/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "clock.h" #include "common.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "registers.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "uart.h" #include "util.h" #define USE_UART_INTERRUPTS (!(defined(CONFIG_CUSTOMIZED_RO) && \ defined(SECTION_IS_RO))) struct uartn_interrupts { int tx_int; int rx_int; }; static struct uartn_interrupts interrupt[] = { {GC_IRQNUM_UART0_TXINT, GC_IRQNUM_UART0_RXINT}, {GC_IRQNUM_UART1_TXINT, GC_IRQNUM_UART1_RXINT}, {GC_IRQNUM_UART2_TXINT, GC_IRQNUM_UART2_RXINT}, }; void uartn_tx_start(int uart) { if (!uart_init_done()) return; /* If interrupt is already enabled, nothing to do */ if (GR_UART_ICTRL(uart) & GC_UART_ICTRL_TX_MASK) return; /* Do not allow deep sleep while transmit in progress */ disable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_UART); /* * Re-enable the transmit interrupt, then forcibly trigger the * interrupt. This works around a hardware problem with the * UART where the FIFO only triggers the interrupt when its * threshold is _crossed_, not just met. */ /* TODO(crosbug.com/p/33819): Do we need this hack here? Find out. */ REG_WRITE_MLV(GR_UART_ICTRL(uart), GC_UART_ICTRL_TX_MASK, GC_UART_ICTRL_TX_LSB, 1); task_trigger_irq(interrupt[uart].tx_int); } void uartn_tx_stop(int uart) { /* Disable the TX interrupt */ REG_WRITE_MLV(GR_UART_ICTRL(uart), GC_UART_ICTRL_TX_MASK, GC_UART_ICTRL_TX_LSB, 0); /* Re-allow deep sleep */ enable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_UART); } int uartn_tx_in_progress(int uart) { /* Transmit is in progress unless the TX FIFO is empty and idle. */ return !(GR_UART_STATE(uart) & (GC_UART_STATE_TXIDLE_MASK | GC_UART_STATE_TXEMPTY_MASK)); } void uartn_tx_flush(int uart) { timestamp_t ts; int i; /* Wait until TX FIFO is idle. */ while (uartn_tx_in_progress(uart)) ; /* * Even when uartn_tx_in_progress() returns false, the chip seems to * be still trasmitting, resetting at this point results in an eaten * last symbol. Let's just wait some time (required to transmit 10 * bits at 115200 baud). */ ts = get_time(); /* Start time. */ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) /* Limit it in case timer is not running. */ if ((get_time().val - ts.val) > ((1000000 * 10) / 115200)) return; } int uartn_tx_ready(int uart) { /* True if the TX buffer is not completely full */ return !(GR_UART_STATE(uart) & GC_UART_STATE_TX_MASK); } int uartn_rx_available(int uart) { /* True if the RX buffer is not completely empty. */ return !(GR_UART_STATE(uart) & GC_UART_STATE_RXEMPTY_MASK); } void uartn_write_char(int uart, char c) { /* Wait for space in transmit FIFO. */ while (!uartn_tx_ready(uart)) ; GR_UART_WDATA(uart) = c; } int uartn_read_char(int uart) { return GR_UART_RDATA(uart); } void uartn_disable_interrupt(int uart) { task_disable_irq(interrupt[uart].tx_int); task_disable_irq(interrupt[uart].rx_int); } void uartn_enable_interrupt(int uart) { task_enable_irq(interrupt[uart].tx_int); task_enable_irq(interrupt[uart].rx_int); } void uartn_enable(int uart) { /* Enable TX and RX. Disable HW flow control and loopback. */ GR_UART_CTRL(uart) = 0x03; } /* Disable TX, RX, HW flow control, and loopback */ void uartn_disable(int uart) { GR_UART_CTRL(uart) = 0; } int uartn_is_enabled(int uart) { return !!(GR_UART_CTRL(uart) & 0x03); } void uartn_init(int uart) { long long setting = (16 * (1 << UART_NCO_WIDTH) * (long long)CONFIG_UART_BAUD_RATE / PCLK_FREQ); /* set frequency */ GR_UART_NCO(uart) = setting; /* * Interrupt when RX fifo has anything, when TX fifo <= half * empty and reset (clear) both FIFOs */ GR_UART_FIFO(uart) = 0x63; /* enable RX interrupts in block */ /* Note: doesn't do anything unless turned on in NVIC */ GR_UART_ICTRL(uart) = 0x02; #if USE_UART_INTERRUPTS /* Enable interrupts for UART */ uartn_enable_interrupt(uart); #endif }