import os from codecs import BOM_UTF8 from warnings import catch_warnings from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import pytest import six import configobj as co from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors, ReloadError, DuplicateError, MissingInterpolationOption, InterpolationLoopError, ConfigObjError from validate import Validator, VdtValueTooSmallError def test_order_preserved(): c = ConfigObj() c['a'] = 1 c['b'] = 2 c['c'] = 3 c['section'] = {} c['section']['a'] = 1 c['section']['b'] = 2 c['section']['c'] = 3 c['section']['section'] = {} c['section']['section2'] = {} c['section']['section3'] = {} c['section2'] = {} c['section3'] = {} c2 = ConfigObj(c) assert c2.scalars == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert c2.sections == ['section', 'section2', 'section3'] assert c2['section'].scalars == ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert c2['section'].sections == ['section', 'section2', 'section3'] assert c['section'] is not c2['section'] assert c['section']['section'] is not c2['section']['section'] def test_options_deprecation(): with catch_warnings(record=True) as log: ConfigObj(options={}) # unpack the only member of log try: warning, = log except ValueError: assert len(log) == 1 assert warning.category == DeprecationWarning def test_list_members(): c = ConfigObj() c['a'] = [] c['a'].append('foo') assert c['a'] == ['foo'] def test_list_interpolation_with_pop(): c = ConfigObj() c['a'] = [] c['a'].append('%(b)s') c['b'] = 'bar' assert c.pop('a') == ['bar'] def test_with_default(): c = ConfigObj() c['a'] = 3 assert c.pop('a') == 3 assert c.pop('b', 3) == 3 with pytest.raises(KeyError): c.pop('c') def test_interpolation_with_section_names(): cfg = """ item1 = 1234 [section] [[item1]] foo='bar' [[DEFAULT]] [[[item1]]] why = would you do this? [[other-subsection]] item2 = '$item1'""".splitlines() c = ConfigObj(cfg, interpolation='Template') # This raises an exception in 4.7.1 and earlier due to the section # being found as the interpolation value repr(c) def test_interoplation_repr(): c = ConfigObj(['foo = $bar'], interpolation='Template') c['baz'] = {} c['baz']['spam'] = '%(bar)s' # This raises a MissingInterpolationOption exception in 4.7.1 and earlier repr(c) #issue #18 def test_unicode_conversion_when_encoding_is_set(): cfg = """ test = some string """.splitlines() c = ConfigObj(cfg, encoding='utf8') if six.PY2: assert not isinstance(c['test'], str) assert isinstance(c['test'], unicode) else: assert isinstance(c['test'], str) #issue #18 def test_no_unicode_conversion_when_encoding_is_omitted(): cfg = """ test = some string """.splitlines() c = ConfigObj(cfg) if six.PY2: assert isinstance(c['test'], str) assert not isinstance(c['test'], unicode) else: assert isinstance(c['test'], str) @pytest.fixture def cfg(): return ConfigObj() @pytest.fixture def val(): return Validator() @pytest.fixture def testconfig1(): """ copied from the main doctest """ return """\ key1= val # comment 1 key2= val # comment 2 # comment 3 [lev1a] # comment 4 key1= val # comment 5 key2= val # comment 6 # comment 7 [lev1b] # comment 8 key1= val # comment 9 key2= val # comment 10 # comment 11 [[lev2ba]] # comment 12 key1= val # comment 13 # comment 14 [[lev2bb]] # comment 15 key1= val # comment 16 # comment 17 [lev1c] # comment 18 # comment 19 [[lev2c]] # comment 20 # comment 21 [[[lev3c]]] # comment 22 key1 = val # comment 23""" @pytest.fixture def testconfig2(): return """\ key1 = 'val1' key2 = "val2" key3 = val3 ["section 1"] # comment keys11 = val1 keys12 = val2 keys13 = val3 [section 2] keys21 = val1 keys22 = val2 keys23 = val3 [['section 2 sub 1']] fish = 3 """ @pytest.fixture def testconfig6(): return b''' name1 = """ a single line value """ # comment name2 = \''' another single line value \''' # comment name3 = """ a single line value """ name4 = \''' another single line value \''' [ "multi