/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "stddef.h" #include "stdbool.h" #include "util.h" #define CPUTS(outstr) cputs(CC_I2C, outstr) #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_I2C, format, ## args) #define CPRINTF(format, args...) cprintf(CC_I2C, format, ## args) struct i2c_trace_range { bool enabled; int port; int slave_addr_lo; /* Inclusive */ int slave_addr_hi; /* Inclusive */ }; static struct i2c_trace_range trace_entries[8]; void i2c_trace_notify(int port, uint16_t slave_addr_flags, const uint8_t *out_data, size_t out_size, const uint8_t *in_data, size_t in_size) { size_t i; uint16_t addr = I2C_GET_ADDR(slave_addr_flags); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(trace_entries); i++) if (trace_entries[i].enabled && trace_entries[i].port == port && trace_entries[i].slave_addr_lo <= addr && trace_entries[i].slave_addr_hi >= addr) goto trace_enabled; return; trace_enabled: CPRINTF("i2c: %d:0x%X ", port, addr); if (out_size) { CPRINTF("wr "); for (i = 0; i < out_size; i++) CPRINTF("0x%02X ", out_data[i]); } if (in_size) { CPRINTF(" rd "); for (i = 0; i < in_size; i++) CPRINTF("0x%02X ", in_data[i]); } CPRINTF("\n"); } static int command_i2ctrace_list(void) { size_t i; ccprintf("id port address\n"); ccprintf("-- ---- -------\n"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(trace_entries); i++) { if (trace_entries[i].enabled) { ccprintf("%2d %4d 0x%X", i, trace_entries[i].port, trace_entries[i].slave_addr_lo); if (trace_entries[i].slave_addr_hi != trace_entries[i].slave_addr_lo) ccprintf(" to 0x%X", trace_entries[i].slave_addr_hi); ccprintf("\n"); } } return EC_SUCCESS; } static int command_i2ctrace_disable(size_t id) { if (id >= ARRAY_SIZE(trace_entries)) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; trace_entries[id].enabled = 0; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int command_i2ctrace_enable(int port, int slave_addr_lo, int slave_addr_hi) { struct i2c_trace_range *t; struct i2c_trace_range *new_entry = NULL; if (port >= i2c_ports_used) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; if (slave_addr_lo > slave_addr_hi) return EC_ERROR_PARAM3; /* * Scan thru existing entries to see if there is one we can * extend instead of making a new entry */ for (t = trace_entries; t < trace_entries + ARRAY_SIZE(trace_entries); t++) { if (t->enabled && t->port == port) { /* Subset of existing range, do nothing */ if (t->slave_addr_lo <= slave_addr_lo && t->slave_addr_hi >= slave_addr_hi) return EC_SUCCESS; /* Extends exising range on both directions, replace */ if (t->slave_addr_lo >= slave_addr_lo && t->slave_addr_hi <= slave_addr_hi) { t->enabled = 0; return command_i2ctrace_enable( port, slave_addr_lo, slave_addr_hi); } /* Extends existing range below */ if (t->slave_addr_lo - 1 <= slave_addr_hi && t->slave_addr_hi >= slave_addr_hi) { t->enabled = 0; return command_i2ctrace_enable( port, slave_addr_lo, t->slave_addr_hi); } /* Extends existing range above */ if (t->slave_addr_lo <= slave_addr_lo && t->slave_addr_hi + 1 >= slave_addr_lo) { t->enabled = 0; return command_i2ctrace_enable( port, t->slave_addr_lo, slave_addr_hi); } } else if (!t->enabled && !new_entry) { new_entry = t; } } /* We need to allocate a new entry */ if (new_entry) { new_entry->enabled = 1; new_entry->port = port; new_entry->slave_addr_lo = slave_addr_lo; new_entry->slave_addr_hi = slave_addr_hi; return EC_SUCCESS; } ccprintf("No space to allocate new trace entry. Delete some first.\n"); return EC_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; } static int command_i2ctrace(int argc, char **argv) { int id_or_port; int address_low; int address_high; char *end; if (argc < 2) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "list") && argc == 2) return command_i2ctrace_list(); if (argc < 3) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; id_or_port = strtoi(argv[2], &end, 0); if (*end || id_or_port < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "disable") && argc == 3) return command_i2ctrace_disable(id_or_port); if (!strcasecmp(argv[1], "enable")) { address_low = strtoi(argv[3], &end, 0); if (*end || address_low < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM3; if (argc == 4) { address_high = address_low; } else if (argc == 5) { address_high = strtoi(argv[4], &end, 0); if (*end || address_high < 0) return EC_ERROR_PARAM4; } else { return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; } return command_i2ctrace_enable( id_or_port, address_low, address_high); } return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(i2ctrace, command_i2ctrace, "[list | disable | enable
| " "enable ]", "Trace I2C transactions");