diff options
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6b38766049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""EC Crash report analyzer"""
+import argparse
+import pathlib
+import re
+import sys
+# Regex tested here:
+# This Regex has only been tested in Cortex-M0+ crash reporter.
+# TODO(b/253492108): Add regexp for missing architectures.
+ r"^Saved.*$\n=== PROCESS EXCEPTION: (.*) ====== xPSR: (.*) ===$\n"
+ r"r0 :(.*) r1 :(.*) r2 :(.*) r3 :(.*)$\n"
+ r"r4 :(.*) r5 :(.*) r6 :(.*) r7 :(.*)$\n"
+ r"r8 :(.*) r9 :(.*) r10:(.*) r11:(.*)$\n"
+ r"r12:(.*) sp :(.*) lr :(.*) pc :(.*)$\n"
+ r"\n"
+ r"^cfsr=(.*), shcsr=(.*), hfsr=(.*), dfsr=(.*), ipsr=(.*)$"
+_symbols = []
+_entries = []
+def read_map_file(map_file):
+ """Reads the map file, and populates the _symbols list with the tuple address/name"""
+ lines = map_file.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ addr_str, _, name = line.split(" ")
+ addr = int(addr_str, 16)
+ _symbols.append((addr, name.strip()))
+def get_symbol_bisec(addr: int, low: int, high: int) -> str:
+ """Finds the symbol using binary search"""
+ # Element not found.
+ if low > high:
+ return f"invalid address: {format(addr, '#x')}"
+ mid = (high + low) // 2
+ # Corner case for last element.
+ if mid == len(_symbols) - 1:
+ if addr > _symbols[mid][0]:
+ return f"invalid address: {format(addr, '#x')}"
+ return _symbols[mid][1]
+ if _symbols[mid][0] <= addr < _symbols[mid + 1][0]:
+ symbol = _symbols[mid][1]
+ # Start of a sequence of Thumb instructions. When this happens, query
+ # for the next address.
+ if symbol == "$t":
+ symbol = _symbols[mid + 1][1]
+ return symbol
+ if addr > _symbols[mid][0]:
+ return get_symbol_bisec(addr, mid + 1, high)
+ return get_symbol_bisec(addr, low, mid - 1)
+def get_symbol(addr: int) -> str:
+ """Returns the function name that corresponds to the given address"""
+ symbol = get_symbol_bisec(addr, 0, len(_symbols) - 1)
+ # Symbols generated by the compiler to identify transitions in the
+ # code. If so, just append the address.
+ if symbol in ("$a", "$d", "$c", "$t"):
+ symbol = f"{symbol}:{format(addr,'#x')}"
+ return symbol
+def process_log_file(file_name: str) -> str:
+ """Reads a .log file and extracts the FW version"""
+ try:
+ with open(file_name, "r") as log_file:
+ lines = log_file.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ # Searching for something like:
+ # ===ec_info===
+ # vendor | Nuvoton
+ # name | NPCX586G
+ # fw_version | rammus_v2.0.460-d1d2aeb01f
+ if line.startswith("fw_version"):
+ _, value = line.split("|")
+ return value.strip()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return ".log file not found"
+ return "unknown fw version"
+def process_crash_file(file_name: str) -> dict:
+ """Process a single crash report, and convert it to a dictionary"""
+ regs = {}
+ with open(file_name, "r") as crash_file:
+ content =
+ # TODO(b/253492108): This is hardcoded to Cortex-M0+ crash reports.
+ # New ones (Risc-V, NDS32, etc.) will be added on demand.
+ #
+ # Expecting something like:
+ # Saved panic data: (NEW)
+ # === PROCESS EXCEPTION: ff ====== xPSR: ffffffff ===
+ # r0 : r1 : r2 : r3 :
+ # r4 :dead6664 r5 :10092632 r6 :00000000 r7 :00000000
+ # r8 :00000000 r9 :00000000 r10:00000000 r11:00000000
+ # r12: sp :00000000 lr : pc :
+ #
+ # cfsr=00000000, shcsr=00000000, hfsr=00000000, dfsr=00000000, ipsr=000000ff
+ match = re.match(_REGEX_CORTEX_M0, content, re.MULTILINE)
+ values = []
+ # Convert the values to numbers, invalid the invalid ones.
