/* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Input devices using Matrix Keyboard Protocol [MKBP] events for Chrome EC */ #include "base_state.h" #include "button.h" #include "console.h" #include "hooks.h" #include "host_command.h" #include "keyboard_mkbp.h" #include "keyboard_scan.h" #include "lid_switch.h" #include "mkbp_event.h" #include "mkbp_fifo.h" #include "mkbp_input_devices.h" #include "power_button.h" #include "tablet_mode.h" #include "util.h" #define CPRINTS(format, args...) cprints(CC_KEYBOARD, format, ##args) /* Buttons and switch state. */ static uint32_t mkbp_button_state; static uint32_t mkbp_switch_state; static bool mkbp_init_done; uint32_t mkbp_get_switch_state(void) { return mkbp_switch_state; }; uint32_t mkbp_get_button_state(void) { return mkbp_button_state; }; void mkbp_button_update(enum keyboard_button_type button, int is_pressed) { switch (button) { case KEYBOARD_BUTTON_POWER: mkbp_button_state &= ~BIT(EC_MKBP_POWER_BUTTON); mkbp_button_state |= (is_pressed << EC_MKBP_POWER_BUTTON); break; case KEYBOARD_BUTTON_VOLUME_UP: mkbp_button_state &= ~BIT(EC_MKBP_VOL_UP); mkbp_button_state |= (is_pressed << EC_MKBP_VOL_UP); break; case KEYBOARD_BUTTON_VOLUME_DOWN: mkbp_button_state &= ~BIT(EC_MKBP_VOL_DOWN); mkbp_button_state |= (is_pressed << EC_MKBP_VOL_DOWN); break; case KEYBOARD_BUTTON_RECOVERY: mkbp_button_state &= ~BIT(EC_MKBP_RECOVERY); mkbp_button_state |= (is_pressed << EC_MKBP_RECOVERY); break; default: /* ignored. */ return; } CPRINTS("mkbp buttons: %x", mkbp_button_state); mkbp_fifo_add(EC_MKBP_EVENT_BUTTON, (const uint8_t *)&mkbp_button_state); }; void mkbp_update_switches(uint32_t sw, int state) { mkbp_switch_state &= ~BIT(sw); mkbp_switch_state |= (!!state << sw); CPRINTS("mkbp switches: %x", mkbp_switch_state); /* * Only inform AP mkbp changes when all switches initialized, in case * of the middle states causing the weird behaviour in the AP side, * especially when sysjumped while AP up. */ if (mkbp_init_done) mkbp_fifo_add(EC_MKBP_EVENT_SWITCH, (const uint8_t *)&mkbp_switch_state); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Hooks */ #ifdef CONFIG_POWER_BUTTON /** * Handle power button changing state. */ static void keyboard_power_button(void) { mkbp_button_update(KEYBOARD_BUTTON_POWER, power_button_is_pressed()); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_POWER_BUTTON_CHANGE, keyboard_power_button, HOOK_PRIO_DEFAULT); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_POWER_BUTTON) */ #ifdef CONFIG_LID_SWITCH /** * Handle lid changing state. */ static void mkbp_lid_change(void) { mkbp_update_switches(EC_MKBP_LID_OPEN, lid_is_open()); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_LID_CHANGE, mkbp_lid_change, HOOK_PRIO_LAST); DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, mkbp_lid_change, HOOK_PRIO_POST_LID); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TABLET_MODE_SWITCH static void mkbp_tablet_mode_change(void) { mkbp_update_switches(EC_MKBP_TABLET_MODE, tablet_get_mode()); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_TABLET_MODE_CHANGE, mkbp_tablet_mode_change, HOOK_PRIO_LAST); DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, mkbp_tablet_mode_change, HOOK_PRIO_POST_LID); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_BASE_ATTACHED_SWITCH static void mkbp_base_attached_change(void) { mkbp_update_switches(EC_MKBP_BASE_ATTACHED, base_get_state()); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_BASE_ATTACHED_CHANGE, mkbp_base_attached_change, HOOK_PRIO_LAST); DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, mkbp_base_attached_change, HOOK_PRIO_POST_LID); #endif static void mkbp_report_switch_on_init(void) { /* All switches initialized, report switch state to AP */ mkbp_init_done = true; mkbp_fifo_add(EC_MKBP_EVENT_SWITCH, (const uint8_t *)&mkbp_switch_state); } DECLARE_HOOK(HOOK_INIT, mkbp_report_switch_on_init, HOOK_PRIO_LAST); #ifdef CONFIG_EMULATED_SYSRQ void host_send_sysrq(uint8_t key) { uint32_t value = key; mkbp_fifo_add(EC_MKBP_EVENT_SYSRQ, (const uint8_t *)&value); } #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Events */ static int mkbp_button_get_next_event(uint8_t *out) { return mkbp_fifo_get_next_event(out, EC_MKBP_EVENT_BUTTON); } DECLARE_EVENT_SOURCE(EC_MKBP_EVENT_BUTTON, mkbp_button_get_next_event); static int switch_get_next_event(uint8_t *out) { return mkbp_fifo_get_next_event(out, EC_MKBP_EVENT_SWITCH); } DECLARE_EVENT_SOURCE(EC_MKBP_EVENT_SWITCH, switch_get_next_event); #ifdef CONFIG_EMULATED_SYSRQ static int sysrq_get_next_event(uint8_t *out) { return mkbp_fifo_get_next_event(out, EC_MKBP_EVENT_SYSRQ); } DECLARE_EVENT_SOURCE(EC_MKBP_EVENT_SYSRQ, sysrq_get_next_event); #endif /************************ Keyboard press simulation ************************/ #ifndef HAS_TASK_KEYSCAN /* Keys simulated-pressed */ static uint8_t simulated_key[KEYBOARD_COLS_MAX]; uint8_t keyboard_cols = KEYBOARD_COLS_MAX; /* For boards without a keyscan task, try and simulate keyboard presses. */ static void simulate_key(int row, int col, int pressed) { if ((simulated_key[col] & BIT(row)) == ((pressed ? 1 : 0) << row)) return; /* No change */ simulated_key[col] &= ~BIT(row); if (pressed) simulated_key[col] |= BIT(row); mkbp_fifo_add((uint8_t)EC_MKBP_EVENT_KEY_MATRIX, simulated_key); } static int command_mkbp_keyboard_press(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { int i, j; ccputs("Simulated keys:\n"); for (i = 0; i < keyboard_cols; ++i) { if (simulated_key[i] == 0) continue; for (j = 0; j < KEYBOARD_ROWS; ++j) if (simulated_key[i] & BIT(j)) ccprintf("\t%d %d\n", i, j); } } else if (argc == 3 || argc == 4) { int r, c, p; char *e; c = strtoi(argv[1], &e, 0); if (*e || c < 0 || c >= keyboard_cols) return EC_ERROR_PARAM1; r = strtoi(argv[2], &e, 0); if (*e || r < 0 || r >= KEYBOARD_ROWS) return EC_ERROR_PARAM2; if (argc == 3) { /* Simulate a press and release */ simulate_key(r, c, 1); simulate_key(r, c, 0); } else { p = strtoi(argv[3], &e, 0); if (*e || p < 0 || p > 1) return EC_ERROR_PARAM3; simulate_key(r, c, p); } } return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(kbpress, command_mkbp_keyboard_press, "[col row [0 | 1]]", "Simulate keypress"); #endif /* !defined(HAS_TASK_KEYSCAN) */