path: root/third_party
diff options
authorNicolas Boichat <>2019-05-09 13:35:30 +0900
committerCommit Bot <>2020-03-25 02:13:31 +0000
commitc830ecc1f728b722fde24a5da14a89f9223f291c (patch)
treef60b011c069bec340f3eaef1f835a88ca4a70fe7 /third_party
parentd1f7ca6f287eeeeba0d397eed87473415276ac6b (diff)
core/cortex-m0/curve25519: Move code to third_party folder
Also, add LICENSE file (some files are under CC0, some are public domain), and METADATA file. BRANCH=none BUG=chromium:884905 TEST=make buildall -j, which also include basic tests. Change-Id: Ib3a7eb9245a0634c4052064c3e36cbe2ddafbcb9 Signed-off-by: Nicolas Boichat <> Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Aseda Aboagye <>
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party')
7 files changed, 3270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/LICENSE b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d45ad380d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+=== core/cortex-m0/curve25519/*.S
+public domain.
+=== core/cortex-m0/curve25519/scalarmult.c
+Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
+Statement of Purpose
+The laws of most jurisdictions throughout the world automatically confer exclusive Copyright and Related Rights (defined below) upon the creator and subsequent owner(s) (each and all, an "owner") of an original work of authorship and/or a database (each, a "Work").
+Certain owners wish to permanently relinquish those rights to a Work for the purpose of contributing to a commons of creative, cultural and scientific works ("Commons") that the public can reliably and without fear of later claims of infringement build upon, modify, incorporate in other works, reuse and redistribute as freely as possible in any form whatsoever and for any purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes. These owners may contribute to the Commons to promote the ideal of a free culture and the further production of creative, cultural and scientific works, or to gain reputation or greater distribution for their Work in part through the use and efforts of others.
+For these and/or other purposes and motivations, and without any expectation of additional consideration or compensation, the person associating CC0 with a Work (the "Affirmer"), to the extent that he or she is an owner of Copyright and Related Rights in the Work, voluntarily elects to apply CC0 to the Work and publicly distribute the Work under its terms, with knowledge of his or her Copyright and Related Rights in the Work and the meaning and intended legal effect of CC0 on those rights.
+1. Copyright and Related Rights. A Work made available under CC0 may be protected by copyright and related or neighboring rights ("Copyright and Related Rights"). Copyright and Related Rights include, but are not limited to, the following:
+ the right to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, display, communicate, and translate a Work;
+ moral rights retained by the original author(s) and/or performer(s);
+ publicity and privacy rights pertaining to a person's image or likeness depicted in a Work;
+ rights protecting against unfair competition in regards to a Work, subject to the limitations in paragraph 4(a), below;
+ rights protecting the extraction, dissemination, use and reuse of data in a Work;
+ database rights (such as those arising under Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, and under any national implementation thereof, including any amended or successor version of such directive); and
+ other similar, equivalent or corresponding rights throughout the world based on applicable law or treaty, and any national implementations thereof.
+2. Waiver. To the greatest extent permitted by, but not in contravention of, applicable law, Affirmer hereby overtly, fully, permanently, irrevocably and unconditionally waives, abandons, and surrenders all of Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights and associated claims and causes of action, whether now known or unknown (including existing as well as future claims and causes of action), in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "Waiver"). Affirmer makes the Waiver for the benefit of each member of the public at large and to the detriment of Affirmer's heirs and successors, fully intending that such Waiver shall not be subject to revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or any other legal or equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work by the public as contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free, non transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and unconditional license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work (i) in all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii) assert any associated claims and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
+ No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned, surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
+ Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
+ Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons that may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without limitation any person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work. Further, Affirmer disclaims responsibility for obtaining any necessary consents, permissions or other rights required for any use of the Work.
+ Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a party to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this CC0 or use of the Work.
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/METADATA b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/METADATA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feb93e5586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/METADATA
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name: "uNaCl - Curve25519 for ARM Cortex-M0"
+ "μNaCl – The Networking and Cryptography library for microcontrollers"
+ "Standalone Curve25519 implementation for ARM Cortex-M0, optimized for"
+ "speed. About 3 times faster than compiled code from C."
+third_party {
+ url {
+ type: HOMEPAGE
+ value: ""
+ }
+ url {
+ type: PACKAGE
+ value: ""
+ }
+ version: "20150813"
+ last_upgrade_date { year: 2017 month: 07 day: 20 }
+ license_type: UNENCUMBERED
+ local_modifications:
+ "1. LICENSE file has been created for compliance purposes. "
+ "CC0 1.0 included in original distribution, and added a note about most of "
+ "the code being public domain."
+ "2. Adapted the code for the EC codebase, see git log."
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mpy121666.S b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mpy121666.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2a467459b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mpy121666.S
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Implementation of multiplication of an fe25519 bit value with the curve constant 121666.
+// B. Haase, Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH & Ko. KG
+// public domain.
+// gnu assembler format.
+// Generated and tested with C++ functions in the test subdirectory.
+// Not yet tested on target hardware.
