path: root/ec_uart.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ec_uart.h')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ec_uart.h b/ec_uart.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78d1b18764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ec_uart.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* ec_uart.h - UART module for Chrome EC
+ *
+ * (Chromium license) */
+#ifndef __CROS_EC_UART_H
+#define __CROS_EC_UART_H
+#include "ec_common.h"
+/* Output functions */
+/* Print formatted output to the UART, like printf().
+ *
+ * Returns error if output was truncated.
+ *
+ * Must support format strings for:
+ * char (%c)
+ * string (%s)
+ * native int (signed/unsigned) (%d / %u / %x)
+ * int32_t / uint32_t (%d / %x)
+ * int64_t / uint64_t (%ld / %lu / %lx)
+ * pointer (%p)
+ * including padding (%-5s, %8d, %08x)
+ *
+ * Note: Floating point output (%f / %g) is not required.
+ */
+EcError UartPrintf(const char* format, ...);
+/* Put a null-terminated string to the UART, like puts().
+ *
+ * Returns error if output was truncated. */
+EcError UartPuts(const char* outstr);
+/* Flushes output. Blocks until UART has transmitted all output. */
+void UartFlush(void);
+/* Input functions */
+/* Flushes input buffer, discarding all input. */
+void UartFlushInput(void);
+/* Non-destructively checks for a character in the input buffer.
+ *
+ * Returns non-zero if the character <c> is in the input buffer. If
+ * c<0, returns non-zero if any character is in the input buffer. */
+/* TODO: add boolean type? */
+/* TODO: return offset of the character? That is, how many bytes of
+ * input up to and including the character. */
+int UartPeek(int c);
+/* Reads characters from the UART, similar to fgets().
+ *
+ * Reads input until one of the following conditions is met:
+ * (1) <size-1> characters have been read.
+ * (2) A newline ('\n') has been read.
+ * (3) The input buffer is empty.
+ *
+ * Condition (3) means this call never blocks. This is important
+ * because it prevents a race condition where the caller calls
+ * UartPeek() to see if input is waiting, or is notified by the
+ * callack that input is waiting, but then the input buffer overflows
+ * or someone else grabs the input before UartGets() is called.
+ *
+ * Characters are stored in <dest> and are null-terminated, and
+ * include the newline if present.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of characters read (not counting the terminating
+ * null). */
+int UartGets(char* dest, int size);
+/* Callback handler prototype, called when the UART has input. */
+typedef void (*UartHasInputCallback)(void);
+/* Registers an input callback handler, replacing any existing
+ * callback handler. If callback==NULL, disables callbacks.
+ *
+ * Callback will be called whenever the UART receives character <c>.
+ * If c<0, callback will be called when the UART receives any
+ * character. */
+void UartRegisterHasInputCallback(UartHasInputCallback callback, int c);
+/* TODO: what to do about input overflow? That is, what if the input
+ * buffer fills with 'A', and we're still waiting for a newline? Do
+ * we drop the oldest output, flush the whole thing, or call the input
+ * callback with a message code? Alternately, should the callback be able
+ * to specify a buffer-full-threshold where it gets called?
+ *
+ * Simplest just to flush the input buffer on overflow. */
+/* YJLOU: are you talking about the UartRegisterHasInputCallback()?
+ * If yes, this is not a problem because for every input key, we can drop it
+ * if there is no callback registered for it.
+ * Else if you are talking about the UartGets() function, I think you can add
+ * the third return critiria: internal key buffer reaches full.
+ */
+/* TODO: getc(), putc() equivalents? */
+/* TODO: input handler assumes debug input new lines are '\n'-delimited? */
+#endif /* __CROS_EC_UART_H */