//===----------------------Hexagon builtin routine ------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// .macro FUNCTION_BEGIN name .text .p2align 5 .globl \name .type \name, @function \name: .endm .macro FUNCTION_END name .size \name, . - \name .endm FUNCTION_BEGIN __hexagon_udivmodsi4 { r2 = cl0(r0) r3 = cl0(r1) r5:4 = combine(#1,#0) p0 = cmp.gtu(r1,r0) } { r6 = sub(r3,r2) r4 = r1 r1:0 = combine(r0,r4) if (p0) jumpr r31 } { r3:2 = vlslw(r5:4,r6) loop0(1f,r6) p0 = cmp.eq(r6,#0) if (p0.new) r4 = #0 } .falign 1: { p0 = cmp.gtu(r2,r1) if (!p0.new) r1 = sub(r1,r2) if (!p0.new) r0 = add(r0,r3) r3:2 = vlsrw(r3:2,#1) }:endloop0 { p0 = cmp.gtu(r2,r1) if (!p0.new) r1 = sub(r1,r4) if (!p0.new) r0 = add(r0,r3) jumpr r31 } FUNCTION_END __hexagon_udivmodsi4 .globl __qdsp_udivmodsi4 .set __qdsp_udivmodsi4, __hexagon_udivmodsi4