+ .code 16
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .global fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm
+ .code 16
+ .thumb_func
+ .type fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm, %function
+ push {r4,r5,r6,r7,r14}
+ ldr r7,=56130
+ ldr r2,[r1,#28]
+ lsl r5,r2,#16
+ lsr r6,r2,#16
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r5,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r6,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r5,r2
+ adc r6,r3
+ lsl r2,r5,#1
+ lsr r2,r2,#1
+ str r2,[r0,#28]
+ lsr r5,r5,#31
+ lsl r6,r6,#1
+ orr r5,r6
+ mov r6,#19
+ mul r5,r6
+ mov r6,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#0]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r5,r3
+ adc r6,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r5,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r6,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r5,r2
+ adc r6,r3
+ str r5,[r0,#0]
+ mov r5,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#4]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r6,r3
+ adc r5,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r6,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r5,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r6,r2
+ adc r5,r3
+ str r6,[r0,#4]
+ mov r6,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#8]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r5,r3
+ adc r6,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r5,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r6,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r5,r2
+ adc r6,r3
+ str r5,[r0,#8]
+ mov r5,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#12]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r6,r3
+ adc r5,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r6,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r5,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r6,r2
+ adc r5,r3
+ str r6,[r0,#12]
+ mov r6,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#16]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r5,r3
+ adc r6,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r5,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r6,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r5,r2
+ adc r6,r3
+ str r5,[r0,#16]
+ mov r5,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#20]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r6,r3
+ adc r5,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r6,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r5,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r6,r2
+ adc r5,r3
+ str r6,[r0,#20]
+ mov r6,#0
+ ldr r2,[r1,#24]
+ lsl r3,r2,#16
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ add r5,r3
+ adc r6,r4
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ add r5,r2
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r6,r2
+ lsl r2,r3,#16
+ lsr r3,r3,#16
+ add r5,r2
+ adc r6,r3
+ str r5,[r0,#24]
+ mov r5,#0
+ ldr r2,[r0,#28]
+ add r6,r2
+ str r6,[r0,#28]
+ pop {r4,r5,r6,r7,r15}
+ .size fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm, .-fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mul.S b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mul.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..366713a7a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/mul.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1111 @@
+ .align 2
+ .global multiply256x256_asm
+ .type multiply256x256_asm, %function
+ push {r4-r7,lr}
+ mov r3, r8
+ mov r4, r9
+ mov r5, r10
+ mov r6, r11
+ push {r0-r6}
+ mov r12, r0
+ mov r10, r2
+ mov r11, r1
+ mov r0,r2
+ //ldm r0!, {r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ ldm r0!, {r4,r5}
+ add r0,#8
+ ldm r1!, {r2,r3,r6,r7}
+ push {r0,r1}
+ /////////BEGIN LOW PART //////////////////////
+ /////////MUL128/////////////
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ //////////////////////////
+ mov r4, r12
+ stm r4!, {r0,r1}
+ push {r4}
+ push {r0,r1}
+ mov r1, r10
+ mov r10, r2
+ ldm r1, {r0, r1, r4, r5}
+ mov r2, r4
+ mov r7, r5
+ sub r2, r0
+ sbc r7, r1
+ sbc r6, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r7, r6
+ sub r2, r6
+ sbc r7, r6
+ push {r2, r7}
+ mov r2, r11
+ mov r11, r3
+ ldm r2, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ sub r0, r2
+ sbc r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r0, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r0, r7
+ sbc r1, r7
+ eor r7, r6
+ mov r12, r7
+ push {r0, r1}
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ mov r4, r10
+ mov r5, r11
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r10, r2
+ mov r11, r3
+ pop {r2-r5}
+ push {r0, r1}
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ pop {r4, r5}
+ mov r6, r12
+ mov r7, r12
+ eor r0, r6
+ eor r1, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r3, r6
+ asr r6, r6, #1
+ adc r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r4, r2
+ adc r5, r3
+ eor r2, r2
+ adc r6,r2
+ adc r7,r2
+ pop {r2, r3}
+ mov r8, r2
+ mov r9, r3
+ add r2, r0
+ adc r3, r1
+ mov r0, r10
+ mov r1, r11
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r1
+ adc r6, r0
+ adc r7, r1
+ ////////END LOW PART/////////////////////
+ pop {r0}
+ stm r0!, {r2,r3}
+ pop {r1,r2}
+ push {r0}
+ push {r4-r7}
+ mov r10, r1
+ mov r11, r2
+ ldm r1!, {r4, r5}
+ ldm r2, {r2, r3}
+ /////////BEGIN HIGH PART////////////////
+ /////////MUL128/////////////
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ push {r0,r1}
+ mov r1, r10
+ mov r10, r2
+ ldm r1, {r0, r1, r4, r5}
+ mov r2, r4
+ mov r7, r5
+ sub r2, r0
+ sbc r7, r1
+ sbc r6, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r7, r6
+ sub r2, r6
+ sbc r7, r6
+ push {r2, r7}
+ mov r2, r11
+ mov r11, r3
+ ldm r2, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ sub r0, r2
+ sbc r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r0, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r0, r7
+ sbc r1, r7
+ eor r7, r6
+ mov r12, r7
+ push {r0, r1}
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ mov r4, r10
+ mov r5, r11
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r10, r2
+ mov r11, r3
+ pop {r2-r5}
+ push {r0, r1}
