Version 1.4.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2017-08-21 Bugfixes: - Add back the meson -Denable-systemd=false configure argument (Richard Hughes) - Add the fallback rules for older PolicyKit versions (Richard Hughes) - Define PATH_MAX if not available (Emmanuele Bassi) - Enable C99 support in (Philip Withnall) - Include all the files in the GIR target (Richard Hughes) - Include the correct file when using Colord-1.0.gir (Richard Hughes) - Use appropriate feature macro for realpath() (Emmanuele Bassi, Philip Withnall) - Use gio-2.0 when generating the VAPI (Ernestas Kulik) Version 1.4.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2017-08-09 New Features: - Port to the Meson build system (Richard Hughes) - Enable Travis CI for Fedora 25 and Debian Stretch (Richard Hughes) - Make PolicyKit, gusb and udev a hard requirement (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add some experimental tools for the HueyCOLOR sensor as found in the P70 (Richard Hughes) - Conditionally build documentation and man pages (Emmanuele Bassi) - Correctly build the ICC transfer curve for Rec709 (Richard Hughes) - Do not build the examples as part of the regular build (Richard Hughes) - Do not spin the Huey LEDs when the sensor is embedded (Richard Hughes) - Do not use /tmp to create profiles (Richard Hughes) - Fix the version numbers in cd-version.h to reflect reality (Ben Iofel, Emmanuele Bassi) - Get the Huey status before trying to unlock (Richard Hughes) - Use a different Huey unlock code on the W700 laptop (Richard Hughes) Version 1.3.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2017-02-27 New Features: - Add cd_color_get_blackbody_rgb_full() (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_spectrum_multiply_scalar() (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Check the parsed context arguments in the session helper (Richard Hughes) Version 1.3.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2016-11-21 New Features: - colord: Add cd_color_rgb_from_wavelength() (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_spectrum_resample_to_size() (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Add commands for getting the device calibration spectra (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Increase the size of the EP0 transfer (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Support enabling the illuminants on the ColorHug+ (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Fix a possible NULL dereference when talking to Spark devices (Richard Hughes) - Fix compile with -Wformat-signedness (Richard Hughes) - Fix possible division by zero if parsing /proc/cpuinfo fails (Richard Hughes) - Install the in the main -libs package (Richard Hughes) Version 1.3.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2016-07-27 Bugfixes: - Check polkit version before defining g_autoptr macros (Emmanuele Bassi) - Fix an assert failure when connecting to sensors (Richard Hughes) - Fix gtk-doc build when srcdir != builddir (Ting-Wei Lan) - Increase timeout to 60s for argyll spotread sampling (Kjell Irgens) - Use the USB path to match the ArgyllCMS port (Richard Hughes) Version 1.3.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2016-03-21 New Features: - Make building the daemon optional (Richard Hughes) - Make the session helper optional (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add initial support for the v2 protocol used by ColorHug+ (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - libcolord: Fix a hard-to-reproduce bug when cancelling async operations (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Fix a crash when submitting lots of commands at the same time (Richard Hughes) - Replace '/' with '-' on the basename to fix calibration crash (Canek Peláez Valdés) Version 1.3.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-11-27 New Features: - Add a sensor error for missing dark calibration (Richard Hughes) - Add g_autoptr() defines for cd_color* (Richard Hughes) - Add get-spectral-reading command to colormgr (Richard Hughes) - Add the GetSpectrum() sensor D-Bus method (Richard Hughes) - Allow returning spectral readings from the Spark sensor (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add an error enum for missing irradiance calibration (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add a spectral sensor capability (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_sensor_get_spectrum() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_get_value_max() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_limit_min() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_planckian_new_full() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_resample() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_set_wavelength_cal() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_subtract() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_to_string() (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add a systemd user service corresponding to the D-Bus session service (Simon McVittie) - Add a tmpfiles.d snippet to fix stateless systems (Tobias Hunger) - data: Build Rec709 correctly (Richard Hughes) - Ignore the ColorHug+ in DFU mode (Richard Hughes) - Install the tmpfiles.d snippet in the right place (Richard Hughes) - Reset the sensor back to idle after each action (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix a tiny memory leak in cd_icc_get_tag_data() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix saving non-normalized spectra (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Make cd_spectrum_free() NULL-safe (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Return an error when we fail to estimate the gamma value (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-08-19 New Features: - Add a new private library libospark for future use (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow creating devices with the same device ID from different users (Richard Hughes) - Check for, and prefer, libsystemd over libsystemd-login (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - ColorHug: Add ch_device_queue_read_firmware() (Richard Hughes) - ColorHug: When converting HEX to BIN pad out the entire size (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-06-08 New Features: - Add defines and artwork for the Spyder5 device (Richard Hughes) - Add defines for the OceanOptics Spark sensor (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add ch_device_close (Benjamin Tissoires) - libcolorhug: Handle low-level commands when in Sensor HID mode (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - libcolord: Fix leak in cd_context_lcms_free (Roman Lebedev) - libcolord: Fix leak previously in cd_client_connect_cb (Roman Lebedev) - Only return devices created by the calling user when doing GetDevices (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-04-08 New Features: - colorhug: Add GUIDs for each device (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add a vendor quirk for Google (Richard Hughes) - Fix session-helper failing to find argyll tool (Tim Waugh) Version 1.2.9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-02-20 New Features: - colorhug: Add support for the ColorHug ALS device (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Return the exact address on verification failure (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Fix cd-test-private linking (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Fix reporting of logind errors (Christopher James Halse Rogers) Version 1.2.