section" ] name1 = """ Well, this is a multiline value """ name2 = \''' Well, this is a multiline value \''' name3 = """ Well, this is a multiline value """ # a comment name4 = \''' Well, this is a multiline value \''' # I guess this is a comment too ''' @pytest.fixture def a(testconfig1): """ also copied from main doc tests """ return ConfigObj(testconfig1.splitlines(), raise_errors=True) @pytest.fixture def b(testconfig2): """ also copied from main doc tests """ return ConfigObj(testconfig2.splitlines(), raise_errors=True) @pytest.fixture def i(testconfig6): """ also copied from main doc tests """ return ConfigObj(testconfig6.splitlines(), raise_errors=True) def test_configobj_dict_representation(a, b): assert a.depth == 0 assert a == { 'key2': 'val', 'key1': 'val', 'lev1c': { 'lev2c': { 'lev3c': { 'key1': 'val', }, }, }, 'lev1b': { 'key2': 'val', 'key1': 'val', 'lev2ba': { 'key1': 'val', }, 'lev2bb': { 'key1': 'val', }, }, 'lev1a': { 'key2': 'val', 'key1': 'val', }, } assert b.depth == 0 assert b == { 'key3': 'val3', 'key2': 'val2', 'key1': 'val1', 'section 1': { 'keys11': 'val1', 'keys13': 'val3', 'keys12': 'val2', }, 'section 2': { 'section 2 sub 1': { 'fish': '3', }, 'keys21': 'val1', 'keys22': 'val2', 'keys23': 'val3', }, } t = ''' 'a' = b # !"$%^&*(),::;'@~#= 33 "b" = b #= 6, 33 ''' .split('\n') t2 = ConfigObj(t) assert t2 == {'a': 'b', 'b': 'b'} t2.inline_comments['b'] = '' del t2['a'] assert t2.write() == ['','b = b', ''] def test_behavior_when_list_values_is_false(): c = ''' key1 = no quotes key2 = 'single quotes' key3 = "double quotes" key4 = "list", 'with', several, "quotes" ''' cfg = ConfigObj(c.splitlines(), list_values=False) assert cfg == { 'key1': 'no quotes', 'key2': "'single quotes'", 'key3': '"double quotes"', 'key4': '"list", \'with\', several, "quotes"' } cfg2 = ConfigObj(list_values=False) cfg2['key1'] = 'Multiline\nValue' cfg2['key2'] = '''"Value" with 'quotes' !''' assert cfg2.write() == [ "key1 = '''Multiline\nValue'''", 'key2 = "Value" with \'quotes\' !' ] cfg2.list_values = True assert cfg2.write() == [ "key1 = '''Multiline\nValue'''", 'key2 = \'\'\'"Value" with \'quotes\' !\'\'\'' ] def test_flatten_errors(val): config = ''' test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 [section] test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 [[sub section]] test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 '''.split('\n') configspec = ''' test1= integer(30,50) test2= string test3=integer test4=float(6.0) [section] test1=integer(30,50) test2=string test3=integer test4=float(6.0) [[sub section]] test1=integer(30,50) test2=string test3=integer test4=float(6.0) '''.split('\n') c1 = ConfigObj(config, configspec=configspec) res = c1.validate(val) assert flatten_errors(c1, res) == [([], 'test4', False), (['section'], 'test4', False), (['section', 'sub section'], 'test4', False)] res = c1.validate(val, preserve_errors=True) check = flatten_errors(c1, res) assert check[0][:2] == ([], 'test4') assert check[1][:2] == (['section'], 'test4') assert check[2][:2] == (['section', 'sub section'], 'test4') for entry in check: assert isinstance(entry[2], VdtValueTooSmallError) assert str(entry[2]) == 'the value "5.0" is too small.' def test_unicode_handling(): u_base = ''' # initial comment # inital comment 2 test1 = some value # comment test2 = another value # inline comment # section comment [section] # inline comment test = test # another inline comment test2 = test2 # final comment # final comment2 ''' u = u_base.encode('utf_8').splitlines(True) u[0] = BOM_UTF8 + u[0] uc = ConfigObj(u) uc.encoding = None assert uc.BOM assert uc == {'test1': 'some value', 'test2': 'another value', 'section': {'test': 'test', 'test2': 'test2'}} uc = ConfigObj(u, encoding='utf_8', default_encoding='latin-1') assert uc.BOM assert isinstance(uc['test1'], six.text_type) assert uc.encoding == 'utf_8' assert uc.newlines == '\n' assert