================================= Data Persistence with ConfigObj ================================= -------------------------- The ConfigPersist Module -------------------------- :Author: Michael Foord :Contact: fuzzyman@voidspace.org.uk :Version: 0.1.0 :Date: 2005/09/07 :License: `BSD License`_ [#]_ :Online Version: `ConfigPersist online`_ .. _`configpersist online`: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/configpersist.html .. _BSD License: BSD-LICENSE.txt .. contents:: Data Persistence Introduction ============ This module contains various functions for data persistence with ConfigObj_. ConfigObj_ is a pure python module for the easy reading and writing of application configuration data. It uses an *ini* file like syntax - similar to the ConfigParser_ module - but with much greater power. ConfigObj in conjunction with validate_ can store nested sections (like dictionaries) - with values as integers, floats, strings, booleans, and lists of these values. This makes it ideal for certain types of human readable (and writeable) data persistence. For a discussion of this idea (out of which this module was born) - see `ConfigObj for Data Persistence`_. You can find ConfigObj, and other useful modules, over at the `Voidspace Modules Page`_. .. _Voidspace Modules Page: /python/modules.shtml .. _validate: /python/validate.html .. _ConfigParser: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-configparser.html .. _ConfigObj for Data Persistence: /python/articles/configobj_for_data_persistence.shtml .. _ConfigObj: /python/configobj.html Downloading =========== You can download the ConfigPersist module from : ConfigPersist.py_ .. _ConfigPersist.py: /cgi-bin/voidspace/downman.py?file=ConfigPersist.py Limitations =========== .. hint:: This is an extract from the `ConfigObj for Data Persistence`_ article. ConfigObj can't just be used to represent arbitrary data structures - even if all the members are allowed types. * Although dictionaries can be nested, they can't be inside lists. * Lists also can't be nested inside each other [#]_. * Values other than strings need a schema (a ``configspec``) to convert them back into the right type. * Dictionary keys must be strings. * It is actually impossible to store a string containing single triple quotes (``'''``) *and* double triple quotes (``"""``). * List members cannot contain carriage returns. (Single line values only). [#]_ ConfigObj *isn't* a data persistence module - this list of restrictions tells you that much. However if you examine the typical data structures used in your programs you may find that these restrictions aren't a problem for many of them. So Why Do It ? -------------- Why would we want to do this ? Well, the usual method for preserving data structures is the Python pickle_ module. This can store and retrieve a much wider range of objects - with *none* of the restrictions above. However : * Pickles aren't human readable or writeable. This makes ConfigObj ideal for debugging or where you want to manually modify the data. * Pickles are unsafe - a maliciously crafted pickle can cause arbitrary code execution. * ConfigObj is slightly easier to use - ``data = ConfigObj(filename)`` and ``data.write()``. Of these three reasons the first is overwhelmingly the most compelling. .. _pickle: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-pickle.html The Functions ============= The first three functions provide the highest level interface to this module. You can use these without needing to the other functions. save_configspec_ could be useful to anyone using the ConfigObj module - not just for data persistence. store ----- :: store(config) Passed a ConfigObj instance add type info and save. Returns the result of calling ``config.write()``. .. caution:: This function modifies the ConfigObj instance by adding the ``__types__`` data. You can call typeinfo_to_configspec_ to reverse this. restore ------- :: restore(stored) Restore a ConfigObj saved using the ``store`` function. Takes a filename or list of lines, returns the ConfigObj instance. Uses the built-in ``Validator`` instance of this module (vtor). Raises an ``ImportError`` if the validate module isn't available. save_configspec --------------- :: save_configspec(config) Creates a configspec for a ConfigObj (which must be comprised of the basic datatypes) and returns it as a list of lines. Lower Level Functions --------------------- These functions provide a slightly lower level interface to adding type info to a ConfigObj. They are still very easy to use though. add_configspec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: add_configspec(config) A function that adds a configspec to a ConfigObj. Will only work for ConfigObj instances using basic datatypes : * floats * strings * ints * booleans * Lists of the above write_configspec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: write_configspec(config) Return the configspec (of a ConfigObj) as a list of lines. You must first call ``add_configspec``. You can use save_configspec_ which does both in one step. add_typeinfo ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: add_typeinfo(config) Turns the configspec attribute of each section into a member of the section. (Called ``__types__``). You must have already called ``add_configspec`` on the ConfigObj. typeinfo_to_configspec ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: typeinfo_to_configspec(config) Turns the ``__types__`` member of each section into a configspec. (The opposite of ``add_typeinfo``). vtor ~~~~ This object isn't actually a function - it's the ``Validator`` instance used by this module. If the validate module isn't available - this object will be ``None``. CHANGELOG ========= See the source code for CHANGELOG (and TODO/ISSUES). Footnotes ========= .. [#] Online at http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/license.shtml .. [#] We could remove this restriction by using the listquote_ module to parse ConfigObj values. Unfortunately a bug in ConfigObj means that this is currently not possible. .. [#] List members can also not contain both types of quote. We could remove these last two restrictions using the ``quote_unescape`` function from listquote - it's a bit ungainly though. Note however that the ``walk`` method of ConfigObj is ideal for transforming values in this way. It will recursively walk the values and apply a function to them all. .. _listquote: /python/listquote.html .. raw:: html
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