/* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "accel_cal.h" #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_MOTION_SENSE, format, ##args) #define TEMP_RANGE (CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_MAX_TEMP - CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_MIN_TEMP) void accel_cal_reset(struct accel_cal *cal) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cal->num_temp_windows; ++i) { kasa_reset(&(cal->algos[i].kasa_fit)); newton_fit_reset(&(cal->algos[i].newton_fit)); } } static inline int compute_temp_gate(const struct accel_cal *cal, fp_t temp) { int gate = (int)fp_div(fp_mul(temp - CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_MIN_TEMP, INT_TO_FP(cal->num_temp_windows)), TEMP_RANGE); return gate < cal->num_temp_windows ? gate : (cal->num_temp_windows - 1); } test_mockable bool accel_cal_accumulate(struct accel_cal *cal, uint32_t timestamp, fp_t x, fp_t y, fp_t z, fp_t temp) { struct accel_cal_algo *algo; /* Test that we're within the temperature range. */ if (temp >= CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_MAX_TEMP || temp <= CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_MIN_TEMP) return false; /* Test that we have a still sample. */ if (!still_det_update(&cal->still_det, timestamp, x, y, z)) return false; /* We have a still sample, update x, y, and z to the mean. */ x = cal->still_det.mean_x; y = cal->still_det.mean_y; z = cal->still_det.mean_z; /* Compute the temp gate. */ algo = &cal->algos[compute_temp_gate(cal, temp)]; kasa_accumulate(&algo->kasa_fit, x, y, z); if (newton_fit_accumulate(&algo->newton_fit, x, y, z)) { fp_t radius; kasa_compute(&algo->kasa_fit, cal->bias, &radius); if (ABS(radius - FLOAT_TO_FP(1.0f)) < CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_KASA_RADIUS_THRES) goto accel_cal_accumulate_success; newton_fit_compute(&algo->newton_fit, cal->bias, &radius); if (ABS(radius - FLOAT_TO_FP(1.0f)) < CONFIG_ACCEL_CAL_NEWTON_RADIUS_THRES) goto accel_cal_accumulate_success; } return false; accel_cal_accumulate_success: accel_cal_reset(cal); return true; }