path: root/docs/fingerprint/
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-# Fingerprint Authentication on Chrome OS
-Last Updated: 2019-01-14
-## Objective
-### Goals
-* Let users securely unlock their device with just their fingerprint
-* Reuse the same architecture on all future platforms, don’t be tied to a
- specific technology ([Arm TrustZone], [Intel SGX]).
-* Support Android’s [fingerprint authentication framework] so users can for
- example authorise payments in Android apps with their fingerprint. The
- fingerprint implementation needs to comply with Android’s [CDD].
-### Non-goals
-* Let users log in with their fingerprint
- * Users will have to use other authentication methods (e.g. password or
- PIN) to log into their account.
- * Once logged in, users will be able to unlock the screen with their
- fingerprint
-## Background
-To unlock their Chromebook users have to enter their password or a PIN.
-[Windows] and [macOS] let the user authenticate with their fingerprint for
-faster unlocking, we want to bring that capability to Chrome OS.
-### Fingerprint matching basics
-#### Fingerprint enrollment
-When a user wants to register their finger for fingerprint authentication, they
-go through the _enrollment_ operation. They are asked to touch the sensor
-multiple times with different parts of their fingerprint. The
-[matching algorithm] uses the images captured during enrollment to build a model
-of that fingerprint (known as a _template_).
-#### Fingerprint matching
-When the user puts their finger on the sensor, an image of the fingerprint is
-captured and compared to the fingerprint templates of the enrolled fingerprints
-to determine if the fingerprint matches one of the templates.
-#### Template update (TU)
-When the matching algorithm determines that a fingerprint matches a template
-with a high level of certainty, it can (and normally will) use that fingerprint
-image to update the template to improve the accuracy of future matching
-### Threat model
-There are two main objectives for potential attackers:
-* Large scale collection of biometric data from users by opportunistic
- attackers
- * This attack is only valuable remotely. In case an attacker has physical
- access to the device they are already able to collect fingerprint data
- left by the user on the device itself without having to attack the
- software.
-* Target a specific user, typically with physical access to the device in
- order to either:
- * Allow the attacker to enroll their own fingerprint to unlock the device
- at will later on (the “abusive partner” model).
- * Spoof positive fingerprint matches to let the rest of the system believe
- that a user has successfully identified, for example to break [2FA]
- \("spy" trying to gain access to an organisation’s resources via the
- victim’s computer).
-### Privacy and security
-* Biometric data is particularly sensitive, so all operations on fingerprint
- data must happen in a _Secure Biometric Processor_ (**SBP**). Attackers must
- not gain access to the user’s fingerprints even if they have exploited the
- software running on the AP.
-* To protect the user’s privacy, fingerprint data must not be accessible
- without the user’s consent, even by Google. Typically it will protected by
- the user’s password.
-* Fingerprint data must not leave the device.
-* For added security, only the specific Chromebook used to enroll the
- fingerprint can use it. Other Chromebooks, even of the same model, must not
- be able to use the enrolled fingerprint.
-### Scalability
-For Eve, we [considered][Old Design Doc] using SGX as the SBP.
-However the complexity of the solution makes that option unattractive, both
-because of the amount of dev work required and because of the large resulting
-attack surface. It’s also exclusive to Intel, we would have to develop a
-completely different architecture for other platforms, which would add more dev
-work and increase the attack surface again.
-## Overview {#overview}
-Devices have a dedicated microcontroller (MCU) running a firmware based on the
-[Chromium OS EC] codebase that is used as the _Secure Biometric Processor_
-(**SBP**), where all enrollment and matching operations take place. Even if
-attackers gained control of the AP, they still would not be able to access the
-fingerprint (FP) data since it never leaves the SBP unencrypted.
-The SBP controls the sensor directly over a dedicated SPI bus. The SBP is
-connected to the host with a different SPI bus, the host has no direct access to
-the FP data coming from the sensor.
-Enrolled templates for a particular user are stored in the user’s [cryptohome]
-but not synced/backed up to the cloud. They are thus encrypted with a key
-(`User_Key`) derived from the user’s password, preventing 3rd parties (including
-Google) from accessing the fingerprint templates if the user hasn’t entered
-their password.
