RUN: %cpp_compiler %S/FullCoverageSetTest.cpp -o %t-FullCoverageSetTest RUN: rm -rf %t/T0 %t/T1 %t/T2 RUN: mkdir -p %t/T0 %t/T1 %t/T2 RUN: echo F..... > %t/T1/1 RUN: echo .U.... > %t/T1/2 RUN: echo ..Z... > %t/T1/3 # T1 has 3 elements, T0 is empty. RUN: rm -f %t/MCF RUN: %run %t-FullCoverageSetTest -merge=1 -merge_control_file=%t/MCF %t/T0 %t/T1 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK1 CHECK1: MERGE-OUTER: 3 files, 0 in the initial corpus CHECK1: MERGE-OUTER: 3 new files with {{.*}} new features added; 11 new coverage edges RUN: echo ...Z.. > %t/T2/1 RUN: echo ....E. > %t/T2/2 RUN: echo .....R > %t/T2/3 RUN: echo F..... > %t/T2/a RUN: rm -rf %t/T0 RUN: mkdir -p %t/T0 # T1 has 3 elements, T2 has 4 elements, T0 is empty. RUN: %run %t-FullCoverageSetTest -merge=1 -merge_control_file=%t/MCF %t/T0 %t/T1 %t/T2 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK2 CHECK2: MERGE-OUTER: non-empty control file provided CHECK2: MERGE-OUTER: control file ok, 3 files total, first not processed file 3 CHECK2: MERGE-OUTER: starting merge from scratch, but reusing coverage information from the given control file CHECK2: MERGE-OUTER: 7 files, 0 in the initial corpus, 3 processed earlier CHECK2: MERGE-INNER: using the control file CHECK2: MERGE-INNER: 4 total files; 0 processed earlier; will process 4 files now CHECK2: MERGE-OUTER: 6 new files with {{.*}} new features added; 14 new coverage edges