/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Plankton board configuration */ #include "adc.h" #include "adc_chip.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "ina2xx.h" #include "ioexpander_pca9534.h" #include "registers.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include "usb_pd.h" #include "util.h" void button_event(enum gpio_signal signal); void hpd_event(enum gpio_signal signal); void vbus_event(enum gpio_signal signal); #include "gpio_list.h" static volatile uint64_t hpd_prev_ts; static volatile int hpd_prev_level; static volatile int hpd_possible_irq; /* Detect the type of cable used (either single CC or double) */ enum typec_cable { TYPEC_CABLE_NONE, TYPEC_CABLE_CHECK, TYPEC_CABLE_SINGLE_CC, TYPEC_CABLE_DOUBLE_CC }; static enum typec_cable cable; static int active_cc; static int host_mode; static int drp_enable; static int sn75dp130_dpcd_init(void); /** * Hotplug detect deferred task * * Called after level change on hpd GPIO to evaluate (and debounce) what event * has occurred. There are 3 events that occur on HPD: * 1. low : downstream display sink is deattached * 2. high : downstream display sink is attached * 3. irq : downstream display sink signalling an interrupt. * * The debounce times for these various events are: * HPD_USTREAM_DEBOUNCE_LVL : min pulse width of level value. * HPD_USTREAM_DEBOUNCE_IRQ : min pulse width of IRQ low pulse. * * lvl(n-2) lvl(n-1) lvl prev_delta now_delta event * ---------------------------------------------------- * 1 0 1 IRQ LVL high * 0 1 0 LVL low */ void hpd_lvl_deferred(void) { int level = gpio_get_level(GPIO_DPSRC_HPD); int dp_mode = !gpio_get_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE); if (level != hpd_prev_level) { /* Stable level changed. Send HPD event */ hpd_prev_level = level; if (dp_mode) pd_send_hpd(0, level ? hpd_high : hpd_low); /* Configure redriver's back side */ if (level) sn75dp130_dpcd_init(); } /* Send queued IRQ if the cable is attached */ if (hpd_possible_irq && level && dp_mode) pd_send_hpd(0, hpd_irq); hpd_possible_irq = 0; } DECLARE_DEFERRED(hpd_lvl_deferred); void hpd_event(enum gpio_signal signal) { timestamp_t now = get_time(); int level = gpio_get_level(signal); uint64_t cur_delta = now.val - hpd_prev_ts; /* Record low pulse */ if (cur_delta >= HPD_USTREAM_DEBOUNCE_IRQ && level) hpd_possible_irq = 1; /* store current time */ hpd_prev_ts = now.val; /* All previous hpd level events need to be re-triggered */ hook_call_deferred(&hpd_lvl_deferred_data, HPD_USTREAM_DEBOUNCE_LVL); } /* Debounce time for voltage buttons */ #define BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_US (100 * MSEC) static enum gpio_signal button_pressed; static int fake_pd_disconnected; static int fake_pd_host_mode; static int fake_pd_disconnect_duration_us; enum usbc_action { USBC_ACT_5V_TO_DUT, USBC_ACT_12V_TO_DUT, USBC_ACT_20V_TO_DUT, USBC_ACT_DEVICE, USBC_ACT_USBDP_TOGGLE, USBC_ACT_USB_EN, USBC_ACT_DP_EN, USBC_ACT_MUX_FLIP, USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY0, USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY1, USBC_ACT_CCD_EN, USBC_ACT_DRP_TOGGLE, /* Number of USBC actions */ USBC_ACT_COUNT }; enum board_src_cap src_cap_mapping[USBC_ACT_COUNT] = { [USBC_ACT_5V_TO_DUT] = SRC_CAP_5V, [USBC_ACT_12V_TO_DUT] = SRC_CAP_12V, [USBC_ACT_20V_TO_DUT] = SRC_CAP_20V, }; /** * Set the active CC line. The non-active CC line will be left in * High-Z, and we will fake the ADC reading for it. */ static void set_active_cc(int cc) { active_cc = cc; /* * If DRP mode is enabled, then set both CC lines based * on the current value of host_mode. If DRP mode is * disabled then only set the active CC line. */ /* Pull-up on CC2 */ gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC2_HOST, ((cc || drp_enable) && host_mode) ? GPIO_OUT_HIGH : GPIO_INPUT); /* Pull-down on CC2 */ gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC2_DEVICE_ODL, ((cc || drp_enable) && !host_mode) ? GPIO_OUT_LOW : GPIO_INPUT); /* Pull-up on CC1 */ gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC1_HOST, ((!cc || drp_enable) && host_mode) ? GPIO_OUT_HIGH : GPIO_INPUT); /* Pull-down on CC1 */ gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC1_DEVICE_ODL, ((!cc || drp_enable) && !host_mode) ? GPIO_OUT_LOW : GPIO_INPUT); } /** * Detect type-C cable type. Toggle the active CC line until a type-C connection * is detected. If a type-C connection