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2015-01-15 Notes: - The required libgusb library version has been bumped to 0.2.2 Bugfixes: - Check for dbus when enabling sane (Niels Ole Salscheider) - Do not use the deprecated GUsbDeviceList (Richard Hughes) - Fix build without gobject-introspection (Niels Ole Salscheider) - Fix possible critical warning when using g_dbus_watch_name() (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-12-02 Bugfixes: - Don't build the daemon when compiling for MinGW (Richard Hughes) - Use wine to run the client build tools when compiling under MinGW (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-11-24 New Features: - Allowing compile using mingw (Richard Hughes) - Make the ArgyllCMS sensor driver optional (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_it8_get_xyz_for_rgb() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_it8_utils_calculate_gamma() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_get_resolution() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_get_value_raw() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_normalize_max() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_spectrum_set_value() (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - libcolord: Allow a SPECTRAL_START_NM value of zero (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Always replace CCSS spectral data of the same ID (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Deep copy the spectral data when using cd_spectrum_dup() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix using cd_it8_add_spectrum() where the spectra have no ID values (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Never allow duplicate CCSS IDs for small wavelength ranges (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Only set SPECTRAL_NORM when the normalisation is enabled (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Return correct values when no LUMINANCE_XYZ_CDM2 is specified (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Use double precision for SPECTRAL_START_NM and SPECTRAL_END_NM (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: When using cd_it8_add_spectrum() replace any with the same ID (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-11-10 New Features: - Add a branding-less ColorHug2 figure (Pascal de Bruijn) - Add the calculate-ccmx subcommand to cd-it8 (Richard Hughes) - Install the now-useful cd-it8 helper (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Drop nb.po, its superfluous with nb_NO.po around (Torstein Husebø) - Fix a crash in the session helper while calibrating (Richard Hughes) - Remove the private cd-find-broken tool (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-10-12 New Features: - libcolord: Add cd_mat33_init() helper function (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Retry the command if the response is incomplete (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Don't enable PIE support when --without-pic is specified (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Build with PIE enabled (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-09-12 New Features: - colorhug: Add ch_device_check_firmware() (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Add ch_device_mode_from_firmware() (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Use a different PID for the ColorHug2 bootloader (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Fix the device path to allow uid or username to be omitted (Iain Lane) - There is no seat if running in a chroot (Iain Lane) Version 1.2.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-08-18 New Features: - Add a helper to calculate the ΔE of two colors (Richard Hughes) - Bump the lcms2 dep to 2.6 (Richard Hughes) - Use the ColorHug sensor driver for the ColorHug2 hardware (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Actually parse the EDID for better duplicate detection (Richard Hughes) - Actually write a file when using cd_icc_save_default() (Richard Hughes) - Do not try to return a CdIcc instance for virtual profiles (Richard Hughes) - Use __attribute__(cleanup) to simplify memory cleanup (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-05-23 New Features: - Allow users to rename session and system ICC profiles (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Fix building the CMF spectra on OpenBSD/sparc64 (Richard Hughes) - Fix the style of two colorimeter figures (Pascal de Bruijn) - Make colord polkit policy usable on servers (Stef Walter) - Trim out the CUPS-supplied prefix for the printer serial number (Richard Hughes) Version 1.2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2014-04-05 New Features: - Generate the CMFs from source data (Richard Hughes) - Install several standard illuminants (Richard Hughes) - Install the CRI Test Color Samples (Richard Hughes) - Make colormgr script friendly by allowing filtering (Richard Hughes) - Use the new cmsContext functionality in LCMS 2.6 (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add a RGB32 pixel format for GdkPixbuf (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add a utility function to calculate an XYZ value from a CMF (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add a whitepoint value to cd_color_xyz_to_uvw() (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add CdColorUVW and some useful functionality (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_color_xyz_to_cct() (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_icc_get_context() to get the internal cmsContext used by lcms2 (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_it8_utils_calculate_cri_from_cmf() to generate a CRI (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_spectrum_multiply() to multiply two spectra (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add cd_spectrum_planckian_new() (Richard Hughes) - colord: Add functionality to read and write raw tag data (Richard Hughes) - colord: Support CCSS data files (Richard Hughes) - colord: Support SPECTRAL_NORM in it8 files (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Support setting and getting the DAC value (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Correctly convert all of the image when using CdTransform (Richard Hughes) - EDID strings can be up to 13 bytes (Florian Höch) - Fix the blue primary check so ProPhotoRGB is not marked as invalid (Richard Hughes) - Fix the tag 'size' when viewing a profile in cd-iccdump with newer lcms versions (Richard Hughes) - Only include libudev in Requires.private on Linux (Richard Hughes) - Use the corect sensor-kind values for GretagMacbeth sensors (Richard Hughes) - colord: Do not invalidate the CdTransform if the CdIcc object does not change (Richard Hughes) - colord: Do not use G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT when uninhibiting (Richard Hughes) - colord: Fix a potential crash when destroying a CdIt8 object (Richard Hughes) - colord: Fix the GObject introspection for cd_device_get_profiles() (Richard Hughes) - colord: Improve the error handling in CdIt8 (Richard Hughes) - colord: Load the profile defaults when using cd_icc_create_default() (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Handle failure to initialise GUsb in self-tests (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - colorhug: Rename 'ColorHug Spectro' to 'ColorHug+' for trademark reasons (Richard Hughes) Version 1.1.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-12-11 New Features: - Change the --enable-gudev parameter into --enable-udev (Richard Hughes) - Fall back to parsing pnp.ids if udev is not available (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Don't crash with zero-sized ICC file (Marti Raudsepp) - Never add USB hubs as scanner devices even if tagged (Richard Hughes) - Never create color managed webcam devices (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Check that the vendor and model are valid UTF-8 (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Do not write invalid data when the resaving a profile (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Don't create legacy locations (Matthias Clasen) - libcolord: Ensure the parsed EDID strings are valid UTF-8 (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Ensure the version is set when creating from the EDID (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix crash when using cd_color_get_blackbody_rgb() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: No critical warning if udev_hwdb_new() fails (Richard Hughes) - session-helper: Do not crash when moving the sensor position (Richard Hughes) Version 1.1.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-11-19 Bugfixes: - Only syslog() profile additions when they're added via DBus (Colin Walters) - Reset the LCMS log handlers to default after use (Richard Hughes) - Use the threadsafe versions of the LCMS functions (Richard Hughes) Version 1.1.