/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "internal.h" #include "dcrypto.h" #include "trng.h" #include "util.h" #define AES_KEY_BYTES 16 #define HMAC_KEY_BYTES 32 #define AES_BLOCK_BYTES 16 /* P256 based hybrid encryption. The output format is: * * 0x04 || PUBKEY || AUTH_DATA || AES128_CTR(PLAINTEXT) || * HMAC_SHA256(AUTH_DATA || CIPHERTEXT) */ size_t DCRYPTO_ecies_encrypt( void *out, size_t out_len, const void *in, size_t in_len, size_t auth_data_len, const uint8_t *iv, const p256_int *pub_x, const p256_int *pub_y, const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len) { p256_int eph_d; p256_int eph_x; p256_int eph_y; uint8_t seed[P256_NBYTES]; p256_int secret_x; p256_int secret_y; /* Key bytes to be extracted from HKDF. */ uint8_t key[AES_KEY_BYTES + HMAC_KEY_BYTES]; const uint8_t *aes_key; const uint8_t *hmac_key; struct hmac_sha256_ctx ctx; uint8_t *outp = out; uint8_t *ciphertext; if (auth_data_len > in_len) return 0; if (out_len < 1 + P256_NBYTES + P256_NBYTES + in_len + SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) return 0; /* Generate emphemeral EC key. */ rand_bytes(seed, sizeof(seed)); if (!DCRYPTO_p256_key_from_bytes(&eph_x, &eph_y, &eph_d, seed)) return 0; /* Compute DH point. */ if (!DCRYPTO_p256_point_mul(&secret_x, &secret_y, &eph_d, pub_x, pub_y)) return 0; /* Check for computational errors. */ if (!dcrypto_p256_is_valid_point(&secret_x, &secret_y)) return 0; /* Convert secret to big-endian. */ reverse(&secret_x, sizeof(secret_x)); /* Derive shared secret. */ if (!DCRYPTO_hkdf(key, sizeof(key), salt, salt_len, (uint8_t *) &secret_x, sizeof(secret_x), info, info_len)) return 0; aes_key = &key[0]; hmac_key = &key[AES_KEY_BYTES]; if (out == in) ciphertext = out + auth_data_len; /* In place encrypt. */ else ciphertext = out + 1 + P256_NBYTES + P256_NBYTES + auth_data_len; /* Compute ciphertext. */ if (!DCRYPTO_aes_ctr(ciphertext, aes_key, AES_KEY_BYTES * 8, iv, in + auth_data_len, in_len - auth_data_len)) return 0; /* Write out auth_data / ciphertext. */ outp = out + 1 + P256_NBYTES + P256_NBYTES; if (out == in) memmove(outp, in, in_len); else memcpy(outp, in, auth_data_len); /* Write out ephemeral pub key. */ outp = out; *outp++ = 0x04; /* uncompressed EC public key. */ p256_to_bin(&eph_x, outp); outp += P256_NBYTES; p256_to_bin(&eph_y, outp); outp += P256_NBYTES; /* Calculate HMAC(auth_data || ciphertext). */ HMAC_SHA256_hw_init(&ctx, hmac_key, HMAC_KEY_BYTES); HMAC_SHA256_update(&ctx, outp, in_len); outp += in_len; memcpy(outp, HMAC_SHA256_hw_final(&ctx), SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE); outp += SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; return outp - (uint8_t *) out; } size_t DCRYPTO_ecies_decrypt( void *out, size_t out_len, const void *in, size_t in_len, size_t auth_data_len, const uint8_t *iv, const p256_int *d, const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len, const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len) { p256_int eph_x; p256_int eph_y; p256_int secret_x; p256_int secret_y; uint8_t key[AES_KEY_BYTES + HMAC_KEY_BYTES]; const uint8_t *aes_key; const uint8_t *hmac_key; struct hmac_sha256_ctx ctx; const uint8_t *inp = in; uint8_t *outp = out; if (in_len < 1 + P256_NBYTES + P256_NBYTES + auth_data_len + SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE) return 0; if (inp[0] != 0x04) return 0; in_len -= 1 + P256_NBYTES + P256_NBYTES + SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; inp++; p256_from_bin(inp, &eph_x); inp += P256_NBYTES; p256_from_bin(inp, &eph_y); inp += P256_NBYTES; /* Verify that the public point is on the curve. */ if (!dcrypto_p256_is_valid_point(&eph_x, &eph_y)) return 0; /* Compute the DH point. */ if (!DCRYPTO_p256_point_mul(&secret_x, &secret_y, d, &eph_x, &eph_y)) return 0; /* Check for computational errors. */ if (!dcrypto_p256_is_valid_point(&secret_x, &secret_y)) return 0; /* Convert secret to big-endian. */ reverse(&secret_x, sizeof(secret_x)); /* Derive shared secret. */ if (!DCRYPTO_hkdf(key, sizeof(key), salt, salt_len, (uint8_t *) &secret_x, sizeof(secret_x), info, info_len)) return 0; aes_key = &key[0]; hmac_key = &key[AES_KEY_BYTES]; HMAC_SHA256_hw_init(&ctx, hmac_key, HMAC_KEY_BYTES); HMAC_SHA256_update(&ctx, inp, in_len); if (!DCRYPTO_equals(inp + in_len, HMAC_SHA256_hw_final(&ctx), SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE)) return 0; memmove(outp, inp, auth_data_len); inp += auth_data_len; outp += auth_data_len; if (!DCRYPTO_aes_ctr(outp, aes_key, AES_KEY_BYTES * 8, iv, inp, in_len - auth_data_len)) return 0; return in_len; }