/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Emulator board-specific configuration */ #include "extpower.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "lid_switch.h" #include "power_button.h" #include "temp_sensor.h" #include "util.h" #define MOCK_GPIO(x) {#x, 0, 0, 0, 0} #define MOCK_GPIO_INT(x, i, r) {#x, 0, 0, i, r} const struct gpio_info gpio_list[] = { MOCK_GPIO(EC_INT), MOCK_GPIO_INT(LID_OPEN, GPIO_INT_BOTH, lid_interrupt), MOCK_GPIO_INT(POWER_BUTTON_L, GPIO_INT_BOTH, power_button_interrupt), MOCK_GPIO(WP), MOCK_GPIO(ENTERING_RW), MOCK_GPIO_INT(AC_PRESENT, GPIO_INT_BOTH, extpower_interrupt), MOCK_GPIO(PCH_BKLTEN), MOCK_GPIO(ENABLE_BACKLIGHT), }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_list) == GPIO_COUNT); /* Pins with alternate functions; not on simulated host platform */ const struct gpio_alt_func gpio_alt_funcs[] = { }; const int gpio_alt_funcs_count = ARRAY_SIZE(gpio_alt_funcs); test_mockable_static int dummy_temp_get_val(int idx, int *temp_ptr) { *temp_ptr = 0; return EC_SUCCESS; } const struct temp_sensor_t temp_sensors[] = { {"CPU", TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_CPU, dummy_temp_get_val, 0, 3}, {"Board", TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, dummy_temp_get_val, 1, 3}, {"Case", TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_CASE, dummy_temp_get_val, 2, 0}, {"Battery", TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE_BOARD, dummy_temp_get_val, 3, 0}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(temp_sensors) == TEMP_SENSOR_COUNT);