// Tests trace pc guard coverage collection. // REQUIRES: has_sancovcc,stable-runtime // UNSUPPORTED: ubsan // XFAIL: tsan,darwin,powerpc64,s390x,mips // XFAIL: android && asan // RUN: DIR=%t_workdir // RUN: CLANG_ARGS="-O0 -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard" // RUN: rm -rf $DIR // RUN: mkdir -p $DIR // RUN: cd $DIR // RUN: %clangxx -DSHARED1 $CLANG_ARGS -shared %s -o %t_1.so -fPIC // RUN: %clangxx -DSHARED2 $CLANG_ARGS -shared %s -o %t_2.so -fPIC // RUN: %clangxx -DMAIN $CLANG_ARGS %s -o %t %t_1.so %t_2.so // RUN: %env_tool_opts=coverage=1 %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s // RUN: %sancovcc -covered-functions -strip_path_prefix=TestCases/ *.sancov \ // RUN: %t %t_1.so %t_2.so 2>&1 | \ // RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-SANCOV %s // RUN: rm -rf $DIR #include extern "C" { int bar(); int baz(); } #ifdef MAIN int foo() { fprintf(stderr, "foo\n"); return 1; } int main() { fprintf(stderr, "main\n"); foo(); bar(); baz(); } #endif // MAIN extern "C" { #ifdef SHARED1 int bar() { fprintf(stderr, "bar\n"); return 1; } #endif #ifdef SHARED2 int baz() { fprintf(stderr, "baz\n"); return 1; } #endif } // extern "C" // CHECK: main // CHECK-NEXT: foo // CHECK-NEXT: bar // CHECK-NEXT: baz // CHECK-DAG: SanitizerCoverage: ./sanitizer_coverage_trace_pc_guard-dso.{{.*}}.sancov: 2 PCs written // CHECK-DAG: SanitizerCoverage: ./sanitizer_coverage_trace_pc_guard-dso.{{.*}}_2.so.{{.*}}.sancov: 1 PCs written // CHECK-DAG: SanitizerCoverage: ./sanitizer_coverage_trace_pc_guard-dso.{{.*}}_1.so.{{.*}}.sancov: 1 PCs written // // CHECK-SANCOV: Ignoring {{.*}}_1.so and its coverage because __sanitizer_cov* functions were not found. // CHECK-SANCOV: Ignoring {{.*}}_2.so and its coverage because __sanitizer_cov* functions were not found. // CHECK-SANCOV-NEXT: sanitizer_coverage_trace_pc_guard-dso.cpp:[[@LINE-42]] foo // CHECK-SANCOV-NEXT: sanitizer_coverage_trace_pc_guard-dso.cpp:[[@LINE-38]] main