/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* ryu board configuration */ #include "adc.h" #include "adc_chip.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "battery.h" #include "case_closed_debug.h" #include "charge_manager.h" #include "charge_ramp.h" #include "charge_state.h" #include "charger.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "driver/accelgyro_bmi160.h" #include "driver/als_si114x.h" #include "ec_version.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "inductive_charging.h" #include "lid_switch.h" #include "motion_sense.h" #include "power.h" #include "power_button.h" #include "queue_policies.h" #include "registers.h" #include "spi.h" #include "task.h" #include "usb.h" #include "usb_charge.h" #include "usb_pd.h" #include "usb_spi.h" #include "usb-stm32f3.h" #include "usb-stream.h" #include "usart-stm32f3.h" #include "usart_tx_dma.h" #include "util.h" #include "pi3usb9281.h" #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_USBCHARGE, format, ## args) /* VBUS too low threshold */ #define VBUS_LOW_THRESHOLD_MV 4600 /* Input current error margin */ #define IADP_ERROR_MARGIN_MA 100 static int charge_current_limit; /* * PD host event status for host command * Note: this variable must be aligned on 4-byte boundary because we pass the * address to atomic_ functions which use assembly to access them. */ static struct ec_response_host_event_status host_event_status __aligned(4); void vbus_evt(enum gpio_signal signal) { usb_charger_vbus_change(0, gpio_get_level(signal)); task_wake(TASK_ID_PD); } void usb_evt(enum gpio_signal signal) { task_set_event(TASK_ID_USB_CHG_P0, USB_CHG_EVENT_BC12, 0); } #include "gpio_list.h" const void *const usb_strings[] = { [USB_STR_DESC] = usb_string_desc, [USB_STR_VENDOR] = USB_STRING_DESC("Google Inc."), [USB_STR_PRODUCT] = USB_STRING_DESC("Ryu debug"), [USB_STR_VERSION] = USB_STRING_DESC(CROS_EC_VERSION32), [USB_STR_CONSOLE_NAME] = USB_STRING_DESC("EC_PD"), [USB_STR_AP_STREAM_NAME] = USB_STRING_DESC("AP"), }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(usb_strings) == USB_STR_COUNT); /* * Define AP console forwarding queue and associated USART and USB * stream endpoints. */ static struct usart_config const ap_usart; struct usb_stream_config const ap_usb; static struct queue const ap_usart_to_usb = QUEUE_DIRECT(64, uint8_t, ap_usart.producer, ap_usb.consumer); static struct queue const ap_usb_to_usart = QUEUE_DIRECT(64, uint8_t, ap_usb.producer, ap_usart.consumer); static struct usart_tx_dma const ap_usart_tx_dma = USART_TX_DMA(STM32_DMAC_USART1_TX, 16); static struct usart_config const ap_usart = USART_CONFIG(usart1_hw, usart_rx_interrupt, ap_usart_tx_dma.usart_tx, 115200, ap_usart_to_usb, ap_usb_to_usart); #define AP_USB_STREAM_RX_SIZE 16 #define AP_USB_STREAM_TX_SIZE 16 USB_STREAM_CONFIG(ap_usb, USB_IFACE_AP_STREAM, USB_STR_AP_STREAM_NAME, USB_EP_AP_STREAM, AP_USB_STREAM_RX_SIZE, AP_USB_STREAM_TX_SIZE, ap_usb_to_usart, ap_usart_to_usb) struct pi3usb9281_config pi3usb9281_chips[] = { { .i2c_port = I2C_PORT_PERICOM, .mux_lock = NULL, } }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(pi3usb9281_chips) == CONFIG_USB_SWITCH_PI3USB9281_CHIP_COUNT); /* Initialize board. */ static void board_init(void) { int i; /* Enable pericom BC1.2 interrupts. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_USBC_BC12_INT_L); /* * Initialize AP console forwarding USART and queues. */ queue_init(&ap_usart_to_usb); queue_init(&ap_usb_to_usart); usart_init(&ap_usart); /* * Enable CC lines after all GPIO have been initialized. Note, it is * important that this is enabled after the CC_DEVICE_ODL lines are * set low to specify device mode. */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_CC_EN, 1); /* Enable interrupts on VBUS transitions. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_CHGR_ACOK); /* Enable interrupts from BMI160 sensor. