R; code_suffix=rb; interpreted=true compiler=$ruby_engine host_ragel=$RAGEL_RUBY_BIN flags="" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; csharp) lang_opt="-A"; code_suffix=cs; interpreted=false compiler=$csharp_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_CSHARP_BIN flags="" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G2 --string-tables" ;; go) lang_opt="-Z" code_suffix=go interpreted=false compiler=$go_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_GO_BIN flags="build" libs="" prohibit_flags="--string-tables" ;; ocaml) lang_opt="-O" code_suffix=ml interpreted=true compiler=$ocaml_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_OCAML_BIN flags="" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; asm) lang_opt="--asm" code_suffix=s interpreted=false compiler="gcc" host_ragel=$RAGEL_ASM_BIN flags="" libs="" prohibit_flags="-T0 -T1 -F0 -F1 -W0 -W1 -G0 -G1 --string-tables" ;; rust) lang_opt="-U" code_suffix=rs interpreted=false compiler=$rust_compiler host_ragel=$RAGEL_RUST_BIN flags="-A non_upper_case_globals -A dead_code \ -A unused_variables -A unused_assignments -A unused_mut -A unused_parens" libs="" prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; crack) lang_opt="-K" code_suffix=crk interpreted=true compiler=$crack_interpreter host_ragel=$RAGEL_CRACK_BIN prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; julia) lang_opt="-Y" code_suffix=jl interpreted=true compiler=$julia_interpreter host_ragel=$RAGEL_JULIA_BIN prohibit_flags="-G0 -G1 -G2 --string-tables" ;; indep) ;; *) echo "$translated: unknown language type '$lang'" >&2 exit 1; ;; esac prohibit_flags="$prohibit_flags $case_prohibit_flags" } function run_test() { code_src=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.$code_suffix | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` binary=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.bin | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` output=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.out | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` diff=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.diff | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` sh=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.sh | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` log=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.log | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` intermed=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.ri | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` classfile=$wk/`echo $lroot$gen_opt.class | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` classname=`echo $lroot$gen_opt | sed 's/-\+/_/g'` opts="$gen_opt $min_opt $enc_opt $f_opt" args="-I. $opts -o $code_src $translated" cat >> $sh <<-EOF echo testing $lroot $opts $host_ragel $args EOF if [ $lang == java ]; then cat >> $sh <<-EOF sed -i 's/\<$lroot\>/$classname/g' $code_src EOF fi out_args="" [ $lang != java ] && out_args="-o $binary"; [ $lang == csharp ] && out_args="-out:$binary"; # Some langs are just interpreted. if [ $interpreted != "true" ]; then cat >> $sh <<-EOF $compiler $flags $out_args $code_src \ $libs >>$log 2>>$log EOF fi exec_cmd $lang if [ "$compile_only" != "true" ]; then if [ -n "$FILTER" ]; then exec_cmd="$exec_cmd | $FILTER" fi cat >> $sh <<-EOF $exec_cmd 2>> $log >> $output EOF cat >> $sh <<-EOF diff -u --strip-trailing-cr $expected_out $output > $diff # rm -f $intermed $code_src $binary $classfile $output EOF fi echo $sh } function run_options() { translated=$1 lroot=`basename $translated` lroot=${lroot%.rl}; lang_opts $lang [ -n "$additional_cflags" ] && flags="$flags $additional_cflags" # If we have no compiler for the source program then skip it. [ -z "$compiler" ] && return # Make sure that we are interested in the host language. echo "$langflags" | grep -qe $lang_opt || return for gen_opt in $genflags; do echo "" "$prohibit_flags" | \ grep -e $gen_opt >/dev/null && continue run_test done unset gen_opt } function run_translate() { test_case=$1 # Recompute the root. root=`basename $test_case` root=${root%.rl}; # Check if we should ignore the test case enabled=`sed '/@ENABLED:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` if [ -n "$enabled" ] || [ "$enabled" = true ]; then return; fi # If the generated flag is given make sure that the test case is generated. is_generated=`sed '/@GENERATED:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` if [ "$is_generated" = true ] && [ "$allow_generated" != true ]; then return; fi # Override the test case file name. RAGEL_FILE=`sed '/@RAGEL_FILE:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` # Filter to pass output through. Shell code. FILTER=`sed '/@FILTER:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` # If the test case has a directory by the same name, copy it into the # working direcotory. if [ -d $root ]; then cp -a $root $wk/ fi expected_out=$wk/$root.exp; case_rl=${root}.rl sed '1,/^#\+ * OUTPUT #\+/{ d };' $test_case > $expected_out prohibit_languages=`sed '/@PROHIBIT_LANGUAGES:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` # Add these into the langugage-specific defaults selected in run_options case_prohibit_flags=`sed '/@PROHIBIT_FLAGS:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` lang=`sed '/@LANG:/s/^.*: *//p;d' $test_case` if [ -z "$lang" ]; then echo "$test_case: language unset"; >&2 return fi cases="" if [ $lang == indep ]; then for lang in c cg cv asm d csharp go java ruby ocaml rust crack julia; do case $lang in c) lf="-C" ;; cg) lf="-C" ;; cv) lf="-C" ;; asm) lf="--asm" ;; d) lf="-D" ;; csharp) lf="-A" ;; go) lf="-Z" ;; java) lf="-J" ;; ruby) lf="-R" ;; ocaml) lf="-O" ;; rust) lf="-U" ;; crack) lf="-K" ;; julia) lf="-Y" ;; esac echo "$prohibit_languages" | grep -q "\<$lang\>" && continue; echo "$langflags" | grep -qe $lf || continue # Translate to target language and strip off output. targ=${root}_$lang.rl $TRANS $lang $wk/$targ $test_case ${root}_${lang} cases="$cases $wk/$targ" run_options $wk/$targ done else sed '/^#\+ * OUTPUT #\+/,$d' $test_case > $wk/$case_rl cases=$wk/$case_rl if [ -n "$RAGEL_FILE" ]; then cases="$RAGEL_FILE" fi run_options $cases fi } go() { # Before we generate and test cases verify that all files exist. It is nice # to catch this early. for test_case; do if ! [ -f $test_case ]; then echo "$test_case: could not find file" >&2 missing_file=true fi done [ "$missing_file" = true ] && exit 1; for test_case; do run_translate $test_case done } go "$@"