/* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Asurada board-specific USB-C configuration */ #include "driver/ppc/syv682x.h" #include "driver/usb_mux/ps8743.h" #include "hooks.h" __override int syv682x_board_is_syv682c(int port) { return board_get_version() > 2; } void board_usb_mux_init(void) { if (board_get_sub_board() == SUB_BOARD_TYPEC) { ps8743_tune_usb_eq(&usb_muxes[1], PS8743_USB_EQ_TX_12_8_DB, PS8743_USB_EQ_RX_12_8_DB); ps8743_write(&usb_muxes[1], PS8743_REG_HS_DET_THRESHOLD, PS8743_USB_HS_THRESH_NEG_10); } } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, board_usb_mux_init, HOOK_PRIO_INIT_I2C + 1);