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ pop {r4, r5}
+ mov r6, r12
+ mov r7, r12
+ eor r0, r6
+ eor r1, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r3, r6
+ asr r6, r6, #1
+ adc r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r4, r2
+ adc r5, r3
+ eor r2, r2
+ adc r6,r2 //0,1
+ adc r7,r2
+ pop {r2, r3}
+ mov r8, r2
+ mov r9, r3
+ add r2, r0
+ adc r3, r1
+ mov r0, r10
+ mov r1, r11
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r1
+ adc r6, r0
+ adc r7, r1
+ ////////END HIGH PART/////////////////////
+ mov r0, r8
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r8, r6
+ mov r9, r7
+ pop {r6, r7}
+ add r0, r6
+ adc r1, r7
+ pop {r6, r7}
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r7
+ pop {r7}
+ stm r7!, {r0-r3}
+ mov r10, r7
+ eor r0,r0
+ mov r6, r8
+ mov r7, r9
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r0
+ adc r6, r0
+ adc r7, r0
+ pop {r0,r1,r2}
+ mov r12, r2
+ push {r0, r4-r7}
+ ldm r1, {r0-r7}
+ sub r0, r4
+ sbc r1, r5
+ sbc r2, r6
+ sbc r3, r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ sbc r4, r4
+ eor r0, r4
+ eor r1, r4
+ eor r2, r4
+ eor r3, r4
+ sub r0, r4
+ sbc r1, r4
+ sbc r2, r4
+ sbc r3, r4
+ mov r6, r12
+ mov r12, r4 //carry
+ mov r5, r10
+ stm r5!, {r0-r3}
+ mov r11, r5
+ mov r8, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ ldm r6, {r0-r7}
+ sub r4, r0
+ sbc r5, r1
+ sbc r6, r2
+ sbc r7, r3
+ eor r0, r0
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r4, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ eor r6, r0
+ eor r7, r0
+ sub r4, r0
+ sbc r5, r0
+ sbc r6, r0
+ sbc r7, r0
+ mov r1, r12
+ eor r0, r1
+ mov r1, r11
+ stm r1!, {r4-r7}
+ push {r0}
+ mov r2, r8
+ mov r3, r9
+ /////////BEGIN MIDDLE PART////////////////
+ /////////MUL128/////////////
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ push {r0,r1}
+ mov r1, r10
+ mov r10, r2
+ ldm r1, {r0, r1, r4, r5}
+ mov r2, r4
+ mov r7, r5
+ sub r2, r0
+ sbc r7, r1
+ sbc r6, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r7, r6
+ sub r2, r6
+ sbc r7, r6
+ push {r2, r7}
+ mov r2, r11
+ mov r11, r3
+ ldm r2, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
+ sub r0, r2
+ sbc r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r0, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r0, r7
+ sbc r1, r7
+ eor r7, r6
+ mov r12, r7
+ push {r0, r1}
+ //MUL64
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ mov r4, r10
+ mov r5, r11
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r10, r2
+ mov r11, r3
+ pop {r2-r5}
+ push {r0, r1}
+ mov r6, r5
+ mov r1, r2
+ sub r5, r4
+ sbc r0, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ sub r5, r0
+ sub r1, r3
+ sbc r7, r7
+ eor r1, r7
+ sub r1, r7
+ eor r7, r0
+ mov r9, r1
+ mov r8, r5
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mov r0,r4
+ uxth r5,r2
+ lsr r2,#16
+ mul r0,r5//00
+ mul r5,r1//10
+ mul r4,r2//01
+ mul r1,r2//11
+ lsl r2,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,r4,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsl r2,r5,#16
+ lsr r4,r5,#16
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ lsr r4, r6,#16
+ uxth r6, r6
+ uxth r5, r3
+ lsr r3, r3, #16
+ mov r2, r6
+ mul r2, r5
+ mul r5, r4
+ mul r6, r3
+ mul r3, r4
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ lsl r4,r6,#16
+ lsr r5,r6,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ eor r6, r6
+ add r2, r1
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r1, r9
+ mov r5, r8
+ mov r8, r0
+ lsr r0, r1,#16
+ uxth r1,r1
+ mov r4,r1
+ lsr r6,r5,#16
+ uxth r5,r5
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r6
+ mul r5,r0
+ mul r0,r6
+ lsl r6,r4,#16
+ lsr r4,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r4
+ lsl r6,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,#16
+ add r1,r6
+ adc r0,r5
+ eor r1,r7
+ eor r0,r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ asr r7, r7, #1
+ adc r1, r2
+ adc r2, r0
+ adc r7, r4
+ mov r0, r8
+ add r1, r0
+ adc r2, r3
+ adc r3, r7
+ pop {r4, r5}
+ mov r6, r12
+ mov r7, r12
+ eor r0, r6
+ eor r1, r6
+ eor r2, r6
+ eor r3, r6
+ asr r6, r6, #1
+ adc r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r4, r2
+ adc r5, r3
+ eor r2, r2
+ adc r6,r2 //0,1
+ adc r7,r2
+ pop {r2, r3}
+ mov r8, r2
+ mov r9, r3
+ add r2, r0
+ adc r3, r1
+ mov r0, r10
+ mov r1, r11
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r1
+ adc r6, r0
+ adc r7, r1
+ //////////END MIDDLE PART////////////////
+ pop {r0,r1} //r0,r1
+ mov r12, r0 //negative
+ eor r2, r0
+ eor r3, r0
+ eor r4, r0
+ eor r5, r0
+ eor r6, r0
+ eor r7, r0
+ push {r4-r7}
+ ldm r1!, {r4-r7}
+ mov r11, r1 //reference
+ mov r1, r9
+ eor r1, r0
+ mov r10, r4
+ mov r4, r8
+ asr r0, #1
+ eor r0, r4
+ mov r4, r10
+ adc r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r7
+ eor r4, r4
+ adc r4, r4
+ mov r10, r4 //carry
+ mov r4, r11
+ ldm r4, {r4-r7}
+ add r0, r4
+ adc r1, r5
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r7
+ mov r9, r4
+ mov r4, r11
+ stm r4!, {r0-r3}
+ mov r11, r4
+ pop {r0-r3}
+ mov r4, r9
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r1
+ adc r6, r2
+ adc r7, r3
+ mov r1, #0
+ adc r1, r1
+ mov r0, r10
+ mov r10, r1 //carry
+ asr r0, #1
+ pop {r0-r3}
+ adc r4, r0
+ adc r5, r1
+ adc r6, r2
+ adc r7, r3
+ mov r8, r0
+ mov r0, r11
+ stm r0!, {r4-r7}
+ mov r11, r0
+ mov r0, r8
+ mov r6, r12
+ mov r5, r10
+ eor r4, r4
+ adc r5, r6
+ adc r6, r4
+ add r0, r5
+ adc r1, r6
+ adc r2, r6
+ adc r3, r6
+ mov r7, r11
+ stm r7!, {r0-r3}
+ pop {r3-r6}
+ mov r8, r3
+ mov r9, r4
+ mov r10, r5
+ mov r11, r6
+ pop {r4-r7,pc}
+ bx lr
+.size multiply256x256_asm, .-multiply256x256_asm
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/reduce25519.S b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/reduce25519.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a3c29a0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/reduce25519.S
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// Implementation of a partial reduction modulo 2^255 - 38.
+// B. Haase, Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH & Ko. KG
+// public domain.
+// gnu assembler format.
+// Generated and tested with C++ functions in the test subdirectory and on the target.
