/* Copyright 2016 The ChromiumOS Authors * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Hardware timers driver for ISH High Precision Event Timers (HPET) */ #include "console.h" #include "hpet.h" #include "hwtimer.h" #include "timer.h" #include "registers.h" #include "task.h" #include "util.h" #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_CLOCK, outstr) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_CLOCK, format, ##args) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_CLOCK, format, ##args) static uint32_t last_deadline; /* * The ISH hardware needs at least 25 ticks of leeway to arms the timer. * ISH4/5 are the slowest with 32kHz timers, so we wait at least 800us when * scheduling events in the future */ #define MINIMUM_EVENT_DELAY_US 800 /* * ISH HPET timer HW has latency for interrupt, on ISH5, this latency is about * 3 ticks, defined this configuration to calibrate the 'last_deadline' which is * updated in event timer interrupt ISR. Without this calibration, we could * get negative sleep time in idle task for low power sleep process. */ #define HPET_INT_LATENCY_TICKS 3 /* Scaling helper methods for different ISH chip variants */ #ifdef CHIP_FAMILY_ISH3 #define CLOCK_FACTOR 12 BUILD_ASSERT(CLOCK_FACTOR *SECOND == ISH_HPET_CLK_FREQ); static inline uint64_t scale_us2ticks(uint64_t us) { return us * CLOCK_FACTOR; } static inline uint32_t scale_us2ticks_32(uint32_t us) { /* no optimization for ISH3 */ return us * CLOCK_FACTOR; } static inline uint64_t scale_ticks2us(uint64_t ticks) { return ticks / CLOCK_FACTOR; } static inline void wait_while_settling(uint32_t mask) { /* Do nothing on ISH3, only ISH4 and ISH5 need settling */ } #elif defined(CHIP_FAMILY_ISH4) || defined(CHIP_FAMILY_ISH5) #define CLOCK_SCALE_BITS 15 BUILD_ASSERT(BIT(CLOCK_SCALE_BITS) == ISH_HPET_CLK_FREQ); /* Slow version, for 64-bit precision */ static inline uint64_t scale_us2ticks(uint64_t us) { /* ticks = us * ISH_HPET_CLK_FREQ / SECOND */ return (us << CLOCK_SCALE_BITS) / SECOND; } /* Fast version, for 32-bit precision */ static inline uint32_t scale_us2ticks_32(uint32_t us) { /* * GCC optimizes this shift/divide into multiplication by a * magic number */ return (us << CLOCK_SCALE_BITS) / SECOND; } static inline uint64_t scale_ticks2us(uint64_t ticks) { return (ticks * SECOND) >> CLOCK_SCALE_BITS; } /* * HPET Control & Status register may indicate that a value which has * been written still needs propogated by hardware. Before updating * HPET_TIMER_CONF_CAP(N), be sure to wait on the value settling with * the corresponding mask (see hpet.h). */ static inline void wait_while_settling(uint32_t mask) { /* Wait for timer settings to settle ~ 150us */ while (HPET_CTRL_STATUS & mask) continue; } #else #error "Must define CHIP_FAMILY_ISH(3|4|5)" #endif /* * The 64-bit read on a 32-bit chip can tear during the read. Ensure that the * value returned for 64-bit didn't rollover while we were reading it. */ static inline uint64_t read_main_timer(void) { timestamp_t t; uint32_t hi; /* need check main counter if valid when exit low power TCG mode */ wait_while_settling(HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_VALID); do { t.le.hi = HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_64_HI; t.le.lo = HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_64_LO; hi = HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_64_HI; } while (t.le.hi != hi); return t.val; } void __hw_clock_event_set(uint32_t deadline) { uint32_t remaining_us; uint32_t current_us; uint64_t current_ticks; /* 'current_ticks' is the