/* Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Mock USB Type-C mux */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "usb_mux.h" #include "usb_mux_mock.h" #include "memory.h" /* Public API for controlling/inspecting this mock */ struct mock_usb_mux_ctrl mock_usb_mux; void mock_usb_mux_reset(void) { memset(&mock_usb_mux, 0, sizeof(mock_usb_mux)); } static int mock_init(int port) { return EC_SUCCESS; } static int mock_set(int port, mux_state_t mux_state) { mock_usb_mux.state = mux_state; ++mock_usb_mux.num_set_calls; ccprints("Called into mux with %d", mux_state); return EC_SUCCESS; } int mock_get(int port, mux_state_t *mux_state) { *mux_state = mock_usb_mux.state; return EC_SUCCESS; } static int mock_enter_low_power_mode(int port) { return EC_SUCCESS; } const struct usb_mux_driver mock_usb_mux_driver = { .init = &mock_init, .set = &mock_set, .get = &mock_get, .enter_low_power_mode = &mock_enter_low_power_mode, };