len(uc.write()) == 13 uc['latin1'] = "This costs lot's of " a_list = uc.write() assert 'latin1' in str(a_list) assert len(a_list) == 14 assert isinstance(a_list[0], six.binary_type) assert a_list[0].startswith(BOM_UTF8) u = u_base.replace('\n', '\r\n').encode('utf-8').splitlines(True) uc = ConfigObj(u) assert uc.newlines == '\r\n' uc.newlines = '\r' file_like = six.StringIO() uc.write(file_like) uc2 = ConfigObj(file_like) assert uc2 == uc assert uc2.filename == None assert uc2.newlines == '\r' class TestWritingConfigs(object): def test_validate(self, val): spec = [ '# Initial Comment', '', 'key1 = string(default=Hello)', '', '# section comment', '[section] # inline comment', '# key1 comment', 'key1 = integer(default=6)', '# key2 comment', 'key2 = boolean(default=True)', '# subsection comment', '[[sub-section]] # inline comment', '# another key1 comment', 'key1 = float(default=3.0)' ] blank_config = ConfigObj(configspec=spec) assert blank_config.validate(val, copy=True) assert blank_config.dict() == { 'key1': 'Hello', 'section': {'key1': 6, 'key2': True, 'sub-section': {'key1': 3.0}} } assert blank_config.write() == [ '# Initial Comment', '', 'key1 = Hello', '', '# section comment', '[section]# inline comment', '# key1 comment', 'key1 = 6', '# key2 comment', 'key2 = True', '# subsection comment', '[[sub-section]]# inline comment', '# another key1 comment', 'key1 = 3.0' ] def test_writing_empty_values(self): config_with_empty_values = [ '', 'key1 =', 'key2 =# a comment', ] cfg = ConfigObj(config_with_empty_values) assert cfg.write() == ['', 'key1 = ""', 'key2 = ""# a comment'] cfg.write_empty_values = True assert cfg.write() == ['', 'key1 = ', 'key2 = # a comment'] class TestUnrepr(object): def test_in_reading(self): config_to_be_unreprd = ''' key1 = (1, 2, 3) # comment key2 = True key3 = 'a string' key4 = [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list'] '''.splitlines() cfg = ConfigObj(config_to_be_unreprd, unrepr=True) assert cfg == { 'key1': (1, 2, 3), 'key2': True, 'key3': 'a string', 'key4': [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list'] } assert cfg == ConfigObj(cfg.write(), unrepr=True) def test_in_multiline_values(self): config_with_multiline_value = '''k = \"""{ 'k1': 3, 'k2': 6.0}\""" '''.splitlines() cfg = ConfigObj(config_with_multiline_value, unrepr=True) assert cfg == {'k': {'k1': 3, 'k2': 6.0}} def test_with_a_dictionary(self): config_with_dict_value = ['k = {"a": 1}'] cfg = ConfigObj(config_with_dict_value, unrepr=True) assert isinstance(cfg['k'], dict) def test_with_hash(self): config_with_a_hash_in_a_list = [ 'key1 = (1, 2, 3) # comment', 'key2 = True', "key3 = 'a string'", "key4 = [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list#']" ] cfg = ConfigObj(config_with_a_hash_in_a_list, unrepr=True) assert cfg == { 'key1': (1, 2, 3), 'key2': True, 'key3': 'a string', 'key4': [1, 2, 3, 'a mixed list#'] } class TestValueErrors(object): def test_bool(self, cfg): cfg['a'] = 'fish' with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: cfg.as_bool('a') assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Value "fish" is neither True nor False' cfg['b'] = 'True' assert cfg.as_bool('b') is True cfg['b'] = 'off' assert cfg.as_bool('b') is False def test_int(self, cfg): for bad in ('fish', '3.2'): cfg['a'] = bad with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: cfg.as_int('a') assert str(excinfo.value).startswith('invalid literal for int()') cfg['b'] = '1' assert cfg.as_bool('b') is True cfg['b'] = '3.2' def test_float(self, cfg): cfg['a'] = 'fish' with pytest.raises(ValueError): cfg.as_float('a') cfg['b'] = '1' assert cfg.as_float('b') == 1 cfg['b'] = '3.2' assert cfg.as_float('b') == 3.2 def test_error_types(): # errors that don't have interesting messages test_value = 'what' for ErrorClass in (co.ConfigObjError, co.NestingError, co.ParseError, co.DuplicateError, co.ConfigspecError, co.RepeatSectionError): with