-On top of that, enrolled templates are also encrypted by a device-specific
-`HW_Key`. `HW_Key` is derived from a secret that has been randomly generated by
-the SBP, which prevents decrypting the templates on another device.
-### Architecture
-![Fingerprint Architecture]
-### Typical workflows
-#### FP enrollment
-1. User starts the enrollment flow from the Settings UI.
-1. SBP starts the enrollment operation.
-1. SBP captures a number of FP images (exact number depends on the sensor,
- typically 3-4 to 10-12) and builds the template in the SBP’s volatile memory
-1. SBP encrypts the template with `HW_Key` and sends the encrypted template to
- the AP.
-1. AP encrypts the template with `User_Key` and saves it to non-volatile
- storage.
-1. User goes back to step 1 to enroll another finger. A user can typically
- enroll 3 to 5 fingers, depending on how many templates the SBP can hold in
- its internal volatile storage at the same time.
-#### User login
-1. User logs in by typing their password.
-1. FP templates of that user go through the first level of decryption, with
- `User_Key`.
-1. FP templates are uploaded to the SBP.
-1. FP templates go through the second level of decryption in the SBP, with
- `HW_Key`.
-1. Deciphered FP templates are kept in the SBP’s volatile memory, ready to use
- for matching operations.
-#### Screen unlocking operation
-1. User touches the sensor with their finger.
-1. SBP verifies that the FP image matches one of the user’s templates.
-1. SBP wakes up the AP and sends a “FP matched” message to the AP
-1. The AP unlocks the screen.
-1. Matcher updates the template in the SBP’s volatile memory.
-1. SBP encrypts the updated template with `HW_Key` and sends the encrypted
- template to the AP.
-1. AP encrypts the template with `User_Key` and saves it to non-volatile
- storage.
-## Detailed Design {#detailed-design}
-### FP template encryption {#template-encryption}
-FP templates are encrypted "twice". First, the templates are encrypted by the
-SBP with a hardware-bound key that is unique to this SBP and that only the SBP
-knows. On top of that, the AP also encrypts the FP templates with a key bound to
-the user password.
-#### User-bound encryption
-The FP templates are stored in a "[cryptohome daemon store folder]" which is
-encrypted by [cryptohome] with a key tied to the user password. We plan to
-replace this post-launch with a mechanism similar to
-[Authentication-Time User Secrets]. Separate design doc to come.
-#### Hardware-bound encryption
-FP templates are AES-encrypted with `HW_Key`. `HW_Key` is bound to this specific
-SBP so encrypted templates can only be deciphered by this specific SBP. To
-ensure that a powerwash/recovery/WP toggle/.../ makes the encryption key
-impossible to recover, `HW_Key` also depends on a secret held by the TPM.
-We use an AEAD cipher (AES-GCM) to detect if the encrypted templates have been
-tampered with by an attacker controlling the AP.
-##### SBP secret generation
-The SBP generates a new 128-bit random number `SBP_Src_Key` every time the user
-goes through recovery or powerwashes the device. The [clobber-state] script
-sends a command to the SBP to make it immediately regenerate a new `SBP_Src_Key`
-immediately after requesting a TPM clear.
-`SBP_Src_Key` is stored by the SBP’s internal Flash and never shared with the
-##### TPM-held Secret
-To avoid potential bugs where `SBP_Src_Key` would not always be made
-unrecoverable in some corner cases of recovery or powerwash, we make the
-encryption key `HW_Key` depend on a secret that is held by the TPM and deleted
-every time the TPM is cleared, for example if someone attempts to do a
-"[ccd open]" to disable the hardware WP.
-The following is a summary of the mechanism, see the specific design doc
-[“TPM-seed for Fingerprint MCU”] for details.
-The TPM already holds a "[system key]" `Cros_Sys_Key` in NVRAM space that is
-used to derive the encryption key of the stateful partition. That "system key"
-can only be read once per boot, typically by [mount_encrypted].
