path: root/util/ec3po/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1125 deletions
diff --git a/util/ec3po/ b/util/ec3po/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3643ea498a..0000000000
--- a/util/ec3po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1125 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""EC-3PO Interactive Console Interface
-console provides the console interface between the user and the interpreter. It
-handles the presentation of the EC console including editing methods as well as
-session-persistent command history.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import binascii
-import copy
-import ctypes
-from datetime import datetime
-# pylint: disable=cros-logging-import
-import logging
-import os
-import pty
-import re
-import select
-import stat
-import sys
-import traceback
-import interpreter
-import threadproc_shim
-PROMPT = '> '
-CONSOLE_INPUT_LINE_SIZE = 80 # Taken from the CONFIG_* with the same name.
-CONSOLE_MAX_READ = 100 # Max bytes to read at a time from the user.
-LOOK_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 # Size of search window when looking for the enhanced EC
- # image string.
-# In console_init(), the EC will print a string saying that the EC console is
-# enabled. Enhanced images will print a slightly different string. These
-# regular expressions are used to determine at reboot whether the EC image is
-# enhanced or not.
-ENHANCED_IMAGE_RE = re.compile(r'Enhanced Console is enabled '
- r'\(v([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\)')
-NON_ENHANCED_IMAGE_RE = re.compile(r'Console is enabled; ')
-# The timeouts are really only useful for enhanced EC images, but otherwise just
-# serve as a delay for non-enhanced EC images. Therefore, we can keep this
-# value small enough so that there's not too much of a delay, but long enough
-# that enhanced EC images can respond in time. Once we've detected an enhanced
-# EC image, we can increase the timeout for stability just in case it takes a
-# bit longer to receive an ACK for some reason.
-NON_ENHANCED_EC_INTERROGATION_TIMEOUT = 0.3 # Maximum number of seconds to wait
- # for a response to an
- # interrogation of a non-enhanced
- # EC image.
-ENHANCED_EC_INTERROGATION_TIMEOUT = 1.0 # Maximum number of seconds to wait for
- # a response to an interrogation of an
- # enhanced EC image.
-INTERROGATION_MODES = ['never', 'always', 'auto'] # List of modes which control
- # when interrogations are
- # performed with the EC.
-# Format for printing host timestamp
-HOST_STRFTIME="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "
-class EscState(object):
- """Class which contains an enumeration for states of ESC sequences."""
-class ControlKey(object):
- """Class which contains codes for various control keys."""
- BACKSPACE = 0x08
- CTRL_A = 0x01
- CTRL_B = 0x02
- CTRL_D = 0x04
- CTRL_E = 0x05
- CTRL_F = 0x06
- CTRL_K = 0x0b
- CTRL_N = 0xe
- CTRL_P = 0x10
- ESC = 0x1b
-class Console(object):
- """Class which provides the console interface between the EC and the user.
- This class essentially represents the console interface between the user and
- the EC. It handles all of the console editing behaviour
- Attributes:
- logger: A logger for this module.
- master_pty: File descriptor to the master side of the PTY. Used for driving
- output to the user and receiving user input.
- user_pty: A string representing the PTY name of the served console.
- cmd_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the console side of the command pipe. This must be a
- bidirectional pipe. Console commands and responses utilize this pipe.
- dbg_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the console's read-only side of the debug pipe. This must be a
- unidirectional pipe attached to the intepreter. EC debug messages use
- this pipe.
- oobm_queue: A Queue.Queue or multiprocessing.Queue which is used for out of
- band management for the interactive console.
- input_buffer: A string representing the current input command.
- input_buffer_pos: An integer representing the current position in the buffer
- to insert a char.
- partial_cmd: A string representing the command entered on a line before
- pressing the up arrow keys.
- esc_state: An integer represeting the current state within an escape
- sequence.
- line_limit: An integer representing the maximum number of characters on a
- line.
- history: A list of strings containing the past entered console commands.
- history_pos: An integer representing the current history buffer position.
- This index is used to show previous commands.
- prompt: A string representing the console prompt displayed to the user.
- enhanced_ec: A boolean indicating if the EC image that we are currently
- communicating with is enhanced or not. Enhanced EC images will support
- packed commands and host commands over the UART. This defaults to False
- until we perform some handshaking.
- interrogation_timeout: A float representing the current maximum seconds to
- wait for a response to an interrogation.
- receiving_oobm_cmd: A boolean indicating whether or not the console is in
- the middle of receiving an out of band command.
- pending_oobm_cmd: A string containing the pending OOBM command.
- interrogation_mode: A string containing the current mode of whether
- interrogations are performed with the EC or not and how often.
