# Nucleo H743ZI This is a simpler EC example for the ST Nucleo H743ZI development board. # Quick Start The Nucleo dev boards have lots of developer friendly features, like an in-circuit debugger/programmer/UART-bridge, programmable LEDs, and a button, to name a few. The built-in debugger can be connected to using a Micro USB cable. It provides three great interfaces to the host. 1. Mass storage interface for drag-drop programming 2. Full ST-Link in-circuit debugger 3. UART bridge for logs/consoles We will use a few of these interfaces below to program and interact with out Nucleo dev board. ## Build ```bash make BOARD=nucleo-h743zi -j ``` ## Program The easiest way to flash the Nucleo board is to Copy-Paste/Drag-Drop the firmware image onto the exposed mass storage drive. Open a file browser and `Copy` the file in `build/nucleo-h743zi/ec.bin`. Now, find the removable storage that the Nucleo device has presented, and `Paste` the file into the directory. ## Interact After the Nucelo finishes programming, you can open the EC console. On GNU/Linux, this is mapped to `/dev/ttyACM0`. Install `minicom` and issue the following command: ```bash minicom -D/dev/ttyACM0 ``` # Unit Testing A fun EC feature is that unit tests can be run on-device. This is made possible by an alternative build rule that generates a test image per unit test. These test images use a unit test specific taskset and console command to trigger them. ## Create To enable an existing unit test, add it to the [build.mk](build.mk)'s `test-list-y` variable. See the main [README.md](/README.md) on how to write a new unit test. ## Build To build all unit test images for this board, run the following command: ```bash make BOARD=nucleo-h743zi tests ``` You can build a specific unit test image by changing `tests` to `test-aes`, for the `aes` unit test. ## Flash Copy/paste the `build/nucleo-h743zi/${TEST}/${TEST}.bin` file to the Nucleo's mass storage drive, where `${TEST}` is the name of the unit test, like `aes`. ## Run 1. Connect to UART console ```bash minicom -D/dev/ttyACM0 ``` 2. Run the `runtest` command