-We modify mount_encrypted so that right after reading the seed, it derives a key
-TPM_Seed = HMAC-SHA256(Cros_Sys_Key, "biod")
-`TPM_Seed` is then uploaded to the SBP where it will part of the
-[Input Key Material (IKM)] and immediately cleared from the AP’s memory, while
-the attack surface is very small (e.g. no network connections, stateful
-partition not yet mounted) to prevent attackers from accessing it.
-##### `HW_Key` derivation {#hw-key-derivation}
-The `HW_Key` 128-bit AES key for every FP template on the device is derived from
-the SBP’s secret and the TPM’s secret to ensure uniqueness. Therefore, even two
-identical devices would have different encryption keys. The user ID is also used
-as an input for key derivation, so 2 users on the same device won’t share
-encryption keys either. Summing up, the key used to encrypt a template depends
-* Device-bound `TPM_Seed`, randomly generated on recovery/powerwash
-* SBP-specific `SBP_Src_Key`, randomly generated on recovery/powerwash
-* User ID on the device
-* Encryption salt, randomly generated before every encryption
-###### Salt for key derivation
-Every time we update a template, we generate a new random 128-bit salt.
-The salt is not required to be secret, so we store `User_Salt` in cleartext next
-to the user’s encrypted FP templates on the disk.
-On user login, biod sends the salt and the encrypted FP templates to the SBP.
-biod also sends the User ID to the SBP. The SBP derives the AES key using [HKDF]
-with HMAC-SHA256:
-HW_Key = HKDF(HMAC-SHA256, SBP_Src_Key, TPM_Seed, User_Salt, User_ID)
-At that point, the SBP [authenticates and deciphers](#aead) the FP templates.
-The SBP then generates a new 128-bit salt `User_Salt_New` randomly and derives a
-new AES key:
-HW_Key_New = HKDF(HMAC-SHA256, SBP_Src_Key, TPM_Seed, User_Salt_New, User_ID)
-Updated FP templates are then encrypted with `HW_Key_New` before being stored on
-the host, along with the new salt `User_Salt_New`.
-*Note*: The SBP has a unique serial number hwID that could also be used as an
-additional input to the KDF (though it never changes). The entropy is pretty low
-and though not easily accessible an attacker who had stolen the device could
-gain access to it. After consulting with the security team, using the hwID was
-deemed unnecessary since it wasn’t adding real entropy.
-##### AEAD (AES-GCM) Encryption {#aead}
-To encrypt the FP templates with `HW_Key` we use BoringSSL’s implementation of
-###### Initialisation Vector
-The encryption operations are done by the R/W firmware that doesn’t have write
-access to the Flash, so it can’t keep track of IVs that could have already been
-used during previous boots since it has no way to persist state. Instead, the
-SBP will generate a random 96-bit IV every time it needs to encrypt a template
-with `HW_Key` before sending it back to the host for storage. This only happens
-every time a user successfully matches their finger, which assuming 1 match
-every second for 10 years would result in 3600\*24\*365\*10 < 350,000,000, so
-the risk of reusing an IV is acceptable. To ensure that a compromised host could
-not try to generate too many messages to find collisions, the SBP rate-limits
-the number of encryption operations to 1 per second.
-The IV will be stored on the host with the salt, the encrypted templates and the
-16-byte tag for authentication.
-###### Authentication Tag
-To authenticate the encrypted templates, we use a 128-bit tag that we store in
-clear text with the encrypted template.
-Authentication of the encrypted templates prevents attackers from generating
-random templates to try to attack directly the matching libraries rather than
-the AES-GCM128 implementation. It also prevents attackers from trying to pass
-their own template instead of the user’s FP template.
-###### Encryption Flowchart
-Encryption of the FP template in the SBP before the ciphered data is sent to the
-AP for storage.
-![Encryption Flowchart]
-###### Decryption Flowchart
-Decryption of the ciphered FP template coming from the AP when the user logs in.