- raw_debug: Flag to indicate whether per interrupt data should be logged to
- debug
- output_line_log_buffer: buffer for lines coming from the EC to log to debug
- """
- def __init__(self, master_pty, user_pty, interface_pty, cmd_pipe, dbg_pipe,
- name=None):
- """Initalises a Console object with the provided arguments.
- Args:
- master_pty: File descriptor to the master side of the PTY. Used for driving
- output to the user and receiving user input.
- user_pty: A string representing the PTY name of the served console.
- interface_pty: A string representing the PTY name of the served command
- interface.
- cmd_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the console side of the command pipe. This must be a
- bidirectional pipe. Console commands and responses utilize this pipe.
- dbg_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the console's read-only side of the debug pipe. This must be a
- unidirectional pipe attached to the intepreter. EC debug messages use
- this pipe.
- name: the console source name
- """
- # Create a unique logger based on the console name
- console_prefix = ('%s - ' % name) if name else ''
- logger = logging.getLogger('%sEC3PO.Console' % console_prefix)
- self.logger = interpreter.LoggerAdapter(logger, {'pty': user_pty})
- self.master_pty = master_pty
- self.user_pty = user_pty
- self.interface_pty = interface_pty
- self.cmd_pipe = cmd_pipe
- self.dbg_pipe = dbg_pipe
- self.oobm_queue = threadproc_shim.Queue()
- self.input_buffer = ''
- self.input_buffer_pos = 0
- self.partial_cmd = ''
- self.esc_state = 0
- self.line_limit = CONSOLE_INPUT_LINE_SIZE
- self.history = []
- self.history_pos = 0
- self.prompt = PROMPT
- self.enhanced_ec = False
- self.interrogation_timeout = NON_ENHANCED_EC_INTERROGATION_TIMEOUT
- self.receiving_oobm_cmd = False
- self.pending_oobm_cmd = ''
- self.interrogation_mode = 'auto'
- self.timestamp_enabled = True
- self.look_buffer = ''
- self.raw_debug = False
- self.output_line_log_buffer = ''
- def __str__(self):
- """Show internal state of Console object as a string."""
- string = []
- string.append('master_pty: %s' % self.master_pty)
- string.append('user_pty: %s' % self.user_pty)
- string.append('interface_pty: %s' % self.interface_pty)
- string.append('cmd_pipe: %s' % self.cmd_pipe)
- string.append('dbg_pipe: %s' % self.dbg_pipe)
- string.append('oobm_queue: %s' % self.oobm_queue)
- string.append('input_buffer: %s' % self.input_buffer)
- string.append('input_buffer_pos: %d' % self.input_buffer_pos)
- string.append('esc_state: %d' % self.esc_state)
- string.append('line_limit: %d' % self.line_limit)
- string.append('history: [\'' + '\', \''.join(self.history) + '\']')
- string.append('history_pos: %d' % self.history_pos)
- string.append('prompt: \'%s\'' % self.prompt)
- string.append('partial_cmd: \'%s\''% self.partial_cmd)
- string.append('interrogation_mode: \'%s\'' % self.interrogation_mode)
- string.append('look_buffer: \'%s\'' % self.look_buffer)
- return '\n'.join(string)
- def LogConsoleOutput(self, data):
- """Log to debug user MCU output to master_pty when line is filled.
- Args:
- data: string received from MCU
- """
- output_data = '%s%s' % (self.output_line_log_buffer, data)
- ends_in_nl = output_data[-1] == '\n'
- data_lines = output_data.splitlines()
- for line in data_lines[:-1]:
- self.logger.debug(line)
- if ends_in_nl:
- self.logger.debug(data_lines[-1])
- self.output_line_log_buffer = ''
- else:
- self.output_line_log_buffer = data_lines[-1]
- def PrintHistory(self):
- """Print the history of entered commands."""
- fd = self.master_pty
- # Make it pretty by figuring out how wide to pad the numbers.
- wide = (len(self.history) / 10) + 1
- for i in range(len(self.history)):
- line = ' %*d %s\r\n' % (wide, i, self.history[i])
- os.write(fd, line)
- def ShowPreviousCommand(self):
- """Shows the previous command from the history list."""
- # There's nothing to do if there's no history at all.
- if not self.history:
- self.logger.debug('No history to print.')
- return
- # Don't do anything if there's no more history to show.
- if self.history_pos == 0:
- self.logger.debug('No more history to show.')
- return
- self.logger.debug('current history position: %d.', self.history_pos)
- # Decrement the history buffer position.
- self.history_pos -= 1
- self.logger.debug('new history position.: %d', self.history_pos)
- # Save the text entered on the console if any.
- if self.history_pos == len(self.history)-1:
- self.logger.debug('saving partial_cmd: \'%s\'', self.input_buffer)
- self.partial_cmd = self.input_buffer
- # Backspace the line.
- for _ in range(self.input_buffer_pos):
- self.SendBackspace()
- # Print the last entry in the history buffer.
