path: root/util/signer/bs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/signer/bs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/util/signer/bs b/util/signer/bs
deleted file mode 100755
index 23ee46039a..0000000000
--- a/util/signer/bs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script is a utility which allows to create differently signed CR50
-# images from different sources.
-set -e
-set -u
-progname=$(basename $0)
-trap "{ if [[ -f 1.flat ]]; then rm -rf [01].flat ${tmpf} ; fi; }" EXIT
-usage() {
- local rv="${1}"
- cat <<EOF
-This script allows to sign CR50 RW images. By default it uses ec.RW.elf and
-ec.RW_B.elf in build/cr50/RW as inputs and util/signer/ec_RW-manifest-dev.json
-as the manifest, and places the newly signed images into build/cr50/ec.bin.
-The only outside dependency of this script is the signing utility itself,
-which is expected to be available as /usr/bin/cr50-codesigner.
-The utility can be installed by running 'sudo emerge cr50-utils',
-The following command line options are accepted:
- b1 - generate signature for the b1 version of the H1 chip
- elves <elf1> <elf2> - sign the supplied elf files instead of the default
- ones. Handy if the builder generated files need to be signed
- help - print this message
- hex - generate hex output instead of binary (place in 0.signed.hex and
- 1.signed.hex in the local directory)
- prod - sign with prod key (no debug image will be signed)
-This script also allows to sign dev images for running on prod RO. To do that
-invoke this script as follows:
- H1_DEVIDS='<dev id0> <dev id1>' ${progname} [other options, if any]
-where <dev id0> <dev id1> are values reported by sysinfo command in the
-DEV_ID: line when run on the CR50 for which the image is built.
-The same values can be obtained in the lsusb command output:
- lsusb -vd 18d1:5014 | grep -i serial
-note that the lsusb reported values are in hex and need to be prefixed with
-Finally, this script also allows to specify the board ID fields of the RW
-headers. The fields come from the evironment variable CR50_BOARD_ID, which is
-required to include three colon separated fields. The first field is a four
-letter board RLZ code, the second field is board id mask in hex, no 0x prefix,
-and the third field - board ID flags, again, hex, no 0x prefix.
-CR50_BOARD_ID='XXYY:ffffff00:ff00' ${progname} [other options, if any]
-both H1_DEVIDS and CR50_BOARD_ID can be defined independently.
- exit "${rv}"
-# This function modifies the manifest to include device ID and board ID nodes,
-# if H1_DEVIDS and CR50_BOARD_ID are defined in the environment, respectively,
-tweak_manifest () {
- local sub
- # If defined, plug in dev ID nodes before the 'fuses' node.
- if [[ -z "${do_prod}" && -n "${H1_DEVIDS}" ]]; then
- echo "creating a customized DEV image for DEV IDS ${H1_DEVIDS}"
- sub=$(printf "\\\n \"DEV_ID0\": %s,\\\n \"DEV_ID1\": %s," ${H1_DEVIDS})
- sed -i "s/\"fuses\": {/\"fuses\": {${sub}/" "${tmpf}"
- fi
- if [[ -z "${CR50_BOARD_ID}" ]]; then
- return
- fi
- # CR50_BOARD_ID is set, let's parse it and plug in the board ID related
- # nodes into manifest before the 'fuses' node.
- local bid_params
- local rlz
- bid_params=( $(echo $CR50_BOARD_ID | sed 's/:/ /g') )
- # A very basic sanity check: it needs to consist of three colon separated
- # fields.
- if [[ ${#bid_params[@]} != 3 ]]; then
- echo "Wrong board ID string \"$CR50_BOARD_ID\"}" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ "${bid_params[0]}" == "0" ]] ; then
- rlz="0"
- elif [[ ${#bid_params[0]} == 4 ]] ; then
- # Convert 4 char board RLZ code from ASCII to hex
- rlz="0x$(echo -n ${bid_params[0]} | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02x"')"
- else
- echo "Invalid RLZ ${bid_params[0]}"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Prepare text of all three board ID related nodes
- sub="$(printf "\\\n\"board_id\": %s,\\\n" "${rlz}")"
- sub+="$(printf "\"board_id_mask\": %s,\\\n" "0x${bid_params[1]}")"
- sub+="$(printf "\"board_id_flags\": %s,\\\n" "0x${bid_params[2]}")"
- sed -i "s/\"fuses\": {/${sub}\"fuses\": {/" "${tmpf}"
-# This function accepts two arguments, names of two binary files.
-# It searches the first passed in file for the first 8 bytes of the second
-# passed in file. The od utility is used to generate full hex dump of the
-# first file (16 bytes per line) and the first 8 bytes of the second file.
-# grep is used to check if the pattern is present in the full dump. If the
-# pattern is not found, the first file is dumped again, this time with an 8
-# byte offset into the file. This makes sure that if the match is present, but
-# is spanning two lines of the original hex dump, it is in a single dump line
-# the second time around.
-find_blob_in_blob() {
- local main_blob="${1}"
- local pattern_blob="${2}"
- local pattern
- local od_options="-An -tx1"
- # Get the first 8 bytes of the pattern blob.
- pattern="$(${OD} ${od_options} -N8 "${pattern_blob}")"
- if "${OD}" ${od_options} "${main_blob}" | grep "${pattern}" > /dev/null; then
- return 0
- fi
- # Just in case pattern was wrapped in the previous od output, let's do it
- # again with an 8 bytes offset
- if "${OD}" ${od_options} -j8 "${main_blob}" |
- grep "${pattern}" > /dev/null; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
-# This function accepts two arguments, names of the two elf files.
-# The files are searched for test RMA public key patterns - x25519 or p256,
-# both files are supposed to have pattern of one of these keys and not the
-# other. If this holds true the function prints the public key base name. If
-# not both files include the same key, or include more than one key, the
-# function reports failure and exits the script.
-determine_rma_key_base() {
- local base_name="${EC_ROOT}/board/cr50/rma_key_blob"
- local curve
- local curves=( "x25519" "p256" )
- local elf
- local elves=( "$1" "$2" )
- local key_file
- local mask=1
- local result=0
- for curve in ${curves[@]}; do
- key_file="${base_name}.${curve}.test"
- for elf in ${elves[@]}; do
- if find_blob_in_blob "${elf}" "${key_file}"; then
- result=$(( result | mask ))
- fi
- mask=$(( mask << 1 ))
- done
- done
- case "${result}" in
- (3) curve="x25519";;
- (12) curve="p256";;
- (*) echo "could not determine key type in the elves" >&2
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- echo "${base_name}.${curve}"
-if ! which "${SIGNER}" 2>/dev/null > /dev/null; then
- echo "${SIGNER} is not available, try running 'sudo emerge cr50-utils'" >&2
- exit 1
-# This is where the new signed image will be pasted into.
-: ${RESULT_FILE=build/cr50/ec.bin}
-if [[ -z "${CROS_WORKON_SRCROOT}" ]]; then
- echo "${progname}: This script must run inside Chrome OS chroot" >&2
- exit 1
-: ${CR50_BOARD_ID=}
-: ${H1_DEVIDS=}
-# Prepare the default manifest.
-cp "${EC_BIN_ROOT}/ec_RW-manifest-dev.json" "${tmpf}"
-elves=( build/cr50/RW/ec.RW.elf build/cr50/RW/ec.RW_B.elf )
-cd "${EC_ROOT}"
-while (( $# )); do
- param="${1}"
- case "${param}" in
- (hex) do_hex='true';;
- (b1)
- do_b1='true'
- sed -i 's/\(.*FW_DEFINED_DATA_BLK0.*\): 2/\1: 0/' "${tmpf}"
- ;;
- (elves)
- if [[ (( $# < 3 )) ]]; then
- echo "two elf file names are required" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- elves=( $2 $3 )
- shift
- shift
- ;;
- (prod)
- do_prod='true'
- ;;
- (help)
- usage 0
- ;;
- (*)
- usage 1
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [[ -z "${do_hex}" && ! -f "${RESULT_FILE}" ]]; then
- echo "${RESULT_FILE} not found. Run 'make BOARD=cr50' first" >&2
- exit 1
-if [[ -n "${do_prod}" && -n "${do_b1}" ]]; then
- echo "can not build prod images for B1, sorry..."
- exit 1
-# If signing a chip factory image (version 0.0.22) do not try figuring out the
-# RMA keys.
-ignore_rma_keys="$(awk '
- BEGIN {count = 0};
- /"major": 0,/ {count += 1};
- /"minor": 22,/ {count += 1};
- END {{if (count == 2) {print "yes"};}}' \
- "${EC_BIN_ROOT}/ec_RW-manifest-prod.json")"
-if [ "${ignore_rma_keys}" != "yes" ]; then
- rma_key_base="$(determine_rma_key_base ${elves[@]})"
- echo "Ignofing RMA keys for factory branch"
-signer_command_params+=(--b -x ${EC_BIN_ROOT}/fuses.xml)
-if [[ -z "${do_prod}" ]]; then
- signer_command_params+=(-k ${EC_BIN_ROOT}/
- cp "${EC_BIN_ROOT}/ec_RW-manifest-prod.json" "${tmpf}"
- signer_command_params+=(-k ${EC_BIN_ROOT}/
- # Swap test public RMA server key with the prod version.
- if [ "${ignore_rma_keys}" != "yes" ]; then
- signer_command_params+=(-S "${rma_key_base}.test","${rma_key_base}.prod")
- fi
-signer_command_params+=(-j ${tmpf})
-if [[ -n "${do_hex}" ]]; then
- dst_suffix='signed.hex'
- signer_command_params+=(--format=bin)
- dst_suffix='flat'
-for elf in ${elves[@]}; do
- if [[ -n "${do_prod}" ]]; then
- if strings "${elf}" | egrep -q "(DBG|SQA)/cr50"; then
- echo "Will not sign debug or SQA image with prod keys" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- signed_file="${count}.${dst_suffix}"
- # Make sure output file is not owned by root
- touch "${signed_file}"
- command="${SIGNER} ${signer_command_params[@]} -i ${elf} -o ${signed_file}"
- if ! ${command}; then
- echo "${progname}: \"${command}\" failed" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "${ignore_rma_keys}" != "yes" ]; then
- if find_blob_in_blob "${signed_file}" "${rma_key_base}.test"; then
- echo "${progname}: test RMA key in the signed image!" >&2
- rm *."${dst_suffix}"
- exit 1
- fi
- if ! find_blob_in_blob "${signed_file}" "${rma_key_base}.prod"; then
- echo "${progname}: prod RMA key not in the signed image!" >&2
- rm *."${dst_suffix}"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- : $(( count++ ))
-if [[ -z "${do_hex}" ]]; then
- # Full binary image is required, paste the newly signed blobs into the
- # output image, preserving it in case dd fails for whatever reason.
- dd if="0.flat" of="${TMP_RESULT_FILE}" seek=16384 bs=1 conv=notrunc
- dd if="1.flat" of="${TMP_RESULT_FILE}" seek=278528 bs=1 conv=notrunc
- rm [01].flat
-echo "SUCCESS!!!"