-![Decryption Flowchart]
-#### FP template disk format
-Encrypted templates are stored in a “[cryptohome daemon store folder]” that is
-only mounted/decrypted when the user has logged in. The templates are stored as
-JSON files with the following fields:
- "biomanager": “CrosFpBiometricsManager” string
- "version": integer describing the version of the file format. Set to 1 at launch
- "data": Base64-encoded string containing the `HW_Key`-encrypted template
- "label": user-configurable human-readable string listed in the UI
- "record_id": UUID of that template generated at enrollment time
-##### `HW_Key`-encrypted template format
-The content of the "data" field is the encrypted template that can be deciphered
-by the SBP.
-| Field Name | Field description | Field size (bytes) | Field offset (bytes) |
-| ---------- | ------------------ | ------------------ | -------------------- |
-| Version | Number describing the version of the file format. Set to 3 at launch. | 2 | 0 |
-| Reserved | Reserved bytes, set to 0 | 2 | 2 |
-| Nonce | Randomly-generated IV | 12 | 4 |
-| Salt | Randomly-generated salt | 16 | 16 |
-| Tag | AES-GCM Authentication Tag | 16 | 32 |
-| Template | Encrypted template | 47552 | 48 |
-When the user logs in, the cryptohome daemon store folder of that user is
-mounted and the JSON files become available to biod. For every enrolled finger,
-biod sends the `HW_Key`-encrypted template to the SBP. The SBP
-[derives `HW_Key`](#hw-key-derivation) for that template and deciphers the
-### Protection of the SBP
-To access the unencrypted data and/or `HW_Key`, attackers have 3 main options:
-* Temporarily gain read or even execution access in the SBP through a firmware
- bug
- * Would allow an attacker to gain access to the clear text FP data and/or
- the encryption key
- * Mitigation strategy in [Prevent RW exploits](#prevent-rw-exploits)
-* Turn a temporary compromise of the SBP’s firmware into a permanent exploit
- by replacing the SBP’s firmware with a firmware controlled by the attacker
- * Would allow an attacker to gain access to the clear text FP data and/or
- the encryption key
- * Would allow an attacker to spoof positive FP matches, defeating 2FA
- * Mitigation in [Verified firmware](#verified-firmware)
-* Use physical access and control of WP to load a compromised firmware to the
- * Mitigation in [Control WP/BOOT0](#control-wp-boot0)
-#### Verified firmware {#verified-firmware}
-To verify the integrity of the firmware we use a mechanism similar to the one
-used to protect the EC in detachable keyboards as described in
-[Detachable Base Verified Boot].
-The SBP has a minimalistic RO firmware that contains the public part of an
-RSA-3072 exponent 3 key pair. The corresponding private key is only accessible
-by the Chrome OS signers and is used to sign SBP firmwares. On boot the RO
-firmware verifies the signature of the RW firmware. If the RW signature is
-valid, the RO firmware protects itself by setting the WP bit of the Flash then
-jumps to RW.
-##### Anti-rollback
-On top of verifying the signature of the RW firmware, the RO firmware must
-verify that the RW firmware is not an outdated version with known
-vulnerabilities. This is required to prevent attackers from loading valid but
-vulnerable RW firmwares. This is achieved with an anti-rollback mechanism as
-described in
-[Detachable Base Verified Boot][Detachable Base Verified Boot Anti-Rollback].
-###### Nocturne-specific anti-rollback
-On nocturne, the SBP is an STM32H7 MCU, with 128K Flash blocks. We still need 2
-pingpong RB blocks to prevent data loss, so the Flash map looks like this:
-Name | Size
-------------------- | -------
-RO firmware | 128 KB
-Blank | 640 KB
-RB1 + `SBP_Src_Key` | 128 KB
-RB2 + `SBP_Src_Key` | 128 KB
-RW firmware | 1024 KB
-The Nocturne SBP uses the same Flash block for the anti-rollback mechanism and
-`SBP_Src_Key`. Most of the anti-rollback mechanism is identical to the one
-described in
-[Detachable Base Verified Boot][Detachable Base Verified Boot Anti-Rollback],
-and the key is similar to the entropy/secret stored for
-[Detachable Base Swap Detection].
-The rollback minimum version is updated whenever RO has verified RW signature,
-and the RW rollback version is larger than what is stored in the RB block.
