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authorScott Worley <>2017-12-21 15:12:38 -0500
committerchrome-bot <>2018-01-10 15:44:52 -0800
commitd1443721df4cc57c58a73cf13b544b5b2484b547 (patch)
parent56d3ee4dd445003ad95e5a8a04fbc6733fb612b7 (diff)
ec_chip_mchp: Add chip flash image generator
Add Microchip MEC17xx compatible Python script used by build process to generate the SPI flash image. Change-Id: I0e68c7bfb8633051840910a6000270c3b929c3e9 Signed-off-by: Scott Worley <> Reviewed-on: Commit-Ready: Randall Spangler <> Tested-by: Randall Spangler <> Reviewed-by: Randall Spangler <>
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chip/mchp/util/ b/chip/mchp/util/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a953a976c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chip/mchp/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# A script to pack EC binary into SPI flash image for MEC17xx
+# Based on MEC170x_ROM_Description.pdf DS00002225C (07-28-17).
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import hashlib
+import os
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import zlib # CRC32
+# from six import int2byte
+# MEC1701 has 256KB SRAM from 0xE0000 - 0x120000
+# SRAM is divided into contiguous CODE & DATA
+# CODE at [0xE0000, 0x117FFF] DATA at [0x118000, 0x11FFFF]
+# SPI flash size for board is 512KB
+# Boot-ROM TAG is located at SPI offset 0 (two 4-byte tags)
+LFW_SIZE = 0x1000
+LOAD_ADDR = 0x0E0000
+LOAD_ADDR_RW = 0xE1000
+SPI_CLOCK_LIST = [48, 24, 16, 12]
+SPI_READ_CMD_LIST = [0x3, 0xb, 0x3b, 0x6b]
+CRC_TABLE = [0x00, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x1c, 0x1b, 0x12, 0x15,
+ 0x38, 0x3f, 0x36, 0x31, 0x24, 0x23, 0x2a, 0x2d]
+def Crc8(crc, data):
+ """Update CRC8 value."""
+ data_bytes = map(lambda b: ord(b) if isinstance(b, str) else b, data)
+ for v in data_bytes:
+ crc = ((crc << 4) & 0xff) ^ (CRC_TABLE[(crc >> 4) ^ (v >> 4)]);
+ crc = ((crc << 4) & 0xff) ^ (CRC_TABLE[(crc >> 4) ^ (v & 0xf)]);
+ return crc ^ 0x55
+def GetEntryPoint(payload_file):
+ """Read entry point from payload EC image."""
+ with open(payload_file, 'rb') as f:
+ s =
+ return struct.unpack('<I', s)[0]
+def GetPayloadFromOffset(payload_file, offset):
+ """Read payload and pad it to 64-byte aligned."""
+ with open(payload_file, 'rb') as f:
+ payload = bytearray(
+ rem_len = len(payload) % 64
+ if rem_len:
+ payload += '\0' * (64 - rem_len)
+ return payload
+def GetPayload(payload_file):
+ """Read payload and pad it to 64-byte aligned."""
+ return GetPayloadFromOffset(payload_file, 0)
+def GetPublicKey(pem_file):
+ """Extract public exponent and modulus from PEM file."""
+ s = subprocess.check_output(['openssl', 'rsa', '-in', pem_file,
+ '-text', '-noout'])
+ modulus_raw = []
+ in_modulus = False
+ for line in s.split('\n'):
+ if line.startswith('modulus'):
+ in_modulus = True
+ elif not line.startswith(' '):
+ in_modulus = False
+ elif in_modulus:
+ modulus_raw.extend(line.strip().strip(':').split(':'))
+ if line.startswith('publicExponent'):
+ exp = int(line.split(' ')[1], 10)
+ modulus_raw.reverse()
+ modulus = bytearray(''.join(map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 16)),
+ modulus_raw[0:256])))
+ return struct.pack('<Q', exp), modulus
+def GetSpiClockParameter(args):
+ assert args.spi_clock in SPI_CLOCK_LIST, \
+ "Unsupported SPI clock speed %d MHz" % args.spi_clock
+ return SPI_CLOCK_LIST.index(args.spi_clock)
+def GetSpiReadCmdParameter(args):
+ assert args.spi_read_cmd in SPI_READ_CMD_LIST, \
