Crayons Crayon Colors This profile is free of known copyright restrictions This named color profile contains all the Crayola crayon colors in popular use. It is a test profile designed for testing embedding named colors into documents. CC0 White 91 0.83 8.04 Apricot 71 32.38 40.43 Carnation Pink 54 59.11 -2.89 Dandelion 69 23.11 71.43 Orange 56 49.2 52.88 Yellow Orange 58 45.18 54.96 Red Orange 46 53.48 37.35 Scarlet 42 50.35 31.78 Red 37 43.44 21.52 Yellow 71 1.68 70.81 Violet Red 36 42.82 15.71 Green Yellow 68 -19.08 61.91 Red Violet 29 26 5.65 Violet 26 4.75 -4.12 Blue Violet 23 2.32 -6.79 Brown 30 11.62 9.55 Indigo 25 2.64 -10.49 Grey 40 -1.22 -3.67 Yellow Green 44 -37.13 26 Blue Green 27 -2.78 -9.6 Cerulean 26 4.54 -24.55 Blue 25 5.13 -19.8 Black 25 -0.06 -0.61 Green 30 -20.33 4.91