-When re-keying is desired, `SBP_Src_Key` is updated by doing the following
-SHA256(SBP_Src_Key || entropy)
-where `entropy` is generated from STM32H7 True Random Number Generator (see
-[RM0433] Chapter 33 for details). Since there are 2 rollback blocks, and we
-ping-pong between them, re-keying should involve updating `SBP_Src_Key` twice,
-so that both blocks are erased, and no remnant of the previous key is left over.
-#### Prevent RW exploits {#prevent-rw-exploits}
-Even non-persistent exploits in the RW firmware would be problematic if the
-attacker was able to read the content of the memory or the Flash, e.g. via a
-buffer overflow, since they could gain access to the clear text FP data and/or
-the encryption key. If the attacker was also able to execute code in RW, they
-would be able to spoof positive FP matches.
-##### Attack through host command interface {#attack-host-command}
-The AP can send a number of commands to the SBP, for example to wait for a match
-or to update the RW firmware. In case of a vulnerability in the protocol an
-attacker with (potentially remote) access to the AP<->SBP SPI bus could send bad
-specially crafted commands to the SBP and potentially gain read, write or even
-execute permissions in the SBP.
-###### Mitigation strategies
-* Limit the size of the API exposed by the SBP to the AP
-* Fuzz the host command interface
-##### Attack through crafted templates uploaded to the SBP {#template-attack}
-The AP partially deciphers (with `User_Key`) the templates stored on the disk
-then sends the `HW_Key`-encrypted templates to the SBP where they will be
-deciphered and then passed to the matching algorithm. An attacker could submit a
-carefully crafted template to the SBP that would exploit holes in the closed
-source matching algorithm library.
-###### Mitigation strategies
-We use AEAD to decipher and authenticate the templates received from the AP,
-they are not passed directly to the matching library. Bad templates will be
-intercepted by the decryption code.
-##### RAM noexec
-Even if an attacker gained some level of access to the SBP, the RAM is not
-executable so it would be hard for the attacker to execute compromised code, for
-example to spoof successful authentication and break 2FA or to attempt to turn
-into a persistent compromission of the SBP by writing a new compromised firmware
-to Flash.
-#### Control WP/BOOT0 {#control-wp-boot0}
-The BOOT0 pin of the MCU is gated by the WP controlled by Haven. Since toggling
-the WP bit from Haven requires physical access to the device, remote attackers
-can’t toggle the BOOT0 pin to make the MCU start in bootloader mode and
-read/write the Flash from the AP.
-However, with physical access (> 5 minutes) an attacker could disable the WP
-signal from Haven and toggle the BOOT0 pin to start the MCU in bootloader mode.
-##### Flash protected with RDP Level 1
-We will set the Flash in [Global Read-out Protection (RDP) mode Level 1]. This
-means that attackers with physical access who would manage to start the MCU in
-bootloader mode would not be able to read `SBP_Src_Key` from the Flash.
-Attackers would still be able to read the content of the RAM and registers but
-at that point the MCU would just have rebooted and the RAM would be empty.
-If the attacker attempted to write their own code to the Flash (for example to
-replace RO), RDP Level 1 would only allow that after a complete erasure of the
-Flash that would wipe `SBP_Src_Key`, preventing the user from decrypting FP
-*Note*: An attacker with that level of access could in theory replace the RO
-firmware with their own firmware. This would however have wiped enrolled
-fingers, giving the user an indication that their device might have been
-tampered with. This wouldn’t give access to existing FP templates or images to
-the attacker, only future enrollments.
-##### RMA
-To ensure that a device is clean after e.g. refurbishing, the RMA procedure
-would require that the operator disabled the WP bit from Haven and toggled BOOT0
-to switch to bootloader mode. After that a known good RO and RW firmware can be
-written to the Flash and the operator will reenable the WP bit from Haven.
-## Security Considerations
-### Security boundaries
-#### Chrome to system services
-Biod and Chrome communicate over D-Bus (defined [here][biod D-Bus API]).
-* Chrome lets biod know when the user has signed in, so biod can load the
- templates to the [SBP](#overview).