+ "Unsupported SPI read command 0x%x" % args.spi_read_cmd
+ return SPI_READ_CMD_LIST.index(args.spi_read_cmd)
+def PadZeroTo(data, size):
+ data.extend('\0' * (size - len(data)))
+def BuildHeader(args, payload_len, load_addr, rorofile):
+ # Identifier and header version
+ header = bytearray(['P', 'H', 'C', 'M', '\0'])
+ # byte[5]
+ b = GetSpiClockParameter(args)
+ b |= (1 << 2)
+ header.append(b)
+ # byte[6]
+ b = 0
+ header.append(b)
+ # byte[7]
+ header.append(GetSpiReadCmdParameter(args))
+ # bytes 0x08 - 0x0b
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', load_addr))
+ # bytes 0x0c - 0x0f
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', GetEntryPoint(rorofile)))
+ # bytes 0x10 - 0x13
+ header.append((payload_len >> 6) & 0xff)
+ header.append((payload_len >> 14) & 0xff)
+ PadZeroTo(header, 0x14)
+ # bytes 0x14 - 0x17
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', args.payload_offset))
+ # bytes 0x14 - 0x3F all 0
+ PadZeroTo(header, 0x40)
+ # header signature is appended by the caller
+ return header
+def BuildHeader2(args, payload_len, load_addr, payload_entry):
+ # Identifier and header version
+ header = bytearray(['P', 'H', 'C', 'M', '\0'])
+ # byte[5]
+ b = GetSpiClockParameter(args)
+ b |= (1 << 2)
+ header.append(b)
+ # byte[6]
+ b = 0
+ header.append(b)
+ # byte[7]
+ header.append(GetSpiReadCmdParameter(args))
+ # bytes 0x08 - 0x0b
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', load_addr))
+ # bytes 0x0c - 0x0f
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', payload_entry))
+ # bytes 0x10 - 0x13
+ header.append((payload_len >> 6) & 0xff)
+ header.append((payload_len >> 14) & 0xff)
+ PadZeroTo(header, 0x14)
+ # bytes 0x14 - 0x17
+ header.extend(struct.pack('<I', args.payload_offset))
+ # bytes 0x14 - 0x3F all 0
+ PadZeroTo(header, 0x40)
+ # header signature is appended by the caller
+ return header
+# Compute SHA-256 of data and return digest
+# as a bytearray
+def HashByteArray(data):
+ hasher = hashlib.sha256()
+ hasher.update(data)
+ h = hasher.digest()
+ bah = bytearray(h)
+ return bah
+# Return 64-byte signature of byte array data.
+# Signature is SHA256 of data with 32 0 bytes appended
+def SignByteArray(data):
+ print("Signature is SHA-256 of data")
+ sigb = HashByteArray(data)
+ sigb.extend("\0" * 32)
+ return sigb
+# MEC1701H supports two 32-bit Tags located at offsets 0x0 and 0x4
+# in the SPI flash.
+# Tag format:
+# bits[23:0] correspond to bits[31:8] of the Header SPI address
+# Header is always on a 256-byte boundary.
+# bits[31:24] = CRC8-ITU of bits[23:0].
+# Notice there is no chip-select field in the Tag both Tag's point
+# to the same flash part.
+def BuildTag(args):
+ tag = bytearray([(args.header_loc >> 8) & 0xff,
+ (args.header_loc >> 16) & 0xff,
+ (args.header_loc >> 24) & 0xff])
+ tag.append(Crc8(0, tag))
+ return tag
+def BuildTagFromHdrAddr(header_loc):
+ tag = bytearray([(header_loc >> 8) & 0xff,
+ (header_loc >> 16) & 0xff,
+ (header_loc >> 24) & 0xff])
+ tag.append(Crc8(0, tag))
+ return tag
+# Creates temporary file for read/write
+# Reads binary file containing LFW image_size (loader_file)
+# Writes LFW image to temporary file
+# Reads RO image at beginning of rorw_file up to image_size
+# (assumes RO/RW images have been padded with 0xFF
+# Returns temporary file name
+def PacklfwRoImage(rorw_file, loader_file, image_size):
+ """Create a temp file with the
+ first image_size bytes from the loader file and append bytes
+ from the rorw file.
