// RUN: %clang_profgen -O2 -o %t %s // RUN: %run %t %t.profraw 1 1 // RUN: llvm-profdata show --all-functions --counts %t.profraw | FileCheck %s // FIXME: llvm-profdata exits with "Malformed instrumentation profile data" // XFAIL: msvc #include #include #include #include "profile_test.h" int __llvm_profile_runtime = 0; uint64_t __llvm_profile_get_size_for_buffer(void); int __llvm_profile_write_buffer(char *); void __llvm_profile_reset_counters(void); void __llvm_profile_merge_from_buffer(const char *, uint64_t); int dumpBuffer(const char *FileN, const char *Buffer, uint64_t Size) { FILE *File = fopen(FileN, "w"); if (!File) return 1; if (fwrite(Buffer, 1, Size, File) != Size) return 1; return fclose(File); } int g = 0; void foo(char c) { if (c == '1') g++; else g--; } /* This function is not profiled */ void bar(int M) { g += M; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int i; if (argc < 4) return 1; const uint64_t MaxSize = 10000; static ALIGNED(sizeof(uint64_t)) char Buffer[MaxSize]; uint64_t Size = __llvm_profile_get_size_for_buffer(); if (Size > MaxSize) return 1; /* Start profiling. */ __llvm_profile_reset_counters(); foo(argv[2][0]); /* End profiling by freezing counters. */ if (__llvm_profile_write_buffer(Buffer)) return 1; /* Its profile will be discarded. */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) bar(1); /* Start profiling again and merge in previously saved counters in buffer. */ __llvm_profile_reset_counters(); __llvm_profile_merge_from_buffer(Buffer, Size); foo(argv[3][0]); /* End profiling */ if (__llvm_profile_write_buffer(Buffer)) return 1; /* Its profile will be discarded. */ bar(2); /* Now it is time to dump the profile to file. */ return dumpBuffer(argv[1], Buffer, Size); } // Not profiled // CHECK-LABEL: dumpBuffer: // CHECK: Counters: 3 // CHECK-NEXT: Function count: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Block counts: [0, 0] // Profiled with entry count == 2 // CHECK-LABEL: foo: // CHECK: Counters: 2 // CHECK-NEXT: Function count: 2 // CHECK-NEXT: Block counts: [2] // Not profiled // CHECK-LABEL: bar: // CHECK: Counters: 1 // CHECK-NEXT: Function count: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Block counts: [] // Not profiled // CHECK-LABEL: main: // CHECK: Counters: 6 // CHECK-NEXT: Function count: 0 // CHECK-NEXT: Block counts: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]