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-10-30 Note: - This release contains a patch that fixes a very mild security bug: If you send keep sending hundreds of megabytes of random text data to the SetProperty() method you can eventually cause the daemon to use a lot of memory and then crash with an out-of-memory condition. - As the daemon is typically running as a restricted user and the daemon is respawned by any client the system will automatically recover. - This issue was found by Matus Marhefka using the dfuzzer tool. Bugfixes: - Never print incomplete 'colormgr dump' output (Richard Hughes) - Restrict the length of key and values when setting metadata (Richard Hughes) Version 1.1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-09-13 New Features: - Add a 'dump' colormgr command to aid debugging (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add ability to create a CdIcc object from an EDID blob (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_icc_create_default() to use the default sRGB profile (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Export cd_icc_utils_get_coverage() for comparing two profiles (Richard Hughes) - Set 'GAMUT_coverage(srgb)' when generating standard space profiles (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow profiles to be added or removed when the device is not enabled (Richard Hughes) - Always return soft-add calibration profiles before soft-add EDID profiles (Richard Hughes) - Do not add fake metadata to avoid creating an empty dictionary (Richard Hughes) - Do not mix up device paths and device IDs in the documentation (Conley Moorhous) - Fix an error when building the print profiles (Richard Hughes) - Fix creation of the dummy sensor device (Richard Hughes) - Fix the AdobeRGB and WideGamutRGB gamma values (Richard Hughes) - Fix transposed bits for EDID red y (Florian Höch) - Fix up various vendor quirks (Florian Höch) - Fix warning when any test profile has an EDID source and no ICC file (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Always calculate the fallback checksum when using CdIccStore (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Do not assert on finalize if connecting to the profile failed (Richard Hughes) - Migrate from usb_id and usb_db to udev builtins usb_id and hwdb (Dmitrijs Ledkovs) - Show a warning for incorrect or extra command line arguments (Richard Hughes) - Use %ghost in the example spec file to avoid removing databases on upgrades (Richard Hughes) - Use the exact D50 whitepoint values (Richard Hughes) Version 1.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-07-30 Notes: - This release bumps the soname of libcolord as long deprecated methods have finally been removed. Any programs that link against libcolord will have to be recompiled against this new version. - This unstable branch is full of new features and experimental code, and therefore this release should probably be restricted to non-stable distros. - The colord.conf file has been removed and features are now autodetected at runtime where possible or specified in configure. New Features: - Add a shim libcolordcompat library with some helpers for ArgyllCMS (Richard Hughes) - Add SystemVendor and SystemModel string properties to the main interface (Richard Hughes) - Add the sub-command import-profile to colormgr (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_icc_save_data() so that we can set _ICC_PROFILE (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_icc_save_default() to save a profile to the default location (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add functionality to set and get the profile characterization data (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add methods to create a profile using CdClient with a CdIcc object (Richard Hughes) - List the required parameters in the 'colormgr --help' output (Richard Hughes) - Remove the AlwaysUseXrandrName config option and auto-detect it at runtime (Richard Hughes) - Show the viewing conditions when dumping the ICC profile (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add a quirk for ThinkPads so that we show 'ThinkPad T510' rather than '4384BR2' (Richard Hughes) - Add CdIccStore to monitor directories of ICC profiles (Richard Hughes) - Add optional installed tests (Richard Hughes) - Allow colormgr to take an object path or an ID as input (Richard Hughes) - Allow the user to specify a non-qualified path when using FindProfileByFilename (Richard Hughes) - Allow using the key 'Filename' when using FindProfileByProperty (Richard Hughes) - Bump the lcms2 dep to 2.4 (Richard Hughes) - Correct a few translatable command descriptions for colormgr (Richard Hughes) - Do not always overwrite files when using cd-fix-profile (Richard Hughes) - Do not unconditionally enable BPC on the color transform (Richard Hughes) - Fix ‘created’ time for non-UTC timezones again (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Fix GObject introspection when getting lists and metadata (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Always return the error if any sync method failed (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Set an instance GError when lcms does the error callback (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Work around a bug in cmsSaveProfileToMem() (Richard Hughes) - Remove deprecated API and bump the soname (Richard Hughes) - Remove the ICC volume searching functionality as it is not effective (Richard Hughes) - Remove the now-unused /etc/colord.conf (Richard Hughes) - Remove the StandardSpaces configure option (Richard Hughes) - Remove the UseSANE config option (Richard Hughes) - session-helper: Record the gamma table in the error message (Richard Hughes) - Update the colormgr man page to reflect reality (Richard Hughes) - Use an autogenerated device-id in the daemon self-test code (Richard Hughes) - Use the GLib functions for converting USC4<->UTF-8 (Richard Hughes) Version 1.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-05-13 New Features: - Add a config option for monitors with identical EDID values (Richard Hughes) - Add API to control the use of BPC in CdTransform (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple BGRA32 pixel format (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple CMYK32 pixel format (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple colord.conf manpage (Richard Hughes) - Allow a different input and output format in CdTransform (Richard Hughes) - Show all the translations when dumping an ICC profile (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add some missing G_BEGIN_DECLS/G_END_DECLS in header files (Richard Hughes) - Always return an error if cd_main_device_add() failed (Richard Hughes) - Build all installed binaries with PIE (Richard Hughes) - Build the colord binary with full RELRO (Richard Hughes) - Do not show a warning when using 'colormgr device-get-profile-for-qualifier' (Richard Hughes) - Ensure the parent directories exist when calling cd_icc_save_file (Richard Hughes) - Fix crash in cd-iccdump by working around an lcms2 bug (Richard Hughes) - Fix using the ColorHug color sensor on ARM hardware (Richard Hughes) - Fix using the Huey color sensor on ARM hardware (Richard Hughes) - Set the STANDARD_space metadata for the print profiles (Richard Hughes) - Use G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT in public and private headers (Richard Hughes) - Use the same pixel format names as Cairo and the same in-memory value as lcms2 (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.34 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-05-01 New Features: - Add a ICC transform object for simple RGB conversions (Richard Hughes) - Add an example for using CdIcc in applications (Richard Hughes) - Add an internal program to scan a directory of ICC profiles for warnings (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning for RGB profiles with unlikely whitepoint values (Richard Hughes) - Add a webservice URI example that can upload a profile to the Internet (Richard Hughes) - Add device metadata OutputEdidMd5 so we can build a UCMM shim layer (Richard Hughes) - Add functionality to return the response of the CdIcc profile object (Richard Hughes) - Add getting and setting the VCGT table in CdIcc (Richard Hughes) - Add new systemd macros to the example spec file (Václav Pavlín) - Add Qt DBus annotations (Daniel Nicoletti) Bugfixes: - Allow clients to call org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer (Richard Hughes) - Correct a lot more company names when creating devices (Richard Hughes) - Do not automatically add EDID profiles with warnings to devices (Richard Hughes) - Fix building RGB working space profiles when using OpenBSD/sparc64 (Stefan Sperling) - Fix standard-space property name into a compilable name (Daniel Nicoletti) - Increase the delay between patches in the session-helper (Richard Hughes) - Install the bash completion support into /usr (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-04-16 Notes: - This release is is designed for stable distros. There are quite a few nice bugfixes and also quite a few new translations for all the generated profiles. New Features: - Add some profile descriptions for the CMYK profiles (Richard Hughes) - Add the FOGRA45L and FOGRA47L CMYK profiles (Richard Hughes) - Include the eciRGBv1 gamma 1.8 profile (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add cd_it8_set_enable_created (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add helpers for int and double values from the DOM (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add ifdef for cmsGetToneCurveEstimatedTableEntries (Richard Hughes) - Build the print profiles