current absolute 64bit HW timer counter */ current_ticks = read_main_timer(); /* * 'current_us' is the low 32bit part of current time in 64bit micro * seconds format, it's can express 2^32 micro seconds in maximum. */ current_us = scale_ticks2us(current_ticks); /* * To ensure HW has enough time to react to the new timer value, * we make remaining time not less than 'MINIMUM_EVENT_DELAY_US' */ remaining_us = deadline - current_us; remaining_us = MAX(remaining_us, MINIMUM_EVENT_DELAY_US); /* * Set new 64bit absolute timeout ticks to Timer 1 comparator * register. * For ISH3, this assumes that remaining_us is less than 360 seconds * (2^32 us / 12Mhz), otherwise we would need to handle 32-bit rollover * of 12Mhz timer comparator value. Watchdog refresh happens at least * every 10 seconds. */ wait_while_settling(HPET_T1_CMP_SETTLING); HPET_TIMER_COMP(1) = current_ticks + scale_us2ticks_32(remaining_us); /* * Update 'last_deadline' and add calibrate delta due to HPET timer * interrupt latency. */ last_deadline = current_us + remaining_us; last_deadline += scale_ticks2us(HPET_INT_LATENCY_TICKS); /* Enable timer interrupt */ wait_while_settling(HPET_T1_SETTLING); HPET_TIMER_CONF_CAP(1) |= HPET_Tn_INT_ENB_CNF; } uint32_t __hw_clock_event_get(void) { return last_deadline; } void __hw_clock_event_clear(void) { /* * We need to make sure that process_timers is called when the * event timer rolls over, set for deadline when * process_timers clears the event timer. */ __hw_clock_event_set(0xFFFFFFFF); } uint64_t __hw_clock_source_read64(void) { return scale_ticks2us(read_main_timer()); } void __hw_clock_source_set64(uint64_t timestamp) { /* Reset both clock and overflow comparators */ wait_while_settling(HPET_ANY_SETTLING); HPET_GENERAL_CONFIG &= ~HPET_ENABLE_CNF; HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_64 = scale_us2ticks(timestamp); wait_while_settling(HPET_ANY_SETTLING); HPET_GENERAL_CONFIG |= HPET_ENABLE_CNF; } static void hw_clock_event_isr(void) { /* Clear interrupt */ wait_while_settling(HPET_INT_STATUS_SETTLING); HPET_INTR_CLEAR = BIT(1); process_timers(0); } DECLARE_IRQ(ISH_HPET_TIMER1_IRQ, hw_clock_event_isr); int __hw_clock_source_init64(uint64_t start_t) { /* * Timer 1 is used as an event timer. Timer 0 is unused, as * CONFIG_HWTIMER_64BIT is enabled. */ uint32_t timer1_config = 0x00000000; /* Disable HPET */ wait_while_settling(HPET_ANY_SETTLING); HPET_GENERAL_CONFIG &= ~HPET_ENABLE_CNF; /* Disable T0 */ HPET_TIMER_CONF_CAP(0) &= ~HPET_Tn_INT_ENB_CNF; /* Disable T1 until we get it set up (below) */ HPET_TIMER_CONF_CAP(1) &= ~HPET_Tn_INT_ENB_CNF; /* Initialize main counter */ HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_64 = scale_us2ticks(start_t); /* Clear any interrupts from previously running image */ HPET_INTR_CLEAR = BIT(0); HPET_INTR_CLEAR = BIT(1); /* Timer 1 - IRQ routing */ timer1_config &= ~HPET_Tn_INT_ROUTE_CNF_MASK; timer1_config |= (ISH_HPET_TIMER1_IRQ << HPET_Tn_INT_ROUTE_CNF_SHIFT); /* Level triggered interrupt */ timer1_config |= HPET_Tn_INT_TYPE_CNF; /* Initialize last_deadline until an event is scheduled */ last_deadline = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Before enabling, previous values must have settled */ wait_while_settling(HPET_ANY_SETTLING); /* Unmask HPET IRQ in IOAPIC */ task_enable_irq(ISH_HPET_TIMER1_IRQ); /* Copy timer config to hardware register */ HPET_TIMER_CONF_CAP(1) |= timer1_config; /* Enable HPET */ HPET_GENERAL_CONFIG |= (HPET_ENABLE_CNF | HPET_LEGACY_RT_CNF); /* Return IRQ value for OS event timer */ return ISH_HPET_TIMER1_IRQ; }