+ .code 16
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .global fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm
+ .code 16
+ .thumb_func
+ .type fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm, %function
+ push {r4,r5,r6,r7,r14}
+ ldr r2,[r1,#60]
+ lsr r3,r2,#16
+ uxth r2,r2
+ mov r7,#38
+ mul r2,r7
+ mul r3,r7
+ ldr r4,[r1,#28]
+ lsr r5,r3,#16
+ lsl r3,r3,#16
+ mov r6,#0
+ add r4,r2
+ adc r5,r6
+ add r4,r3
+ adc r5,r6
+ lsl r2,r4,#1
+ lsr r2,r2,#1
+ str r2,[r0,#28]
+ lsr r4,r4,#31
+ lsl r5,r5,#1
+ orr r4,r5
+ mov r2,#19
+ mul r2,r4
+ ldr r4,[r1,#0]
+ add r2,r4
+ mov r3,#0
+ adc r3,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#32]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ str r2,[r0,#0]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#4]
+ add r3,r4
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r2,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#36]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r5
+ str r3,[r0,#4]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#8]
+ add r2,r4
+ mov r3,#0
+ adc r3,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#40]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ str r2,[r0,#8]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#12]
+ add r3,r4
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r2,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#44]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r5
+ str r3,[r0,#12]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#16]
+ add r2,r4
+ mov r3,#0
+ adc r3,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#48]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ str r2,[r0,#16]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#20]
+ add r3,r4
+ mov r2,#0
+ adc r2,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#52]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r3,r4
+ adc r2,r5
+ str r3,[r0,#20]
+ ldr r4,[r1,#24]
+ add r2,r4
+ mov r3,#0
+ adc r3,r6
+ ldr r4,[r1,#56]
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ mul r5,r7
+ mul r4,r7
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r6
+ lsl r4,r5,#16
+ lsr r5,r5,#16
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ str r2,[r0,#24]
+ ldr r4,[r0,#28]
+ add r4,r3
+ str r4,[r0,#28]
+ pop {r4,r5,r6,r7,r15}
+ .size fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm, .-fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/scalarmult.c b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/scalarmult.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07e2b144e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/scalarmult.c
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+/* =======================
+ ============================ C/C++ HEADER FILE =============================
+ =======================
+ Collection of all required submodules from naclM0 required for curve25519
+ scalar multiplication (not including randomization, etc.) alone.
+ Library naclM0 largely bases on work avrNacl of M. Hutter and P. Schwabe.
+ Will compile to the two functions
+ int
+ crypto_scalarmult_base_curve25519(
+ unsigned char* q,
+ const unsigned char* n
+ );
+ int
+ crypto_scalarmult_curve25519 (
+ unsigned char* r,
+ const unsigned char* s,
+ const unsigned char* p
+ );
+ Requires inttypes.h header and the four external assembly functions
+ extern void
+ fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm (
+ fe25519 *res,
+ const UN_512bitValue *in
+ );
+ extern void
+ fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm (
+ fe25519* out,
+ const fe25519* in
+ );
+ extern void
+ multiply256x256_asm (
+ UN_512bitValue* result,
+ const UN_256bitValue* x,
+ const UN_256bitValue* y
+ );
+ extern void
+ square256_asm (
+ UN_512bitValue* result,
+ const UN_256bitValue* x
+ );
+ \file scalarmult.c
+ \Author B. Haase, Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH & Co. KG
+ Distributed under the conditions of the
+ Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication
+ ============================================================================*/
+#include "curve25519.h"
+#include "util.h"
+typedef uint8_t uint8;
+typedef uint16_t uint16;
+typedef uint32_t uint32;
+typedef uint64_t uint64;
+typedef uintptr_t uintptr;
+typedef int8_t int8;
+typedef int16_t int16;
+typedef int32_t int32;
+typedef int64_t int64;
+typedef intptr_t intptr;
+// Note that it's important to define the unit8 as first union member, so that
+// an array of uint8 may be used as initializer.
+typedef union UN_256bitValue_
+ uint8 as_uint8[32];
+ uint16 as_uint16[16];
+ uint32 as_uint32[8];
+ uint64 as_uint64[4];
+} UN_256bitValue;
+// Note that it's important to define the unit8 as first union member, so that
+// an array of uint8 may be used as initializer.
+typedef union UN_512bitValue_
+ uint8 as_uint8[64];
+ uint16 as_uint16[32];
+ uint32 as_uint32[16];
+ uint64 as_uint64[8];
+ UN_256bitValue as_256_bitValue[2];
+} UN_512bitValue;
+typedef UN_256bitValue fe25519;
+// ****************************************************
+// Assembly functions.
+// ****************************************************
+extern void
+ fe25519 *res,
+ const UN_512bitValue *in
+#define fe25519_mpyWith121666 fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm
+extern void
+fe25519_mpyWith121666_asm (
+ fe25519* out,
+ const fe25519* in
+#define multiply256x256 multiply256x256_asm
+extern void
+ UN_512bitValue* result,
+ const UN_256bitValue* x,
+ const UN_256bitValue* y
+#define square256 square256_asm
+extern void
+ UN_512bitValue* result,
+ const UN_256bitValue* x
+// ****************************************************
+// C functions for fe25519
+// ****************************************************
+static void
+ fe25519* dest,
+ const fe25519* source
+ memcpy(dest, source, 32);
+static void
+ fe25519* out,
+ const unsigned char in[32]
+ memcpy(out, in, 32);
+ out->as_uint8[31] &= 0x7f; // make sure that the last bit is cleared.
+static void
+ fe25519* out,
+ const fe25519* baseValue,
+ const fe25519* valueToSubstract
+ uint16 ctr;
+ int64 accu = 0;
+ // First subtract the most significant word, so that we may
+ // reduce the result "on the fly".
+ accu = baseValue->as_uint32[7];
+ accu -= valueToSubstract->as_uint32[7];
+ // We always set bit #31, and compensate this by subtracting 1 from the reduction
+ // value.
+ out->as_uint32[7] = ((uint32)accu) | 0x80000000ul;
+ accu = 19 * ((int32)(accu >> 31) - 1);
+ // ^ "-1" is the compensation for the "| 0x80000000ul" above.
+ // This choice makes sure, that the result will be positive!
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 7; ctr += 1)
+ {
+ accu += baseValue->as_uint32[ctr];
+ accu -= valueToSubstract->as_uint32[ctr];
+ out->as_uint32[ctr] = (uint32)accu;
+ accu >>= 32;
+ }
+ accu += out->as_uint32[7];
+ out->as_uint32[7] = (uint32)accu;
+static void
+ fe25519* out,
+ const fe25519* baseValue,
+ const fe25519* valueToAdd
+ uint16 ctr = 0;
+ uint64 accu = 0;
+ // We first add the most significant word, so that we may reduce
+ // "on the fly".