pytest.raises(ErrorClass) as excinfo: # TODO: assert more interesting things # now that we're not using doctest raise ErrorClass(test_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == test_value for ErrorClassWithMessage, msg in ( (co.InterpolationLoopError, 'interpolation loop detected in value "{0}".'), (co.MissingInterpolationOption, 'missing option "{0}" in interpolation.'), ): with pytest.raises(ErrorClassWithMessage) as excinfo: raise ErrorClassWithMessage(test_value) assert str(excinfo.value) == msg.format(test_value) # ReloadError is raised as IOError with pytest.raises(IOError): raise co.ReloadError() class TestSectionBehavior(object): def test_dictionary_representation(self, a): n = a.dict() assert n == a assert n is not a def test_merging(self): config_with_subsection = '''[section1] option1 = True [[subsection]] more_options = False # end of file'''.splitlines() config_that_overwrites_parameter = '''# File is user.ini [section1] option1 = False # end of file'''.splitlines() c1 = ConfigObj(config_that_overwrites_parameter) c2 = ConfigObj(config_with_subsection) c2.merge(c1) assert c2.dict() == {'section1': {'option1': 'False', 'subsection': {'more_options': 'False'}}} def test_walking_with_in_place_updates(self): config = '''[XXXXsection] XXXXkey = XXXXvalue'''.splitlines() cfg = ConfigObj(config) assert cfg.dict() == {'XXXXsection': {'XXXXkey': 'XXXXvalue'}} def transform(section, key): val = section[key] newkey = key.replace('XXXX', 'CLIENT1') section.rename(key, newkey) if isinstance(val, six.string_types): val = val.replace('XXXX', 'CLIENT1') section[newkey] = val assert cfg.walk(transform, call_on_sections=True) == { 'CLIENT1section': {'CLIENT1key': None} } assert cfg.dict() == { 'CLIENT1section': {'CLIENT1key': 'CLIENT1value'} } def test_reset_a_configobj(): something = object() cfg = ConfigObj() cfg['something'] = something cfg['section'] = {'something': something} cfg.filename = 'fish' cfg.raise_errors = something cfg.list_values = something cfg.create_empty = something cfg.file_error = something cfg.stringify = something cfg.indent_type = something cfg.encoding = something cfg.default_encoding = something cfg.BOM = something cfg.newlines = something cfg.write_empty_values = something cfg.unrepr = something cfg.initial_comment = something cfg.final_comment = something cfg.configspec = something cfg.inline_comments = something cfg.comments = something cfg.defaults = something cfg.default_values = something cfg.reset() assert cfg.filename is None assert cfg.raise_errors is False assert cfg.list_values is True assert cfg.create_empty is False assert cfg.file_error is False assert cfg.interpolation is True assert cfg.configspec is None assert cfg.stringify is True assert cfg.indent_type is None assert cfg.encoding is None assert cfg.default_encoding is None assert cfg.unrepr is False assert cfg.write_empty_values is False assert cfg.inline_comments == {} assert cfg.comments == {} assert cfg.defaults == [] assert cfg.default_values == {} assert cfg == ConfigObj() assert repr(cfg) == 'ConfigObj({})' class TestReloading(object): @pytest.fixture def reloadable_cfg_content(self): content = ''' test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 [section] test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 [[sub section]] test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 [section2] test1=40 test2=hello test3=3 test4=5.0 ''' return content def test_handle_no_filename(self): for bad_args in ([six.StringIO()], [], [[]]): cfg = ConfigObj(*bad_args) with pytest.raises(ReloadError) as excinfo: cfg.reload() assert str(excinfo.value) == 'reload failed, filename is not set.' def test_reloading_with_an_actual_file(self, request, reloadable_cfg_content): # with open('temp', 'w') as cfg_file: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='w') as cfg_file: cfg_file.write(reloadable_cfg_content) request.addfinalizer(lambda : os.unlink( configspec = ''' test1= integer(30,50) test2= string test3=integer test4=float(4.5) [section] test1=integer(30,50) test2=string test3=integer test4=float(4.5) [[sub section]] test1=integer(30,50) test2=string test3=integer test4=float(4.5) [section2] test1=integer(30,50) test2=string test3=integer test4=float(4.5) '''.splitlines() cfg = ConfigObj(, configspec=configspec) cfg.configspec['test1'] = 'integer(50,60)' backup = ConfigObj( del cfg['section'] del cfg['test1'] cfg['extra'] = '3' cfg['section2']['extra'] = '3' cfg.reload() assert cfg == backup assert cfg.validate(Validator()) class TestDuplicates(object): def test_duplicate_section(self): cfg = ''' [hello] member = value [hello again] member = value [ "hello" ] member = value ''' with pytest.raises(DuplicateError) as excinfo: ConfigObj(cfg.splitlines(), raise_errors=True) assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Duplicate section name at line 6.' def test_duplicate_members(self): d = ''' [hello] member=value [helloagain] member1=value member2=value 'member1'=value ["andagain"] member=value ''' with pytest.raises(DuplicateError) as excinfo: ConfigObj(d.splitlines(),raise_errors=True) assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Duplicate keyword name at line 7.' class TestInterpolation(object): """ tests various interpolation behaviors using config par """ @pytest.fixture def config_parser_cfg(self): cfg = ConfigObj() cfg['DEFAULT'] = { 'b': 'goodbye', 'userdir': r'c:\\home', 'c': '%(d)s', 'd': '%(c)s' } cfg['section'] = { 'a': r'%(datadir)s\\some path\\', 'b': r'%(userdir)s\\some path\\', 'c': 'Yo %(a)s', 'd': '%(not_here)s', 'e': '%(e)s', } cfg['section']['DEFAULT'] = { 'datadir': r'c:\\silly_test', 'a': 'hello - %(b)s', } return cfg @pytest.fixture def template_cfg(self): interp_cfg = ''' [DEFAULT] keyword1 = value1 'keyword 2' = 'value 2' reference = ${keyword1} foo = 123 [ section ] templatebare = $keyword1/foo bar = $$foo dollar = $$300.00 stophere = $$notinterpolated with_braces = ${keyword1}s (plural) with_spaces = ${keyword 2}!!! with_several = $keyword1/$reference/$keyword1 configparsersample = %(keyword 2)sconfig deep = ${reference} [[DEFAULT]] baz = $foo [[ sub-section ]] quux = '$baz + $bar + $foo' [[[ sub-sub-section ]]] convoluted = "$bar + $baz + $quux + $bar" ''' return ConfigObj(interp_cfg.splitlines(), interpolation='Template') def test_interpolation(self, config_parser_cfg): test_section = config_parser_cfg['section'] assert test_section['a'] == r'c:\\silly_test\\some path\\' assert test_section['b'] == r'c:\\home\\some path\\' assert test_section['c'] == r'Yo c:\\silly_test\\some path\\' def test_interpolation_turned_off(self, config_parser_cfg): config_parser_cfg.interpolation = False test_section = config_parser_cfg['section'] assert test_section['a'] == r'%(datadir)s\\some path\\' assert test_section['b'] == r'%(userdir)s\\some path\\' assert test_section['c'] == r'Yo %(a)s' def test_handle_errors(self, config_parser_cfg): with pytest.raises(MissingInterpolationOption) as excinfo: print(config_parser_cfg['section']['d']) assert (str(excinfo.value) == 'missing option "not_here" in interpolation.') with pytest.raises(InterpolationLoopError) as excinfo: print(config_parser_cfg['section']['e']) assert (str(excinfo.value) == 'interpolation loop detected in value "e".') def test_template_interpolation(self, template_cfg): test_sec = template_cfg['section'] assert test_sec['templatebare'] == 'value1/foo' assert test_sec['dollar'] == '$300.00' assert test_sec['stophere'] == '$notinterpolated' assert test_sec['with_braces'] == 'value1s (plural)' assert test_sec['with_spaces'] == 'value 2!!!' assert test_sec['with_several'] == 'value1/value1/value1' assert test_sec['configparsersample'] == '%(keyword 2)sconfig' assert test_sec['deep'] == 'value1' assert test_sec['sub-section']['quux'] == '123 + $foo + 