from XML descriptions (Richard Hughes) - Check the generated CCMX matrix for invalid data (Richard Hughes) - Do not print a warning if the DBus property does not exist (Richard Hughes) - Ensure mbstowcs() has an LC_CTYPE of 'en_US.UTF-8' (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Always write C-locale floating point values in IT8 files (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Initialize the value of the CCMX matrix (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Return the correct result from cd_mat33_matrix_multiply (Richard Hughes) - Never promote localized v2 ICC profiles to v4 (Richard Hughes) - Rename ISOnewspaper26 to IFRA26S_2004_newsprint (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-03-28 Notes: - This release is really for the translators. Now that the ICC profiles have translatable generic names and also short descriptions we can get to work creating some really great profiles. - Most commits for this release were for the translated profile feature, so feel free to skip this and wait for 0.1.33 if you're waiting for juicy new features or specific bugfixes. New Features: - Add a new tool 'cd-iccdump' that can dump V4 and V2 profiles (Richard Hughes) - Add translated descriptions to the ICC profiles (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add an object which is a named colord (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add an object to factor out the profile load and save (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add a really simple XML DOM extractor (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add some helpers for dealing with CdColorLab objects (Richard Hughes) - Translate some of the profile source XML file descriptions and licences (Richard Hughes) - Use an XML source format for the generated profiles (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - libcolord: Correctly copy CdColorYxy->Y when used as a property (Richard Hughes) - lib: Fix the licence boilerplate in the sensor libs (Richard Hughes) - Set the default profile locale to be en_US, not EN_us (Richard Hughes) - Use gtkdocize --copy in (Christopher James Halse Rogers) Version 0.1.31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-03-18 New Features: - Add more sensor capabilities to support the latest ArgyllCMS release (Richard Hughes) - Calculate the display calibration based on the Lab and target display gamma (Richard Hughes) - Emulate a perfect sRGB screen when returning XYZ values from the dummy sensor (Richard Hughes) - Interpolate the gamma data to the VCGT size using Akima (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add Akima and Linear 2D interpolation classes (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Switch CdColor to using the GSlice allocator (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add commands to get the ADC Vref+ and Vref- (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add extensions to the take_reading_x() commands to set the sensor type (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add the ability to get and set the CCD calibration values (Richard Hughes) - libcolorhug: Add the ability to get a spectral reading from the device (Richard Hughes) - Run the self test programs in 'make check' under valgrind (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add a warning if compiling with --with-daemon-user=root (Richard Hughes) - Add some more display vendor names to the display fixup table (Richard Hughes) - Deprecate both the cd_profile_set_$foo_sync() functions (Richard Hughes) - Do not show a critical warning if an unmatched sensor is connected (Richard Hughes) - Fix build on OpenBSD (Antoine Jacoutot) - Fix compile with --disable-gusb (Richard Hughes) - Fix the argyll sensor driver when using the ColorMunki Smile (Richard Hughes) - Fix the gamut warning to check primaries wider than CIERGB and ProPhoto (Richard Hughes) - Fix unusual crash in cd_main_get_cmdline_for_pid (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Guess the option type when using 'colormgr sensor-set-options' (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: ArgyllCMS uses 'YES' for IT8 options (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix two small memory leaks when getting details about a sensor (Richard Hughes) - Move the private sensor libraries out of the pure lib space (Dominique Leuenberger) - Rename the colormgr 'profile-set-$foo' commands to 'profile-set-property' (Richard Hughes) - Return an error if the client tries to change the profile filename after creation (Richard Hughes) - Set the target gamma when using the session-helper (Richard Hughes) - Setup the devices for another embedded Huey colorimeter and the original Spyder (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-02-17 New Features: - Load the instrospection to the colord binary as a GResource (Richard Hughes) - Save the common ICC profiles as GResources in the colord binary to reduce I/O (Richard Hughes) - Support setting the blue LED in the ColorHug Spectro (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Append -private to the driver libraries as they have no headers installed (Richard Hughes) - cd_sensor_get_caps() returns a bitfield, so make it explicitly 64 bits wide (Richard Hughes) - Do not expect a system proxy when checking if the daemon exists (Richard Hughes) - Do not remove the database files when upgrading the package (Richard Hughes) - Do not show duplicate profiles when icc-profiles-openicc is installed (Richard Hughes) - Fix Colord-1.0.gir build with --no-add-needed (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Fix linking of ch-self-test (Martin Pitt) - Fix symbol-prefix passed to g-ir-scanner (Evan Nemerson) - Fix up the model name for the ColorMunki (Richard Hughes) - Skip more self tests if the daemon could not be started (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-02-04 New Features: - Add an interface for plugins to decline to load (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Add a --verbose and --version argument to colormgr (Richard Hughes) - Add DTP94 native sensor support (Richard Hughes) - Add the 'Plasma' sensor capability (Richard Hughes) - Allow profiles to have a 'score' which affects the standard space (Richard Hughes) - Detect profiles from and and add metadata (Richard Hughes) - Install libdtp94 for access to the DTP94 colorimeter (Richard Hughes) - Install libhuey for access to the Huey colorimeter (Richard Hughes) - Install libmunki for access to the ColorMunki Photo hardware (Richard Hughes) - Move libcolorhug from colorhug-client for access to the ColorHug colorimeter (Richard Hughes) - Reintroduce SANE support (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - session-helper: Return extra data from the calibration in the Finished signal (Richard Hughes) - session-helper: Return the correct sensor images when calibrating (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow the user to specify the device type when using 'colormgr create-device' (Richard Hughes) - Change the Adobe RGB description to be 'Compatible with Adobe RGB (1998)' (Richard Hughes) - Do not auto-add profiles due to device-id metadata if they have been manually removed (Richard Hughes) - Do not include the size of the NULL byte when writing data from CCMX files (Richard Hughes) - Do not log a critical warning if the daemon is replaced at runtime (Richard Hughes) - Do not make the libsystemd-login dep automatic (Richard Hughes) - Do not return an error if a user manually adds a profile that has already been automatically added (Richard Hughes) - Don't emit a warning if the profile warnings or owner changes (Richard Hughes) - Ensure profiles with MAPPING_device_id get auto-added to devices (Richard Hughes) - Fix timezone problem in colord_client_random_func test (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Include cd-buffer.c in libcolordprivate for future use (Richard Hughes) - Make libcolord/device_async test pass everywhere (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Return an error if a client tries to create a device of an unknown type (Richard Hughes) - Set the additional 'OwnerCmdline' metadata on each device (Richard Hughes) - Show all the possible capabilities on one line when doing 'colormgr get-sensors' (Richard Hughes) - Specify the sensor caps in the code for native sensors (Richard Hughes) - Split the into so it can be used without a GObject dep (Richard Hughes) - Write the CdIt8 'CREATED' date string in all files (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.28 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-01-16 New Features: - Add some default GSetting schema values for the calibration helper (Richard Hughes) - Add a