+ accu = baseValue->as_uint32[7];
+ accu += valueToAdd->as_uint32[7];
+ out->as_uint32[7] = ((uint32)accu) & 0x7ffffffful;
+ accu = ((uint32)(accu >> 31)) * 19;
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 7; ctr += 1)
+ {
+ accu += baseValue->as_uint32[ctr];
+ accu += valueToAdd->as_uint32[ctr];
+ out->as_uint32[ctr] = (uint32)accu;
+ accu >>= 32;
+ }
+ accu += out->as_uint32[7];
+ out->as_uint32[7] = (uint32)accu;
+static void
+ fe25519* result,
+ const fe25519* in1,
+ const fe25519* in2
+ UN_512bitValue tmp;
+ multiply256x256(&tmp, in1, in2);
+ fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm(result,&tmp);
+static void
+ fe25519* result,
+ const fe25519* in
+ UN_512bitValue tmp;
+ square256(&tmp, in);
+ fe25519_reduceTo256Bits_asm(result,&tmp);
+static void
+ fe25519* inout
+ uint32 numberOfTimesToSubstractPrime;
+ uint32 initialGuessForNumberOfTimesToSubstractPrime = inout->as_uint32[7] >>
+ 31;
+ uint64 accu;
+ uint8 ctr;
+ // add one additional 19 to the estimated number of reductions.
+ // Do the calculation without writing back the results to memory.
+ //
+ // The initial guess of required numbers of reductions is based
+ // on bit #32 of the most significant word.
+ // This initial guess may be wrong, since we might have a value
+ // v in the range
+ // 2^255 - 19 <= v < 2^255
+ // . After adding 19 to the value, we will be having the correct
+ // Number of required subtractions.
+ accu = initialGuessForNumberOfTimesToSubstractPrime * 19 + 19;
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 7; ctr++)
+ {
+ accu += inout->as_uint32[ctr];
+ accu >>= 32;
+ }
+ accu += inout->as_uint32[7];
+ numberOfTimesToSubstractPrime = (uint32)(accu >> 31);
+ // Do the reduction.
+ accu = numberOfTimesToSubstractPrime * 19;
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 7; ctr++)
+ {
+ accu += inout->as_uint32[ctr];
+ inout->as_uint32[ctr] = (uint32)accu;
+ accu >>= 32;
+ }
+ accu += inout->as_uint32[7];
+ inout->as_uint32[7] = accu & 0x7ffffffful;
+/// We are already using a packed radix 16 representation for fe25519. The real use for this function
+/// is for architectures that use more bits for storing a fe25519 in a representation where multiplication
+/// may be calculated more efficiently.
+/// Here we simply copy the data.
+static void
+ unsigned char out[32],
+ fe25519* in
+ fe25519_reduceCompletely(in);
+ memcpy(out, in, 32);
+// Note, that r and x are allowed to overlap!
+static void
+ fe25519* r,
+ const fe25519* x,
+ fe25519* t0,
+ fe25519* t1,
+ fe25519* t2
+ fe25519 *z11 = r; // store z11 in r (in order to save one temporary).
+ fe25519 *z2_10_0 = t1;
+ fe25519 *z2_50_0 = t2;
+ fe25519 *z2_100_0 = z2_10_0;
+ uint8 i;
+ {
+ fe25519 *z2 = z2_50_0;
+ /* 2 */ fe25519_square(z2, x);
+ /* 4 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2);
+ /* 8 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 9 */ fe25519_mul(z2_10_0, t0, x);
+ /* 11 */ fe25519_mul(z11, z2_10_0, z2);
+ // z2 is dead.
+ }
+ /* 22 */ fe25519_square(t0, z11);
+ /* 2^5 - 2^0 = 31 */ fe25519_mul(z2_10_0, t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^6 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^7 - 2^2 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 2^8 - 2^3 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 2^9 - 2^4 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 2^10 - 2^5 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 2^10 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(z2_10_0, t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^11 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^20 - 2^10 */ for (i = 1; i < 10; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^20 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(z2_50_0, t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^21 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^40 - 2^20 */ for (i = 1; i < 20; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^40 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(t0, t0, z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^41 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ /* 2^50 - 2^10 */ for (i = 1; i < 10; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^50 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(z2_50_0, t0, z2_10_0);
+ /* 2^51 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^100 - 2^50 */ for (i = 1; i < 50; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^100 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(z2_100_0, t0, z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^101 - 2^1 */ fe25519_square(t0, z2_100_0);
+ /* 2^200 - 2^100 */ for (i = 1; i < 100; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^200 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(t0, t0, z2_100_0);
+ /* 2^250 - 2^50 */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^250 - 2^0 */ fe25519_mul(t0, t0, z2_50_0);
+ /* 2^255 - 2^5 */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
+ {
+ fe25519_square(t0, t0);
+ }
+ /* 2^255 - 21 */ fe25519_mul(r, t0, z11);
+static void
+ fe25519* out
+ uint8 ctr;
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 8; ctr++)
+ {
+ out->as_uint32[ctr] = 0;
+ }
+static void
+ fe25519* out
+ uint8 ctr;
+ out->as_uint32[0] = 1;
+ for (ctr = 1; ctr < 8; ctr++)
+ {
+ out->as_uint32[ctr] = 0;
+ }
+static void
+ fe25519* in1,
+ fe25519* in2,
+ int condition
+ int32 mask = condition;
+ uint32 ctr;
+ mask = -mask;
+ for (ctr = 0; ctr < 8; ctr++)
+ {
+ uint32 val1 = in1->as_uint32[ctr];
+ uint32 val2 = in2->as_uint32[ctr];
+ uint32 temp = val1;
+ val1 ^= mask & (val2 ^ val1);
+ val2 ^= mask & (val2 ^ temp);
+ in1->as_uint32[ctr] = val1;
+ in2->as_uint32[ctr] = val2;
+ }
+// ****************************************************
+// Scalarmultiplication implementation.
+// ****************************************************
+typedef struct _ST_curve25519ladderstepWorkingState
+ // The base point in affine coordinates
+ fe25519 x0;
+ // The two working points p, q, in projective coordinates. Possibly randomized.
+ fe25519 xp;
+ fe25519 zp;
+ fe25519 xq;
+ fe25519 zq;
+ UN_256bitValue s;
+ int nextScalarBitToProcess;
+ uint8 previousProcessedBit;
+} ST_curve25519ladderstepWorkingState;
+static void
+ ST_curve25519ladderstepWorkingState* pState
+ // Implements the "ladd-1987-m-3" differential-addition-and-doubling formulas
+ // Source: 1987 Montgomery "Speeding the Pollard and elliptic curve methods of factorization", page 261,
+ // fifth and sixth displays, plus common-subexpression elimination.
