path: root/cros_ec/include/ec_os.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'cros_ec/include/ec_os.h')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cros_ec/include/ec_os.h b/cros_ec/include/ec_os.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b21e4772cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cros_ec/include/ec_os.h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+/* Operating system objects for EC */
+#ifndef __CROS_EC_OS_H
+#define __CROS_EC_OS_H
+#include "ec_common.h"
+#include "ec_os_types.h"
+/* Timeout value which means "wait forever". */
+#define EC_OS_FOREVER -1
+/* Tasks */
+/* Creates a task of the specified priority and stack size. If
+ * stack_size=0, uses the default stack size. The task will call
+ * task_func(param). Fills <task>. */
+EcError EcTaskCreate(EcTask* task, int priority, int stack_size,
+ void (*task_func)(void*), void* param);
+/* Sleep for the specified number of microseconds. */
+void EcTaskSleep(int usec);
+/* Exits the current task. */
+void EcTaskExit(void);
+/* Software interrupts (SWI) */
+/* Creates a SWI of the specified priority. When the SWI is
+ * triggered, it will call swi_func(param, bits), where <bits> is the
+ * accumulated bits value from all preceding calls to EcSwiPost().
+ * Fills <swi>. */
+EcError EcSwiCreate(EcSwi* swi, int priority,
+ void (*swi_func)(void*, uint32_t), void* param);
+/* Sets the specified bits in the SWI. */
+EcError EcSwiPost(EcSwi* swi, uint32_t bits);
+/* Timers */
+/* Timer flags */
+/* Timer is periodic; if not present, timer is one-shot. */
+/* Creates a timer which will call timer_func(param) after the
+ * specified interval. See EC_TIMER_FLAG_* for valid flags. Fills
+ * <timer>. */
+EcError EcTimerCreate(EcTimer* timer, int interval_usec, int priority,
+ uint32_t flags, void (*timer_func)(void*), void* param);
+/* Stops a timer. */
+EcError EcTimerStop(EcTimer* timer);
+/* Starts a timer. */
+EcError EcTimerStart(EcTimer* timer);
+/* Semaphores */
+/* Creates a semaphore with the specified initial count. Fills <semaphore>. */
+EcError EcSemaphoreCreate(EcSemaphore* semaphore, int initial_count);
+/* Posts the semaphore, incrementing its count by one. If count>0,
+ * this will allow the next task pending on the semaphore to run. */
+EcError EcSemaphorePost(EcSemaphore* semaphore);
+/* Waits up to <timeout_usec> microseconds (or forever, if
+ * timeout_usec==EC_OS_FOREVER) for the semaphore. If it's unable to
+ * acquire the semaphore before the timeout, returns
+EcError EcSemaphoreWait(EcSemaphore* semaphore, int timeout_usec);
+/* Stores the current semaphore count into <count_ptr>. */
+EcError EcSemaphoreGetCount(EcSemaphore* semaphore, int* count_ptr);
+/* Events
+ *
+ * To be compatible with all platforms, only one task at a time may
+ * wait on an event. */
+/* Creates an event with the specified initial bits. Fills <event>. */
+EcError EcEventCreate(EcEvent* event, uint32_t initial_bits);
+/* Turns on the specified bits in the event. */
+EcError EcEventPost(EcEvent* event, uint32_t bits);
+/* Waits up to <timeout_usec> microseconds (or forever, if
+ * timeout_usec==EC_OS_FOREVER) for all of the requested bits to be
+ * set in the event. Returns EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT on timeout. */
+EcError EcEventWaitAll(EcEvent* event, uint32_t bits, int timeout_usec);
+/* Waits up to <timeout_usec> microseconds (or forever, if
+ * timeout_usec==EC_OS_FOREVER) for any of the requested bits to be
+ * set in the event. If got_bits_ptr!=NULL, sets it to the bits which
+ * were posted, and clears those bits. Returns EC_ERROR_TIMEOUT on timeout. */
+EcError EcEventWaitAny(EcEvent* event, uint32_t bits, uint32_t* got_bits_ptr,
+ int timeout_usec);
+/* Other OS functions */
+/* Initializes the OS. Must be called before any of the functions above. */
+void EcOsInit(void);
+/* Starts OS task management. Returns when all threads have exited.
+ * This function should be called by main(). */
+void EcOsStart(void);