-* Biod lets Chrome know when the SBP has detected a positive or negative match
- so Chrome can unlock the screen.
-* Chrome tells biod to start/end enrolling a finger.
-* Chrome tells biod to start/end authentication (matching) mode.
-#### Kernel to firmware
-The SBP uses the `cros_ec` interface, same as the EC. There are additional
-SBP-specific host commands that the AP can send to the SBP, see
-[Attack through host command interface](#attack-host-command).
-### Privileges
-#### Sandboxing
-Biod uses Minijail ([upstart script][biod upstart script]) for [sandboxing], and
-has a [seccomp filter].
-### Untrusted input
-Encrypted templates are read from the stateful partition where they could be
-corrupted or tampered with. Biod itself doesn’t parse that input -it’s still
-encrypted by the SBP- and merely marshalls the data around to and from the SBP.
-To ensure the integrity of the input, we use [AEAD] with an
-[implementation][AEAD implementation] based on BoringSSL.
-The encrypted templates are wrapped inside JSON files that could be corrupted or
-tampered with. Biod does parse and interpret some fields of those JSON files.
-That input is [fuzzed].
-### Sensitive data
-The SBP handles biometric data, see the [Detailed Design](#detailed-design)
-section that describes how we keep that data protected from attackers.
-### Attack surface
-#### Libraries
-* Biod uses libbrillo and libchrome
-* The SBP firmware is based on the cros_ec code already used in the EC. Two
- significant additions:
- * Parts of BoringSSL (AES and AES-GCM) ported to cros_ec
- * 3rd-party proprietary blob used for matching, see
- [Closed source blobs in the SBP](#closed-source-blobs).
-#### Remote attacks
-Neither biod nor the SBP are exposed directly to remote attackers. Since biod
-communicates with Chrome over D-Bus, and attacker who had compromised Chrome
-could start sending D-Bus commands to biod.
-#### Closed source blobs in the SBP {#closed-source-blobs}
-The enrollment/matching and image capture libraries are provided by a 3rd-party
-vendor in binary form. That proprietary blob went through a security audit by a
-3rd party auditor (see the auditor’s [report][Security Audit Report].
-On top of the security audit of the 3rd-party proprietary code, we limit the
-attack surface of those libraries by not directly exposing them to user input.
-Data (e.g. FP templates) that is fed to those libraries isn’t directly coming
-from untrusted user input, it is sanitized by the opensource glue logic and
-wrappers. For example, we use AEAD to ensure that the encrypted data that is
-deciphered before being passed to the 3rd-party libraries has been generated by
-the SBP itself. For more details, see section
-[Attack through crafted templates uploaded to the SBP](#template-attack).
-### Implementation robustness
-#### biod (userspace daemon)
-##### Multi-threading/multi-process
-biod uses `base::MessageLoopForIO`, no custom multi-thread or multi-process
-##### State machine implementation
-biod has 3 main states:
-* Idle
-* Waiting for a match: controlled by the [AuthSession] object
-* Enrolling a new fingerprint: controlled by the [EnrollSession] object.
-#### cros_fp (SBP firmware)
-##### Multi-threading/multi-process
-We use the [primitives][EC primitives] of the Chromium OS EC: tasks, hooks, and
-deferred functions.
-##### Memory allocation
-Most buffers (e.g. for FP images and templates) are [statically allocated]. The
-vendor libraries do require some dynamic memory allocation, we provide
-[wrappers functions] that use the [malloc/free memory module for Chrome EC].
-##### State machine implementation
-There is one main [state machine] that configures the matching/enrollment code
-to be ready for a match or to enroll a finger.
