/* Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. * * EC-CR50 communication */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "crc8.h" #include "ec_comm.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "system.h" #include "task.h" #include "timer.h" #include "uartn.h" #include "vboot.h" #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_TASK, "EC-COMM: " format, ## args) /* * EC communications state machine (FSM) is supposed to be active between TPM * reset (including power on) and the moment EC_IN_RW transition is latched. * * Each packet is supposed to be prepended by at least one synchronization * character (0xEC). If packet does not verify, the entire stream contents, * including all sync characters is delivered to the USB bridge. * * Meaning of the states included in the enum below is as follows: */ enum ec_comm_phase { PHASE_READY_COMM = 0, PHASE_RECEIVING_PREAMBLE, PHASE_RECEIVING_HEADER, PHASE_RECEIVING_DATA, }; /* * Context of EC-CR50 communication */ static struct ec_comm_context_ { uint8_t uart; /* Current UART ID in packet mode. */ /* UART_NULL if no UART is in packet mode */ uint8_t phase; /* enum ec_comm_phase */ uint8_t preamble_count; uint8_t bytes_received; uint8_t bytes_expected; uint8_t reserved[1]; uint16_t last_resp; union { struct cr50_comm_packet ph; uint8_t packet[CR50_COMM_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; }; } ec_comm_ctx; /* * Initialize EC-CR50 communication context. */ static void ec_comm_init_(void) { ec_comm_ctx.uart = UART_NULL; if (!board_has_ec_cr50_comm_support()) return; CPRINTS("Initialization"); /* Wake from sleep or deep sleep when EC_PACKET_MODE_EN is asserted. */ gpio_set_wakepin(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN, GPIO_HIB_WAKE_HIGH); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_DIS); /* If DIOB3 is already high, then enable the packet mode. */ if (gpio_get_level(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN)) ec_comm_packet_mode_en(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, ec_comm_init_, HOOK_PRIO_INIT_EC_CR50_COMM); /* * Process the received packet. * * @param ph Pointer to the received EC-Cr50 packet. * @param bytes Total bytes of the received EC-Cr50 packet. * @return CR50_COMM_SUCCESS if the packet has been processed successfully, * CR50_COMM_ERROR_CRC if CRC is incorrect, * CR50_COMM_ERROR_UNDEFINED_CMD if the cmd is unknown, * CR50_COMM_ERROR_SIZE if data size is not as expected, or * CR50_COMM_ERROR_BAD_PAYLOAD if the given hash and the hash in NVM * are not same. * 0 if it deosn't have to respond to EC. */ static uint16_t decode_packet_(const struct cr50_comm_packet *ph, int bytes) { const int offset_cmd = offsetof(struct cr50_comm_packet, cmd); uint8_t crc8_calc; uint16_t response; /* Verify CRC. */ crc8_calc = crc8((const uint8_t *)&ph->cmd, bytes - offset_cmd); if (crc8_calc != ph->crc) return CR50_COMM_ERROR_CRC; /* Execute the command. */ switch (ph->cmd) { case CR50_COMM_CMD_SET_BOOT_MODE: response = ec_efs_set_boot_mode(ph->data, ph->size); break; case CR50_COMM_CMD_VERIFY_HASH: response = ec_efs_verify_hash(ph->data, ph->size); break; default: response = CR50_COMM_ERROR_UNDEFINED_CMD; } return response; } /* * Transfer a 'response' to 'uart' port. * * @param response Response code to return to EC. Should be one of * CR50_COMM_RESPONSE codes in include/vboot.h. */ static void transfer_response_to_ec_(uint16_t response) { uint8_t *ptr_resp = (uint8_t *)&response; int uart = ec_comm_ctx.uart; /* Send the response to EC in little endian. */ uartn_write_char(uart, ptr_resp[0]); uartn_write_char(uart, ptr_resp[1]); uartn_tx_flush(uart); ec_comm_ctx.last_resp = response; } int ec_comm_process_packet(uint8_t ch) { uint16_t response = 0; switch (ec_comm_ctx.phase) { case PHASE_READY_COMM: /* * if it is not the preamble, then return 0 so that ch can be * forwarded to USB. */ if (ch != CR50_COMM_PREAMBLE) { ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count = 0; return 0; } /* * Forward ch to USB even if it is CR50_COMM_PREAMBLE, because * it is not yet sure whether it is a preamble or not. * Forwarding 0xec to USB is not harmful anyway. */ if (++ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count < MIN_LENGTH_PREAMBLE) return 0; ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_RECEIVING_PREAMBLE; break; case PHASE_RECEIVING_PREAMBLE: if (ch == CR50_COMM_PREAMBLE) { ++ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count; break; } /* * First non-preamble character. Reset received bytes and * fall through to receive header. */ ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received = 0; ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected = sizeof(struct cr50_comm_packet); ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_RECEIVING_HEADER; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case PHASE_RECEIVING_HEADER: /* * Note: EC-CR50 communication is designed to perform in * little endian. */ ec_comm_ctx.packet[ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received++] = ch; if (ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received < ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected) break; /* The header has been received. Let's parse it. */ if (ec_comm_ctx.ph.magic != CR50_COMM_MAGIC_WORD) { response = CR50_COMM_ERROR_MAGIC; break; } /* Check struct_version */ /* * Note: if CR50_COMM_VERSION gets bigger than 0x00, * you should implement how to handle backward * compatibility. */ if (ec_comm_ctx.ph.version != CR50_COMM_VERSION) { response = CR50_COMM_ERROR_STRUCT_VERSION; break; } if (ec_comm_ctx.ph.size == 0) { /* Data size zero, then process the packet now. */ response = decode_packet_(&ec_comm_ctx.ph, ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received); } else if ((ec_comm_ctx.ph.size + ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected) > CR50_COMM_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { response = CR50_COMM_ERROR_SIZE; } else { ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected += ec_comm_ctx.ph.size; ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_RECEIVING_DATA; } break; case PHASE_RECEIVING_DATA: ec_comm_ctx.packet[ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received++] = ch; /* The EC is done sending the packet, let's process it. */ if (ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received >= ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected) response = decode_packet_(&ec_comm_ctx.ph, ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received); break; default: /* * It is in the unknown phase. * Let's turn the phase back to READY_COMM, and * return 0 so that ch can be forwarded to USB. */ ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_READY_COMM; ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count = 0; return 0; } if (response) { transfer_response_to_ec_(response); #ifdef CR50_DEV CPRINTS("decoded a packet"); CPRINTS("header : 0x%ph", HEX_BUF((uint8_t *)&ec_comm_ctx.ph, sizeof(struct cr50_comm_packet))); CPRINTS("body : 0x%ph", HEX_BUF((uint8_t *)ec_comm_ctx.ph.data, ec_comm_ctx.ph.size)); /* Let's response to EC */ CPRINTS("response: 0x%04x", response); #endif /* * If it reaches here, EC comm is either broken or one packet * was well-processed. Let's turn the phase back to READY_COMM. */ ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_READY_COMM; ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count = 0; } return 1; } void ec_comm_packet_mode_en(enum gpio_signal unsed) { disable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_EC_CR50_COMM); /* Initialize packet context */ ec_comm_ctx.phase = PHASE_READY_COMM; ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count = 0; ec_comm_ctx.uart = UART_EC; /* Enable Packet Mode */ ccd_update_state(); } void ec_comm_packet_mode_dis(enum gpio_signal unsed) { ec_comm_ctx.uart = UART_NULL; /* Disable Packet Mode. */ ccd_update_state(); enable_sleep(SLEEP_MASK_EC_CR50_COMM); } int ec_comm_is_uart_in_packet_mode(int uart) { return uart == ec_comm_ctx.uart; } void ec_comm_block(int block) { static int is_blocked; if (is_blocked == block) return; if (block) { gpio_disable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN); gpio_disable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_DIS); if (ec_comm_is_uart_in_packet_mode(UART_EC)) ec_comm_packet_mode_dis(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_DIS); } else { gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_EN); gpio_enable_interrupt(GPIO_EC_PACKET_MODE_DIS); } is_blocked = block; /* Note: ccd_update_state() should be called to change UART status. */ } /* * A console command, printing EC-CR50-Comm status. */ static int command_ec_comm(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > 1) { if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "corrupt")) { int result = ec_efs_corrupt_hash(); if (result != EC_SUCCESS) return result; } else { return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; } /* * let's keep processing so that we can see how the context * values are changed. */ } /* * EC Packet Context */ ccprintf("uart : 0x%02x\n", ec_comm_ctx.uart); ccprintf("packet mode : %sABLED\n", ec_comm_is_uart_in_packet_mode(UART_EC) ? "EN" : "DIS"); ccprintf("phase : %d\n", ec_comm_ctx.phase); ccprintf("preamble_count : %d\n", ec_comm_ctx.preamble_count); ccprintf("bytes_received : %d\n", ec_comm_ctx.bytes_received); ccprintf("bytes_expected : %d\n", ec_comm_ctx.bytes_expected); #ifdef CR50_DEV ccprintf("packet:\n"); hexdump((uint8_t *)ec_comm_ctx.packet, CR50_COMM_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); #endif /* CR50_DEV */ ccprintf("response : 0x%04x\n", ec_comm_ctx.last_resp); ccprintf("\n"); ec_efs_print_status(); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_SAFE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(ec_comm, command_ec_comm, "[corrupt]", "Dump EC-CR50-comm status" );