can be made in both polarities, then we * have a double CC cable, otherwise we have a single CC cable. */ static void detect_cc_cable(void); DECLARE_DEFERRED(detect_cc_cable); static void detect_cc_cable(void) { /* * Delay long enough to guarantee a type-C disconnect will be seen and * a new connection will be made made. */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, PD_T_CC_DEBOUNCE + PD_T_SAFE_0V); switch (cable) { case TYPEC_CABLE_NONE: /* When no cable attached, toggle active CC line */ if (pd_is_connected(0)) cable = TYPEC_CABLE_CHECK; set_active_cc(!active_cc); break; case TYPEC_CABLE_CHECK: /* If we still have a connection, we have a double CC cable */ cable = pd_is_connected(0) ? TYPEC_CABLE_DOUBLE_CC : TYPEC_CABLE_SINGLE_CC; /* Flip back to original polarity and enable PD comms */ set_active_cc(!active_cc); pd_comm_enable(1); break; case TYPEC_CABLE_SINGLE_CC: case TYPEC_CABLE_DOUBLE_CC: /* Check for disconnection and disable PD comms */ if (!pd_is_connected(0)) { cable = TYPEC_CABLE_NONE; pd_comm_enable(0); } break; } } static void fake_disconnect_end(void) { fake_pd_disconnected = 0; board_pd_set_host_mode(fake_pd_host_mode); /* Restart CC cable detection */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, 500*MSEC); } DECLARE_DEFERRED(fake_disconnect_end); static void fake_disconnect_start(void) { /* Cancel detection of CC cable */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, -1); /* Record the current host mode */ fake_pd_host_mode = !gpio_get_level(GPIO_USBC_CHARGE_EN); /* Disable VBUS */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_VBUS_CHARGER_EN, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_VSEL_0, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_VSEL_1, 0); /* High Z for no pull-up or pull-down resistor on CC1 and CC2 */ gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC2_HOST, GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC2_DEVICE_ODL, GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC1_HOST, GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_USBC_CC1_DEVICE_ODL, GPIO_INPUT); fake_pd_disconnected = 1; hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_end_data, fake_pd_disconnect_duration_us); } DECLARE_DEFERRED(fake_disconnect_start); /** * Enable or disable dualrole mode operation. By default Plankton has * dualrole mode disabled and attempts to connect in a sink role. Console * commands/button presses can cause it to switch to source_only/sink_only * modes. */ static void update_usbc_dual_role(int dual_role) { if (dual_role == PD_DRP_TOGGLE_ON) { drp_enable = 1; /* * Cable detect is not needed when operating in dualrole mode * since both CC lines are used and SRC/SNK changes are dictated * by the USB PD protocol state machine. */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, -1); /* Need to make sure both CC lines are set for SNK or SRC. */ set_active_cc(host_mode); /* Ensure that PD communication is enabled. */ pd_comm_enable(1); } else { drp_enable = 0; /* * Dualrole mode is not active, resume cable detect function * which controls which CC line is active. */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, 0); } /* Update dual role setting used in USB PD protocol state machine */ pd_set_dual_role(dual_role); cprintf(CC_USBPD, "DRP = %d, host_mode = %d\n", drp_enable, host_mode); } static void set_usbc_action(enum usbc_action act) { int need_soft_reset; int was_usb_mode; switch (act) { case USBC_ACT_5V_TO_DUT: case USBC_ACT_12V_TO_DUT: case USBC_ACT_20V_TO_DUT: need_soft_reset = gpio_get_level(GPIO_VBUS_CHARGER_EN); board_set_source_cap(src_cap_mapping[act]); update_usbc_dual_role(PD_DRP_FORCE_SOURCE); if (need_soft_reset) pd_soft_reset(); break; case USBC_ACT_DEVICE: update_usbc_dual_role(PD_DRP_FORCE_SINK); break; case USBC_ACT_USBDP_TOGGLE: was_usb_mode = gpio_get_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE, !was_usb_mode); gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_EN, !was_usb_mode); if (!gpio_get_level(GPIO_DPSRC_HPD)) break; /* * DP cable is connected. Send HPD event according to USB/DP * mux state. */ if (!was_usb_mode) { pd_send_hpd(0, hpd_low); } else { pd_send_hpd(0, hpd_high); pd_send_hpd(0, hpd_irq); } break; case USBC_ACT_USB_EN: gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE, 1); break; case USBC_ACT_DP_EN: gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE, 0); break; case