- self.logger.debug('printing previous entry %d - %s', self.history_pos,
- self.history[self.history_pos])
- fd = self.master_pty
- prev_cmd = self.history[self.history_pos]
- os.write(fd, prev_cmd)
- # Update the input buffer.
- self.input_buffer = prev_cmd
- self.input_buffer_pos = len(prev_cmd)
- def ShowNextCommand(self):
- """Shows the next command from the history list."""
- # Don't do anything if there's no history at all.
- if not self.history:
- self.logger.debug('History buffer is empty.')
- return
- fd = self.master_pty
- self.logger.debug('current history position: %d', self.history_pos)
- # Increment the history position.
- self.history_pos += 1
- # Restore the partial cmd.
- if self.history_pos == len(self.history):
- self.logger.debug('Restoring partial command of \'%s\'', self.partial_cmd)
- # Backspace the line.
- for _ in range(self.input_buffer_pos):
- self.SendBackspace()
- # Print the partially entered command if any.
- os.write(fd, self.partial_cmd)
- self.input_buffer = self.partial_cmd
- self.input_buffer_pos = len(self.input_buffer)
- # Now that we've printed it, clear the partial cmd storage.
- self.partial_cmd = ''
- # Reset history position.
- self.history_pos = len(self.history)
- return
- self.logger.debug('new history position: %d', self.history_pos)
- if self.history_pos > len(self.history)-1:
- self.logger.debug('No more history to show.')
- self.history_pos -= 1
- self.logger.debug('Reset history position to %d', self.history_pos)
- return
- # Backspace the line.
- for _ in range(self.input_buffer_pos):
- self.SendBackspace()
- # Print the newer entry from the history buffer.
- self.logger.debug('printing next entry %d - %s', self.history_pos,
- self.history[self.history_pos])
- next_cmd = self.history[self.history_pos]
- os.write(fd, next_cmd)
- # Update the input buffer.
- self.input_buffer = next_cmd
- self.input_buffer_pos = len(next_cmd)
- self.logger.debug('new history position: %d.', self.history_pos)
- def SliceOutChar(self):
- """Remove a char from the line and shift everything over 1 column."""
- fd = self.master_pty
- # Remove the character at the input_buffer_pos by slicing it out.
- self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[0:self.input_buffer_pos] + \
- self.input_buffer[self.input_buffer_pos+1:]
- # Write the rest of the line
- moved_col = os.write(fd, self.input_buffer[self.input_buffer_pos:])
- # Write a space to clear out the last char
- moved_col += os.write(fd, ' ')
- # Update the input buffer position.
- self.input_buffer_pos += moved_col
- # Reset the cursor
- self.MoveCursor('left', moved_col)
- def HandleEsc(self, byte):
- """HandleEsc processes escape sequences.
- Args:
- byte: An integer representing the current byte in the sequence.
- """
- # We shouldn't be handling an escape sequence if we haven't seen one.
- assert self.esc_state != 0
- if self.esc_state is EscState.ESC_START:
- self.logger.debug('ESC_START')
- if byte == ord('['):
- self.esc_state = EscState.ESC_BRACKET
- return
- else:
- self.logger.error('Unexpected sequence. %c', byte)
- self.esc_state = 0
- elif self.esc_state is EscState.ESC_BRACKET:
- self.logger.debug('ESC_BRACKET')
- # Left Arrow key was pressed.
- if byte == ord('D'):
- self.logger.debug('Left arrow key pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('left', 1)
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- return
- # Right Arrow key.
- elif byte == ord('C'):
- self.logger.debug('Right arrow key pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('right', 1)
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- return
- # Up Arrow key.
- elif byte == ord('A'):
- self.logger.debug('Up arrow key pressed.')
- self.ShowPreviousCommand()
- # Reset the state.
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- return
- # Down Arrow key.
- elif byte == ord('B'):
- self.logger.debug('Down arrow key pressed.')
- self.ShowNextCommand()
- # Reset the state.
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- return
- # For some reason, minicom sends a 1 instead of 7. /shrug
- # TODO(aaboagye): Figure out why this happens.
- elif byte == ord('1') or byte == ord('7'):
- self.esc_state = EscState.ESC_BRACKET_1
- elif byte == ord('3'):
- self.esc_state = EscState.ESC_BRACKET_3
- elif byte == ord('8'):
- self.esc_state = EscState.ESC_BRACKET_8
- else:
- self.logger.error(r'Bad or unhandled escape sequence. got ^[%c\(%d)',
- chr(byte), byte)
- self.esc_state = 0
- return
- elif self.esc_state is EscState.ESC_BRACKET_1:
- self.logger.debug('ESC_BRACKET_1')
- # HOME key.