+ //
+ // Notation from the explicit formulas database:
+ // (X2,Z2) corresponds to (xp,zp),
+ // (X3,Z3) corresponds to (xq,zq)
+ // Result (X4,Z4) (X5,Z5) expected in (xp,zp) and (xq,zq)
+ //
+ // A = X2+Z2; AA = A^2; B = X2-Z2; BB = B^2; E = AA-BB; C = X3+Z3; D = X3-Z3;
+ // DA = D*A; CB = C*B; t0 = DA+CB; t1 = t0^2; X5 = Z1*t1; t2 = DA-CB;
+ // t3 = t2^2; Z5 = X1*t3; X4 = AA*BB; t4 = a24*E; t5 = BB+t4; Z4 = E*t5 ;
+ //
+ // Re-Ordered for using less temporaries.
+ fe25519 t1, t2;
+ fe25519 *b1=&pState->xp; fe25519 *b2=&pState->zp;
+ fe25519 *b3=&pState->xq; fe25519 *b4=&pState->zq;
+ fe25519 *b5= &t1; fe25519 *b6=&t2;
+ fe25519_add(b5,b1,b2); // A = X2+Z2
+ fe25519_sub(b6,b1,b2); // B = X2-Z2
+ fe25519_add(b1,b3,b4); // C = X3+Z3
+ fe25519_sub(b2,b3,b4); // D = X3-Z3
+ fe25519_mul(b3,b2,b5); // DA= D*A
+ fe25519_mul(b2,b1,b6); // CB= C*B
+ fe25519_add(b1,b2,b3); // T0= DA+CB
+ fe25519_sub(b4,b3,b2); // T2= DA-CB
+ fe25519_square(b3,b1); // X5==T1= T0^2
+ fe25519_square(b1,b4); // T3= t2^2
+ fe25519_mul(b4,b1,&pState->x0); // Z5=X1*t3
+ fe25519_square(b1,b5); // AA=A^2
+ fe25519_square(b5,b6); // BB=B^2
+ fe25519_sub(b2,b1,b5); // E=AA-BB
+ fe25519_mul(b1,b5,b1); // X4= AA*BB
+ fe25519_mpyWith121666 (b6,b2); // T4 = a24*E
+ fe25519_add(b6,b6,b5); // T5 = BB + t4
+ fe25519_mul(b2,b6,b2); // Z4 = E*t5
+static void
+ ST_curve25519ladderstepWorkingState* state,
+ uint8 b
+ fe25519_cswap (&state->xp, &state->xq,b);
+ fe25519_cswap (&state->zp, &state->zq,b);
+ uint8_t r[32],
+ const uint8_t s[32],
+ const uint8_t p[32]
+ ST_curve25519ladderstepWorkingState state;
+ unsigned char i;
+ // Prepare the scalar within the working state buffer.
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ {
+ state.s.as_uint8 [i] = s[i];
+ }
+ state.s.as_uint8 [0] &= 248;
+ state.s.as_uint8 [31] &= 127;
+ state.s.as_uint8 [31] |= 64;
+ // Copy the affine x-axis of the base point to the state.
+ fe25519_unpack (&state.x0, p);
+ // Prepare the working points within the working state struct.
+ fe25519_setone (&state.zq);
+ fe25519_cpy (&state.xq, &state.x0);
+ fe25519_setone(&state.xp);
+ fe25519_setzero(&state.zp);
+ state.nextScalarBitToProcess = 254;
+ state.previousProcessedBit = 0;
+ // Process all the bits except for the last three where we explicitly double the result.
+ while (state.nextScalarBitToProcess >= 0)
+ {
+ uint8 byteNo = state.nextScalarBitToProcess >> 3;
+ uint8 bitNo = state.nextScalarBitToProcess & 7;
+ uint8 bit;
+ uint8 swap;
+ bit = 1 & (state.s.as_uint8 [byteNo] >> bitNo);
+ swap = bit ^ state.previousProcessedBit;
+ state.previousProcessedBit = bit;
+ curve25519_cswap(&state, swap);
+ curve25519_ladderstep(&state);
+ state.nextScalarBitToProcess --;
+ }
+ curve25519_cswap(&state,state.previousProcessedBit);
+ // optimize for stack usage.
+ fe25519_invert_useProvidedScratchBuffers (&state.zp, &state.zp, &state.xq, &state.zq, &state.x0);
+ fe25519_mul(&state.xp, &state.xp, &state.zp);
+ fe25519_reduceCompletely(&state.xp);
+ fe25519_pack (r, &state.xp);
diff --git a/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/sqr.S b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/sqr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b62121adb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/unacl-curve25519/core/cortex-m0/curve25519/sqr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@
+// Author: Ana Helena Sánchez, Björn Haase (second implementation).
+// public domain
+ .align 2
+ .global square256_asm
+ .type square256_asm, %function
+// ######################
+// ASM Square 256 refined karatsuba:
+// ######################
+ // sqr 256 Refined Karatsuba
+ // pInput in r1
+ // pResult in r0
+ // adheres to arm eabi calling convention.
