path: root/util/ec3po/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/util/ec3po/ b/util/ec3po/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23eb6a6071..0000000000
--- a/util/ec3po/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""EC-3PO EC Interpreter
-interpreter provides the interpretation layer between the EC UART and the user.
-It receives commands through its command pipe, formats the commands for the EC,
-and sends the command to the EC. It also presents data from the EC to either be
-displayed via the interactive console interface, or some other consumer. It
-additionally supports automatic command retrying if the EC drops a character in
-a command.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import binascii
-# pylint: disable=cros-logging-import
-import copy
-import logging
-import os
-import Queue
-import select
-import traceback
-COMMAND_RETRIES = 3 # Number of attempts to retry a command.
-EC_MAX_READ = 1024 # Max bytes to read at a time from the EC.
-EC_SYN = '\xec' # Byte indicating EC interrogation.
-EC_ACK = '\xc0' # Byte representing correct EC response to interrogation.
-class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
- """Class which provides a small adapter for the logger."""
- def process(self, msg, kwargs):
- """Prepends the served PTY to the beginning of the log message."""
- return '%s - %s' % (self.extra['pty'], msg), kwargs
-class Interpreter(object):
- """Class which provides the interpretation layer between the EC and user.
- This class essentially performs all of the intepretation for the EC and the
- user. It handles all of the automatic command retrying as well as the
- formation of commands for EC images which support that.
- Attributes:
- logger: A logger for this module.
- ec_uart_pty: An opened file object to the raw EC UART PTY.
- ec_uart_pty_name: A string containing the name of the raw EC UART PTY.
- cmd_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the Interpreter side of the command pipe. This must be a
- bidirectional pipe. Commands and responses will utilize this pipe.
- dbg_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the Interpreter side of the debug pipe. This must be a
- unidirectional pipe with write capabilities. EC debug output will utilize
- this pipe.
- cmd_retries: An integer representing the number of attempts the console
- should retry commands if it receives an error.
- log_level: An integer representing the numeric value of the log level.
- inputs: A list of objects that the intpreter selects for reading.
- Initially, these are the EC UART and the command pipe.
- outputs: A list of objects that the interpreter selects for writing.
- ec_cmd_queue: A FIFO queue used for sending commands down to the EC UART.
- last_cmd: A string that represents the last command sent to the EC. If an
- error is encountered, the interpreter will attempt to retry this command
- enhanced_ec: A boolean indicating if the EC image that we are currently
- communicating with is enhanced or not. Enhanced EC images will support
- packed commands and host commands over the UART. This defaults to False
- and is changed depending on the result of an interrogation.
- interrogating: A boolean indicating if we are in the middle of interrogating
- the EC.
- connected: A boolean indicating if the interpreter is actually connected to
- the UART and listening.
- """
- def __init__(self, ec_uart_pty, cmd_pipe, dbg_pipe, log_level=logging.INFO,
- name=None):
- """Intializes an Interpreter object with the provided args.
- Args:
- ec_uart_pty: A string representing the EC UART to connect to.
- cmd_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the Interpreter side of the command pipe. This must be a
- bidirectional pipe. Commands and responses will utilize this pipe.
- dbg_pipe: A socket.socket or multiprocessing.Connection object which
- represents the Interpreter side of the debug pipe. This must be a
- unidirectional pipe with write capabilities. EC debug output will
- utilize this pipe.
- cmd_retries: An integer representing the number of attempts the console
- should retry commands if it receives an error.
- log_level: An optional integer representing the numeric value of the log
- level. By default, the log level will be logging.INFO (20).
- name: the console source name
- """
- # Create a unique logger based on the interpreter name
- interpreter_prefix = ('%s - ' % name) if name else ''
- logger = logging.getLogger('%sEC3PO.Interpreter' % interpreter_prefix)
- self.logger = LoggerAdapter(logger, {'pty': ec_uart_pty})
- self.ec_uart_pty = open(ec_uart_pty, 'a+')
- self.ec_uart_pty_name = ec_uart_pty
- self.cmd_pipe = cmd_pipe
- self.dbg_pipe = dbg_pipe
- self.cmd_retries = COMMAND_RETRIES
- self.log_level = log_level
- self.inputs = [self.ec_uart_pty, self.cmd_pipe]
- self.outputs = []
- self.ec_cmd_queue = Queue.Queue()
- self.last_cmd = ''
- self.enhanced_ec = False
- self.interrogating = False
- self.connected = True
- def __str__(self):
- """Show internal state of the Interpreter object.