- if byte == ord('~'):
- self.logger.debug('Home key pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('left', self.input_buffer_pos)
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- self.logger.debug('ESC sequence complete.')
- return
- elif self.esc_state is EscState.ESC_BRACKET_3:
- self.logger.debug('ESC_BRACKET_3')
- # DEL key.
- if byte == ord('~'):
- self.logger.debug('Delete key pressed.')
- if self.input_buffer_pos != len(self.input_buffer):
- self.SliceOutChar()
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- elif self.esc_state is EscState.ESC_BRACKET_8:
- self.logger.debug('ESC_BRACKET_8')
- # END key.
- if byte == ord('~'):
- self.logger.debug('End key pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('right',
- len(self.input_buffer) - self.input_buffer_pos)
- self.esc_state = 0 # Reset the state.
- self.logger.debug('ESC sequence complete.')
- return
- else:
- self.logger.error('Unexpected sequence. %c', byte)
- self.esc_state = 0
- else:
- self.logger.error('Unexpected sequence. %c', byte)
- self.esc_state = 0
- def ProcessInput(self):
- """Captures the input determines what actions to take."""
- # There's nothing to do if the input buffer is empty.
- if len(self.input_buffer) == 0:
- return
- # Don't store 2 consecutive identical commands in the history.
- if (self.history and self.history[-1] != self.input_buffer
- or not self.history):
- self.history.append(self.input_buffer)
- # Split the command up by spaces.
- line = self.input_buffer.split(' ')
- self.logger.debug('cmd: %s', self.input_buffer)
- cmd = line[0].lower()
- # The 'history' command is a special case that we handle locally.
- if cmd == 'history':
- self.PrintHistory()
- return
- # Send the command to the interpreter.
- self.logger.debug('Sending command to interpreter.')
- self.cmd_pipe.send(self.input_buffer)
- def CheckForEnhancedECImage(self):
- """Performs an interrogation of the EC image.
- Send a SYN and expect an ACK. If no ACK or the response is incorrect, then
- assume that the current EC image that we are talking to is not enhanced.
- Returns:
- is_enhanced: A boolean indicating whether the EC responded to the
- interrogation correctly.
- Raises:
- EOFError: Allowed to propagate through from self.dbg_pipe.recv().
- """
- # Send interrogation byte and wait for the response.
- self.logger.debug('Performing interrogation.')
- self.cmd_pipe.send(interpreter.EC_SYN)
- response = ''
- if self.dbg_pipe.poll(self.interrogation_timeout):
- response = self.dbg_pipe.recv()
- self.logger.debug('response: \'%s\'', binascii.hexlify(response))
- else:
- self.logger.debug('Timed out waiting for EC_ACK')
- # Verify the acknowledgment.
- is_enhanced = response == interpreter.EC_ACK
- if is_enhanced:
- # Increase the interrogation timeout for stability purposes.
- self.interrogation_timeout = ENHANCED_EC_INTERROGATION_TIMEOUT
- self.logger.debug('Increasing interrogation timeout to %rs.',
- self.interrogation_timeout)
- else:
- # Reduce the timeout in order to reduce the perceivable delay.
- self.interrogation_timeout = NON_ENHANCED_EC_INTERROGATION_TIMEOUT
- self.logger.debug('Reducing interrogation timeout to %rs.',
- self.interrogation_timeout)
- return is_enhanced
- def HandleChar(self, byte):
- """HandleChar does a certain action when it receives a character.
- Args:
- byte: An integer representing the character received from the user.
- Raises:
- EOFError: Allowed to propagate through from self.CheckForEnhancedECImage()
- i.e. from self.dbg_pipe.recv().
- """
- fd = self.master_pty
- # Enter the OOBM prompt mode if the user presses '%'.
- if byte == ord('%'):
- self.logger.debug('Begin OOBM command.')
- self.receiving_oobm_cmd = True
- # Print a "prompt".
- os.write(self.master_pty, '\r\n% ')
- return
- # Add chars to the pending OOBM command if we're currently receiving one.
- if self.receiving_oobm_cmd and byte != ControlKey.CARRIAGE_RETURN:
- self.pending_oobm_cmd += chr(byte)
- self.logger.debug('%s', chr(byte))
- os.write(self.master_pty, chr(byte))
- return
- if byte == ControlKey.CARRIAGE_RETURN:
- if self.receiving_oobm_cmd:
- # Terminate the command and place it in the OOBM queue.
- self.logger.debug('End OOBM command.')
- if self.pending_oobm_cmd:
- self.oobm_queue.put(self.pending_oobm_cmd)
- self.logger.debug('Placed \'%s\' into OOBM command queue.',
- self.pending_oobm_cmd)
- # Reset the state.
