/* Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ /* Motion sensor calibration code. */ #include "common.h" #include "console.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "motion_sense.h" #include "accelgyro.h" #include "timer.h" #include "task.h" #include "uart.h" #include "util.h" /* * Threshold to capture a sample when performing auto-calibrate. The units are * the same as the units of the accelerometer acceleration values. */ #define AUTO_CAL_DIR_THRESHOLD (ACCEL_G * 3 / 4) #define AUTO_CAL_MAG_THRESHOLD (ACCEL_G / 20) /* * Solution to standard reference frame calibration equation. Note, this matrix * depends on the exact instructions regarding the orientation given to the user * for calibrating the standard reference frame. */ static matrix_3x3_t standard_ref_calib = { { 1024, 0, 0}, { 0, -1024, 0}, { 0, 0, 1024} }; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Console commands */ /** * Print all orientation calibration data. */ static int command_print_orientation(int argc, char **argv) { matrix_3x3_t (*R); R = &acc_orient.rot_align; ccprintf("Lid to base alignment R:\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d" "\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n\n", (int)((*R)[0][0]*100), (int)((*R)[0][1]*100), (int)((*R)[0][2]*100), (int)((*R)[1][0]*100), (int)((*R)[1][1]*100), (int)((*R)[1][2]*100), (int)((*R)[2][0]*100), (int)((*R)[2][1]*100), (int)((*R)[2][2]*100)); R = &acc_orient.rot_hinge_90; ccprintf("Hinge rotation 90 R:\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n" "%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n\n", (int)((*R)[0][0]*100), (int)((*R)[0][1]*100), (int)((*R)[0][2]*100), (int)((*R)[1][0]*100), (int)((*R)[1][1]*100), (int)((*R)[1][2]*100), (int)((*R)[2][0]*100), (int)((*R)[2][1]*100), (int)((*R)[2][2]*100)); R = &acc_orient.rot_hinge_180; ccprintf("Hinge rotation 180 R:\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n" "%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n\n", (int)((*R)[0][0]*100), (int)((*R)[0][1]*100), (int)((*R)[0][2]*100), (int)((*R)[1][0]*100), (int)((*R)[1][1]*100), (int)((*R)[1][2]*100), (int)((*R)[2][0]*100), (int)((*R)[2][1]*100), (int)((*R)[2][2]*100)); R = &acc_orient.rot_standard_ref; ccprintf("Standard ref frame R:\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n" "%.2d\t%.2d\t%.2d\n\n", (int)((*R)[0][0]*100), (int)((*R)[0][1]*100), (int)((*R)[0][2]*100), (int)((*R)[1][0]*100), (int)((*R)[1][1]*100), (int)((*R)[1][2]*100), (int)((*R)[2][0]*100), (int)((*R)[2][1]*100), (int)((*R)[2][2]*100)); ccprintf("Hinge Axis:\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", acc_orient.hinge_axis[0], acc_orient.hinge_axis[1], acc_orient.hinge_axis[2]); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(accelorient, command_print_orientation, "", "Print all orientation calibration data", NULL); /** * Calibrate the orientation and print results to console. * * @param type 0 is for calibrating lid to base alignment, * 1 is for calibrating hinge 90 rotation */ static int calibrate_orientation(int type) { int mag, ret, i, j; /* Captured flags. Set true when the corresponding axis is captured. */ int captured[3] = {0, 0, 0}; /* Current acceleration vectors. */ vector_3_t base, lid; static matrix_3x3_t rec_base, rec_lid; while (1) { /* Capture the current acceleration vectors. */ motion_get_accel_lid(&lid, type); motion_get_accel_base(&base); /* Measure magnitude of base accelerometer. */ mag = vector_magnitude(base); /* * Only capture a sample if the magnitude of the acceleration * is close to G, because this assures we won't calibrate with * values biased by motion. */ if ((mag > ACCEL_G - AUTO_CAL_MAG_THRESHOLD) && (mag < ACCEL_G + AUTO_CAL_MAG_THRESHOLD)) { /* * Capture a sample when each axis exceeds some * threshold. This guarantees linear independence. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!captured[i] && ABS(base[i]) > AUTO_CAL_DIR_THRESHOLD) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { rec_base[i][j] = (float)base[j]; rec_lid[i][j] = (float)lid[j]; } ccprintf("Captured axis %d\n", i); captured[i] = 1; } } /* If all axes are captured, we are done. */ if (captured[0] && captured[1] && captured[2]) break; } /* Wait until next reading. */ task_wait_event(50 * MSEC); } /* Solve for the rotation matrix and display final rotation matrix. */ if (type == 0) ret = solve_rotation_matrix(&rec_lid, &rec_base, &acc_orient.rot_align); else ret = solve_rotation_matrix(&rec_base, &rec_lid, &acc_orient.rot_hinge_90); if (ret != EC_SUCCESS) ccprintf("Failed to find rotation matrix.