REQUIRES: linux RUN: %no_fuzzer_cpp_compiler %S/AFLDriverTest.cpp %libfuzzer_src/afl/afl_driver.cpp -o %t-AFLDriverTest ; Test that not specifying AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK works as intended. RUN: echo -n "abc" > %t.file3 RUN: unset AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK RUN: %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=STDERR,STDOUT STDOUT: STDOUT MESSAGE STDERR: STDERR MESSAGE ; Test that stdout is closed properly. RUN: AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK=1 %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=NOT_STDOUT,STDERR NOT_STDOUT-NOT: STDOUT MESSAGE ; Test that stderr is closed properly. RUN: AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK=2 %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=NOT_STDERR,STDOUT NOT_STDERR-NOT: STDERR MESSAGE ; Test that both are closed properly. RUN: AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK=3 %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=NOT_STDERR,NOT_STDOUT ; Test that a stack is printed when we close stderr RUN: echo -n "abcd" > %t.file4 RUN: AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK=2 not %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file4 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ASAN_CRASH,STDOUT,NOT_STDERR ASAN_CRASH: ERROR: AddressSanitizer ; Test that a stack is written to the stderr duplicate file when we close stderr ; and specify a duplicate. RUN: rm -f %t.stderr RUN: AFL_DRIVER_STDERR_DUPLICATE_FILENAME=%t.stderr AFL_DRIVER_CLOSE_FD_MASK=2 not %run %t-AFLDriverTest < %t.file4 RUN: cat %t.stderr | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ASAN_CRASH,NOT_STDERR