+ return the filename"""
+ fo=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # Need to keep file around
+ with open(loader_file,'rb') as fin1: # read 4KB loader file
+ pro =
+ fo.write(pro) # write 4KB loader data to temp file
+ with open(rorw_file, 'rb') as fin:
+ ro =
+ fo.write(ro)
+ fo.close()
+ return
+def parseargs():
+ rpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(__file__))
+ # debug
+ print("CWD = {0}".format(rpath))
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-i", "--input",
+ help="EC binary to pack, usually ec.bin or ec.RO.flat.",
+ metavar="EC_BIN", default="ec.bin")
+ parser.add_argument("-o", "--output",
+ help="Output flash binary file",
+ metavar="EC_SPI_FLASH", default="ec.packed.bin")
+ parser.add_argument("--loader_file",
+ help="EC loader binary",
+ default="ecloader.bin")
+ parser.add_argument("-s", "--spi_size", type=int,
+ help="Size of the SPI flash in KB",
+ default=512)
+ parser.add_argument("-l", "--header_loc", type=int,
+ help="Location of header in SPI flash",
+ default=0x1000)
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--payload_offset", type=int,
+ help="The offset of payload from the header",
+ default=0x80)
+ parser.add_argument("-r", "--rwheader_loc", type=int,
+ help="The offset of payload from the header",
+ default=0x40000)
+ parser.add_argument("--spi_clock", type=int,
+ help="SPI clock speed. 8, 12, 24, or 48 MHz.",
+ default=24)
+ parser.add_argument("--spi_read_cmd", type=int,
+ help="SPI read command. 0x3, 0xB, or 0x3B.",
+ default=0xb)
+ parser.add_argument("--image_size", type=int,
+ help="Size of a single image.",
+ default=(188 * 1024))
+ parser.add_argument("--test_spi", action='store_true',
+ help="Test SPI data integrity by adding CRC32 in last 4-bytes of RO/RW binaries",
+ default=False)
+ return parser.parse_args()
+# Debug helper routine
+def dumpsects(spi_list):
+ for s in spi_list:
+ #print "%x %d %s\n"%(s[0],len(s[1]),s[2])
+ print("0x{0:x} 0x{1:x} {2:s}".format(s[0],len(s[1]),s[2]))
+def printByteArrayAsHex(ba, title):
+ print(title,"= ")
+ count = 0
+ for b in ba:
+ count = count + 1
+ print("0x{0:02x}, ".format(b),end="")
+ if (count % 8) == 0:
+ print("")
+ print("\n")
+def print_args(args):
+ print("parsed arguments:")
+ print(".input = ", args.input)
+ print(".output = ", args.output)
+ print(".loader_file = ", args.loader_file)
+ print(".spi_size (KB) = ", hex(args.spi_size))
+ print(".image_size = ", hex(args.image_size))
+ print(".header_loc = ", hex(args.header_loc))
+ print(".payload_offset = ", hex(args.payload_offset))
+ print(".rwheader_loc = ", hex(args.rwheader_loc))
+ print(".spi_clock = ", args.spi_clock)
+ print(".spi_read_cmd = ", args.spi_read_cmd)
+ print(".test_spi = ", args.test_spi)
+def main():
+ print("Begin MEC17xx script")
+ args = parseargs()
+ # MEC17xx maximum 192KB each for RO & RW
+ # mec1701 chip Makefile sets args.spi_size = 512
+ # Tags at offset 0
+ #
+ print_args(args)
+ spi_size = args.spi_size * 1024
+ print("SPI Flash image size in bytes =", hex(spi_size))
+ # !!! IMPORTANT !!!
+ # These values MUST match chip/mec1701/config_flash_layout.h
+ # defines.
+ #args.header_loc = spi_size - (192 * 1024)
+ #args.rwpayload_loc = spi_size - (384 * 1024)
+ # loader + EC_RO starts at beginning of second 4KB sector
+ # EC_RW starts at offset 0x40000 (256KB)
+ # MEC1701 Boot-ROM TAGs are at offset 0 and 4.
+ spi_list = []
+ print("args.input = ",args.input)
+ print("args.loader_file = ",args.loader_file)
+ print("args.image_size = ",hex(args.image_size))
+ rorofile=PacklfwRoImage(args.input, args.loader_file, args.image_size)
+ payload = GetPayload(rorofile)
+ payload_len = len(payload)
+ # debug
+ print("EC_LFW + EC_RO length = ",hex(payload_len))
+ # SPI image integrity test
+ # compute CRC32 of EC_RO except for last 4 bytes
+ # skip over 4KB LFW
+ # Store CRC32 in last 4 bytes
+ if args.test_spi == True:
+ crc = zlib.crc32(bytes(payload[LFW_SIZE:(payload_len - 4)]))
+ crc_ofs = payload_len - 4
+ print("EC_RO CRC32 = 0x{0:08x} @ 0x{1:08x}".format(crc, crc_ofs))
+ for i in range(4):
+ payload[crc_ofs + i] = crc & 0xff
+ crc = crc >> 8
+ # Chromebooks are not using MEC BootROM ECDSA.
+ # We implemented the ECDSA disabled case where
+ # the 64-byte signature contains a SHA-256 of the binary plus
+ # 32 zeros bytes.