\n"); return ret; } /** * Calibrate the hinge axis and hinge 180 rotation matrix. */ static int calibrate_hinge(void) { static matrix_3x3_t tmp; float d; int i, j; vector_3_t base; motion_get_accel_base(&base); memcpy(&acc_orient.hinge_axis, &base, sizeof(vector_3_t)); /* * Calculate a rotation matrix to rotate 180 degrees about hinge axis. * The formula is: * * rot_hinge_180 = I + 2 * tmp^2 / d^2, * where tmp is a matrix formed from the hinge axis, d is the sqrt * of the hinge axis vector used in tmp, and I is the 3x3 identity * matrix. * */ tmp[0][0] = 0; tmp[0][1] = base[2]; tmp[0][2] = -base[1]; tmp[1][0] = -base[2]; tmp[1][1] = 0; tmp[1][2] = base[0]; tmp[2][0] = base[1]; tmp[2][1] = -base[0]; tmp[2][2] = 0; matrix_multiply(&tmp, &tmp, &acc_orient.rot_hinge_180); d = (float)(SQ(base[0]) + SQ(base[1]) + SQ(base[2])); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { acc_orient.rot_hinge_180[i][j] *= 2.0F / d; /* Add identity matrix. */ if (i == j) acc_orient.rot_hinge_180[i][j] += 1; } } return EC_SUCCESS; } /** * Calibrate the standard reference frame. */ static int calibrate_standard_frame(vector_3_t *v_x, vector_3_t *v_y, vector_3_t *v_z) { static matrix_3x3_t m; int j; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m[0][j] = (*v_x)[j]; m[1][j] = (*v_y)[j]; m[2][j] = (*v_z)[j]; } return solve_rotation_matrix(&m, &standard_ref_calib, &acc_orient.rot_standard_ref); } /** * Wait until a specific set of keys is pressed: enter, 'q', or 's'. Return * key that was pressed. */ static int wait_for_key(void) { int c = uart_getc(); /* Loop until previous character was a new line char, 'q', or 's'. */ while (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != 'q' && c != 's') { task_wait_event(50 * MSEC); c = uart_getc(); } return c; } static int command_auto_calibrate(int argc, char **argv) { int c; vector_3_t v_x, v_y, v_z; if (argc > 1) return EC_ERROR_PARAM_COUNT; ccprintf("Calibrating... press 'q' at any time to quit, and 's' " "to skip step.\n"); /* * Part 1: Calibrate the lid to base alignment rotation matrix. */ ccprintf("\nStep 1: close lid, press enter, and rotate the machine\n" "in space until all 3 directions are captured.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* If step is not skipped, perform calibration. */ if (c != 's') { if (calibrate_orientation(0) != EC_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("Calibration error.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } } /* * Part 2: Calibrate the hinge 90 rotation matrix. */ ccprintf("\nStep 2: open lid to 90 degrees, press enter, and rotate\n" "in space until all 3 directions are captured.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* If step is not skipped, perform calibration. */ if (c != 's') { if (calibrate_orientation(1) != EC_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("Calibration error.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } } /* * Part 3: Calibrate the hinge axis and hinge 180 rotation matrix. */ ccprintf("\nStep 3: align hinge with gravity, and press enter.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } /* If step is not skipped, perform calibration. */ if (c != 's') { if (calibrate_hinge() != EC_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("Calibration error.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } } /* * Part 4: Calibrate the standard reference frame rotation matrix. */ ccprintf("\nStep 4a: place machine on right side, with hinge\n" "aligned with gravity, and press enter.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } if (c == 's') goto auto_calib_done; /* In this orientation, the Y axis should be highest. Capture data. */ motion_get_accel_base(&v_y); ccprintf("\nStep 4b: place machine flat on table, with keyboard\n" "up, and press enter.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } if (c == 's') goto auto_calib_done; /* In this orientation, the Z axis should be highest. Capture data. */ motion_get_accel_base(&v_z); ccprintf("\nStep 4c: hold machine perpendicular to table with\n" "the hinge up, and press enter.\n"); /* Wait for user to press enter, quit, or skip. */ c = wait_for_key(); if (c == 'q') { ccprintf("Calibration exited.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } if (c == 's') goto auto_calib_done; /* In this orientation, the X axis should be highest. Capture data. */ motion_get_accel_base(&v_x); if (calibrate_standard_frame(&v_x, &v_y, &v_z) != EC_SUCCESS) { ccprintf("Calibration error.\n"); return EC_SUCCESS; } auto_calib_done: /* Print results of all calibration. */ command_print_orientation(0, NULL); return EC_SUCCESS; } DECLARE_CONSOLE_COMMAND(accelcalib, command_auto_calibrate, "", "Auto calibrate the accelerometers", NULL);