USBC_ACT_MUX_FLIP: /* * For a single CC cable, send custom VDM to flip * USB polarity only. For double CC cable, actually * disconnect and reconnect with opposite polarity. */ if (cable == TYPEC_CABLE_SINGLE_CC) { pd_send_vdm(0, USB_VID_GOOGLE, VDO_CMD_FLIP, NULL, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_POLARITY, !gpio_get_level(GPIO_USBC_POLARITY)); } else if (cable == TYPEC_CABLE_DOUBLE_CC) { /* * Fake a disconnection for long enough to guarantee * that we disconnect. */ hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_start_data, -1); hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_end_data, -1); fake_pd_disconnect_duration_us = PD_T_SAFE_0V; hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_start_data, 0); set_active_cc(!active_cc); } break; case USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY0: gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_POLARITY, 0); break; case USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY1: gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_POLARITY, 1); break; case USBC_ACT_CCD_EN: pd_send_vdm(0, USB_VID_GOOGLE, VDO_CMD_CCD_EN, NULL, 0); /* Switch to USB mode when enable CCD. */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE, 1); /* Reset RFU polarity MUX */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_EN, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_EN, 1); gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L, 1); break; case USBC_ACT_DRP_TOGGLE: /* Toggle dualrole mode setting. */ update_usbc_dual_role(drp_enable ? PD_DRP_TOGGLE_OFF : PD_DRP_TOGGLE_ON); break; default: break; } } /* has Pull-up */ static int prev_dbg20v = 1; static void button_dbg20v_deferred(void); DECLARE_DEFERRED(button_dbg20v_deferred); static void enable_dbg20v_poll(void) { hook_call_deferred(&button_dbg20v_deferred_data, 10 * MSEC); } /* Handle debounced button press */ static void button_deferred(void) { if (button_pressed == GPIO_DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L) { enable_dbg20v_poll(); if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L) == prev_dbg20v) return; else prev_dbg20v = !prev_dbg20v; } /* bounce ? */ if (gpio_get_level(button_pressed) != 0) return; switch (button_pressed) { case GPIO_DBG_5V_TO_DUT_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_5V_TO_DUT); break; case GPIO_DBG_12V_TO_DUT_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_12V_TO_DUT); break; case GPIO_DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_20V_TO_DUT); break; case GPIO_DBG_CHG_TO_DEV_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_DEVICE); break; case GPIO_DBG_USB_TOGGLE_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_USBDP_TOGGLE); if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_USBC_SS_USB_MODE)) board_maybe_reset_usb_hub(); break; case GPIO_DBG_MUX_FLIP_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_MUX_FLIP); break; case GPIO_DBG_CASE_CLOSE_EN_L: set_usbc_action(USBC_ACT_CCD_EN); break; default: break; } ccprintf("Button %d = %d\n", button_pressed, gpio_get_level(button_pressed)); } DECLARE_DEFERRED(button_deferred); void button_event(enum gpio_signal signal) { button_pressed = signal; /* reset debounce time */ hook_call_deferred(&button_deferred_data, BUTTON_DEBOUNCE_US); } static void button_dbg20v_deferred(void) { if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L) == 0) button_event(GPIO_DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L); else enable_dbg20v_poll(); } void vbus_event(enum gpio_signal signal) { ccprintf("VBUS! =%d\n", gpio_get_level(signal)); task_wake(TASK_ID_PD_C0); } /* ADC channels */ const struct adc_t adc_channels[] = { /* USB PD CC lines sensing. Converted to mV (3300mV/4096). */ [ADC_CH_CC1_PD] = {"CC1_PD", 3300, 4096, 0, STM32_AIN(0)}, [ADC_CH_CC2_PD] = {"CC2_PD", 3300, 4096, 0, STM32_AIN(4)}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(adc_channels) == ADC_CH_COUNT); /* I2C ports */ const struct i2c_port_t i2c_ports[] = { {"master", I2C_PORT_MASTER, 100, GPIO_MASTER_I2C_SCL, GPIO_MASTER_I2C_SDA}, }; const unsigned int i2c_ports_used = ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_ports); /* 8-bit address */ #define SN75DP130_I2C_ADDR 0x5c /* * Pin number for active-high reset from PCA9534 to CMOS pull-down to * SN75DP130's RSTN (active-low) */ #define REDRIVER_RST_PIN 0x1 static int sn75dp130_i2c_write(uint8_t index, uint8_t