- Returns:
- A string that shows the values of the attributes.
- """
- string = []
- string.append('%r' % self)
- string.append('ec_uart_pty: %s' % self.ec_uart_pty)
- string.append('cmd_pipe: %r' % self.cmd_pipe)
- string.append('dbg_pipe: %r' % self.dbg_pipe)
- string.append('cmd_retries: %d' % self.cmd_retries)
- string.append('log_level: %d' % self.log_level)
- string.append('inputs: %r' % self.inputs)
- string.append('outputs: %r' % self.outputs)
- string.append('ec_cmd_queue: %r' % self.ec_cmd_queue)
- string.append('last_cmd: \'%s\'' % self.last_cmd)
- string.append('enhanced_ec: %r' % self.enhanced_ec)
- string.append('interrogating: %r' % self.interrogating)
- return '\n'.join(string)
- def EnqueueCmd(self, command):
- """Enqueue a command to be sent to the EC UART.
- Args:
- command: A string which contains the command to be sent.
- """
- self.ec_cmd_queue.put(command)
- self.logger.log(1, 'Commands now in queue: %d', self.ec_cmd_queue.qsize())
- # Add the EC UART as an output to be serviced.
- if self.connected and self.ec_uart_pty not in self.outputs:
- self.outputs.append(self.ec_uart_pty)
- def PackCommand(self, raw_cmd):
- r"""Packs a command for use with error checking.
- For error checking, we pack console commands in a particular format. The
- format is as follows:
- &&[x][x][x][x]&{cmd}\n\n
- ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^-- 2 newlines.
- | | || || |-- the raw console command.
- | | || ||-- 1 ampersand.
- | | ||____|--- 2 hex digits representing the CRC8 of cmd.
- | |____|-- 2 hex digits reprsenting the length of cmd.
- |-- 2 ampersands
- Args:
- raw_cmd: A pre-packed string which contains the raw command.
- Returns:
- A string which contains the packed command.
- """
- # Don't pack a single carriage return.
- if raw_cmd != '\r':
- # The command format is as follows.
- # &&[x][x][x][x]&{cmd}\n\n
- packed_cmd = []
- packed_cmd.append('&&')
- # The first pair of hex digits are the length of the command.
- packed_cmd.append('%02x' % len(raw_cmd))
- # Then the CRC8 of cmd.
- packed_cmd.append('%02x' % Crc8(raw_cmd))
- packed_cmd.append('&')
- # Now, the raw command followed by 2 newlines.
- packed_cmd.append(raw_cmd)
- packed_cmd.append('\n\n')
- return ''.join(packed_cmd)
- else:
- return raw_cmd
- def ProcessCommand(self, command):
- """Captures the input determines what actions to take.
- Args:
- command: A string representing the command sent by the user.
- """
- if command == "disconnect":
- if self.connected:
- self.logger.debug('UART disconnect request.')
- # Drop all pending commands if any.
- while not self.ec_cmd_queue.empty():
- c = self.ec_cmd_queue.get()
- self.logger.debug('dropped: \'%s\'', c)
- if self.enhanced_ec:
- # Reset retry state.
- self.cmd_retries = COMMAND_RETRIES
- self.last_cmd = ''
- # Get the UART that the interpreter is attached to.
- fileobj = self.ec_uart_pty
- self.logger.debug('fileobj: %r', fileobj)
- # Remove the descriptor from the inputs and outputs.
- self.inputs.remove(fileobj)
- if fileobj in self.outputs:
- self.outputs.remove(fileobj)
- self.logger.debug('Removed fileobj. Remaining inputs: %r', self.inputs)
- # Close the file.
- fileobj.close()
- # Mark the interpreter as disconnected now.
