/* Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Careena board configuration */ #ifndef __CROS_EC_BOARD_H #define __CROS_EC_BOARD_H #include "baseboard.h" /* * By default, enable all console messages excepted HC, ACPI and event: * The sensor stack is generating a lot of activity. */ #define CC_DEFAULT (CC_ALL & ~(CC_MASK(CC_EVENTS) | CC_MASK(CC_LPC))) #undef CONFIG_HOSTCMD_DEBUG_MODE #define CONFIG_HOSTCMD_DEBUG_MODE HCDEBUG_OFF #define CONFIG_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED /* Allow dangerous commands while in dev. */ /* Power and battery LEDs */ #define CONFIG_LED_COMMON #define CONFIG_CMD_LEDTEST #undef CONFIG_LED_PWM_NEAR_FULL_COLOR #undef CONFIG_LED_PWM_CHARGE_ERROR_COLOR #undef CONFIG_LED_PWM_SOC_ON_COLOR #undef CONFIG_LED_PWM_SOC_SUSPEND_COLOR #define CONFIG_LED_PWM_NEAR_FULL_COLOR EC_LED_COLOR_BLUE #define CONFIG_LED_PWM_CHARGE_ERROR_COLOR EC_LED_COLOR_AMBER #define CONFIG_LED_PWM_SOC_ON_COLOR EC_LED_COLOR_BLUE #define CONFIG_LED_PWM_SOC_SUSPEND_COLOR EC_LED_COLOR_BLUE #define CONFIG_LED_PWM_COUNT 1 #endif /* __CROS_EC_BOARD_H */