+ push {r1,r4,r5,r6,r7,r14}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r8
+ mov r4,r9
+ mov r5,r10
+ mov r6,r11
+ mov r7,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ push {r3,r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r14,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ ldm r1!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ // sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input in r4 ... r7
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ // clobbers all registers except for r14
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ mov r1,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r0,r6
+ sbc r1,r7
+ sbc r2,r2
+ eor r0,r2
+ eor r1,r2
+ sub r0,r2
+ sbc r1,r2
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r0
+ mov r9,r1
+ mov r10,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r4,r5
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4-r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2, r3
+ uxth r0,r4
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r3,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ sub r4,r5
+ sbc r6,r6
+ eor r4,r6
+ sub r4,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r5
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r5, r6
+ uxth r2,r5
+ lsr r3,r5,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r5,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r6,r5,#15
+ lsl r5,r5,#17
+ add r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ mov r6,#0
+ add r2,r1
+ adc r3,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r1, r6
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r6,r1,#15
+ lsl r1,r1,#17
+ add r4,r1
+ adc r5,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r1,r4
+ sbc r2,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r3,r6
+ add r1,r0
+ adc r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r10
+ mov r10,r0
+ mov r11,r1
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r1,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r6,r7
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0,r7,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4, r5
+ uxth r2,r6
+ lsr r3,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r4,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r5,r4,#15
+ lsl r4,r4,#17
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ sub r6,r7
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r6,r4
+ sub r6,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r7
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0, r7
+ uxth r4,r7
+ lsr r5,r7,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r7,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r4,r0
+ adc r5,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ mov r7,#0
+ add r4,r3
+ adc r5,r7
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ // Clobbers: r6, r3
+ uxth r7,r6
+ lsr r0,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r6,r0
+ mul r7,r7
+ mul r0,r0
+ lsr r3,r6,#15
+ lsl r6,r6,#17
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r3,r7
+ sbc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r5,r6
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r0
+ adc r5,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ adc r3,r1
+ adc r4,r6
+ adc r5,r6
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r2,r8
+ mov r8,r3
+ mov r3,r9
+ mov r9,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r2,r3
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2,r3,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ // Clobbers: r0, r1
+ uxth r6,r2
+ lsr r7,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r7
+ mul r6,r6
+ mul r7,r7
+ lsr r1,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r6,r0
+ adc r7,r1
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ sub r2,r3
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r2,r4
+ sub r2,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r3
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r3, r4
+ uxth r0,r3
+ lsr r1,r3,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r3,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r4,r3,#15
+ lsl r3,r3,#17
+ add r0,r3
+ adc r1,r4
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ mov r4,#0
+ add r0,r7
+ adc r1,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ // Clobbers: r2, r7
+ uxth r3,r2
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r4
+ mul r3,r3
+ mul r4,r4
+ lsr r7,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r7,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r7,r3
+ sbc r0,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r1
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r4,#0
+ sbc r1,r4
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Returns r4 as zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r12
+ mov r3,r8
+ mov r4,r9
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r2,r6
+ sbc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r4
+ mov r7,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sbc r4,r0
+ sbc r5,r1
+ mov r0,#0
+ sbc r6,r0
+ sbc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r11
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r3,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r5,r0
+ mov r0,#0
+ adc r6,r0
+ adc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ // END: sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ push {r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r14
+ .syntax divided
+ stm r4!,{r0,r1,r2,r3}
+ ldr r4,[SP,#36]
+ add r4,#16
+ ldm r4,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ // sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input in r4 ... r7
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ // clobbers all registers except for r14
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ mov r1,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r0,r6
+ sbc r1,r7
+ sbc r2,r2
+ eor r0,r2
+ eor r1,r2
+ sub r0,r2
+ sbc r1,r2
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r0
+ mov r9,r1
+ mov r10,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r4,r5
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4-r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2, r3
+ uxth r0,r4
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r3,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ sub r4,r5
+ sbc r6,r6
+ eor r4,r6
+ sub r4,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r5
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r5, r6
+ uxth r2,r5
+ lsr r3,r5,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r5,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r6,r5,#15
+ lsl r5,r5,#17
+ add r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ mov r6,#0
+ add r2,r1
+ adc r3,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r1, r6
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r6,r1,#15
+ lsl r1,r1,#17
+ add r4,r1
+ adc r5,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r1,r4
+ sbc r2,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r3,r6
+ add r1,r0
+ adc r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r10
+ mov r10,r0
+ mov r11,r1
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r1,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r6,r7
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0,r7,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4, r5
+ uxth r2,r6
+ lsr r3,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r4,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r5,r4,#15
+ lsl r4,r4,#17
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ sub r6,r7
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r6,r4
+ sub r6,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r7
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0, r7
+ uxth r4,r7
+ lsr r5,r7,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r7,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r4,r0
+ adc r5,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ mov r7,#0
+ add r4,r3
+ adc r5,r7
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ // Clobbers: r6, r3
+ uxth r7,r6
+ lsr r0,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r6,r0
+ mul r7,r7
+ mul r0,r0
+ lsr r3,r6,#15
+ lsl r6,r6,#17
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r3,r7
+ sbc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r5,r6
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r0
+ adc r5,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ adc r3,r1
+ adc r4,r6
+ adc r5,r6
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r2,r8
+ mov r8,r3
+ mov r3,r9
+ mov r9,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r2,r3
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2,r3,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ // Clobbers: r0, r1
+ uxth r6,r2
+ lsr r7,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r7
+ mul r6,r6
+ mul r7,r7
+ lsr r1,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r6,r0
+ adc r7,r1
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ sub r2,r3
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r2,r4
+ sub r2,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r3
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r3, r4
+ uxth r0,r3
+ lsr r1,r3,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r3,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r4,r3,#15
+ lsl r3,r3,#17
+ add r0,r3
+ adc r1,r4
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ mov r4,#0
+ add r0,r7
+ adc r1,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ // Clobbers: r2, r7
+ uxth r3,r2
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r4
+ mul r3,r3
+ mul r4,r4
+ lsr r7,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r7,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r7,r3
+ sbc r0,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r1
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r4,#0
+ sbc r1,r4
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Returns r4 as zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r12
+ mov r3,r8
+ mov r4,r9
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r2,r6