Sensor.Metadata property (Richard Hughes) - Add the sensor images as metadata on the D-Bus interface (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Quit the session helper if the device or sensor was not found (Richard Hughes) - Never build more than one print profile at a time (Richard Hughes) - Don't use the deprecated INCLUDES in (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2013-01-08 New Features: - Add ColorMunki Smile defines and calibration attach image (Richard Hughes) - Add Spyder4 calibration attach image (Richard Hughes) - Add the ability to generate Rec. 709 gamma curves (Richard Hughes) - Export a Device.Embedded property that is set for fixed hardware (Richard Hughes) - Import shared-color-profiles into colord (Richard Hughes) - Install a header with all the session helper defines (Richard Hughes) - Support L* gamma encoding in cd-create-profile (Richard Hughes) - Write the profile quality into to the .icc file as metadata (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow passing no value as properties to CreateDevice (Richard Hughes) - Do not return zero profiles when the device is being calibrated or disabled (Richard Hughes) - Ensure the color types are methods in GObject Introspection rather than functions (Richard Hughes) - Fix build when srcdir != builddir (Colin Walters) - Fix floating point number parsing in non C locale environments (Richard Hughes) - Remove 'Monitor' suffix from display devices model string (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-12-19 New Features: - Add 4 more defined sensor types (Richard Hughes) - Add a create-temperature subcommand to colormgr to test VCGT generation (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'SensorId' property to the sensor interface (Richard Hughes) - Add a session helper that can be used to calibrate the screen (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_it8_save_to_data() to save the data to some allocated memory (Richard Hughes) - Add FindSensorById() to the main interface (Richard Hughes) - Add some defines for the Spyder4 display colorimeter (John (J5) Palmieri) - Add some device figures from gnome-color-manager used in KDE and GNOME (Richard Hughes) - Add some example calibration ti1 files from gnome-color-manager (Richard Hughes) - Add support for reading and writing .cal files to CdIt8 (Richard Hughes) - Add the ability to 'disable' a device so that color management can be turned off (Richard Hughes) - Export cd_color_rgb_interpolate() as it's useful to applications (Richard Hughes) - Recognise the internal sensor on W700 laptops and set a property for the calibration tools (Richard Hughes) - Use spotread when there is no native sensor driver (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add some missing entries in cd_sensor_kind_from_string (John (J5) Palmieri) - Create ICCv2 profiles when using cd-create-profile (Richard Hughes) - Do 3 reads in quick succession for colormgr get-sensor-reading (Richard Hughes) - Fix a crash when saving a ti3 file where white is not the last sample (Richard Hughes) - Fix a critical warning when writing using cd_it8_add_data() with no XYZ value (Richard Hughes) - If ti1 values are > 1.0 then assume they are normalized (Richard Hughes) - Return class specific error codes if authentication fails (Richard Hughes) - Scale the ti3 RGB values to 100 when writing with NORMALIZED_TO_Y_100 (Richard Hughes) - Set DEVICE_CLASS when saving a cal IT8 file (Richard Hughes) - Support doing sensor user actions when using 'colormgr get-sensor-reading' (Richard Hughes) - Update the device scope if it changes at runtime (Richard Hughes) - Use enumerated error values in the client library (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-11-16 New Features: - Add a create-standard-space sub-command to cd-create-profile (Richard Hughes) - Add a FAQ entry describing application support of color management (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'make coverity' helper to scan the project for errors (Richard Hughes) - Add a profile metadata key of 'License' (Richard Hughes) - Add a profile warning if any of the primaries are outside of ROMM RGB (Richard Hughes) - Add a set-version command to the cd-fix-profile command line tool (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile calibration data is non-monotonic (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile copyright is missing (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile description is missing (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile gray axis is invalid (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile primaries are invalid (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile primaries do not add to D50 (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile RGB 255,255,255 does not return D50 (Richard Hughes) - Add a warning if the profile would produce a scum-dot (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'Warnings' property to the DBus interface for each profile (Richard Hughes) - Add OutputPriority device metadata key to the specification (Richard Hughes) - Move the named color examples to shared-color-profiles (Richard Hughes) - Print if the profile is system-wide when doing 'colormgr get-profiles' (Richard Hughes) - Show the primaries when dumping the profile using cd-fix-profile (Richard Hughes) - Use syslog to be able to debug what the daemon is doing without restarting it (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Check the return value of mbstowcs before using the buffer (Richard Hughes) - Convert cd-create-profile to using sub-commands to make it more modular (Richard Hughes) - Create linear vcgt tables when using create-x11-gamma to match the xserver behaviour (Richard Hughes) - Create version 2.2 ICC files when creating named color profiles (Richard Hughes) - Do not ever manually set a ICC profile version when creating profiles (Richard Hughes) - Do not try to connect to colord in cd-fix-profile until actually needed (Richard Hughes) - Don't optimize the profile check transforms to speed up daemon startup (Richard Hughes) - Don't set the StandardSpaces override, the generated profiles have the correct metadata now (Richard Hughes) - Fix a crash in the example code if the device has a non-standard qualifier format (Richard Hughes) - Fix GetStandardSpace so it can actually work (Richard Hughes) - huey: Ensure we return an error if we ran out of retries (Richard Hughes) - If the copyright string is not set when creating a profile use a good default (Richard Hughes) - Improve the formatting of 'get-profiles' and 'get-devices' (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Fix up a warning if GetStandardSpace fails to find a profile (Richard Hughes) - Return an error if the client does not set a profile or device id (Richard Hughes) - Return an error if the client uses an unsupported scope value (Richard Hughes) - Set a default copyright string when creating profiles without using --copyright (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-10-26 New Features: - Add a extract-vcgt subcommand to cd-fix-profile (Richard Hughes) - Add a general plugin interface for adding and removing devices (Richard Hughes) - Add defines for the 'ColorHug Spectro' hardware (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'seat' property to each device (Richard Hughes) - Add FindProfileByProperty() to the main interface (Richard Hughes) - Allow the user to specify a custom udev rules directory (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Append usernames to dbus object paths before sanitising the object path (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - colorhug: Add support for firmware >= 1.2.0 by accepting a full HID buffer (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Update the private files to the latest libcolorhug code (Richard Hughes) - Fix a critical warning when user tries to dump a non-icc file (Richard Hughes) - Fix automatic dep on libusb (Pacho Ramos) - Fix automatic dep on vala (Pacho Ramos) - Fix a warning in the daemon if a device property is NULL at setup (Richard Hughes) - Initialise global connection variable earlier (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - More paranoia in construction of object paths (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Never use Werror by default in configure (Richard Hughes) - Remove libsane support and rely only on udev for scanner device information (Richard Hughes) - Set FILE_checksum on discovered system profiles (Richard Hughes) - Set the seat for devices created in the session and from udev (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-08-29 New Features: - Get udevrulesdir from pkg-config (Benedikt