/* Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Clocks and power management settings */ #include "chipset.h" #include "clock.h" #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "hwtimer.h" #include "registers.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "uart.h" #include "util.h" /* Console output macros */ #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_CLOCK, outstr) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_CLOCK, format, ## args) /* High-speed oscillator default is 64 MHz */ #define STM32_HSI_CLOCK 64000000 /* Low-speed oscillator is 32-Khz */ #define STM32_LSI_CLOCK 32000 /* * LPTIM is a 16-bit counter clocked by LSI * with /4 prescaler (2^2): period 125 us, full range ~8s */ #define LPTIM_PRESCALER_LOG2 2 #define LPTIM_PRESCALER BIT(LPTIM_PRESCALER_LOG2) #define LPTIM_PERIOD_US (SECOND / (STM32_LSI_CLOCK / LPTIM_PRESCALER)) /* * PLL1 configuration: * CPU freq = VCO / DIVP = HSI / DIVM * DIVN / DIVP * = 64 / 4 * 50 / 2 * = 400 Mhz * System clock = 400 Mhz * HPRE = /2 => AHB/Timer clock = 200 Mhz */ #if !defined(PLL1_DIVM) && !defined(PLL1_DIVN) && !defined(PLL1_DIVP) #define PLL1_DIVM 4 #define PLL1_DIVN 50 #define PLL1_DIVP 2 #endif #define PLL1_FREQ (STM32_HSI_CLOCK / PLL1_DIVM * PLL1_DIVN / PLL1_DIVP) /* Flash latency settings for AHB/ACLK at 64 Mhz and Vcore in VOS1 range */ #define FLASH_ACLK_64MHZ (STM32_FLASH_ACR_WRHIGHFREQ_85MHZ | \ (0 << STM32_FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_SHIFT)) /* Flash latency settings for AHB/ACLK at 200 Mhz and Vcore in VOS1 range */ #define FLASH_ACLK_200MHZ (STM32_FLASH_ACR_WRHIGHFREQ_285MHZ | \ (2 << STM32_FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_SHIFT)) enum clock_osc { OSC_HSI = 0, /* High-speed internal oscillator */ OSC_CSI, /* Multi-speed internal oscillator: NOT IMPLEMENTED */ OSC_HSE, /* High-speed external oscillator: NOT IMPLEMENTED */ OSC_PLL, /* PLL */ }; static int freq = STM32_HSI_CLOCK; static int current_osc = OSC_HSI; int clock_get_freq(void) { return freq; } int clock_get_timer_freq(void) { return clock_get_freq(); } void clock_wait_bus_cycles(enum bus_type bus, uint32_t cycles) { volatile uint32_t dummy __attribute__((unused)); if (bus == BUS_AHB) { while (cycles--) dummy = STM32_GPIO_IDR(GPIO_A); } else { /* APB */ while (cycles--) dummy = STM32_USART_BRR(STM32_USART1_BASE); } } static void clock_flash_latency(uint32_t target_acr) { STM32_FLASH_ACR(0) = target_acr; while (STM32_FLASH_ACR(0) != target_acr) ; } static void clock_enable_osc(enum clock_osc osc) { uint32_t ready; uint32_t on; switch (osc) { case OSC_HSI: ready = STM32_RCC_CR_HSIRDY; on = STM32_RCC_CR_HSION; break; case OSC_PLL: ready = STM32_RCC_CR_PLL1RDY; on = STM32_RCC_CR_PLL1ON; break; default: return; } if (!(STM32_RCC_CR & ready)) { STM32_RCC_CR |= on; while (!(STM32_RCC_CR & ready)) ; } } static void clock_switch_osc(enum clock_osc osc) { uint32_t sw; uint32_t sws; switch (osc) { case OSC_HSI: sw = STM32_RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI; sws = STM32_RCC_CFGR_SWS_HSI; break; case OSC_PLL: sw = STM32_RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL1; sws = STM32_RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL1; break; default: return; } STM32_RCC_CFGR = sw; while ((STM32_RCC_CFGR & STM32_RCC_CFGR_SWS_MASK) != sws) ; } static void switch_voltage_scale(uint32_t vos) { STM32_PWR_D3CR &= ~STM32_PWR_D3CR_VOSMASK; STM32_PWR_D3CR |= vos; while (!