value) { return i2c_write8(I2C_PORT_MASTER, SN75DP130_I2C_ADDR, index, value); } /** * Reset redriver. * * Note, MUST set SW15 to 'PD' in order to control i2c from PD-MCU. This can * NOT be done via software. */ static int sn75dp130_reset(void) { int rv; rv = pca9534_config_pin(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, REDRIVER_RST_PIN, PCA9534_OUTPUT); /* Assert (its active high) */ rv |= pca9534_set_level(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, REDRIVER_RST_PIN, 1); /* datasheet recommends > 100usec */ usleep(200); /* De-assert */ rv |= pca9534_set_level(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, REDRIVER_RST_PIN, 0); /* datasheet recommends > 400msec */ usleep(450 * MSEC); return rv; } static int sn75dp130_dpcd_init(void) { int i, rv; /* set upper & middle DPCD addr ... constant for writes below */ rv = sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1c, 0x0); rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1d, 0x1); /* link_bw_set: 5.4gbps */ rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1e, 0x0); rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1f, 0x14); /* lane_count_set: 4 */ rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1e, 0x1); rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1f, 0x4); /* * Force Link voltage level & pre-emphasis by writing each of the lane's * DPCD config registers 103-106h accordingly. */ for (i = 0x3; i < 0x7; i++) { rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1e, i); rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x1f, 0x3); } return rv; } static int sn75dp130_redriver_init(void) { int rv; rv = sn75dp130_reset(); /* Disable squelch detect */ rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x3, 0x1a); /* Disable link training on re-driver source side */ rv |= sn75dp130_i2c_write(0x4, 0x0); /* Can only configure DPCD portion of redriver in presence of an HPD */ if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_DPSRC_HPD)) sn75dp130_dpcd_init(); return rv; } static int cmd_usbc_action(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum usbc_action act; if (argc != 2) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "5v")) act = USBC_ACT_5V_TO_DUT; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "12v")) act = USBC_ACT_12V_TO_DUT; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "20v")) act = USBC_ACT_20V_TO_DUT; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "ccd")) act = USBC_ACT_CCD_EN; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "dev")) act = USBC_ACT_DEVICE; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "usb")) act = USBC_ACT_USB_EN; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "dp")) act = USBC_ACT_DP_EN; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "flip")) act = USBC_ACT_MUX_FLIP; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "pol0")) act = USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY0; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "pol1")) act = USBC_ACT_CABLE_POLARITY1; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "drp")) act = USBC_ACT_DRP_TOGGLE; else return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; set_usbc_action(act); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(usbc_action, cmd_usbc_action, "<5v|12v|20v|ccd|dev|usb|dp|flip|pol0|pol1|drp>", "Set Plankton type-C port state"); int board_in_hub_mode(void) { int ret; int level; ret = pca9534_config_pin(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, 6, PCA9534_INPUT); if (ret) return -1; ret = pca9534_get_level(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, 6, &level); if (ret) return -1; return level; } static int board_usb_hub_reset(void) { int ret; ret = pca9534_config_pin(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, 7, PCA9534_OUTPUT); if (ret) return ret; ret = pca9534_set_level(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, 7, 0); if (ret) return ret; usleep(100 * MSEC); return pca9534_set_level(I2C_PORT_MASTER, 0x40, 7, 1); } void board_maybe_reset_usb_hub(void) { if (board_in_hub_mode() == 1) board_usb_hub_reset(); } static int cmd_usb_hub_reset(int argc, char *argv[]) { return board_usb_hub_reset(); } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(hub_reset, cmd_usb_hub_reset, NULL, "Reset USB hub"); static void board_usb_hub_reset_no_return(void) { board_usb_hub_reset(); } DECLARE_DEFERRED(board_usb_hub_reset_no_return); static int board_pd_fake_disconnected(void) { return fake_pd_disconnected; } int board_fake_pd_adc_read(int cc) { if (fake_pd_disconnected) { /* Always disconnected */ return fake_pd_host_mode ? 