Morbach) Bugfixes: - Assorted documentation fixes (Evan Nemerson) - Do not try to add duplicate sysfs devices (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-06-27 New Features: - Add a Vala version of cd-gtk-demo (Evan Nemerson) - Split out colord-gtk to a new sub-project to prevent a dep loop (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add many generic introspection type arguments (Evan Nemerson) - Check any files in /usr/share/color/icc have the content type application/vnd.iccprofile (Richard Hughes) - Do not try to create the same object paths if two sensors of the same type are plugged in (Richard Hughes) - Fix the udev rules entry for the i1Display3 (Wolfgang Goetz) Version 0.1.21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-05-22 Bugfixes: - Do not add sensors that are ignored or have no caps (Richard Hughes) - Do not install any parts of colord-sane if --disable-sane is specified (Christoph Brill) - Do not use '' in the shipped systemd file (Benedikt Morbach) - Fix autotools when configuring without systemd (Benedikt Morbach) - Fix InstallSystemWide() by not writing a private file (Richard Hughes) - Fix srcdir != builddir with introspection enabled (Colin Walters) - Fix the description in the systemd service file (Benedikt Morbach) - Isolate gtk dependency to cd-convert (Yanko Kaneti) - Save the CCMX and ITx files to be compatible with argyllcms (Richard Hughes) - The ColorHug has a new VID and PID (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-05-09 New Features: - Add a bash completion file for colormgr (Richard Hughes) - Add a BUSY state value for sensor devices (Richard Hughes) - Add a GObject Introspection example (Richard Hughes) - Add a sensor-set-options command to the colormgr tool (Richard Hughes) - Add async and sync methods in libcolord to support sensor options (Richard Hughes) - Add CdIt8 as a helper for reading and writing ti1, ti3 and ccmx files (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_it8_utils_calculate_ccmx() to libcolorhug (Richard Hughes) - Add CdSampleWindow to libcolord-gtk (Richard Hughes) - Add CdWindow which allows us to get the color profile for a GtkWidget (Richard Hughes) - Add functionality to colord-convert to sample ti1 -> ti3 files (Richard Hughes) - Add gio-2.0 to the requires line of colord.pc for GFile (Richard Hughes) - Add the concept of 'options' on each color sensor device (Richard Hughes) - colorhug: Allow saving the remote hash as a sensor option (Richard Hughes) - Print any sensor options when doing 'colormgr get-sensors' (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - colorhug: Save the EEPROM after setting sensor options (Richard Hughes) - Enable gtk-doc in the default distro build (Richard Hughes) - Fix build failure when colord is not installed system-wide (Craig Keogh) Version 0.1.19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-04-17 New Features: - Add a user suffix to the object path of user-created devices and profiles (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add User key to colord-sane's DBus service file (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Do not enable PrivateNetwork=yes as it breaks hotplugging devices (Richard Hughes) - Ensure colord-sane can create devices and profiles (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Fix usage of CD_OBJECT_SCOPE_* enums (John Sheu) - Honor aclocal flags (Craig Keogh) - Remove the 'Default,' profile title prefix if legacy profiles are installed (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-03-15 New Features: - Add a Manager.CreateProfileWithFd() method for QtDBus (Richard Hughes) - Add the GAMUT_coverage metadata key to the spec (Richard Hughes) - Add the GAMUT_volume metadata key to the spec (Richard Hughes) - Depend on lcms2 >= 2.2 (Richard Hughes) - Make cd-fix-profile add the GAMUT keys to the ICC file (Richard Hughes) - Split out the SANE support into it's own process (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Do not delete 'disk' or 'normal' devices when the session exits (Richard Hughes) - Ensure we return NULL for missing device properties (Richard Hughes) - Fix a small leak when creating devices and profiles in clients (Richard Hughes) - Fix cd-fix-profile to add and remove metadata entries (Richard Hughes) - Install per-machine profiles in /var/lib/colord/icc (Richard Hughes) - Show what DBus names have inhibited each device (Richard Hughes) - When doing 'get-devices' show the profile ID and filename (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-02-22 New Features: - Add an LED sample type (Richard Hughes) - Add a metadata key to store the calibration brightness (Richard Hughes) - Show the profile title when using colormgr get-profiles (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add PrivateNetwork and PrivateTmp to the systemd service file (Richard Hughes) - Don't leak a GVariantIter when setting the device metadata (Richard Hughes) - Fix a critical warning if a client tries to get the profile metadata (Matthias Clasen) - Fix InstallSystemWide() when running as the colord user (Richard Hughes) - Increase the colorhug sample timeout to 5 seconds (Richard Hughes) - Make underscores into spaces for the profile title (Richard Hughes) - Return from cd_profile_has_access() with TRUE for virtual profiles (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2012-01-17 New Features: - Add a device-inhibit command to the colormgr client (Richard Hughes) - Add org.freedesktop.policykit.owner annotations to .policy file (Vincent Untz) - Add profile metadata MAPPING_device_id for automatic profile mapping (Richard Hughes) - Add some profile metadata keys discussed with Florian Höch (Richard Hughes) - Install a systemd service file if systemd is used (Benedikt Morbach) - Support 2nd generation Huey hardware (Richard Hughes) - Use GUsb for the Huey sensor (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Fix a Wformat error when printing a gsize (Richard Hughes) - If /usr/share/color appears at runtime, don't rescan the parent dir (Richard Hughes) - Set the colorimeter sensor group so the dameon can access the sensor (Richard Hughes) - Split the spyder hardware into different types (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-11-26 Notes: - This release fixes an important security bug: CVE-2011-4349. - It is recommended all users update to this version, or backport these patches: * * New Features: - Add a native driver for the Hughski ColorHug hardware (Richard Hughes) - Export cd-math as three projects are now using it (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Documentation fixes and improvements (Laurent Martelli) - Do not crash the daemon if adding the device to the db failed (Richard Hughes) - Do not match any sensor device with a kernel driver (Richard Hughes) - Don't be obscure when the user passes a device-id to colormgr (Richard Hughes) - Fix a memory leak when getting properties from a device (Richard Hughes) - Fix colormgr device-get-default-profile (Richard Hughes) - Fix some conection bugs in colormgr (Florian Höch, Richard Hughes) - Fix some potential SQL injections (Ludwig Nussel, Vincent Untz) - Make gusb optional (Ludwig Nussel) - Only use the udev USB helper if the PID and VID have matches (Richard Hughes) - Output the Huey calibration matrices when dumping the sensor (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-11-01 Translations: New Features: - Add defines for the i1 Display 3 (Richard Hughes) - Add two more DATA_source values to the specification (Richard Hughes) - Align the output from colormgr get-devices and get-profiles (Richard Hughes) - Allow cd-fix-profile to append and edit new metadata (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Ensure non-native device are added with no driver module (Richard Hughes) - Split the sensor and device udev code (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-10-03 New Features: - Add an 'Owner' property on device and profile objects (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_profile_has_access() to filter profiles from other user accounts (Richard Hughes) - Add the crayon named color palette (Richard Hughes) - Add --xorg-gamma to cd-create-profile to create custom gamma ramps (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add a note in the naming specification about the username suffix (Richard Hughes) - colormgr only needs one argument for find-device (Richard Hughes) - Ensure remote DBus errors are registered at startup (Richard Hughes) - Ensure uid 0 can always create devices and profiles (Richard Hughes) - Fix an error in configure if there is no sane .pc file (Richard Hughes) - Fix the --disable-polkit build (Richard Hughes) - Fix up the docs; cd_device_get_modified() returns