- self.connected = False
- self.logger.debug('Disconnected from %s.', self.ec_uart_pty_name)
- return
- elif command == "reconnect":
- if not self.connected:
- self.logger.debug('UART reconnect request.')
- # Reopen the PTY.
- fileobj = open(self.ec_uart_pty_name, 'a+')
- self.logger.debug('fileobj: %r', fileobj)
- self.ec_uart_pty = fileobj
- # Add the descriptor to the inputs.
- self.inputs.append(fileobj)
- self.logger.debug('fileobj added. curr inputs: %r', self.inputs)
- # Mark the interpreter as connected now.
- self.connected = True
- self.logger.debug('Connected to %s.', self.ec_uart_pty_name)
- return
- elif command.startswith('enhanced'):
- self.enhanced_ec = command.split(' ')[1] == 'True'
- return
- # Ignore any other commands while in the disconnected state.
- self.logger.log(1, 'command: \'%s\'', command)
- if not self.connected:
- self.logger.debug('Ignoring command because currently disconnected.')
- return
- # Remove leading and trailing spaces only if this is an enhanced EC image.
- # For non-enhanced EC images, commands will be single characters at a time
- # and can be spaces.
- if self.enhanced_ec:
- command = command.strip(' ')
- # There's nothing to do if the command is empty.
- if len(command) == 0:
- return
- # Handle log level change requests.
- if command.startswith('loglevel'):
- self.logger.debug('Log level change request.')
- new_log_level = int(command.split(' ')[1])
- self.logger.logger.setLevel(new_log_level)
-'Log level changed to %d.', new_log_level)
- return
- # Check for interrogation command.
- if command == EC_SYN:
- # User is requesting interrogation. Send SYN as is.
- self.logger.debug('User requesting interrogation.')
- self.interrogating = True
- # Assume the EC isn't enhanced until we get a response.
- self.enhanced_ec = False
- elif self.enhanced_ec:
- # Enhanced EC images require the plaintext commands to be packed.
- command = self.PackCommand(command)
- # TODO(aaboagye): Make a dict of commands and keys and eventually,
- # handle partial matching based on unique prefixes.
- self.EnqueueCmd(command)
- def HandleCmdRetries(self):
- """Attempts to retry commands if possible."""
- if self.cmd_retries > 0:
- # The EC encountered an error. We'll have to retry again.
- self.logger.warning('Retrying command...')
- self.cmd_retries -= 1
- self.logger.warning('Retries remaining: %d', self.cmd_retries)
- # Retry the command and add the EC UART to the writers again.
- self.EnqueueCmd(self.last_cmd)
- self.outputs.append(self.ec_uart_pty)
- else:
- # We're out of retries, so just give up.
- self.logger.error('Command failed. No retries left.')
- # Clear the command in progress.
- self.last_cmd = ''
- # Reset the retry count.
- self.cmd_retries = COMMAND_RETRIES
- def SendCmdToEC(self):
- """Sends a command to the EC."""
- # If we're retrying a command, just try to send it again.
- if self.cmd_retries < COMMAND_RETRIES:
- cmd = self.last_cmd
- else:
- # If we're not retrying, we should not be writing to the EC if we have no
- # items in our command queue.
- assert not self.ec_cmd_queue.empty()
- # Get the command to send.
- cmd = self.ec_cmd_queue.get()
- # Send the command.
- self.ec_uart_pty.write(cmd)
- self.ec_uart_pty.flush()
- self.logger.log(1, 'Sent command to EC.')
- if self.enhanced_ec and cmd != EC_SYN:
- # Now, that we've sent the command, store the current command as the last
- # command sent. If we encounter an error string, we will attempt to retry
- # this command.
- if cmd != self.last_cmd:
- self.last_cmd = cmd
- # Reset the retry count.
- self.cmd_retries = COMMAND_RETRIES
- # If no command is pending to be sent, then we can remove the EC UART from
- # writers. Might need better checking for command retry logic in here.
- if self.ec_cmd_queue.empty():
- # Remove the EC UART from the writers while we wait for a response.
- self.logger.debug('Removing EC UART from writers.')
- self.outputs.remove(self.ec_uart_pty)
- def HandleECData(self):
- """Handle any debug prints from the EC."""
