#!/bin/bash # # Test cases contain sections giving the program, input and expected output. ###### LM ##### # # colm program # ###### ARGS ##### # # program arguments # ###### IN ##### # # program input # ###### EXP ##### # # expected output # ###### EXIT ###### # # expected exit value # ####################################### WORKING=working COLM=../src/colm ERRORS=0 cd `dirname $0` test -d $WORKING || mkdir $WORKING function die() { echo echo "$@" echo exit 1 } function sig_exit() { echo exit 1; } # Parse args. while getopts vdm opt; do case $opt in v) verbose=true; ;; d) diff=true; ;; m) VALGRIND="valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes " ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # The files to process. If none given then glob all functions and pcap test confs. if [ $# != 0 ]; then TEST_PAT="$*" else TEST_PAT='*.lm' fi function cat_section { local section=$1 local nth=$2 local in=$3 # Print Nth instance of the section awk -vsection=$section -vnth=$nth ' /#+ *[a-zA-Z]+ *#+/ { gsub( "[ #\n]", "", $0 ); in_section = 0 if ( $0 == section ) { if ( n == nth ) { in_section = 1; found = 1; } n += 1 } next; } in_section { print $0; } END { exit( found ? 0 : 1 ) } ' $in | awk ' /--noeol$/ { gsub(/--noeol$/,""); printf("%s", $0); next; } { print $0 } ' return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}; } function section { local section=$1 local nth=$2 local in=$3 local out=$4 cat_section $section $nth $in > $out # Remove the file if no section was found [ $? = 0 ] || rm $out } function runtests() { for TST in $TEST_PAT; do ROOT=${TST/.lm} LM=$WORKING/$ROOT.lm ARGS=$WORKING/$ROOT.args IN=$WORKING/$ROOT.in EXP=$WORKING/$ROOT.exp section LM 0 $TST $LM BIN=$WORKING/$ROOT OUT=$WORKING/$ROOT.out DIFF=$WORKING/$ROOT.diff LOG=$WORKING/$ROOT.log if [ '!' -f $LM ]; then echo "ERROR: $TST cannot be run: no LM section" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) continue fi # Compilation. $COLM $LM &> $LOG if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: $TST cannot be run: compilation error" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) continue fi Nth=0 while true; do section EXP $Nth $TST $EXP # Stop when we have no Nth expected output. if [ '!' -f $EXP ]; then break; fi section ARGS $Nth $TST $ARGS section IN $Nth $TST $IN EXIT=`cat_section EXIT $Nth $TST` if [ -z "$EXIT" ]; then EXIT=0 fi cmdargs="" if [ -f $ARGS ]; then cmdargs=`cat $ARGS` fi echo -n "running test $TST ($Nth)... " if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then echo echo $COLM $TST fi if [ '!' -f $IN ] && [ -f $ROOT.in ]; then IN=$ROOT.in; fi if [ "$verbose" = true ]; then if [ -f $IN ]; then echo "${VALGRIND}./$BIN $cmdargs < $IN > $OUT 2>> $LOG" else echo "${VALGRIND}./$BIN $cmdargs > $OUT 2>>$LOG" fi fi # Execution if [ -f $IN ]; then ${VALGRIND}./$BIN $cmdargs < $IN > $OUT 2>> $LOG else ${VALGRIND}./$BIN $cmdargs > $OUT 2>>$LOG fi e=$? if [ $e != "$EXIT" ]; then echo "FAILED: exit value error: got: $e expected: $EXIT" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) Nth=$((Nth + 1)) continue fi # Diff of output diff -u $EXP $OUT > $DIFF if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "FAILED: output differs from expected output" ERRORS=$(( ERRORS + 1 )) Nth=$((Nth + 1)) if [ "$diff" = true ]; then echo cat $DIFF echo fi continue fi echo ok Nth=$((Nth + 1)) done done if [ $ERRORS != 0 ]; then [ $ERRORS != 1 ] && plural="s"; echo echo "TESTING FAILED: $ERRORS failure$plural" echo EXIT=1 fi } [ -d $workingdir ] || mkdir $workingdir runtests; exit $EXIT;