microseconds (Richard Hughes) - Reduce the CPU load of clients when assigning profiles from the session (Richard Hughes) - Return an error if a client tries to create a duplicate device (Richard Hughes) - Return an error when trying to register a duplicate profile (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-08-30 New Features: - Add a configure argument --enable-volume-search (Richard Hughes) - Add a configure argument of --enable-fd-fallback (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_client_import_profile() to be able to easily import a GFile (Richard Hughes) - Allow the daemon to run with a different user (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Add daemon user to acl of sensor devices (Christopher James Halse Rogers) - Add lcms2 to Requires.private (Richard Hughes) - Check if a file is really an ICC profile before importing it (Richard Hughes) - Detect libusb_strerror in configure rather than relying on the version (Richard Hughes) - Do not fail make check if there is no available local colord process to use (Richard Hughes) - Ensure the profiles are sorted by thier timestamp during login (Richard Hughes) - Ensure the volume-sourced profiles are not marked as systemwide profiles (Richard Hughes) - Exit with an error when trying to connect to a device that does not exist (Richard Hughes) - Remove duplicate call to complete in libcolord (Alban Browaeys) - Try harder to use the ICC profile checksum (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-08-01 Translations: - Updated Russian translation (Alexandre Prokoudine) New Features: - Enable GObject introspection generation on libcolord (Richard Hughes) - Generate a Vala API binding from the GObject Introspection GIR (Richard Hughes) - Move the project home to (Richard Hughes) - Ship generated man pages in tarballs (Vincent Untz) Bugfixes: - Add all of the required GObject Introspection annotations required (Richard Hughes) - Allow FindDeviceByProperty() to match on model, vendor and serial number (Richard Hughes) - Don't crash the example program if there is no default profile assigned (Richard Hughes) - Fix the bugzilla and mailing list links on the webpage. Fixes #39129 (Richard Hughes) - Fix the licence headers in colord.h and cd-color.h (Richard Hughes) - Fix up some translatable strings (Richard Hughes) - Honor ACLOCAL_FLAGS when running autoreconf (Owen W. Taylor) - Use the const formatter when unwrapping GVariants to reduce memory allocation (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-07-06 New Features: - Add a find-profile-by-filename command to the colormgr client tool (Richard Hughes) - Add the object scope to the DBus interface as a property (Richard Hughes) - Write a document detailing the colord security attack surface (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Actually store the device ID in the mapping database (Richard Hughes) - Fix include statements to search from current libcolord folder (Kenny Stuart) - Fix mbstowcs usage (Colin Walters) - Fix the build for old versions of lcms2 (Stef Walter) - Fix up the location of the libcolord header files (Richard Hughes) - Remove the DBus annotations in the introspection (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-06-13 New Features: - Add a 'Format' property to the device interface (Richard Hughes) - Add a new method Client:FindDeviceByProperty for when only a property is known (Richard Hughes) - Add methods to get the connected state of each object (Richard Hughes) - Define the DATA_source profile metadata item (Richard Hughes) - Define three metadata keys for the framework creator to set (Richard Hughes) - Define two keys to allow the profile to contain the mapping parameters (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow GUDEV to be disabled at compile time (Richard Hughes) - Autodetect SANE in configure (Richard Hughes) - Fix 3 small memory leaks (Richard Hughes) - Fix a bug that caused a critical warning in client code (Richard Hughes) - Only warn if we fail to get the PolicyKit authority (Richard Hughes) - Save any additional disk device metadata in the property database (Richard Hughes) - Use upstream gettext instead the glib one (Javier Jardón) - Write the new metadata entries in the utility programs (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-06-02 Translations: - Add Japanese translation (Ryo Fujita) New Features: - Add a 'Created' property to the Profile interface (Richard Hughes) - Add an basic ColorMunki native sensor driver (Richard Hughes) - Add an explicit 'webcam' device kind (Richard Hughes) - Add a timestamp when making profiles default (Richard Hughes) - Add support for reading and writing ICC profile metadata (Richard Hughes) - Allow the client to pass file descriptors out of band to CreateProfile (Richard Hughes) - Manually remove the date from profiles to make them look nicer in the GUI (Richard Hughes) - Prettify the device vendor and model names (Richard Hughes) - Split out the sensors into runtime-loadable shared objects (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add a cd_device_kind_to_profile_kind() utility function (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add preprocessor defines for the device and profile property and metadata names (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add some simple helpers to check objects for equality (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Add the helper function cd_profile_get_age() (Richard Hughes) - libcolord: Provide some GIO async variants for the methods in CdClient (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Allow setting the 'Colorspace' property on profile objects (Richard Hughes) - Bump glib requirement to 2.28 in (Adrien Bustany) - Do not return a 4-double triple for Sensor.GetSample() (Richard Hughes) - Do not try to register a second identical instance of a device on the bus (Richard Hughes) - Ensure empty strings are specially parsed as NULL (Richard Hughes) - Ensure GPhoto2 devices get added to the device list (Richard Hughes) - Fix the gtk-doc build (Richard Hughes) - If the user tries to register a second identical profile don't return an error (Richard Hughes) - Simplify vendor cleanup code (Bastien Nocera) - Use the FILE_checksum metadata for profiles created without internal checksums (Richard Hughes) - When creating a device with an existing virtual device promote it to a physical device (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-05-06 New Features: - Add sensor-lock to just lock the color sensor and listen for events Bugfixes: - Create /var/lib/colord at buildtime not runtime for SELinux - Ensure profiles with embedded profile checksums are parsed correctly - Move the colorimeter rules to be run before 70-acl.rules - Stop watching the client when the sensor is finalized - Ensure the source is destroyed when we unref CdUsb to prevent a crash - Only enable the volume mount tracking when searching volumes Version 0.1.6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-04-24 Notes: - Sensor devices are now being managed by colord to make calibration a nicer experience in the desktop. At the moment only taking spot colors is supported, and only the huey driver is available. - Applications can now request profiles for standard color spaces such as sRGB, AdobeRGB and ProPhotoRGB. - Lots of system performance improvements, but be sure to use g-c-m from git for the fastest session startup. New Features: - Add 3 tools for reverse engineering the huey colorimeter - Add a DBus interface designed so normal users can use color sensors - Add a dummy sensor object that is enabled if 'CreateDummySensor' is set - Add an async version of CdClient:Connect() - Add a --verbose command line option to print the debugging in color - Add CdColor to libcolord so we have some reusable GTypes to use - Add cd-create-profile, which provides a way to build a NCP - Add GetStandardSpace to the DBus API - Add support for sensor devices in libcolord - Add get-sensors and get-sensor-reading commands to the colormgr tool - Add the native Huey sensor driver which is taken from gnome-color-manager - Add two options to colord: --timed-exit and --immediate-exit - Import the sensor udev rules file from gnome-color-manager - Move gcm-fix-profile from GNOME Color Manager as cd-fix-profile - Update the architecture plan to include sensor devices Bugfixes: - Do not emit a critical warning if ID_MODEL doesn't exist for a device - Remove any .icc suffix automatically from the encoded profile title - Return an error if the user tries to create a persistent profile - The DTP92 cannot profile LCDs, according to Graeme - Use cmsOpenProfileFromFile() rather than getting the complete profile content - Use the embedded profile-id if it is available, else fallback to the file MD5 - Use the FILE_checksum metadata if it is available to speed up session startup Version 0.1.