+ sbc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r4
+ mov r7,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sbc r4,r0
+ sbc r5,r1
+ mov r0,#0
+ sbc r6,r0
+ sbc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r11
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r3,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r5,r0
+ mov r0,#0
+ adc r6,r0
+ adc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ // END: sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r4
+ mov r9,r5
+ mov r10,r6
+ mov r11,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ pop {r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ add r0,r4
+ adc r1,r5
+ adc r2,r6
+ adc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r8
+ mov r5,r9
+ mov r6,r10
+ mov r7,r11
+ mov r8,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r0,#0
+ adc r4,r0
+ adc r5,r0
+ adc r6,r0
+ adc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ push {r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ ldr r4,[SP,#52]
+ ldm r4,{r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ sub r4,r0
+ sbc r5,r1
+ sbc r6,r2
+ sbc r7,r3
+ sbc r0,r0
+ eor r4,r0
+ eor r5,r0
+ eor r6,r0
+ eor r7,r0
+ sub r4,r0
+ sbc r5,r0
+ sbc r6,r0
+ sbc r7,r0
+ // sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input in r4 ... r7
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ // clobbers all registers except for r14
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ mov r1,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r0,r6
+ sbc r1,r7
+ sbc r2,r2
+ eor r0,r2
+ eor r1,r2
+ sub r0,r2
+ sbc r1,r2
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r0
+ mov r9,r1
+ mov r10,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r4,r5
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4-r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2, r3
+ uxth r0,r4
+ lsr r1,r4,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r3,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r0,r2
+ adc r1,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ sub r4,r5
+ sbc r6,r6
+ eor r4,r6
+ sub r4,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r5
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r5, r6
+ uxth r2,r5
+ lsr r3,r5,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r5,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r6,r5,#15
+ lsl r5,r5,#17
+ add r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ mov r6,#0
+ add r2,r1
+ adc r3,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r4
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r1, r6
+ lsr r5,r4,#16
+ uxth r4,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r1,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r6,r1,#15
+ lsl r1,r1,#17
+ add r4,r1
+ adc r5,r6
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r1,r4
+ sbc r2,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r5,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r3,r6
+ add r1,r0
+ adc r2,r5
+ adc r3,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0,r1,r2,r3
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r10
+ mov r10,r0
+ mov r11,r1
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r1,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r6,r7
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0,r7,r6
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ // Clobbers: r4, r5
+ uxth r2,r6
+ lsr r3,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r2
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r4,r3
+ mul r2,r2
+ mul r3,r3
+ lsr r5,r4,#15
+ lsl r4,r4,#17
+ add r2,r4
+ adc r3,r5
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r2 ,r3
+ sub r6,r7
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r6,r4
+ sub r6,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r7
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ // Clobbers: r0, r7
+ uxth r4,r7
+ lsr r5,r7,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r5
+ mul r4,r4
+ mul r5,r5
+ lsr r7,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r4,r0
+ adc r5,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r4 ,r5
+ mov r7,#0
+ add r4,r3
+ adc r5,r7
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r6
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ // Clobbers: r6, r3
+ uxth r7,r6
+ lsr r0,r6,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r6,r0
+ mul r7,r7
+ mul r0,r0
+ lsr r3,r6,#15
+ lsl r6,r6,#17
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r3
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r7 ,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r3,r7
+ sbc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r6,#0
+ sbc r5,r6
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r0
+ adc r5,r6
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r2,r3,r4,r5
+ // Leaves r6 zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ adc r3,r1
+ adc r4,r6
+ adc r5,r6
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r12,r2
+ mov r2,r8
+ mov r8,r3
+ mov r3,r9
+ mov r9,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ // START: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Input operands in r2,r3
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Clobbers: r2,r3,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ // Clobbers: r0, r1
+ uxth r6,r2
+ lsr r7,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r6
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r0,r7
+ mul r6,r6
+ mul r7,r7
+ lsr r1,r0,#15
+ lsl r0,r0,#17
+ add r6,r0
+ adc r7,r1
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r6 ,r7
+ sub r2,r3
+ sbc r4,r4
+ eor r2,r4
+ sub r2,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r3
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ // Clobbers: r3, r4
+ uxth r0,r3
+ lsr r1,r3,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r3,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r3,r1
+ mul r0,r0
+ mul r1,r1
+ lsr r4,r3,#15
+ lsl r3,r3,#17
+ add r0,r3
+ adc r1,r4
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r0 ,r1
+ mov r4,#0
+ add r0,r7
+ adc r1,r4
+ // START: sqr 32
+ // Input operand in r2
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ // Clobbers: r2, r7
+ uxth r3,r2
+ lsr r4,r2,#16
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mul r2,r4
+ mul r3,r3
+ mul r4,r4
+ lsr r7,r2,#15
+ lsl r2,r2,#17
+ add r3,r2
+ adc r4,r7
+ // End: sqr 32
+ // Result in r3 ,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r7,r0
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r7,r3
+ sbc r0,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r1
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r4,#0
+ sbc r1,r4
+ add r7,r6
+ adc r0,r2
+ adc r1,r4
+ // END: sqr 64 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r6,r7,r0,r1
+ // Returns r4 as zero.
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r2,r12
+ mov r3,r8
+ mov r4,r9
+ .syntax divided
+ sub r2,r6
+ sbc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r6,r4
+ mov r7,r5
+ .syntax divided
+ sbc r4,r0
+ sbc r5,r1
+ mov r0,#0
+ sbc r6,r0
+ sbc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ add r2,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r11
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r3,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r4,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r5,r0
+ mov r0,#0
+ adc r6,r0
+ adc r7,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ // END: sqr 128 Refined Karatsuba
+ // Result in r0 ... r7
+ mvn r0,r0
+ mvn r1,r1
+ mvn r2,r2
+ mvn r3,r3
+ mvn r4,r4
+ mvn r5,r5
+ mvn r6,r6
+ mvn r7,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r4
+ mov r9,r5
+ mov r10,r6
+ mov r11,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r4,#143
+ asr r4,r4,#1
+ pop {r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ adc r0,r4
+ adc r1,r5
+ adc r2,r6
+ adc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r12,r4
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r4,#16
+ add r4,r14
+ stm r4!,{r0,r1,r2,r3}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r4,r12
+ mov r0,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r0,r4
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r0
+ mov r1,r9
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r1,r5
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r9,r1
+ mov r2,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r2,r6
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r10,r2
+ mov r3,r11
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r3,r7
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r11,r3
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r0,#0
+ adc r0,r0
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r12,r0
+ mov r0,r14
+ .syntax divided
+ ldm r0,{r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ add r0,r4
+ adc r1,r5
+ adc r2,r6
+ adc r3,r7
+ mov r4,#16
+ add r4,r14
+ stm r4!,{r0,r1,r2,r3}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r14,r4
+ mov r0,r13
+ .syntax divided
+ ldm r0!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r8
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r4,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r9
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r5,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r10
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r6,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r11
+ .syntax divided
+ adc r7,r1
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r0,r14
+ .syntax divided
+ stm r0!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ pop {r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r1,r12
+ .syntax divided
+ mov r2,#0
+ mvn r2,r2
+ adc r1,r2
+ asr r2,r1,#4
+ add r4,r1
+ adc r5,r2
+ adc r6,r2
+ adc r7,r2
+ stm r0!,{r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ pop {r3,r4,r5,r6,r7}
+ .syntax unified
+ mov r8,r3
+ mov r9,r4
+ mov r10,r5
+ mov r11,r6
+ mov r12,r7
+ .syntax divided
+ pop {r0,r4,r5,r6,r7,r15}
+//Cycle Count ASM-Version of 256 sqr (Refined Karatsuba) (Cortex M0): 793 (697 instructions).
+ .size square256_asm, .-square256_asm