123' assert (test_sec['sub-section']['sub-sub-section']['convoluted'] == '$foo + 123 + 123 + $foo + 123 + $foo') class TestQuotes(object): """ tests what happens whn dealing with quotes """ def assert_bad_quote_message(self, cfg, to_quote, **kwargs): #TODO: this should be use repr instead of str message = 'Value "{0}" cannot be safely quoted.' with pytest.raises(ConfigObjError) as excinfo: cfg._quote(to_quote, **kwargs) assert str(excinfo.value) == message.format(to_quote) def test_handle_unbalanced(self, i): self.assert_bad_quote_message(i, '"""\'\'\'') def test_handle_unallowed_newline(self, i): newline = '\n' self.assert_bad_quote_message(i, newline, multiline=False) def test_handle_unallowed_open_quote(self, i): open_quote = ' "\' ' self.assert_bad_quote_message(i, open_quote, multiline=False) def test_handle_multiple_bad_quote_values(self): testconfig5 = ''' config = "hello # comment test = 'goodbye fish = 'goodbye # comment dummy = "hello again ''' with pytest.raises(ConfigObjError) as excinfo: ConfigObj(testconfig5.splitlines()) assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 4 def test_handle_stringify_off(): c = ConfigObj() c.stringify = False with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: c['test'] = 1 assert str(excinfo.value) == 'Value is not a string "1".' class TestValues(object): """ Tests specifics about behaviors with types of values """ @pytest.fixture def testconfig3(self): return ''' a = , b = test, c = test1, test2 , test3 d = test1, test2, test3, '''.splitlines() def test_empty_values(self): cfg_with_empty = ''' k = k2 =# comment test val = test val2 = , val3 = 1, val4 = 1, 2 val5 = 1, 2, '''.splitlines() cwe = ConfigObj(cfg_with_empty) # see a comma? it's a list assert cwe == {'k': '', 'k2': '', 'val': 'test', 'val2': [], 'val3': ['1'], 'val4': ['1', '2'], 'val5': ['1', '2']} # not any more cwe = ConfigObj(cfg_with_empty, list_values=False) assert cwe == {'k': '', 'k2': '', 'val': 'test', 'val2': ',', 'val3': '1,', 'val4': '1, 2', 'val5': '1, 2,'} def test_list_values(self, testconfig3): cfg = ConfigObj(testconfig3, raise_errors=True) assert cfg['a'] == [] assert cfg['b'] == ['test'] assert cfg['c'] == ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'] assert cfg['d'] == ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'] def test_list_values_off(self, testconfig3): cfg = ConfigObj(testconfig3, raise_errors=True, list_values=False) assert cfg['a'] == ',' assert cfg['b'] == 'test,' assert cfg['c'] == 'test1, test2 , test3' assert cfg['d'] == 'test1, test2, test3,' def test_handle_multiple_list_value_errors(self): testconfig4 = ''' config = 3,4,, test = 3,,4 fish = ,, dummy = ,,hello, goodbye ''' with pytest.raises(ConfigObjError) as excinfo: ConfigObj(testconfig4.splitlines()) assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 4 def test_creating_with_a_dictionary(): dictionary_cfg_content = { 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'section 1': { 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'section 1b': { 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', }, }, 'section 2': { 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'section 2b': { 'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', }, }, 'key3': 'val3', } cfg = ConfigObj(dictionary_cfg_content) assert dictionary_cfg_content == cfg assert dictionary_cfg_content is not cfg assert dictionary_cfg_content == cfg.dict() assert dictionary_cfg_content is not cfg.dict() def test_multiline_comments(i): assert i == { 'name4': ' another single line value ', 'multi section': { 'name4': '\n Well, this is a\n multiline ' 'value\n ', 'name2': '\n Well, this is a\n multiline ' 'value\n ', 'name3': '\n Well, this is a\n multiline ' 'value\n ', 'name1': '\n Well, this is a\n multiline ' 'value\n ', }, 'name2': ' another single line value ', 'name3': ' a single line value ', 'name1': ' a single line value ', }