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-03-31 New Features: - Add a 'Metadata' property to the device object - Draft a specification document for device and profile IDs - Draft specification document explaining the metadata keys we're using - Remove colorgui as gnome-color-manager and kolord will be sufficient Bugfixes: - Add AC_PROG_LIBTOOL to to prevent a warning in jhbuild - Correct the spelling of colorimetric in the public API - Enable the sane support by default, Simple Scan needs this - Make any properties not understood by colord to be saved as metadata keys - Mark some more strings as translatable in colormgr Version 0.1.4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-03-09 Translations: - Added Russian translation (Alexandre Prokoudine) New Features: - Add Device.GetProfileRelation() so we can get the profile to device relationship type (Richard Hughes) - Add Profile.Format so CUPS can tell us the qualifier format (Richard Hughes) - Do not coldplug SANE devices unless UseSANE=true (Richard Hughes) - Do not search external volumes unless SearchVolumes=true (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Clear the cached profiles and devices if the daemon is restarted (Richard Hughes) - Only add local SANE devices to colord (Richard Hughes) - Remove the 'Other CMS frameworks' from the website sources (Richard Hughes) - Replace underscores with spaces when getting the model and vendor from SANE (Richard Hughes) - Set a generic RGB profile qualifier if there is nothing already set (Richard Hughes) - Use plain text enumerated values in CreateDevice and CreateProfile (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-02-28 New Features: - Add a architecture diagram how colord is going to work with printing (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'relation' parameter to Device.AddProfile() (Richard Hughes) - Add cd-dbus-use-qualifier as an example of how to use a qualifier using DBus (Richard Hughes) - Add FindProfileByFilename() to the main DBus interface (Richard Hughes) - Add gtk-doc support to libcolord (Richard Hughes) - Add the EDID_md5 metadata from profiles created by GCM with lcms (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Do not emit PropertyChanged on a profile when not yet added (Richard Hughes) - Do not return dummy data if an ICC file has no metadata (Richard Hughes) - Ensure profile IDs with slashes are escaped (Richard Hughes) - Ensure the Device.Profiles property returns no results when profiling (Richard Hughes) - Logically, GetProfileForQualifier(*) matches anything (Richard Hughes) - Modify GetProfileForQualifiers() so we can send multiple requests (Richard Hughes) - Never call DeviceChanged before DeviceAdded when adding properties (Richard Hughes) - Only add 'hard' devices to the mapping database (Richard Hughes) - Return the 'hard' profiles before the 'soft' profiles (Richard Hughes) - Send a Device::Changed signal when a device is being calibrated (Richard Hughes) - Use a custom qualifier matcher, as g_regex_match_simple() is expensive (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-02-07 New Features: - Add a 'Colorspace' property to all profile devices (Richard Hughes) - Add a dictionary of properties to the CreateX() methods (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'HasVcgt' property to all profile devices (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'IsSystemWide' property to the profile interface (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'Metadata' property to the profile object for the DICT ICC tag (Richard Hughes) - Add a 'Mode' property to each device (Richard Hughes) - Add an example to show how to use colord without using libcolord (Richard Hughes) - Add async helpers to get the device and profile arrays (Richard Hughes) - Add CdClient ::profile-added and ::profile-removed signals (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_device_remove_profile_sync() (Richard Hughes) - Add the website to revision control (Richard Hughes) - Refactor out colormgr into a useful command line tool (Richard Hughes) - Remove the 'Commit' API -- with properties we don't need this (Richard Hughes) - When a device or profile changes, emit a signal on the base interface (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - If available, use the profile file checksum in the DBus object (Richard Hughes) - Replace underscores with spaces for the UDev model and vendor properties (Richard Hughes) - Set the colorspace on V4L devices (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-01-26 Notes: - A small break in the DBus API this release: Commit() has been added. - Many new properties are available on the interfaces. - SANE and v4linux UDEV devices are now added as colord devices. - The persistent storage code has been written so device and profiles get auto-assigned when they appear. - Be sure to rebuild the 'icc' branches of CUPS and gnome-color-manager if you're trying out the new functionality. New Features: - Add a commit method to the device and profile objects (Richard Hughes) - Add a database for storing the device to profile mappings (Richard Hughes) - Add a /etc/colord.conf file for future usage (Richard Hughes) - Add a GetProfilesByKind() DBus method (Richard Hughes) - Add a method to set a profile system-wide for all users (Richard Hughes) - Add a modification time to the remote Device object (Richard Hughes) - Add and remove UDEV devices as colord devices (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple architecture plan of colord (Richard Hughes) - Add cd_device_get_default_profile() client side method (Richard Hughes) - Add devices and profiles prefixes to the DBus paths (Richard Hughes) - Add methods to the daemon to allow device profiling (Richard Hughes) - Add SANE devices as color managed devices (Richard Hughes) - Add three more device properties: Serial, Vendor and Colorspace (Richard Hughes) - Calculate the checksum of the parsed ICC file (Richard Hughes) - Save 'disk' scope devices to a system-wide database (Richard Hughes) - Track per-system profile stores (Richard Hughes) Bugfixes: - Actually emit the CdClient::DeviceAdded signal (Richard Hughes) - Actually emit the CdClient::DeviceRemoved signal (Richard Hughes) - Don't print a blank line in colormgr if there is no qualifier (Richard Hughes) - Make DeleteDevice take an ID, not an object (Richard Hughes) - Make PolicyKit support optional to fix the build on Windows (Richard Hughes) - Profiles do not have a created property, so don't try to display one (Richard Hughes) Version 0.1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released: 2011-01-13 Notes: - Colord is a simple system activated daemon that maps devices to color profiles. - It is used by gnome-color-manager for CUPS integration and is also used when there are no users logged in. - The only real user at the moment is CUPS, but GNOME Color Manager will start depending on colord when it is included in most mainstream distributions. - The DBus interface is not set in stone, and the libcolord library will have new API added to it as required. If colord needs to break public API at this stage for a specific use case, it will. - The persistent storage code is not written yet, but that will come with the next colord version. New Features: - Add a 'Kind' attribute to the device objects (Richard Hughes) - Add a libcolord shared library that can be used in the client tools (Richard Hughes) - Add an example spec file (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple colormgr man page (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple GTK test GUI for testing the DBus interfaces (Richard Hughes) - Add a simple script to create a test device (Richard Hughes) - Add basic DBus interface (Richard Hughes) - Add code for the DeleteDevice method (Richard Hughes) - Add DeleteProfile() on the main interface (Richard Hughes) - Add GetProfileForQualifier() code (Richard Hughes) - Add MakeProfileDefault() implementation to CdDevice (Richard Hughes) - Add qualifiers to profiles (Richard Hughes) - Allow clients to set properties on the objects using SetProperty (Richard Hughes) - Expose the device created time (Richard Hughes) - Fixed typo in ColorManager API description (Tim Waugh) - Open the profile using lcms2 after we set the profile filename (Richard Hughes) - Provide a method to assign an ICC profile to a profile object (Richard Hughes) - Provide methods for mapping the device ID to the object path (Richard Hughes) - Use seporate PolicyKit authorisations for each action type (Richard Hughes)