3000 : 0; } else { if (drp_enable) { /* Always read the req CC line when in drp mode */ return adc_read_channel(cc ? ADC_CH_CC2_PD : ADC_CH_CC1_PD); } else { /* * Only read the active CC line, fake disconnected * on other CC line. */ if (active_cc == cc) return adc_read_channel(cc ? ADC_CH_CC2_PD : ADC_CH_CC1_PD); else return host_mode ? 3000 : 0; } } } /* Set fake PD pull-up/pull-down */ static void board_update_fake_adc_value(int host_mode) { fake_pd_host_mode = host_mode; } void board_pd_set_host_mode(int enable) { if (!drp_enable) cprintf(CC_USBPD, "Host mode: %d\n", enable); if (board_pd_fake_disconnected()) { board_update_fake_adc_value(enable); return; } /* if host mode changed, reset cable type */ if (host_mode != enable) { host_mode = enable; cable = TYPEC_CABLE_NONE; } if (enable) { /* Source mode, disable charging */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_CHARGE_EN, 0); /* Set CC lines */ set_active_cc(active_cc); } else { /* Device mode, disable VBUS */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_VBUS_CHARGER_EN, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_VSEL_0, 0); gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_VSEL_1, 0); /* Set CC lines */ set_active_cc(active_cc); /* Enable charging */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_CHARGE_EN, 1); } } static void board_init(void) { timestamp_t now = get_time(); hpd_prev_level = gpio_get_level(GPIO_DPSRC_HPD); hpd_prev_ts = now.val; gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DPSRC_HPD); /* Start up with dualrole mode off */ drp_enable = 0; /* Enable interrupts on VBUS transitions. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_VBUS_WAKE); /* Enable button interrupts. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_5V_TO_DUT_L); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_12V_TO_DUT_L); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_CHG_TO_DEV_L); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_USB_TOGGLE_L); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_MUX_FLIP_L); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_DBG_CASE_CLOSE_EN_L); /* TODO(crosbug.com/33761): poll DBG_20V_TO_DUT_L */ enable_dbg20v_poll(); ina2xx_init(0, 0x399f, INA2XX_CALIB_1MA(10 /* mOhm */)); sn75dp130_redriver_init(); /* Initialize USB hub */ if (system_get_reset_flags() & RESET_FLAG_POWER_ON) hook_call_deferred(&board_usb_hub_reset_no_return_data, 500 * MSEC); /* Start detecting CC cable type */ hook_call_deferred(&detect_cc_cable_data, SECOND); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, board_init, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); static int cmd_fake_disconnect(int argc, char *argv[]) { int delay_ms, duration_ms; char *e; if (argc < 3) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; delay_ms = strtoi(argv[1], &e, 0); if (*e || delay_ms < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; duration_ms = strtoi(argv[2], &e, 0); if (*e || duration_ms < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; /* Cancel any pending function calls */ hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_start_data, -1); hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_end_data, -1); fake_pd_disconnect_duration_us = duration_ms * MSEC; hook_call_deferred(&fake_disconnect_start_data, delay_ms * MSEC); ccprintf("Fake disconnect for %d ms starting in %d ms.\n", duration_ms, delay_ms); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(fakedisconnect, cmd_fake_disconnect, " ", NULL); static void trigger_dfu_release(void) { gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L, 1); ccprintf("Deasserting CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L.\n"); } DECLARE_DEFERRED(trigger_dfu_release); static int cmd_trigger_dfu(int argc, char *argv[]) { gpio_set_level(GPIO_CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L, 0); ccprintf("Asserting CASE_CLOSE_DFU_L.\n"); ccprintf("If you expect to see DFU debug but it doesn't show up,\n"); ccprintf("try flipping the USB type-C cable.\n"); hook_call_deferred(&trigger_dfu_release_data, 1500 * MSEC); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(dfu, cmd_trigger_dfu, NULL, NULL);