+ # Cannot use list comprehension due to possible invalid values
+ if match is not None:
+ for i in match.groups():
+ try:
+ val = int(i, 16)
+ except ValueError:
+ # Value might be empty, so we must handle the exception
+ val = -1
+ values.append(val)
+ regs["exp"] = values[0]
+ regs["xPSR"] = values[1]
+ regs["regs"] = values[2:15]
+ regs["sp"] = values[15]
+ regs["lr"] = values[16]
+ regs["pc"] = values[17]
+ regs["cfsr"] = values[18]
+ regs["chcsr"] = values[19]
+ regs["hfsr"] = values[20]
+ regs["dfsr"] = values[21]
+ regs["ipsr"] = values[22]
+ regs["symbol"] = get_symbol(regs["regs"][5])
+ return regs
+def process_crash_files(crash_folder):
+ """Process the crash reports that are in the crash_folder"""
+ processed = 0
+ for file in crash_folder.iterdir():
+ # .log and .upload_file_eccrash might not be in order.
+ # To avoid processing it more than once, only process the
+ # ones with extension ".upload_file_eccrash" and then read the ".log".
+ if file.suffix != ".upload_file_eccrash":
+ continue
+ entry = process_crash_file(file)
+ if len(entry) != 0:
+ fw_ver = process_log_file(file.parent.joinpath(file.stem + ".log"))
+ entry["fw_version"] = fw_ver
+ if len(entry) != 0:
+ _entries.append(entry)
+ processed += 1
+ print(f"Processed: {processed}", file=sys.stderr)
+def cmd_report_lite(crash_folder):
+ """Generates a 'lite' report that only contains a few fields"""
+ process_crash_files(crash_folder)
+ for entry in _entries:
+ print(
+ f"Task: {format(entry['exp'],'#04x')} - "
+ f"cause: {format(entry['regs'][4], '#x')} - "
+ f"PC: {entry['symbol']} - "
+ f"EC ver:{entry['fw_version']}"
+ )
+def cmd_report_full(crash_folder):
+ """Generates a full report in .cvs format"""
+ process_crash_files(crash_folder)
+ # Print header
+ print(
+ "Task,xPSR,r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,"
+ "sp,lr,pc,cfsr,chcsr,hfsr,dfsr,ipsr,symbol,fw_version"
+ )
+ for entry in _entries:
+ print(
+ f"{format(entry['exp'],'#04x')},{format(entry['xPSR'],'#x')}",
+ end="",
+ )
+ for i in range(12):
+ print(f",{format(entry['regs'][i],'#x')}", end="")
+ print(
+ f",{format(entry['sp'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['lr'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['pc'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['cfsr'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['hfsr'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['dfsr'],'#x')}"
+ f",{format(entry['ipsr'],'#x')}"
+ f",\"{(entry['symbol'])}\""
+ f",\"{(entry['fw_version'])}\""
+ )
+def main(argv):
+ """Main entry point"""
+ example_text = """Example:
+# 1st:
+# Collect the crash reports using this script:
+# MUST be run within a Google3 Workspace. E.g:
+(google3) blaze run //experimental/users/ricardoq/crashpad:main -- --outdir=/tmp/dumps/ --limit=3000 --offset=15000 --hwclass=shyvana --milestone=105
+# 2nd:
+# Assuming that you don't have the .map file of the EC image, you can download the EC image from LUCI
+# and then parse the .elf file by doing:
+nm -n ec.RW.elf | grep " [tT] " > /tmp/
+# 3rd:
+# Run this script full -m /tmp/ -f /tmp/dumps
+# Combine it with 'sort' and 'uniq' for better reports. E.g: lite -m /tmp/ -f /tmp/dumps | sort | uniq -c | less
+# Tip:
+# Start by analyzing the "lite" report. If there is a function that calls your
+# attention, generate the "full" report and analyze with Ghidra and/or
+# IDA Pro the different "PC" that belong to the suspicious function.
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog="crash_analyzer",
+ epilog=example_text,
+ description="Process crash reports and converts them to human-friendly format.",
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-m",
+ "--map-file",
+ type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+ required=True,
+ metavar="ec_map_file",
+ help="/path/to/ec_image_map_file",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-f",
+ "--crash_folder",
+ type=pathlib.Path,
+ required=True,
+ help="Folder with the EC crash report files",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "command", choices=["lite", "full"], help="Command to run."
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ # Needed for all commands
+ read_map_file(args.map_file)
+ if args.command == "lite":
+ cmd_report_lite(args.crash_folder)
+ elif args.command == "full":
+ cmd_report_full(args.crash_folder)
+ else:
+ print(f"Unsupported command: {args.command}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])