+ payload_signature = SignByteArray(payload)
+ # debug
+ printByteArrayAsHex(payload_signature, "LFW + EC_RO payload_signature")
+ # MEC17xx Header is 0x80 bytes with an 64 byte signature
+ # (32 byte SHA256 + 32 zero bytes)
+ header = BuildHeader(args, payload_len, LOAD_ADDR, rorofile)
+ # debug
+ printByteArrayAsHex(header, "Header LFW + EC_RO")
+ # MEC17xx payload ECDSA not used, 64 byte signature is
+ # SHA256 + 32 zero bytes
+ header_signature = SignByteArray(header)
+ # debug
+ printByteArrayAsHex(header_signature, "header_signature")
+ tag = BuildTag(args)
+ # MEC17xx truncate RW length to 188KB to not overwrite LFW
+ # offset may be different due to Header size and other changes
+ # MCHP we want to append a SHA-256 to the end of the actual payload
+ # to test SPI read routines.
+ print("Call to GetPayloadFromOffset")
+ print("args.input = ", args.input)
+ print("args.image_size = ", hex(args.image_size))
+ payload_rw = GetPayloadFromOffset(args.input, args.image_size)
+ print("type(payload_rw) is ", type(payload_rw))
+ print("len(payload_rw) is ", hex(len(payload_rw)))
+ # truncate to args.image_size
+ rw_len = args.image_size
+ payload_rw = payload_rw[:rw_len]
+ payload_rw_len = len(payload_rw)
+ print("Truncated size of EC_RW = ", hex(payload_rw_len))
+ payload_entry_tuple = struct.unpack_from('<I', payload_rw, 4)
+ print("payload_entry_tuple = ", payload_entry_tuple)
+ payload_entry = payload_entry_tuple[0]
+ print("payload_entry = ", hex(payload_entry))
+ # SPI image integrity test
+ # compute CRC32 of EC_RW except for last 4 bytes
+ # Store CRC32 in last 4 bytes
+ if args.test_spi == True:
+ crc = zlib.crc32(bytes(payload_rw[:(payload_rw_len - 32)]))
+ crc_ofs = payload_rw_len - 4
+ print("EC_RW CRC32 = 0x{0:08x} at offset 0x{1:08x}".format(crc, crc_ofs))
+ for i in range(4):
+ payload_rw[crc_ofs + i] = crc & 0xff
+ crc = crc >> 8
+ payload_rw_sig = SignByteArray(payload_rw)
+ # debug
+ printByteArrayAsHex(payload_rw_sig, "payload_rw_sig")
+ header_rw = BuildHeader2(args, payload_rw_len,
+ LOAD_ADDR_RW, payload_entry)
+ # debug
+ printByteArrayAsHex(header_rw, "Header EC_RW")
+ header_rw_sig = SignByteArray(header_rw)
+ printByteArrayAsHex(header_rw_sig, "header_rw_sig")
+ os.remove(rorofile) # clean up the temp file
+ # MEC170x Boot-ROM Tags are located at SPI offset 0
+ spi_list.append((0, tag, "tag"))
+ spi_list.append((args.header_loc, header, "header(lwf + ro)"))
+ spi_list.append((args.header_loc + HEADER_SIZE, header_signature,
+ "header(lwf + ro) signature"))
+ spi_list.append((args.header_loc + args.payload_offset, payload,
+ "payload(lfw + ro)"))
+ offset = args.header_loc + args.payload_offset + payload_len
+ spi_list.append((offset, payload_signature,
+ "payload(lfw_ro) signature"))
+ spi_list.append((args.rwheader_loc, header_rw, "header(rw)"))
+ spi_list.append((args.rwheader_loc + HEADER_SIZE, header_rw_sig,
+ "header(rw) signature"))
+ spi_list.append((args.rwheader_loc + args.payload_offset, payload_rw,
+ "payload(rw)"))
+ offset = args.rwheader_loc + args.payload_offset + payload_rw_len
+ spi_list.append((offset, payload_rw_sig,
+ "payload(rw) signature"))
+ spi_list = sorted(spi_list)
+ # uncomment to debug
+ dumpsects(spi_list)
+ #
+ # MEC17xx Boot-ROM locates TAG at SPI offset 0 instead of end of SPI.
+ #
+ with open(args.output, 'wb') as f:
+ print("Write spi list to file", args.output)
+ addr = 0
+ for s in spi_list:
+ if addr < s[0]:
+ print("Offset ",hex(addr)," Length", hex(s[0]-addr),
+ "fill with 0xff")
+ f.write('\xff' * (s[0] - addr))
+ addr = s[0]
+ print("Offset ",hex(addr), " Length", hex(len(s[1])), "write data")
+ f.write(s[1])
+ addr += len(s[1])
+ if addr < spi_size:
+ print("Offset ",hex(addr), " Length", hex(spi_size - addr),
+ "fill with 0xff")
+ f.write('\xff' * (spi_size - addr))
+ f.flush()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()