(STM32_PWR_D3CR & STM32_PWR_D3CR_VOSRDY)) ; } static void clock_set_osc(enum clock_osc osc) { if (osc == current_osc) return; hook_notify(HOOK_PRE_FREQ_CHANGE); switch (osc) { case OSC_HSI: /* Switch to HSI */ clock_switch_osc(osc); freq = STM32_HSI_CLOCK; /* Restore /1 HPRE (AHB prescaler) */ STM32_RCC_D1CFGR = STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_HPRE_DIV1 | STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_D1PPRE_DIV1 | STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE_DIV1; /* Use more optimized flash latency settings for 64-MHz ACLK */ clock_flash_latency(FLASH_ACLK_64MHZ); /* Turn off the PLL1 to save power */ STM32_RCC_CR &= ~STM32_RCC_CR_PLL1ON; switch_voltage_scale(STM32_PWR_D3CR_VOS3); break; case OSC_PLL: switch_voltage_scale(STM32_PWR_D3CR_VOS1); /* Configure PLL1 using 64 Mhz HSI as input */ STM32_RCC_PLLCKSELR = STM32_RCC_PLLCKSEL_PLLSRC_HSI | STM32_RCC_PLLCKSEL_DIVM1(PLL1_DIVM); /* in integer mode, wide range VCO with 16Mhz input, use divP */ STM32_RCC_PLLCFGR = STM32_RCC_PLLCFG_PLL1VCOSEL_WIDE | STM32_RCC_PLLCFG_PLL1RGE_8M_16M | STM32_RCC_PLLCFG_DIVP1EN; STM32_RCC_PLL1DIVR = STM32_RCC_PLLDIV_DIVP(PLL1_DIVP) | STM32_RCC_PLLDIV_DIVN(PLL1_DIVN); /* turn on PLL1 and wait that it's ready */ clock_enable_osc(OSC_PLL); /* Put /2 on HPRE (AHB prescaler) to keep at the 200Mhz max */ STM32_RCC_D1CFGR = STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_HPRE_DIV2 | STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_D1PPRE_DIV1 | STM32_RCC_D1CFGR_D1CPRE_DIV1; freq = PLL1_FREQ / 2; /* Increase flash latency before transition the clock */ clock_flash_latency(FLASH_ACLK_200MHZ); /* Switch to PLL */ clock_switch_osc(OSC_PLL); break; default: break; } current_osc = osc; hook_notify(HOOK_FREQ_CHANGE); } void clock_enable_module(enum module_id module, int enable) { /* Assume we have a single task using MODULE_FAST_CPU */ if (module == MODULE_FAST_CPU) { /* the PLL would be off in low power mode, disable it */ if (enable) disable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_PLL); else enable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_PLL); clock_set_osc(enable ? OSC_PLL : OSC_HSI); } } #ifdef CONFIG_LOW_POWER_IDLE /* Low power idle statistics */ static int idle_sleep_cnt; static int idle_dsleep_cnt; static uint64_t idle_dsleep_time_us; static int dsleep_recovery_margin_us = 1000000; /* STOP_MODE_LATENCY: delay to wake up from STOP mode with flash off in SVOS5 */ #define STOP_MODE_LATENCY 50 /* us */ static void low_power_init(void) { /* Clock LPTIM1 on the 32-kHz LSI for STOP mode time keeping */ STM32_RCC_D2CCIP2R = (STM32_RCC_D2CCIP2R & ~STM32_RCC_D2CCIP2_LPTIM1SEL_MASK) | STM32_RCC_D2CCIP2_LPTIM1SEL_LSI; /* configure LPTIM1 as our 1-Khz low power timer in STOP mode */ STM32_RCC_APB1LENR |= STM32_RCC_PB1_LPTIM1; STM32_LPTIM_CR(1) = 0; /* ensure it's disabled before configuring */ STM32_LPTIM_CFGR(1) = LPTIM_PRESCALER_LOG2 << 9; /* Prescaler /4 */ STM32_LPTIM_IER(1) = STM32_LPTIM_INT_CMPM; /* Compare int for wake-up */ /* Start the 16-bit free-running counter */ STM32_LPTIM_CR(1) = STM32_LPTIM_CR_ENABLE; STM32_LPTIM_ARR(1) = 0xFFFF; STM32_LPTIM_CR(1) = STM32_LPTIM_CR_ENABLE | STM32_LPTIM_CR_CNTSTRT; task_enable_irq(STM32_IRQ_LPTIM1); /* Wake-up interrupts from EXTI for USART and LPTIM */ STM32_EXTI_CPUIMR1 |= BIT(26); /* [26] wkup26: USART1 wake-up */ STM32_EXTI_CPUIMR2 |= BIT(15); /* [15] wkup47: LPTIM1 wake-up */ /* optimize power vs latency in STOP mode */ STM32_PWR_CR = (STM32_PWR_CR & ~STM32_PWR_CR_SVOS_MASK) | STM32_PWR_CR_SVOS5 | STM32_PWR_CR_FLPS; } void clock_refresh_console_in_use(void) { } void lptim_interrupt(void) { STM32_LPTIM_ICR(1) = STM32_LPTIM_INT_CMPM; } DECLARE_IRQ(STM32_IRQ_LPTIM1, lptim_interrupt, 2); static uint16_t lptim_read(void) { uint16_t cnt; do { cnt = STM32_LPTIM_CNT(1); } while (cnt != STM32_LPTIM_CNT(1)); return cnt; } static void set_lptim_event(int delay_us, uint16_t *lptim_cnt) { uint16_t cnt = lptim_read(); STM32_LPTIM_CMP(1) = cnt + MIN(delay_us / LPTIM_PERIOD_US - 1, 0xffff); /* clean-up previous event */ STM32_LPTIM_ICR(1) = STM32_LPTIM_INT_CMPM; *lptim_cnt = cnt; } void __idle(void) { timestamp_t t0; int next_delay; int margin_us, t_diff; uint16_t lptim0; while (1) { asm volatile("cpsid i"); t0 = get_time(); next_delay = __hw_clock_event_get() - t0.le.lo; if (DEEP_SLEEP_ALLOWED && next_delay > LPTIM_PERIOD_US + STOP_MODE_LATENCY) { /* deep-sleep in STOP mode */ idle_dsleep_cnt++; uart_enable_wakeup(1); /* set deep sleep bit */ CPU_SCB_SYSCTRL |= 0x4; set_lptim_event(next_delay - STOP_MODE_LATENCY, &lptim0); /* ensure outstanding memory transactions complete */ asm volatile("dsb"); asm("wfi"); CPU_SCB_SYSCTRL &= ~0x4; /* fast forward timer according to low power counter */ if (STM32_PWR_CPUCR & STM32_PWR_CPUCR_STOPF) { uint16_t lptim_dt = lptim_read() - lptim0; t_diff = (int)lptim_dt * LPTIM_PERIOD_US; t0.val = t0.val + t_diff; force_time(t0); /* clear STOPF flag */ STM32_PWR_CPUCR |= STM32_PWR_CPUCR_CSSF; } else { /* STOP entry was aborted, no fixup */ t_diff = 0; } uart_enable_wakeup(0); /* Record time spent in deep sleep. */ idle_dsleep_time_us += t_diff; /* Calculate how close we were to missing deadline */ margin_us = next_delay - t_diff; if (margin_us < 0) /* Use CPUTS to save stack space */ CPUTS("Overslept!\n"); /* Record the closest to missing a deadline. */ if (margin_us < dsleep_recovery_margin_us) dsleep_recovery_margin_us = margin_us; } else { idle_sleep_cnt++; /* normal idle : only CPU clock stopped */ asm("wfi"); } asm volatile("cpsie i"); } } #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_IDLE_STATS /** * Print low power idle statistics */ static int command_idle_stats(int argc, char **argv) { timestamp_t ts = get_time(); ccprintf("Num idle calls that sleep: %d\n", idle_sleep_cnt); ccprintf("Num idle calls that deep-sleep: %d\n", idle_dsleep_cnt); ccprintf("Time spent in deep-sleep: %.6llds\n", idle_dsleep_time_us); ccprintf("Total time on: %.6llds\n", ts.val); ccprintf("Deep-sleep closest to wake deadline: %dus\n", dsleep_recovery_margin_us); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(idlestats, command_idle_stats, "", "Print last idle stats"); #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_IDLE_STATS */ #endif /* CONFIG_LOW_POWER_IDLE */ void clock_init(void) { /* * STM32H743 Errata 2.2.15: * 'Reading from AXI SRAM might lead to data read corruption' * * limit concurrent read access on AXI master to 1. */ STM32_AXI_TARG_FN_MOD(7) |= READ_ISS_OVERRIDE; /* * Lock (SCUEN=0) power configuration with the LDO enabled. * * The STM32H7 Reference Manual says: * The lower byte of this register is written once after POR and shall * be written before changing VOS level or ck_sys clock frequency. * * The interesting side-effect of this that while the LDO is enabled by * default at startup, if we enter STOP mode without locking it the MCU * seems to freeze forever. */ STM32_PWR_CR3 = STM32_PWR_CR3_LDOEN; /* * Ensure the SPI is always clocked at the same frequency * by putting it on the fixed 64-Mhz HSI clock. * per_ck is clocked directly by the HSI (as per the default settings). */ STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R = (STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R & ~(STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R_SPI123SEL_MASK | STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R_SPI45SEL_MASK)) | STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R_SPI123SEL_PERCK | STM32_RCC_D2CCIP1R_SPI45SEL_HSI; /* Use more optimized flash latency settings for ACLK = HSI = 64 Mhz */ clock_flash_latency(FLASH_ACLK_64MHZ); /* Ensure that LSI is ON to clock LPTIM1 and IWDG */ STM32_RCC_CSR |= STM32_RCC_CSR_LSION; while (!(STM32_RCC_CSR & STM32_RCC_CSR_LSIRDY)) ; #ifdef CONFIG_LOW_POWER_IDLE low_power_init(); #endif } static int command_clock(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc >= 2) { if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "hsi")) clock_set_osc(OSC_HSI); else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "pll")) clock_set_osc(OSC_PLL); else return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; } ccprintf("Clock frequency is now %d Hz\n", freq); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(clock, command_clock, "hsi | pll", "Set clock frequency");