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_ACC_IRQ1); /* Enable interrupts from SI1141 sensor. */ gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_ALS_PROXY_INT_L); if (board_has_spi_sensors()) { for (i = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL; i <= MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_MAG; i++) { motion_sensors[i].addr = BMI160_SET_SPI_ADDRESS(1); } /* SPI sensors: put back the GPIO in its expected state */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_SPI3_NSS, 1); /* Enable SPI for BMI160 */ gpio_config_module(MODULE_SPI_MASTER, 1); /* Set all four SPI3 pins to high speed */ /* pins C10/C11/C12 */ STM32_GPIO_OSPEEDR(GPIO_C) |= 0x03f00000; /* pin A4 */ STM32_GPIO_OSPEEDR(GPIO_A) |= 0x00000300; /* Enable clocks to SPI3 module */ STM32_RCC_APB1ENR |= STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI3; /* Reset SPI3 */ STM32_RCC_APB1RSTR |= STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI3; STM32_RCC_APB1RSTR &= ~STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI3; spi_enable(CONFIG_SPI_ACCEL_PORT, 1); CPRINTS("Board using SPI sensors"); } else { /* I2C sensors on rev v6/7/8 */ CPRINTS("Board using I2C sensors"); } } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, board_init, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); static void board_startup_key_combo(void) { int vold = !gpio_get_level(GPIO_BTN_VOLD_L); int volu = !gpio_get_level(GPIO_BTN_VOLU_L); int pwr = power_button_signal_asserted(); /* * Determine recovery mode is requested by the power and * voldown buttons being pressed (while device was off). */ if (pwr && vold && !volu) { host_set_single_event(EC_HOST_EVENT_KEYBOARD_RECOVERY); CPRINTS("> RECOVERY mode"); } /* * Determine fastboot mode is requested by the power and * voldown buttons being pressed (while device was off). */ if (pwr && volu && !vold) { host_set_single_event(EC_HOST_EVENT_KEYBOARD_FASTBOOT); CPRINTS("> FASTBOOT mode"); } } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_CHIPSET_STARTUP, board_startup_key_combo, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); /* power signal list. Must match order of enum power_signal. */ const struct power_signal_info power_signal_list[] = { {GPIO_AP_HOLD, 1, "AP_HOLD"}, {GPIO_AP_IN_SUSPEND, 1, "SUSPEND_ASSERTED"}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(power_signal_list) == POWER_SIGNAL_COUNT); /* ADC channels */ const struct adc_t adc_channels[] = { /* Vbus sensing. Converted to mV, /10 voltage divider. */ [ADC_VBUS] = {"VBUS", 30000, 4096, 0, STM32_AIN(0)}, /* USB PD CC lines sensing. Converted to mV (3000mV/4096). */ [ADC_CC1_PD] = {"CC1_PD", 3000, 4096, 0, STM32_AIN(1)}, [ADC_CC2_PD] = {"CC2_PD", 3000, 4096, 0, STM32_AIN(3)}, }; BUILD_ASSERT(ARRAY_SIZE(adc_channels) == ADC_CH_COUNT); /* I2C ports */ const struct i2c_port_t i2c_ports[] = { {"master", I2C_PORT_MASTER, 100, GPIO_MASTER_I2C_SCL, GPIO_MASTER_I2C_SDA}, {"slave", I2C_PORT_SLAVE, 1000, GPIO_SLAVE_I2C_SCL, GPIO_SLAVE_I2C_SDA}, }; const unsigned int i2c_ports_used = ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_ports); /* SPI devices */ const struct spi_device_t spi_devices[] = { { CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_PORT, 0, GPIO_SPI_FLASH_NSS}, { CONFIG_SPI_ACCEL_PORT, 1, GPIO_SPI3_NSS } }; const unsigned int spi_devices_used = ARRAY_SIZE(spi_devices); /* Sensor mutex */ static struct mutex g_mutex; /* Matrix to rotate sensor vector into standard reference frame */ const matrix_3x3_t accelgyro_standard_ref = { {FLOAT_TO_FP(-1), 0, 0}, { 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(-1), 0}, { 0, 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1)} }; const matrix_3x3_t mag_standard_ref = { { 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(-1), 0}, {FLOAT_TO_FP(-1), 0, 0}, { 0, 0, FLOAT_TO_FP(1)} }; struct motion_sensor_t motion_sensors[] = { /* * Note: bmi160: supports accelerometer and gyro sensor * Requirement: accelerometer sensor must init before gyro sensor * DO NOT change the order of the following table. */ {.name = "Accel", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3_S5, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMI160, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_ACCEL, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &bmi160_drv, .mutex = &g_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bmi160_data, .addr = BMI160_ADDR0, .rot_standard_ref = &accelgyro_standard_ref, .default_config = { /* 100Hz is fast enough for double tap detection */ .odr = 100000, .range = 8, /* g */ .ec_rate = SUSPEND_SAMPLING_INTERVAL, } }, {.name = "Gyro", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMI160, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_GYRO, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &bmi160_drv, .mutex = &g_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bmi160_data, .addr = BMI160_ADDR0, .rot_standard_ref = &accelgyro_standard_ref, .default_config = { .odr = 0, .range = 1000, /* dps */ .ec_rate = MAX_MOTION_SENSE_WAIT_TIME, } }, {.name = "Mag", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_BMI160, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_MAG, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &bmi160_drv, .mutex = &g_mutex, .drv_data = &g_bmi160_data, .addr = BMI160_ADDR0, .rot_standard_ref = &mag_standard_ref, .default_config = { .odr = 0, .range = 1 << 11, /* 16LSB / uT */ .ec_rate = MAX_MOTION_SENSE_WAIT_TIME, } }, {.name = "Light", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3_S5, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_SI1141, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_LIGHT, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &si114x_drv, .mutex = &g_mutex, .drv_data = &g_si114x_data, .addr = SI114X_ADDR, .rot_standard_ref = NULL, .default_config = { .odr = 0, .range = 9000, /* 90%: int = 0 - frac = 9000/10000 */ .ec_rate = 1000 * MSEC, } }, {.name = "Proxi", .active_mask = SENSOR_ACTIVE_S0_S3_S5, .chip = MOTIONSENSE_CHIP_SI1141, .type = MOTIONSENSE_TYPE_PROX, .location = MOTIONSENSE_LOC_LID, .drv = &si114x_drv, .mutex = &g_mutex, .drv_data = &g_si114x_data, .addr = SI114X_ADDR, .rot_standard_ref = NULL, .default_config = { .odr = 0, .range = 1 << 16, /* 100% fuzzy unit */ .ec_rate = 1000 * MSEC, } }, }; const unsigned int motion_sensor_count = ARRAY_SIZE(motion_sensors); int extpower_is_present(void) { return gpio_get_level(GPIO_CHGR_ACOK); } void usb_board_connect(void) { gpio_set_level(GPIO_USB_PU_EN_L, 0); } void usb_board_disconnect(void) { gpio_set_level(GPIO_USB_PU_EN_L, 1); } /** * Set active charge port -- only one port can be active at a time. * * @param charge_port Charge port to enable. * * Returns EC_SUCCESS if charge port is accepted and made active, * EC_ERROR_* otherwise. */ int board_set_active_charge_port(int charge_port) { /* check if we are source vbus on that port */ int src = gpio_get_level(GPIO_CHGR_OTG); if (charge_port >= 0 && charge_port < CONFIG_USB_PD_PORT_COUNT && src) { CPRINTS("Port %d is not a sink, skipping enable", charge_port); return EC_ERROR_INVAL; } /* Enable/disable charging */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_USBC_CHARGE_EN_L, charge_port == CHARGE_PORT_NONE); return EC_SUCCESS; } /** * Set the charge limit based upon desired maximum. * * @param charge_ma Desired charge limit (mA). */ void board_set_charge_limit(int charge_ma) { int rv; charge_current_limit = MAX(charge_ma, CONFIG_CHARGER_INPUT_CURRENT); rv = charge_set_input_current_limit(charge_current_limit); if (rv < 0) CPRINTS("Failed to set input current limit for PD"); } /** * Return whether ramping is allowed for given supplier */ int board_is_ramp_allowed(int supplier) { return supplier == CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_DCP || supplier == CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_SDP || supplier == CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_CDP || supplier == CHARGE_SUPPLIER_PROPRIETARY; } /** * Return the maximum allowed input current */ int board_get_ramp_current_limit(int supplier, int sup_curr) { switch (supplier) { case CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_DCP: return 2400; case CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_SDP: return 1000; case CHARGE_SUPPLIER_BC12_CDP: return 2400; case CHARGE_SUPPLIER_PROPRIETARY: return sup_curr; default: return 500; } } /* Send host event up to AP */ void pd_send_host_event(int mask) { /* mask must be set */ if (!mask) return; atomic_or(&(host_event_status.status), mask); /* interrupt the AP */ host_set_single_event(EC_HOST_EVENT_PD_MCU); } /** * Enable and disable SPI for case closed debugging. This forces the AP into * reset while SPI is enabled, thus preventing contention on the SPI interface. */ void usb_spi_board_enable(struct usb_spi_config const *config) { /* Place AP into reset */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_PMIC_WARM_RESET_L, 0); /* Configure SPI GPIOs */ gpio_config_module(MODULE_SPI_FLASH, 1); gpio_set_flags(SPI_FLASH_DEVICE->gpio_cs, GPIO_OUT_HIGH); /* Set all four SPI pins to high speed */ /* pins B10/B14/B15 and B9 */ STM32_GPIO_OSPEEDR(GPIO_B) |= 0xf03c0000; /* Enable clocks to SPI2 module */ STM32_RCC_APB1ENR |= STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI2; /* Reset SPI2 */ STM32_RCC_APB1RSTR |= STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI2; STM32_RCC_APB1RSTR &= ~STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI2; /* Enable SPI LDO to power the flash chip */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_VDDSPI_EN, 1); spi_enable(CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_PORT, 1); } void usb_spi_board_disable(struct usb_spi_config const *config) { spi_enable(CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_PORT, 0); /* Disable SPI LDO */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_VDDSPI_EN, 0); /* Disable clocks to SPI2 module */ STM32_RCC_APB1ENR &= ~STM32_RCC_PB1_SPI2; /* Release SPI GPIOs */ gpio_config_module(MODULE_SPI_FLASH, 0); gpio_set_flags(SPI_FLASH_DEVICE->gpio_cs, GPIO_INPUT); /* Release AP from reset */ gpio_set_level(GPIO_PMIC_WARM_RESET_L, 1); } int board_get_version(void) { static int ver; if (!ver) { /* * read the board EC ID on the tristate strappings * using ternary encoding: 0 = 0, 1 = 1, Hi-Z = 2 */ uint8_t id0 = 0, id1 = 0; gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID0, GPIO_PULL_DOWN | GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID1, GPIO_PULL_DOWN | GPIO_INPUT); usleep(100); id0 = gpio_get_level(GPIO_BOARD_ID0); id1 = gpio_get_level(GPIO_BOARD_ID1); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID0, GPIO_PULL_UP | GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID1, GPIO_PULL_UP | GPIO_INPUT); usleep(100); id0 = gpio_get_level(GPIO_BOARD_ID0) && !id0 ? 2 : id0; id1 = gpio_get_level(GPIO_BOARD_ID1) && !id1 ? 2 : id1; gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID0, GPIO_INPUT); gpio_set_flags(GPIO_BOARD_ID1, GPIO_INPUT); ver = id1 * 3 + id0; CPRINTS("Board ID = %d", ver); } return ver; } int board_has_spi_sensors(void) { /* * boards version 6 / 7 / 8 have an I2C bus to sensors. * board version 0+ has a SPI bus to sensors */ int ver = board_get_version(); return (ver < 6); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Host commands */ static int host_event_status_host_cmd(struct host_cmd_handler_args *args) { struct ec_response_host_event_status *r = args->response; /* Read and clear the host event status to return to AP */ r->status = atomic_read_clear(&(host_event_status.status)); args->response_size = sizeof(*r); return EC_RES_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_HOST_COMMAND(EC_CMD_PD_HOST_EVENT_STATUS, host_event_status_host_cmd, EC_VER_MASK(0));