- self.logger.log(1, 'EC has data')
- # Read what the EC sent us.
- data =, EC_MAX_READ)
- self.logger.log(1, 'got: \'%s\'', binascii.hexlify(data))
- if '&E' in data and self.enhanced_ec:
- # We received an error, so we should retry it if possible.
- self.logger.warning('Error string found in data.')
- self.HandleCmdRetries()
- return
- # If we were interrogating, check the response and update our knowledge
- # of the current EC image.
- if self.interrogating:
- self.enhanced_ec = data == EC_ACK
- if self.enhanced_ec:
- self.logger.debug('The current EC image seems enhanced.')
- else:
- self.logger.debug('The current EC image does NOT seem enhanced.')
- # Done interrogating.
- self.interrogating = False
- # For now, just forward everything the EC sends us.
- self.logger.log(1, 'Forwarding to user...')
- self.dbg_pipe.send(data)
- def HandleUserData(self):
- """Handle any incoming commands from the user.
- Raises:
- EOFError: Allowed to propagate through from self.cmd_pipe.recv().
- """
- self.logger.log(1, 'Command data available. Begin processing.')
- data = self.cmd_pipe.recv()
- # Process the command.
- self.ProcessCommand(data)
-def Crc8(data):
- """Calculates the CRC8 of data.
- The generator polynomial used is: x^8 + x^2 + x + 1.
- This is the same implementation that is used in the EC.
- Args:
- data: A string of data that we wish to calculate the CRC8 on.
- Returns:
- crc >> 8: An integer representing the CRC8 value.
- """
- crc = 0
- for byte in data:
- crc ^= (ord(byte) << 8)
- for _ in range(8):
- if crc & 0x8000:
- crc ^= (0x1070 << 3)
- crc <<= 1
- return crc >> 8
-def StartLoop(interp, shutdown_pipe=None):
- """Starts an infinite loop of servicing the user and the EC.
- StartLoop checks to see if there are any commands to process, processing them
- if any, and forwards EC output to the user.
- When sending a command to the EC, we send the command once and check the
- response to see if the EC encountered an error when receiving the command. An
- error condition is reported to the interpreter by a string with at least one
- '&' and 'E'. The full string is actually '&&EE', however it's possible that
- the leading ampersand or trailing 'E' could be dropped. If an error is
- encountered, the interpreter will retry up to the amount configured.
- Args:
- interp: An Interpreter object that has been properly initialised.
- shutdown_pipe: A file object for a pipe or equivalent that becomes readable
- (not blocked) to indicate that the loop should exit. Can be None to never
- exit the loop.
- """
- try:
- # This is used instead of "break" to avoid exiting the loop in the middle of
- # an iteration.
- continue_looping = True
- while continue_looping:
- # The inputs list is created anew in each loop iteration because the
- # Interpreter class sometimes modifies the interp.inputs list.
- if shutdown_pipe is None:
- inputs = interp.inputs
- else:
- inputs = list(interp.inputs)
- inputs.append(shutdown_pipe)
- readable, writeable, _ =, interp.outputs, [])
- for obj in readable:
- # Handle any debug prints from the EC.
- if obj is interp.ec_uart_pty:
- interp.HandleECData()
- # Handle any commands from the user.
- elif obj is interp.cmd_pipe:
- try:
- interp.HandleUserData()
- except EOFError:
- interp.logger.debug(
- 'ec3po interpreter received EOF from cmd_pipe in '
- 'HandleUserData()')
- continue_looping = False
- elif obj is shutdown_pipe:
- interp.logger.debug(
- 'ec3po interpreter received shutdown pipe unblocked notification')
- continue_looping = False
- for obj in writeable:
- # Send a command to the EC.
- if obj is interp.ec_uart_pty:
- interp.SendCmdToEC()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- # TODO( Stop suppressing all exceptions.
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- finally:
- interp.cmd_pipe.close()
- interp.dbg_pipe.close()
- interp.ec_uart_pty.close()
- if shutdown_pipe is not None:
- shutdown_pipe.close()
- interp.logger.debug('Exit ec3po interpreter loop for %s',
- interp.ec_uart_pty_name)