path: root/test/tpm_test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/tpm_test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/test/tpm_test/ b/test/tpm_test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 11218cbcc6..0000000000
--- a/test/tpm_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Module for initializing and driving a SPI TPM."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import getopt
-import os
-import struct
-import sys
-import traceback
-# Suppressing pylint warning about an import not at the top of the file. The
-# path needs to be set *before* the last import.
-# pylint: disable=C6204
-root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(root_dir, '..', '..', 'build', 'tpm_test'))
-import crypto_test
-import drbg_test
-import ecc_test
-import ecies_test
-import ftdi_spi_tpm
-import hash_test
-import hkdf_test
-import rsa_test
-import subcmd
-import trng_test
-import upgrade_test
-# Extension command for dcypto testing
-EXT_CMD = 0xbaccd00a
-class TPM(object):
- """TPM accessor class.
- Object of this class allows to send valid and extended TPM commands (using
- the command() method. The wrap_command/unwrap_response methods provide a
- means of encapsulating extended commands in proper TPM data packets, as well
- as extracting extended command responses.
- Attributes:
- _handle: a ftdi_spi_tpm object, a USB/FTDI/SPI driver which allows
- communicate with a TPM connected over USB dongle.
- """
- STARTUP_CMD = '80 01 00 00 00 0c 00 00 01 44 00 00'
- STARTUP_RSP = ('80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00',
- '80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 01 00')
- def __init__(self, freq=800*1000, debug_mode=False):
- self._debug_enabled = debug_mode
- self._handle = ftdi_spi_tpm
- if not self._handle.FtdiSpiInit(freq, debug_mode):
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Failed to connect')
- def validate(self, data_blob, response_mode=False):
- """Check if a data blob complies with TPM command/response header format."""
- (tag, size, cmd_code, _) = struct.unpack_from(
- self.HEADER_FMT, data_blob + ' ')
- prefix = 'Misformatted blob: '
- if tag not in (0x8001, 0x8002):
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError(prefix + 'bad tag value 0x%4.4x' % tag)
- if size != len(data_blob):
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError(prefix + 'size mismatch: header %d, actual %d'
- % (size, len(data_blob)))
- if size > 4096:
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError(prefix + 'invalid size %d' % size)
- if response_mode:
- # Startup response code, extension or vendor command response code
- if cmd_code == 0x100 or cmd_code == 0 or cmd_code == 0x500:
- return
- else:
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError(
- prefix + 'invalid response code 0x%x' % cmd_code)
- if cmd_code >= 0x11f and cmd_code <= 0x18f:
- return # This is a valid command
- if cmd_code == EXT_CMD:
- return # This is an extension command
- if cmd_code >= 0x20000000 and cmd_code <= 0x200001ff:
- return # this is vendor command
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError(prefix + 'invalid command code 0x%x' % cmd_code)
- def command(self, cmd_data):
- # Verify command header
- self.validate(cmd_data)
- response = self._handle.FtdiSendCommandAndWait(cmd_data)
- self.validate(response, response_mode=True)
- return response
- def wrap_ext_command(self, subcmd_code, cmd_body):
- return struct.pack(self.HEADER_FMT, 0x8001,
- len(cmd_body) + struct.calcsize(self.HEADER_FMT),
- EXT_CMD, subcmd_code) + cmd_body
- def unwrap_ext_response(self, expected_subcmd, response):
- """Verify basic validity and strip off TPM extended command header.
- Get the response generated by the device, as it came off the wire, verify
- that header fields match expectations, then strip off the extension
- command header and return the payload to the caller.
- Args:
- expected_subcmd: an int, up to 16 bits in size, the extension command
- this response is supposed to be for.
- response: a binary string, the actual response received over the wire.
- Returns:
- the binary string of the response payload, if validation succeeded.
- Raises:
- subcmd.TpmTestError: in case there are any validation problems, the
- error message describes the problem.
- """
- header_size = struct.calcsize(self.HEADER_FMT)
- tag, size, cmd, sub = struct.unpack(self.HEADER_FMT,
- response[:header_size])
- if tag != 0x8001:
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Wrong response tag: %4.4x' % tag)
- if cmd:
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Unexpected response command field: %8.8x' %
- cmd)
- if sub != expected_subcmd:
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Unexpected response subcommand field: %2.2x' %
- sub)
- if size != len(response):
- raise subcmd.TpmTestError('Size mismatch: header %d, actual %d' % (
- size, len(response)))
- return response[header_size:]
- def debug_enabled(self):
- return self._debug_enabled
-def usage():
- print ('Syntax: [-d | -t | -h ]\n'
- ' -d - prints additional debug information during tests\n'
- ' -t - dump raw output from TRNG to /tmp/trng_output\n'
- ' -h - this help\n')
- return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'dth','help')
- except getopt.GetoptError as err:
- print(str(err))
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- debug_needed = False
- trng_only = False
- for o, a in opts:
- if o == '-d':
- debug_needed = True
- elif o == '-t':
- trng_only = True
- elif o == '-h' or o == '--help':
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- try:
- t = TPM(debug_mode=debug_needed)
- if trng_only:
- trng_test.trng_test(t)
- sys.exit(1)
- crypto_test.crypto_tests(t, os.path.join(root_dir, 'crypto_test.xml'))
- drbg_test.drbg_test(t)
- ecc_test.ecc_test(t)
- ecies_test.ecies_test(t)
- hash_test.hash_test(t)
- hkdf_test.hkdf_test(t)
- rsa_test.rsa_test(t)
- upgrade_test.upgrade(t)
- except subcmd.TpmTestError as e:
- exc_file, exc_line = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_traceback)[-1][:2]
- print('\nError in %s:%s: ' % (os.path.basename(exc_file), exc_line), e)
- if debug_needed:
- traceback.print_exc()
- sys.exit(1)