- os.write(self.master_pty, '\r\n' + self.prompt)
- self.input_buffer = ''
- self.input_buffer_pos = 0
- self.receiving_oobm_cmd = False
- self.pending_oobm_cmd = ''
- return
- if self.interrogation_mode == 'never':
- self.logger.debug('Skipping interrogation because interrogation mode'
- ' is set to never.')
- elif self.interrogation_mode == 'always':
- # Only interrogate the EC if the interrogation mode is set to 'always'.
- self.enhanced_ec = self.CheckForEnhancedECImage()
- self.logger.debug('Enhanced EC image? %r', self.enhanced_ec)
- if not self.enhanced_ec:
- # Send everything straight to the EC to handle.
- self.cmd_pipe.send(chr(byte))
- # Reset the input buffer.
- self.input_buffer = ''
- self.input_buffer_pos = 0
- self.logger.log(1, 'Reset input buffer.')
- return
- # Keep handling the ESC sequence if we're in the middle of it.
- if self.esc_state != 0:
- self.HandleEsc(byte)
- return
- # When we're at the end of the line, we should only allow going backwards,
- # backspace, carriage return, up, or down. The arrow keys are escape
- # sequences, so we let the escape...escape.
- if (self.input_buffer_pos >= self.line_limit and
- byte not in [ControlKey.CTRL_B, ControlKey.ESC, ControlKey.BACKSPACE,
- ControlKey.CTRL_A, ControlKey.CARRIAGE_RETURN,
- ControlKey.CTRL_P, ControlKey.CTRL_N]):
- return
- # If the input buffer is full we can't accept new chars.
- buffer_full = len(self.input_buffer) >= self.line_limit
- # Carriage_Return/Enter
- if byte == ControlKey.CARRIAGE_RETURN:
- self.logger.debug('Enter key pressed.')
- # Put a carriage return/newline and the print the prompt.
- os.write(fd, '\r\n')
- # TODO(aaboagye): When we control the printing of all output, print the
- # prompt AFTER printing all the output. We can't do it yet because we
- # don't know how much is coming from the EC.
- # Print the prompt.
- os.write(fd, self.prompt)
- # Process the input.
- self.ProcessInput()
- # Now, clear the buffer.
- self.input_buffer = ''
- self.input_buffer_pos = 0
- # Reset history buffer pos.
- self.history_pos = len(self.history)
- # Clear partial command.
- self.partial_cmd = ''
- # Backspace
- elif byte == ControlKey.BACKSPACE:
- self.logger.debug('Backspace pressed.')
- if self.input_buffer_pos > 0:
- # Move left 1 column.
- self.MoveCursor('left', 1)
- # Remove the character at the input_buffer_pos by slicing it out.
- self.SliceOutChar()
- self.logger.debug('input_buffer_pos: %d', self.input_buffer_pos)
- # Ctrl+A. Move cursor to beginning of the line
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_A:
- self.logger.debug('Control+A pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('left', self.input_buffer_pos)
- # Ctrl+B. Move cursor left 1 column.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_B:
- self.logger.debug('Control+B pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('left', 1)
- # Ctrl+D. Delete a character.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_D:
- self.logger.debug('Control+D pressed.')
- if self.input_buffer_pos != len(self.input_buffer):
- # Remove the character by slicing it out.
- self.SliceOutChar()
- # Ctrl+E. Move cursor to end of the line.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_E:
- self.logger.debug('Control+E pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('right',
- len(self.input_buffer) - self.input_buffer_pos)
- # Ctrl+F. Move cursor right 1 column.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_F:
- self.logger.debug('Control+F pressed.')
- self.MoveCursor('right', 1)
- # Ctrl+K. Kill line.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_K:
- self.logger.debug('Control+K pressed.')
- self.KillLine()
- # Ctrl+N. Next line.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_N:
- self.logger.debug('Control+N pressed.')
- self.ShowNextCommand()
- # Ctrl+P. Previous line.
- elif byte == ControlKey.CTRL_P:
- self.logger.debug('Control+P pressed.')
- self.ShowPreviousCommand()
- # ESC sequence
- elif byte == ControlKey.ESC:
- # Starting an ESC sequence
- self.esc_state = EscState.ESC_START
- # Only print printable chars.
- elif IsPrintable(byte):
- # Drop the character if we're full.
- if buffer_full:
- self.logger.debug('Dropped char: %c(%d)', byte, byte)
- return
- # Print the character.
- os.write(fd, chr(byte))
- # Print the rest of the line (if any).
- extra_bytes_written = os.write(fd,
- self.input_buffer[self.input_buffer_pos:])
- # Recreate the input buffer.
- self.input_buffer = (self.input_buffer[0:self.input_buffer_pos] +
- ('%c' % byte) +
- self.input_buffer[self.input_buffer_pos:])
- # Update the input buffer position.
- self.input_buffer_pos += 1 + extra_bytes_written
- # Reset the cursor if we wrote any extra bytes.
- if extra_bytes_written:
- self.MoveCursor('left', extra_bytes_written)
- self.logger.debug('input_buffer_pos: %d', self.input_buffer_pos)
- def MoveCursor(self, direction, count):
- """MoveCursor moves the cursor left or right by count columns.
- Args:
- direction: A string that should be either 'left' or 'right' representing
- the direction to move the cursor on the console.
- count: An integer representing how many columns the cursor should be
- moved.
- Raises:
- AssertionError: If the direction is not equal to 'left' or 'right'.
- """
- # If there's nothing to move, we're done.
- if not count:
- return
- fd = self.master_pty
- seq = '\033[' + str(count)
- if direction == 'left':
- # Bind the movement.
- if count > self.input_buffer_pos:
- count = self.input_buffer_pos
- seq += 'D'
- self.logger.debug('move cursor left %d', count)
- self.input_buffer_pos -= count
- elif direction == 'right':
- # Bind the movement.
- if (count + self.input_buffer_pos) > len(self.input_buffer):
- count = 0
- seq += 'C'
- self.logger.debug('move cursor right %d', count)
- self.input_buffer_pos += count
- else:
- raise AssertionError(('The only valid directions are \'left\' and '
- '\'right\''))
- self.logger.debug('input_buffer_pos: %d', self.input_buffer_pos)
- # Move the cursor.
- if count != 0:
- os.write(fd, seq)
- def KillLine(self):
- """Kill the rest of the line based on the input buffer position."""
- # Killing the line is killing all the text to the right.
- diff = len(self.input_buffer) - self.input_buffer_pos
- self.logger.debug('diff: %d', diff)
- # Diff shouldn't be negative, but if it is for some reason, let's try to
- # correct the cursor.
- if diff < 0:
- self.logger.warning('Resetting input buffer position to %d...',
- len(self.input_buffer))
- self.MoveCursor('left', -diff)
- return
- if diff:
- self.MoveCursor('right', diff)
- for _ in range(diff):
- self.SendBackspace()
- self.input_buffer_pos -= diff
- self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[0:self.input_buffer_pos]
- def SendBackspace(self):
- """Backspace a character on the console."""
- os.write(self.master_pty, '\033[1D \033[1D')
- def ProcessOOBMQueue(self):
- """Retrieve an item from the OOBM queue and process it."""
- item = self.oobm_queue.get()
- self.logger.debug('OOBM cmd: %s', item)
- cmd = item.split(' ')
- if cmd[0] == 'loglevel':
- # An integer is required in order to set the log level.
- if len(cmd) < 2:
- self.logger.debug('Insufficient args')
- self.PrintOOBMHelp()
- return
- try:
- self.logger.debug('Log level change request.')
- new_log_level = int(cmd[1])
- self.logger.logger.setLevel(new_log_level)
-'Log level changed to %d.', new_log_level)
- # Forward the request to the interpreter as well.
- self.cmd_pipe.send(item)
- except ValueError:
- # Ignoring the request if an integer was not provided.
- self.PrintOOBMHelp()
- elif cmd[0] == 'timestamp':
- mode = cmd[1].lower()
- self.timestamp_enabled = mode == 'on'
-'%sabling uart timestamps.',
- 'En' if self.timestamp_enabled else 'Dis')
- elif cmd[0] == 'rawdebug':
- mode = cmd[1].lower()
- self.raw_debug = mode == 'on'
-'%sabling per interrupt debug logs.',
- 'En' if self.raw_debug else 'Dis')
- elif cmd[0] == 'interrogate' and len(cmd) >= 2:
- enhanced = False
- mode = cmd[1]
- if len(cmd) >= 3 and cmd[2] == 'enhanced':
- enhanced = True
- # Set the mode if correct.
- self.interrogation_mode = mode
- self.logger.debug('Updated interrogation mode to %s.', mode)
- # Update the assumptions of the EC image.
- self.enhanced_ec = enhanced
- self.logger.debug('Enhanced EC image is now %r', self.enhanced_ec)
- # Send command to interpreter as well.
- self.cmd_pipe.send('enhanced ' + str(self.enhanced_ec))
- else:
- self.PrintOOBMHelp()
- else:
- self.PrintOOBMHelp()
- def PrintOOBMHelp(self):
- """Prints out the OOBM help."""
- # Print help syntax.
- os.write(self.master_pty, '\r\n' + 'Known OOBM commands:\r\n')
- os.write(self.master_pty, ' interrogate <never | always | auto> '
- '[enhanced]\r\n')
- os.write(self.master_pty, ' loglevel <int>\r\n')
- def CheckBufferForEnhancedImage(self, data):
- """Adds data to a look buffer and checks to see for enhanced EC image.
- The EC's console task prints a string upon initialization which says that
- "Console is enabled; type HELP for help.". The enhanced EC images print a
- different string as a part of their init. This function searches through a
- "look" buffer, scanning for the presence of either of those strings and
- updating the enhanced_ec state accordingly.
- Args:
- data: A string containing the data sent from the interpreter.
- """
- self.look_buffer += data
- # Search the buffer for any of the EC image strings.
- enhanced_match =, self.look_buffer)
- non_enhanced_match =, self.look_buffer)
- # Update the state if any matches were found.
- if enhanced_match or non_enhanced_match:
- if enhanced_match:
- self.enhanced_ec = True
- elif non_enhanced_match:
- self.enhanced_ec = False
- # Inform the interpreter of the result.
- self.cmd_pipe.send('enhanced ' + str(self.enhanced_ec))
- self.logger.debug('Enhanced EC image? %r', self.enhanced_ec)
- # Clear look buffer since a match was found.
- self.look_buffer = ''
- # Move the sliding window.
- self.look_buffer = self.look_buffer[-LOOK_BUFFER_SIZE:]
-def IsPrintable(byte):
- """Determines if a byte is printable.
- Args:
- byte: An integer potentially representing a printable character.
- Returns:
- A boolean indicating whether the byte is a printable character.
- """
- return byte >= ord(' ') and byte <= ord('~')
-def StartLoop(console, command_active, shutdown_pipe=None):
- """Starts the infinite loop of console processing.
- Args:
- console: A Console object that has been properly initialzed.
- command_active: ctypes data object or multiprocessing.Value indicating if
- servod owns the console, or user owns the console. This prevents input
- collisions.
- shutdown_pipe: A file object for a pipe or equivalent that becomes readable
- (not blocked) to indicate that the loop should exit. Can be None to never
- exit the loop.
- """
- try:
- console.logger.debug('Console is being served on %s.', console.user_pty)
- console.logger.debug('Console master is on %s.', console.master_pty)
- console.logger.debug('Command interface is being served on %s.',
- console.interface_pty)
- console.logger.debug(console)
- # This checks for HUP to indicate if the user has connected to the pty.
- ep = select.epoll()
- ep.register(console.master_pty, select.EPOLLHUP)
- # This is used instead of "break" to avoid exiting the loop in the middle of
- # an iteration.
- continue_looping = True
- # Used for determining when to print host timestamps
- tm_req = True
- while continue_looping:
- # Check to see if pts is connected to anything
- events = ep.poll(0)
- master_connected = not events
- # Check to see if pipes or the console are ready for reading.
- read_list = [console.interface_pty,
- console.cmd_pipe, console.dbg_pipe]
- if master_connected:
- read_list.append(console.master_pty)
- if shutdown_pipe is not None:
- read_list.append(shutdown_pipe)
- # Check if any input is ready, or wait for .1 sec and re-poll if
- # a user has connected to the pts.
- select_output =, [], [], .1)
- if not select_output:
- continue
- ready_for_reading = select_output[0]
- for obj in ready_for_reading:
- if obj is console.master_pty:
- if not command_active.value:
- # Convert to bytes so we can look for non-printable chars such as
- # Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, etc.
- try:
- line = bytearray(, CONSOLE_MAX_READ))
- console.logger.debug('Input from user: %s, locked:%s',
- str(line).strip(), command_active.value)
- for i in line:
- try:
- # Handle each character as it arrives.
- console.HandleChar(i)
- except EOFError:
- console.logger.debug(
- 'ec3po console received EOF from dbg_pipe in HandleChar()'
- ' while reading console.master_pty')
- continue_looping = False
- break
- except OSError:
- console.logger.debug('Ptm read failed, probably user disconnect.')
- elif obj is console.interface_pty:
- if command_active.value:
- # Convert to bytes so we can look for non-printable chars such as
- # Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, etc.
- line = bytearray(, CONSOLE_MAX_READ))
- console.logger.debug('Input from interface: %s, locked:%s',
- str(line).strip(), command_active.value)
- for i in line:
- try:
- # Handle each character as it arrives.
- console.HandleChar(i)
- except EOFError:
- console.logger.debug(
- 'ec3po console received EOF from dbg_pipe in HandleChar()'
- ' while reading console.interface_pty')
- continue_looping = False
- break
- elif obj is console.cmd_pipe:
- try:
- data = console.cmd_pipe.recv()
- except EOFError:
- console.logger.debug('ec3po console received EOF from cmd_pipe')
- continue_looping = False
- else:
- # Write it to the user console.