-### Cryptography
-See detailed discussion in the ["FP template encryption"](#template-encryption)
-### Metrics {#metrics}
-Metrics related to security that we’re collecting through UMA:
-* `Ash.Login.Lock.AuthMethod.Used.ClamShellMode` to know if FP is used to
- authenticate
-* `Ash.Login.Lock.AuthMethod.Used.TabletMode` to know if FP is used to
- authenticate
-* `Fingerprint.Unlock.AuthSuccessful` tracks whether FP authentication was
- successful or not
-* `Fingerprint.Unlock.AttemptsCountBeforeSuccess` tracks how many attempts it
- takes for users to unlock with their fingerprint
-* `Fingerprint.UnlockEnabled` tracks whether FP unlocking is enabled or not
-* `Fingerprint.Unlock.EnrolledFingerCount` reports the number of fingers that
- users have enrolled
-Complete list of metrics collected via UMA:
-[New UKM collection review - CrOS FP Unlock]
-### Potential attacks
-#### Enroll a rogue fingerprint
-An attacker with physical access to the device could enroll their own
-fingerprint under the victim’s account and use it to unlock the device at-will
-in the future.
-* Enrollment UI requires the user password before telling biod to start an
- enrollment session, so the attacker would need some form of exploit to
- bypass Chrome and trigger the enrollment. We plan to replace this
- post-launch with a mechanism similar to [Authentication-Time User Secrets].
- Separate design doc to come.
-* Even if it’s not a persistent exploit, a rogue enrolled fingerprint would
- persist.
-* The victim’s fingerprint data would still be secure.
-* The enrollment UI shows how many fingers are enrolled.
-## Privacy Considerations
-### Fingerprint data is kept locally on the device
-The raw fingerprint images themselves never leave the SBP. The fingerprint
-templates are kept on the local storage (encrypted both with the `HW_Key` and
-the `User_Key`) of the device and not synced to the cloud, encrypted or not.
-### Fingerprint data decryption requires the user password
-The fingerprint templates are stored in a "[cryptohome daemon store folder]"
-which is only mounted when the user logs in. To do so, they must have entered
-their password.
-### FP matching is not used for login, only unlocking
-Before using their fingerprint to unlock the device the user must have logged
-in, typically with the Google Account password.
-### Lock screen will display a FP icon if enabled
-If a user has enabled FP unlocking, a FP icon will be associated to that user on
-the lock screen. This potentially lets others know that a user has enabled FP
-unlocking. This seems reasonable when the small resulting decrease in privacy is
-weighed against the fact that adding an icon greatly improves UX.
-### Metrics collection
-We collect anonymous metrics through [UMA], see section [Metrics](#metrics) for
-### Logs
-Biod, the SBP, and Chrome have logs related to the fingerprint process.
-[Privacy fields for Fingerprints] lists the log entries and their privacy
-implications. Full [PDD is here].
-#### Biod
-The log files are in `/var/log/biod/`.
-#### SBP
-The log file is `/var/log/cros_fp.log`.
-<!-- Links -->
-[AEAD implementation]:
-[Arm TrustZone]:
-[Authentication-Time User Secrets]: http://go/authentication-time-user-secrets
-[biod D-Bus API]:
-[biod upstart script]:
-[ccd open]:
-[Chromium OS EC]:
-[cryptohome daemon store folder]:
-[Detachable Base Swap Detection]:
-[Detachable Base Verified Boot Anti-Rollback]: http://go/detachable-base-vboot#heading=h.fimcm174ok3
-[Detachable Base Verified Boot]: http://go/detachable-base-vboot#heading=h.dolfbdpggye6
-[EC primitives]:
-[fingerprint authentication framework]:
-[Global Read-out Protection (RDP) mode Level 1]:
-[Input Key Material (IKM)]:
-[Intel SGX]:
-[malloc/free memory module for Chrome EC]:
-[matching algorithm]:
-[New UKM collection review - CrOS FP Unlock]:
-[Old Design Doc]:
-[PDD is here]: http://go/cros-fingerprint-pdd
-[Privacy fields for Fingerprints]:
-[Privacy fields for Fingerprints]:
-[seccomp filter]:
-[Security Audit Report]:
-[state machine]:
-[statically allocated]:
-[system key]:
-[UMA]: http://go/uma
-[wrappers functions]:
-[“TPM-seed for Fingerprint MCU”]: http://go/bio_tpm_seed
-<!-- Images -->
-[Decryption Flowchart]:
-[Encryption Flowchart]:
-[Fingerprint Architecture]: