/* -*- mode:c -*- * * Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Declare symbolic names for all the GPIOs that we care about. * Note: Those with interrupt handlers must be declared first. */ GPIO_INT(USB_C0_PD_INT_ODL, PIN(A, 8), GPIO_INT_FALLING | GPIO_PULL_UP, tcpc_alert_event) GPIO_INT(USER_BUTTON_ENTER, PIN(A, 0), GPIO_INT_FALLING, button_enter_event) GPIO_INT(USER_BUTTON_REFRESH, PIN(A, 1), GPIO_INT_FALLING, button_refresh_event) GPIO_INT(USER_BUTTON_DOWN, PIN(A, 2), GPIO_INT_FALLING, button_down_event) /* * I2C pins should be configured as inputs until I2C module is * initialized. This will avoid driving the lines unintentionally. */ GPIO(I2C2_SCL, PIN(B, 10), GPIO_INPUT) GPIO(I2C2_SDA, PIN(B, 11), GPIO_INPUT) ALTERNATE(PIN_MASK(B, 0x0C00), 1, MODULE_I2C, GPIO_ODR_HIGH ) /* I2C MASTER: PB10/11 */ /* Unimplemented signals which we need to emulate for now */ UNIMPLEMENTED(ENTERING_RW) UNIMPLEMENTED(WP_L) ALTERNATE(PIN_MASK(A, 0x0600), 1, MODULE_USART, 0) /* USART1: PA09/PA10 */ ALTERNATE(PIN_MASK(A, 0xC000), 1, MODULE_UART, 0) /* USART2: PA14/PA15 */ ALTERNATE(PIN_MASK(C, 0x0C00), 0, MODULE_USART, 0) /* USART4: PC10/PC11 */