- if console.raw_debug:
- console.logger.debug('|CMD|-%s->\'%s\'',
- ('u' if master_connected else '') +
- ('i' if command_active.value else ''),
- data.strip())
- if master_connected:
- os.write(console.master_pty, data)
- if command_active.value:
- os.write(console.interface_pty, data)
- elif obj is console.dbg_pipe:
- try:
- data = console.dbg_pipe.recv()
- except EOFError:
- console.logger.debug('ec3po console received EOF from dbg_pipe')
- continue_looping = False
- else:
- if console.interrogation_mode == 'auto':
- # Search look buffer for enhanced EC image string.
- console.CheckBufferForEnhancedImage(data)
- # Write it to the user console.
- if len(data) > 1 and console.raw_debug:
- console.logger.debug('|DBG|-%s->\'%s\'',
- ('u' if master_connected else '') +
- ('i' if command_active.value else ''),
- data.strip())
- console.LogConsoleOutput(data)
- if master_connected:
- end = len(data) - 1
- if console.timestamp_enabled:
- # A timestamp is required at the beginning of this line
- if tm_req is True:
- now =
- tm = now.strftime(HOST_STRFTIME)
- os.write(console.master_pty, tm)
- tm_req = False
- # Insert timestamps into the middle where appropriate
- # except if the last character is a newline
- nls_found = data.count('\n', 0, end)
- now =
- tm = now.strftime('\n' + HOST_STRFTIME)
- data_tm = data.replace('\n', tm, nls_found)
- else:
- data_tm = data
- # timestamp required on next input
- if data[end] == '\n':
- tm_req = True
- os.write(console.master_pty, data_tm)
- if command_active.value:
- os.write(console.interface_pty, data)
- elif obj is shutdown_pipe:
- console.logger.debug(
- 'ec3po console received shutdown pipe unblocked notification')
- continue_looping = False
- while not console.oobm_queue.empty():
- console.logger.debug('OOBM queue ready for reading.')
- console.ProcessOOBMQueue()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- # TODO( Stop suppressing all exceptions.
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- finally:
- ep.unregister(console.master_pty)
- console.dbg_pipe.close()
- console.cmd_pipe.close()
- os.close(console.master_pty)
- os.close(console.interface_pty)
- if shutdown_pipe is not None:
- shutdown_pipe.close()
- console.logger.debug('Exit ec3po console loop for %s', console.user_pty)
-def main(argv):
- """Kicks off the EC-3PO interactive console interface and interpreter.
- We create some pipes to communicate with an interpreter, instantiate an
- interpreter, create a PTY pair, and begin serving the console interface.
- Args:
- argv: A list of strings containing the arguments this module was called
- with.
- """
- # Set up argument parser.
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=('Start interactive EC console '
- 'and interpreter.'))
- parser.add_argument('ec_uart_pty',
- help=('The full PTY name that the EC UART'
- ' is present on. eg: /dev/pts/12'))
- parser.add_argument('--log-level',
- default='info',
- help='info, debug, warning, error, or critical')
- # Parse arguments.
- opts = parser.parse_args(argv)
- # Set logging level.
- opts.log_level = opts.log_level.lower()
- if opts.log_level == 'info':
- log_level = logging.INFO
- elif opts.log_level == 'debug':
- log_level = logging.DEBUG
- elif opts.log_level == 'warning':
- log_level = logging.WARNING
- elif opts.log_level == 'error':
- log_level = logging.ERROR
- elif opts.log_level == 'critical':
- log_level = logging.CRITICAL
- else:
- parser.error('Invalid log level. (info, debug, warning, error, critical)')
- # Start logging with a timestamp, module, and log level shown in each log
- # entry.
- logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format=('%(asctime)s - %(module)s -'
- ' %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
- # Create some pipes to communicate between the interpreter and the console.
- # The command pipe is bidirectional.
- cmd_pipe_interactive, cmd_pipe_interp = threadproc_shim.Pipe()
- # The debug pipe is unidirectional from interpreter to console only.
- dbg_pipe_interactive, dbg_pipe_interp = threadproc_shim.Pipe(duplex=False)
- # Create an interpreter instance.
- itpr = interpreter.Interpreter(opts.ec_uart_pty, cmd_pipe_interp,
- dbg_pipe_interp, log_level)
- # Spawn an interpreter process.
- itpr_process = threadproc_shim.ThreadOrProcess(
- target=interpreter.StartLoop, args=(itpr,))
- # Make sure to kill the interpreter when we terminate.
- itpr_process.daemon = True
- # Start the interpreter.
- itpr_process.start()
- # Open a new pseudo-terminal pair
- (master_pty, user_pty) = pty.openpty()
- # Set the permissions to 660.
- os.chmod(os.ttyname(user_pty), (stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP |
- stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR))
- # Create a console.
- console = Console(master_pty, os.ttyname(user_pty), cmd_pipe_interactive,
- dbg_pipe_interactive)
- # Start serving the console.
- v = threadproc_shim.Value(ctypes.c_bool, False)
- StartLoop(console, v)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1:])